18:59:17 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:59:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/26-shapes-irc 18:59:19 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:59:19 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:59:21 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:59:21 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 18:59:22 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:59:22 Date: 26 February 2015 18:59:32 Labra has joined #shapes 18:59:44 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has now started 18:59:50 +??P2 19:00:02 zakim, ??P2 is me 19:00:02 +SimonSteyskal; got it 19:00:57 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:00:57 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal 19:01:10 +Arnaud 19:01:18 + +1.510.435.aaaa 19:01:28 +Charles 19:01:41 Dimitris has joined #shapes 19:01:47 Zakim, aaaa is me 19:01:47 +kcoyle; got it 19:02:07 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:02:07 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal, Arnaud, kcoyle, Charles 19:02:32 +OpenLink_Software 19:02:44 cygri has joined #shapes 19:02:44 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 19:02:45 +TallTed; got it 19:02:46 Zakim, mute me 19:02:46 TallTed should now be muted 19:02:55 zakim, code? 19:02:55 the conference code is 742737 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), cygri 19:03:07 zakim, charles is temporarily hknublau 19:03:07 +hknublau; got it 19:03:23 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:03:23 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal, Arnaud, kcoyle, hknublau, TallTed (muted) 19:03:26 chair: Arnaud 19:03:33 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.02.26 19:03:45 +??P8 19:03:48 zakim, ??P8 is me 19:03:48 +cygri; got it 19:03:53 zakim, mute me 19:03:53 cygri should now be muted 19:04:16 +Charles 19:04:35 zakim, charles is labra 19:04:35 +labra; got it 19:04:45 zakmi, who's on the phone? 19:04:56 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:04:56 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal, Arnaud, kcoyle, hknublau, TallTed (muted), cygri (muted), labra 19:05:16 regrets: pfps, ericp, arthurryman 19:05:16 +labra.a 19:05:43 zakim, labra.a is temporarily Dimitris 19:05:43 +Dimitris; got it 19:05:54 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:05:54 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal, Arnaud, kcoyle, hknublau, TallTed (muted), cygri (muted), labra, Dimitris 19:06:11 zakim, [IPCaller] is [IPCaller] 19:06:11 sorry, Arnaud, I do not recognize a party named '[IPCaller]' 19:06:15 Zakim, unmute me 19:06:15 TallTed should no longer be muted 19:06:29 Zakim, mute me 19:06:29 TallTed should now be muted 19:06:44 topic: Admin 19:07:14 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 12 February Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-shapes-minutes.html 19:07:22 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 12 February Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-shapes-minutes.html 19:07:55 Arnaud: minutes of the meeting are updated, please review 19:08:13 Ah, back to 2002 19:08:20 ... we still use basic perl script 19:09:24 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 30 and 31 of October 2014 F2F: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/30-shapes-minutes.html http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-shapes-minutes.html 19:09:25 ... Minutes from first F2F were not approved yet, due to tooling issues 19:09:45 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 30 and 31 of October 2014 F2F: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/30-shapes-minutes.html http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-shapes-minutes.html 19:10:26 Topic: Tracking of actions and issues 19:10:27 zakim, unmute me 19:10:27 cygri should no longer be muted 19:10:41 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/actions/pendingreview 19:11:49 cygri: Action-10 is done, I suggest we use revised version, David did not respond 19:12:32 Arnaud: Please update wiki accordingly 19:12:54 ... Action-10 closed 19:13:57 ... We should wait for another week regarding the next F2F meeting location 19:14:26 zakim, mute me 19:14:26 cygri should now be muted 19:14:28 ... Action-13 closed 19:14:53 ... Action-14 closed 19:15:40 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/21 19:16:43 ... not sure if ISSUE-21 is critical to the WG 19:17:27 ... Eric confirmed that ShEx is work in progress 19:17:43 +q 19:18:02 ack Labra 19:18:39 Labra: It is clear that ShEx is evolving, members are in the WG, concentrating on SHACL 19:19:23 ... e.g. closed shapes discussion potentially relevant to SHACL 19:20:06 Arnaud: Emails have covered this topic, but I don't want to close ticket without Peter's approval 19:20:56 Topic: SHACL spec update 19:21:31 Arnaud: Rush in getting first PWD out 19:22:22 https://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-core/ 19:23:12 Arnaud: May be a good start for FPWD 19:23:26 Holger: I invite a first round of feedback 19:25:21 +q 19:25:53 ... chapter 2 seems detached and should maybe be moved to a sperate document 19:26:02 s/sperate/seperate 19:26:25 ack Labra 19:27:03 Jose: Surprised that my spec made it into a chapter of the spec 19:27:36 ... would prefer to separate core language from SPARQL etc 19:29:16 Arnaud: I would expect Jose's section to go into an annex 19:29:21 +q 19:29:46 ack hknublau 19:30:25 my intention was to include various ways to define shacl in the semantics section with switches so the community could compare and provide feedback 19:30:41 a la the owl primer 19:30:46 +q 19:30:54 ack labra 19:31:09 we wouldn't necessarily have to carry that all the way through to REC but it would be a good way to solicit feedback 19:31:14 Holger: Layering is wrong, need to define core as a subset of full language 19:31:51 Labra: Need clear first section for "core language", then SPARQL mapping 19:32:19 +q 19:32:22 Arnaud: Suggest to move this out of FPWD, risk being incomplete and premature 19:32:29 ack Labra 19:32:37 i started with Jose's semantics 'cause he'd already HTML-ized them nicely 19:32:51 we could add SPARQL and others as well 19:33:09 q+ 19:33:10 Labra: SPARQL needs to be moved out 19:33:28 ... want to keep it in 19:33:28 ack cygri 19:33:58 +q 19:34:00 cygri: F2F resolved that a normative mapping to SPARQL is needed 19:34:25 ... various proposals for formalizing the semantics are being written 19:34:37 ... it's premature to include any of them until this is resolved 19:34:52 .. agree with Arnaud that Section 2 should be moved out for now 19:34:58 zakim, mute me 19:34:58 cygri should now be muted 19:35:38 if we exclude the semantics we should at least add a section about the abstract syntax 19:35:56 Arnaud: Delay decision until next week. 19:35:56 and put all the sparql to a one separate section about mappings to sparql 19:36:26 +q 19:36:41 Labra, the resolution was: “Define semantics using SPARQL as much as possible” 19:36:42 Jose: SPARQL should go into one section 19:36:51 btw, i think the primer is good enough for FPWD 19:36:57 ack Labra 19:37:01 ack hknublau 19:38:03 ericp: you have a link to the latest primer? 19:38:11 +q 19:39:19 -> http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-primer/no-class-templates latest primer 19:39:39 (that i know of -- open world, you know) 19:40:19 getting the abstract syntax out made, i think, the beginning pallatable to a primer audience 19:41:13 I disagree with having templates in the FPWD 19:41:15 ack Labra 19:42:09 Labra, isn’t that an approved requirement? 19:42:18 not 19:42:20 Yes, macros have been approved. 19:42:32 Labra, https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Constraint_Macros 19:42:33 but macros are not "sparql" templates 19:42:48 that one needs a SPARQL/SPIN engine to impl shacl? i don't think that's approved 19:42:50 Arnaud: Macros could go into a different document 19:42:51 you can define macros with some other construct 19:43:14 Eric, nobody said that 19:43:37 Labra objects to templates, not to SPARQL 19:43:45 primer: http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-primer/no-class-templates 19:43:47 (or maybe to both) 19:44:03 yes...I object to templates with sparql embedded 19:44:12 Arnaud: Review to see how much is missing for FPWD soon 19:44:13 +q 19:44:19 but I don't object to mappings to sparql 19:44:20 ack SimonSteyskal 19:44:22 Topic: UCR document 19:44:27 i'm still not clear one what one needs to impl shacl. does one need teh templates? 19:45:03 the shacl core language should be implemented with or without a sparql engine 19:45:15 Eric, of course some sub-sets such as ShEx don't need to support the template mechanism. But that is a sub-set. 19:45:49 SimonSteyskal: Updated UCR for all resolutions 19:46:32 ... could we publish User Stories + Requirements for now (i.e. rename Use Cases to User Stories) 19:47:00 ... Separate user stories from more abstract use cases. 19:48:09 Arnaud: Editors should decide and have the freedom to reengineer document 19:48:34 cygri...being able to compare shapes and having a higher level language 19:49:11 Eric, Labra, these requirements are coverd by the current draft. 19:50:39 cygri, as an example the user story about publishing and describing linked data portals 19:51:17 Arnaud: no deadline, but sooner than later 19:51:33 Topic: Requirements 19:52:05 Labra, I don’t see anything in there that wouldn’t work if SHACL is defined with a SPARQL-backed template library 19:52:06 Arnaud: not clear whether changes to wiki were made, doesn't look like. 19:52:39 PROPOSED: Approve requirement 2.11.7 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Separation_of_structural_from_complex_constraints 19:52:48 +q 19:52:51 zakim, unmute me 19:52:51 cygri should no longer be muted 19:52:57 q+ 19:53:03 ack kcoyle 19:53:50 ack cygri 19:53:51 kcoyle: Need better definition of what a complex constraint is compared to structured 19:54:01 +1 kcoyle clarity of what these things are that are being separated seems a necessity 19:54:27 cygri: What does the separation mean? In documents/spec? 19:54:45 zakim, mute me 19:54:45 cygri should now be muted 19:54:46 q+ 19:55:08 ack me 19:55:10 ack TallTed 19:55:49 TallTed’s explanation makes sense to me, but the requirement needs rephrasing to match his account 19:56:00 TallTed: Differentiator is that light-weight apps can use these high-level vocabularies without SPARQL processor 19:56:32 q+ 19:56:43 kcoyle: I like idea of levels, e.g. simpler primer 19:56:45 ack cygri 19:57:02 s/Differentiator is that light-weight apps can use these high-level vocabularies without SPARQL processor/I think this is another way of saying "distinguish core from extension, complex, SPARQL, etc"/ 19:57:16 cygri: Would like to work on re-wording of the Requirement. 19:57:17 Zakim, mute me 19:57:17 TallTed should now be muted 19:57:19 zakim, mute me 19:57:20 cygri should now be muted 19:57:26 yrs 19:57:29 yes 19:58:30 ACTION: cygri to propose a rephrasing of Req 2.11.7 19:58:30 Created ACTION-15 - Propose a rephrasing of req 2.11.7 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2015-03-05]. 19:59:51 Arnaud: Unapproved requirements, some have not enough votes yet 20:00:47 -kcoyle 20:00:49 -Dimitris 20:00:50 -TallTed 20:00:50 -hknublau 20:00:50 bye 20:00:51 -SimonSteyskal 20:00:51 -cygri 20:00:52 -Arnaud 20:01:02 -labra 20:01:03 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has ended 20:01:03 Attendees were SimonSteyskal, Arnaud, +1.510.435.aaaa, kcoyle, TallTed, hknublau, cygri, labra, Dimitris Present: SimonSteyskal, Arnaud, kcoyle, TallTed, hknublau, cygri, labra, Dimitris 20:03:56 trackbot, end meeting 20:03:56 Zakim, list attendees 20:03:56 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 20:04:04 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:04:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/26-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 20:04:05 RRSAgent, bye 20:04:05 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/26-shapes-actions.rdf : 20:04:05 ACTION: cygri to propose a rephrasing of Req 2.11.7 [1] 20:04:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/26-shapes-irc#T19-58-30