See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 26 February 2015
<jeanne> the note)
<scribe> Scribe: Jan
JS: The first public WD of the
Note is ALMOST published
... Thanks to everyone for your help
JS: Where did we leave off?
AS: I think we finished Melody's
JS: So we are at 1.2.2
<jeanne> [Comment: Give an example of what an authoring tool is, similar to the examples in the UAAG section.]
JR: I Can help Jeanne
<jeanne> ACTION: Find examples of authoring tools for 1.2.2 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Find'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
2.1 Small Screen Size
<jeanne> [Comment: What is considered small screen size vs medium vs large? Screen sizes are generally blurring across the spectrum.]
JR: Don't think we should be defining screen size ranges
JA: Why not just mobile screen sizes
Small screen size is one of the most common characteristics of mobile devices. While the exceptional resolution of these screens theoretically enables large amounts of information to be rendered, the small size of the screen places practical limits on how much information people can actually view at one time, especially when magnification is used by people with low vision.
JR: Maybe the group needs an FAQ somewhere?
<Alan_Smith> + Ala
Resolution: We keep the term "small screen size" and add FAQ somewhere to answer question such as related to screen size and resolution
<jeanne> While the exceptional resolution of these screens theoretically enables large amounts of information to be rendered," [Comment: Not sure what this actually means in terms of large amounts of information. High resolution screen size has little to do with screen real estate for content. Other advantages and problems result from variance in screen resolution. Also, a small screen size,
<jeanne> doesn’t equal better resolution. A 15” retina MacBook pro has better resolution than an iPhone 4. Therefore, I don’t think this sentence is needed here.]
JA: Lets try to remove the term resolution.
<jon_avila> While the current mobile screen technology theoretically enables large amounts of information to be rendered,
JR: Or just switch
... In case they think we are claiming mobile devices always
have higher res
Small screen size is one of the most common characteristics of mobile devices. While the current mobile screen technology theoretically enables large amounts of information to be rendered, the small size of the screen places practical limits on how much information people can actually view at one time, especially when magnification is used by people with low vision.
Small screen size is one of the most common characteristics of mobile devices. While mobile screen technology theoretically enables large amounts of information to be rendered, the small size of the screen places practical limits on how much information people can actually view at one time, especially when magnification is used by people with low vision.
<Alan_Smith> Alan +
Resolution: REWORD paragraph as "Small screen size is one of the most common characteristics of mobile devices. While mobile screen technology theoretically enables large amounts of information to be rendered, the small size of the screen places practical limits on how much information people can actually view at one time, especially when magnification is used by people with low vision."
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to update Note with Marc's comment from 19 Feb minutes and Resolution from 26 February [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-20 - Update note with marc's comment from 19 feb minutes and resolution from 26 february [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-03-05].
<jeanne> Minimizing the amount of information that is put on each page compared to desktop/laptop versions by providing a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:"
<jeanne> [Comment: From a good user experience and user interface perspective, you want to provide consistent user experience regardless of screen sizes yet tailored to use case for the device (i.e. using a site on a wearable vs. mobile phone vs. desktop may have different use cases). However, that doesn't mean that you should reduce amount of information. A best practice is to design sites with
<jeanne> mobile in mind first and rethinking the content layout and relevancy of content rather than “amount of information”. Take Instagram for example, the content on their mobile app is richer than the content on desktop. Therefore, this statement is already nullified.]
MJ: "extraneous" information
JR: Maybe also add a mobile-first bullet
JS: Maybe also put "a responsive design"bullet first
JA: Maybe tailor, adapt, customize rather than minimize
JS: Prioritize?
JA: Not write word
... Craft?
Where necessary, reducing the amount of extraneous information that is put on each page compared to desktop/laptop versions by providing a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:
Where necessary, reduce extraneous information that is put on each page compared to desktop/laptop versions by providing a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:
<jeanne> Where necessary, adapt the relevant material in a manner that adapts to different screen size
Where necessary, adapt the information that is put on each page compared to desktop/laptop versions by providing a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:
Where necessary, adapt the information provided by on mobile compared to desktop/laptop versions by providing a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:
Where necessary, adapt the information provided by on mobile compared to desktop/laptop versions with a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:
Where necessary, adapt the information provided on mobile compared to desktop/laptop versions with a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:
JA: Also mobile-first?
JR: Yes, as top level bullet above the "Where necessary one..."
<jon_avila> Design sites with mobile in mind first and rethink the content layout and relevancy of content.
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to change first bullet in 2.1 to "Where necessary, adapt the information provided on mobile compared to desktop/laptop versions with a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:" [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - Change first bullet in 2.1 to "where necessary, adapt the information provided on mobile compared to desktop/laptop versions with a dedicated mobile version or a responsive design:" [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-03-05].
<Alan_Smith> should we put responsive design before dedicated mobile version?
Consider mobile when initially designing sites and rethink the content layout and relevancy of content.
<jeanne> I agree with Alan to switch the order of the sub-bullets
I agree with Alan re: the 2 sub bullets
Consider mobile when initially designing sites and rethink the layout and relevancy of content.
<Alan_Smith> Alan +
Consider mobile when initially designing the layout and relevancy of content.
<jon_avila> +1
JS: +1
<marcjohlic> +1
JR: +1
<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to add new bullet as the first major bullet in 2.1 to say "Consider mobile when initially designing the layout and relevancy of content." [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-22 - Add new bullet as the first major bullet in 2.1 to say "consider mobile when initially designing the layout and relevancy of content." [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-03-05].
<marcjohlic> Seaport B-IBM
<marcjohlic> 2nd Floor
Next meeting on Mar 12
<marcjohlic> Seaport Tower
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Jan Inferring ScribeNick: Jan Default Present: Jeanne, Alan_Smith, Henny, Jan, TomB, [IPcaller], Michael_Cooper, Marc_Johlic, Kim_Patch Present: Jeanne Alan_Smith Henny Jan TomB [IPcaller] Michael_Cooper Marc_Johlic Kim_Patch Found Date: 26 Feb 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: find jeanne WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]