15:00:50 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 15:00:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/03-w3process-irc 15:00:52 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:00:54 Zakim, this will be Process 15:00:54 ok, trackbot; I see AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM scheduled to start now 15:00:55 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 15:00:55 Date: 03 March 2015 15:00:59 Zakim, code? 15:00:59 the conference code is 7762 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), timeless 15:01:09 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has now started 15:01:17 +SteveZ 15:01:37 +??P9 15:01:44 jeff has joined #w3process 15:01:57 +Jeff 15:02:48 Zakim, drop ??p9 15:02:48 ??P9 is being disconnected 15:02:49 -??P9 15:03:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:03:29 On the phone I see SteveZ, Jeff 15:08:39 +Mike_Champion 15:10:28 SteveZ has joined #w3process 15:12:40 chair: SteveZ 15:12:44 scribe: Jeff 15:12:53 Topic: Issue-152 15:13:24 SZ: Wayne Carr has raised issues with my examples. 15:13:34 ... been discussed over email. 15:13:44 ... he thinks we can adequately define "editorial" 15:13:50 ... gave a suggestion 15:13:58 Mike: We won't resolve before we send to the AC 15:14:15 ... with an annotation of open issues 15:14:25 ... what you cited is what the AB discussed 15:14:45 ... Wayne may think these are not persuasive, but they are still the AB's examples 15:15:15 ... so we should expose to the AC 15:15:19 Steve: Jeff 15:15:21 ? 15:15:28 [silence/\] 15:15:48 ... no particular opinion? 15:15:48 [Jeff: correct] 15:16:13 Steve: Simplest thing is to go with my draft text 15:16:35 ... possibly adding a comment to the last paragraph - some people believe that can add a definition 15:17:02 Mike: We are trying to get the AC's advice 15:17:16 ... where to draw the line: flexibility v. IP issues 15:17:32 ... IP dictates process steps; exclusion calls 15:17:42 ... is flexibility worth the risk? 15:17:52 ... our CG can frame it; we can't decide 15:18:18 Steve: I see a way forward incorporating Wayne's input and David Singer's input. 15:18:34 ... I will update draft text based on discussion and Wayne's comments 15:18:39 ... small change 15:18:42 q+ 15:19:23 ... draft letter received small comments from Jeff - that we had done a lot 15:19:35 ... text seemed to imply we did a little 15:20:18 ... I pointed out small change to my paragraph to make clear. 15:20:27 ... Jeff? 15:20:31 Jeff: Fine. 15:21:26 Mike: We did more than we signed up for. We can always move stuff to 2016. 15:21:43 ... we don't need to resolve everything for Process2015 15:22:00 Steve: CG came to consensus so it is asking for input from AC. 15:22:05 +dsinger 15:22:11 ... we've also kept the AC in the loop 15:22:21 [David Singer joins] 15:23:48 ack je 15:23:58 Jeff: Who signs the letter? 15:24:15 Steve: Same 3 people as last time (Steve, Chaals, Jeff) 15:24:24 Jeff: So I can send it out as soon as I have the letter? 15:24:35 Steve: No, we still need the document from Chaals. 15:24:42 Dave: We also need a diff document. 15:25:36 Steve: Dave, did we get all the issues that you nailed to the door? 15:25:43 Dave: I'll need to check. 15:26:51 q+ 15:27:36 Steve: Back to issue-152 15:28:04 ... it's an ongoing discussion - my note for inclusion in the document merely indicates different viewpoints 15:28:15 ... should go ahead with the not - even though exammples are not best 15:28:22 s/not/note/ 15:28:37 ... I could add your silly example. 15:28:51 David: Could we put it into cover letter rather than process document? 15:29:02 rrsagent, make minutes 15:29:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/03-w3process-minutes.html jeff 15:29:15 Steve: Makes sense. 15:29:54 David: We shouldn't have an issue pointer in the process document. 15:30:29 Steve: I will move the long text to the cover letter 15:30:39 ... the issue is whether we can adequately define editorial change 15:30:52 ... in a manner that can be adequately verified, w/o an exclusion call 15:31:10 ... I can put that in without the examples 15:31:16 ... would that work? 15:31:22 Dave: Probably. 15:31:29 Mike: It's fine. 15:31:32 Jeff: Yup. 15:32:05 q+ to ask about the AC meeting 15:32:33 s|silence/\| Silence | 15:33:10 ack 15:33:14 ack je 15:33:14 jeff, you wanted to ask about the AC meeting 15:33:17 s/... no particular opinion/Steve: no particular opinion/ 15:33:30 Jeff: Do we you want time in AC meeting about Process2016? 15:33:37 Steve: Wait for AB meeting 15:35:06 Jeff: How much time do you need for Process2015? 15:35:21 Steve: 15 minutes plenary; 45 minutes breakout 15:35:48 Mike: Raman and I would both be quite interested in a discussion of Process2016 15:36:17 ... we would both be interested in a discussion about CGs 15:36:29 ... CGs merged with WGs 15:36:43 ... Raman worries that CG outputs get thrown at WGs 15:36:50 ... that doesn't motivate people 15:37:05 ... a defined jump start would be better 15:37:22 Dsinger_ has joined #w3process 15:38:01 Suggest we ask the ac, in the cover letter, whether anyone needs a breakout. 15:38:29 I thought we already have the notion that a CG fsa can become a wg fpwd 15:39:25 Fsa - document from the CG that has had a final spec agreement signed 15:39:28 Jeff: Panel about Process2016? 15:39:36 Mike and Steve: We're in! 15:40:23 What can you do today, what could we improve? 15:40:45 Q+ 15:41:06 ack dsi 15:41:28 Dave: What is the problem? It is not hard to bring a document from a CG to a WG? 15:41:44 Mike: I'll write that up in the next day or so. 15:42:06 Steve: Plus we have a standing issue: what about CGs should be in the process? 15:42:44 issue-128? 15:42:44 issue-128 -- Lack of test cases is a major contributor to schedule delay. -- raised 15:42:44 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/128 15:44:27 Steve: Chaals has suggested that we close this issue. 15:44:49 Agree that this is not a process but an operations issue 15:45:11 Mike: Anything else we could do in the process document? 15:45:27 Steve: We put some text into "implementation experience". That's already been done. 15:46:40 [Steve reads the text] 15:47:28 Mike: I would close it if there is no concrete proposal to fix it. 15:47:34 Steve: Exactly. 15:47:48 Mike: Who raised it? 15:48:00 Steve: me. I had to write issues raised with Process2014. 15:48:15 Mike: Yes, this is more in the hands of the Chair and Team. 15:48:28 David: Process says the right thing. Beyond that it is operations. 15:48:36 Steve: Exactly. 15:48:48 Steve: Resolved. Close Issue-128 15:50:09 RESOLUTION: Issue-128 is closed with reference to the final paragraph of section 7.2.4 Implementation Experience 15:50:53 Steve: I should update Issue 151. 15:51:09 ... not enough time to discuss Issue 100. 15:51:55 Ok 15:52:21 ... next week: prior to AB meeting we will do a quick review of open items for Process2016. 15:52:31 -Mike_Champion 15:52:40 [adjourned] 15:52:44 rrsagent, make minutes 15:52:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/03-w3process-minutes.html jeff 15:52:44 zakim, make minutes 15:52:44 I don't understand 'make minutes', SteveZ 15:53:00 s/zakim, make minutes// 15:53:02 Thx, apologies for lateness and bus/street noise 15:53:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:53:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/03-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:53:07 -Jeff 15:53:09 Dsinger_ has left #w3process 15:53:09 s|Thx, apologies for lateness and bus/street noise|| 15:53:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:53:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/03-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:53:39 -dsinger 16:04:16 s/issue-128?/Topic: Issue-128/ 16:04:36 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/03-w3process-minutes.html SteveZ 16:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, SteveZ, in AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM 16:05:02 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has ended 16:05:02 Attendees were SteveZ, Jeff, Mike_Champion, dsinger 16:48:57 dbaron has joined #w3process 18:01:20 Zakim has left #w3process 18:08:52 jeff has joined #w3process 19:53:02 dbaron has joined #w3process