16:59:12 RRSAgent has joined #wpay 16:59:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-irc 16:59:18 rrsagent, make logs public 16:59:30 zakim, room for 8 for 75 minutes? 16:59:32 ok, manu; conference Team_(wpay)16:59Z scheduled with code 9729 (WPAY) for 75 minutes until 1814Z 16:59:35 zakim, code? 16:59:35 the conference code is 9729 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), manu 17:00:24 Team_(wpay)16:59Z has now started 17:00:30 +??P1 17:00:37 -??P1 17:00:39 Team_(wpay)16:59Z has ended 17:00:39 Attendees were 17:00:47 zakim, room for 8 for 75 minutes? 17:00:47 manu, an adhoc conference was scheduled here less than 2 minutes ago 17:01:28 Team_(wpay)16:59Z has now started 17:01:35 + +1.540.961.aaaa 17:01:39 zakim, ?aaaa is manu 17:01:39 sorry, manu, I do not recognize a party named '?aaaa' 17:01:43 zakim, aaaa is manu 17:01:43 +manu; got it 17:02:10 +Davd_Ezell 17:03:00 zakim, Davd is me 17:03:00 +dezell; got it 17:03:14 +manu.a 17:03:42 zakim, manu.a is dlongley 17:03:42 +dlongley; got it 17:03:47 zakim, who is on the call? 17:03:47 On the phone I see manu, dezell, dlongley 17:03:49 Laurent_ has joined #wpay 17:04:48 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:05:10 +dlongley.a 17:05:24 zakim, dlongley.a is dlehn 17:05:24 +dlehn; got it 17:05:34 + + 17:05:47 zakim, aabb is Laurent_ 17:05:47 +Laurent_; got it 17:06:19 dlehn has joined #wpay 17:06:45 CyrilV has joined #wpay 17:07:08 Scribe: Laurent_ 17:07:16 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Feb/0011.html 17:07:17 scribenick: Laurent_ 17:07:56 Closed some edits after the face to face meeting 17:08:25 Laurent: I tried to send a mail to the mailing list - a couple of proposals for spec... the mail didn't go out. Don't know if you have a way to add me to the mailing list. 17:09:00 David: I think you may not be a member? 17:09:05 Laurent: I might have sent it to the wrong mailing list. 17:09:11 + + 17:09:13 David: Send it to public-webpayments-ig@w3.org 17:09:18 zakim, aacc is CyrilV 17:09:18 +CyrilV; got it 17:09:25 Laurent: Hmm, I think I sent it there. 17:09:42 David: I'll take a look. 17:10:11 Manu: We can talk about it next week? 17:10:23 Laurent: I have a bunch of comments coming in for review. 17:11:03 Laurent: I'll send it use case by use case. 17:11:16 Topic: Agenda Bashing 17:11:25 i sent also something on the pushed based 17:12:01 CyrilV, do you want to discuss on the call today? 17:12:32 CyrilV: It's not to discussed today 17:13:08 manu: I'd rather send as little as possible to member-webpayments-ig@w3.org 17:13:24 David: I'll resend the difference between member and public to CyrilV 17:14:12 CyrilV I'll resend it to public-webpayments-ig@w3.org 17:14:28 s/CyrilV I'll/CyrilV: I'll/ 17:15:03 Manu: We'll review it next week to give people time to review the mail 17:15:19 Topic: Updated Use Cases Document 17:15:36 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Feb/0005.html 17:15:53 Manu: this is the email that covers the changes 17:16:00 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#toc 17:16:40 Manu: In this doc you'll see the latest changes, reflecting most of charles desired changes 17:17:03 Manu: lots of title changes (Laurent: couldn't follow them all) 17:17:10 +1 it's a big improvement 17:17:12 ok for this types of changes 17:17:25 Laurent: I think this is moving in the right direction - some of the use cases are just pieces of the flow instead of the full flow. 17:17:59 Laurent: We should take a look at a full payment flow - if I take an example - initiating a payment one, and the ... these are part of the push flow as described for the merchant/customer. So maybe it'll be interesting to merge. 17:18:14 Laurent: Similar - we need something for pull payments - payee-initiated. 17:19:06 Laurent: We should change blinding to something else (in 3.2) 17:19:17 s/Laurent:/Katie:/ 17:20:06 Manu: Something like "Partially Anonymizing Payment Information" 17:20:22 q+ 17:20:29 ack dezell 17:21:30 dezell: First title doesn't refer to web browser but the text does, we should align things 17:22:01 Manu: statement 1 is an acknowledgment of the problem. We should not be specific to the browser. 17:22:34 Manu: We need more comments(?) on the use cases, to make sure we're talking about the web not only the browser 17:23:34 Laurent: Could we use the term user agent instead of browser? 17:24:25 Manu: It's typical but might add complexity since we have a User Payment Agent that may or may not be the User Agent 17:24:28 +1 to using "user agent" as a start toward abstraction. 17:24:53 Manu: User Payment Agent doesn't need to be a part of the browser 17:25:18 Manu: In the F2F it wasn't clear what the motivations for each use cases was 17:25:33 Manu: Detail section really were the motivations 17:25:42 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#payer-initiated-funds-transfer 17:26:32 +1 17:26:34 Manu: Now every single use case has a motivation section replacing detail one 17:26:43 Laurent: Yes, good change. 17:26:45 +1 17:27:49 Manu: We had to explain push vs pull based 17:28:19 Manu: People are going to continue being confused by that 17:28:21 my view is to structure in / card Pyament 17:28:26 +1 on payee and payer-initiated 17:29:00 +1 to payer-initiated/payee-initiated 17:29:30 Manu: Changes is push-based = "payer-initiated", pull-based = "payee-initiated" 17:29:33 Laurent: Good change - I suggest putting it as a glossary-item like thing... it's not quite a use case... 17:29:35 q+ 17:30:16 Laurent: It's worth having it in the glossary, and it may be important to call out why it's important to the work. Explain why payer-initiated and payee-initiated is important. 17:30:24 ack dezell 17:30:27 payee initiated is divided into 2 different type of schemes : card system / direct debit. maybe we could make the difference ? 17:31:20 +1 to adding the definitions. 17:31:45 q+ 17:31:50 ack dlongley 17:32:00 q+ 17:32:14 dlongley: Still might be some confusion about payer-initiated vs payee-initiated 17:33:09 dlongley: use case 2.6 is a bit different than what we described 17:34:03 dlongley: We don't know if it refers to fund transfer or the payment itself 17:34:07 ack CyrilV 17:35:14 CyrilV: Payee initiated can refer to multiple schemes, I'm not sure we need to distinguish between payer/payee initiated 17:36:05 Laurent: What Manu and I are talking about is who initiated the payment. The financial transfer in the back-end isn't necessarily what we're talking about. 17:36:38 Laurent: It's whether or not the customer initiated the transfer. This is important wrt. message exchange between payer and payee. It has some effect on message itself. 17:36:55 "Who controls when the actual money moves, the payer (push) or the payee (pull)?" 17:37:24 Manu: This generalization is too great a generalization 17:38:18 Manu: Front-end messaging, refering to payer/payee initiated, and a completely different set of messages in the back end (credit/debit/card/...) referring to the way funds are transferred 17:38:53 "clearance/settlement initiation"? 17:39:00 Laurent: In the mail I'm going to send to the list - I have a proposal, hopefully that'll solve part of the problem. 17:39:49 Manu: Last change was around Partially Blinding Payment Information. Still pose some issues for some in the group 17:40:05 "Omitting" 17:40:08 ^ 17:40:16 Manu: We'll have a discussion by email 17:42:07 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#toc 17:42:13 Manu: Any comments on this particular set of changes? 17:42:40 Manu: Any missing changes from F2F? 17:43:37 Topic: Reviews and Additions to Use Cases 17:43:50 Manu: Next topic - reviews and additions 17:44:41 ACTION: Laurent to perform a full review for the Use Cases FPWD. 17:44:42 Created ACTION-63 - Perform a full review for the use cases fpwd. [on Laurent Castillo - due 2015-02-19]. 17:44:48 Manu: Any volunteer for doing a full review of the document? 17:44:49 ACTION: Chaals to perform a full review for the Use Cases FPWD. 17:44:49 Created ACTION-64 - Perform a full review for the use cases fpwd. [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2015-02-19]. 17:46:31 ???: In the face 2 face we discussed having basic flows, or a set of steps as a basis for the discussion 17:46:44 +1 to wroking on flows 17:47:06 s/???:/dezell:/ 17:47:12 my document try to provide basic flows 17:47:12 ACTION: Manu to add "basic flow" to each use case as well as nouns (actors) and verbs (actions). 17:47:12 Created ACTION-65 - Add "basic flow" to each use case as well as nouns (actors) and verbs (actions). [on Manu Sporny - due 2015-02-19]. 17:47:26 q+ 17:47:31 ack CyrilV 17:47:40 dezell: We need to have steps and flows with common verbs/actions 17:47:55 I LL FIX AND COMME BACK 17:48:16 q+ 17:48:30 Manu: There was a request for images for each basic flows 17:48:55 +.5 to images - very nice, but also nice to have 17:49:04 Manu: It should probably be one of the last thing we do 17:49:08 Laurent: It would be nice to have a sequence diagram - if it helps, I can send a link. 17:49:10 q+ 17:49:23 ack CyrilV 17:49:30 +.5 to images, nice to have, but agree should be done last as they are harder to edit (takes time) 17:49:45 CyrilV: I've sent basic flows explaining SCT and Bill Payment flows 17:50:03 CyrilV: Tell me if those are useful / the kind of things we want to include 17:50:09 I volunteer 17:50:40 Manu: Looks like it's exactly the kind of flows we want to have 17:51:28 +q 17:51:35 Here's an example of Requirements: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#initiating-a-payment 17:51:48 Manu: Every single use cases have requirements, anybody against / for it? 17:52:30 dezell: Some requirements were kind of bizarre 17:52:34 q+ 17:53:01 Katie: maybe we should hide the requirement piece for now 17:53:23 ACTION: Manu to remove the "Requirements" sections and replace them with "Preconditions" and "Postconditions". 17:53:23 Created ACTION-66 - Remove the "requirements" sections and replace them with "preconditions" and "postconditions". [on Manu Sporny - due 2015-02-19]. 17:53:42 q- 17:54:12 +1 to keeping the requirements around, they are very useful for designing solutions; they've distilled out the important elements from the use cases and we don't want to do that work again 17:54:12 CyrilV: We have to define the use cases and only then define the requirements 17:54:27 but they can be hidden/moved elsewhere 17:54:33 CyrilV: otherwise we drive to a specific solution 17:55:25 dlongley: We can move them somewhere else as long as we keep them somewhere 17:55:33 q+ 17:55:40 q- 17:55:50 Laurent: I'm fine with requirements being put somewhere else, but having it somewhere else is important. Design goals / requirements maybe. 17:55:59 ack dlongley 17:56:40 dlongley: We might have some difficulties since some requirements looks like preconditions 17:57:48 q+ 17:58:16 q+ 17:58:18 dlongley: Goals are different from motivations 17:58:22 ack dlo 17:58:40 q+ 17:58:49 Manu: We may want to add a "Goals" section in the Introductory section? 17:59:27 ack dezell 17:59:30 ack dezell 17:59:38 dezell: Agree with Dave - we stick with motivations, Goals are in many documents and will be difficult to synchronize 18:00:20 CyrilV: I can understand "Design Goals" but not "Goal" standalone - it's too broad 18:01:00 +1 18:01:31 Manu: The group is saying that they don't think a "Goals" section in the "Introduction" section is appropriate at this point in time. 18:01:35 +1 18:01:43 Manu: Goals should probably be in the Roadmap document, and only there. 18:02:36 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 18:02:37 -manu 18:02:38 -dlongley 18:02:39 -dlehn 18:02:39 -dezell 18:02:43 -CyrilV 18:02:44 -Laurent_ 18:02:46 Team_(wpay)16:59Z has ended 18:02:46 Attendees were +1.540.961.aaaa, manu, Davd_Ezell, dezell, dlongley, Katie_Haritos-Shea, dlehn, +, Laurent_, +, CyrilV 18:03:16 dlongley has left #wpay 18:05:30 Present: David_Ezell, David_Longley, David_Lehn, Laurent, Katie, Cyril, Manu 18:05:34 rrsagent, make minutes 18:05:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 18:08:30 rrsagent, make logs public 18:08:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:08:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 18:09:13 Meeting: Web Payments IG - Use Cases Task Force 18:09:36 Chair: Manu 18:10:31 s/Scribe: Laurent_/Scribe: manu/ 18:10:47 s/scribenick: Laurent_// 18:11:37 s/Laurent: I'll send it use case by use case./scribenick: Laurent_/ 18:12:03 s/in for review./in for review, I'll send comments in use case by use case/ 18:12:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:12:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 18:12:51 s/charles/Chaals/ 18:14:20 s/I LL FIX AND COMME BACK// 18:15:02 rrsagent, make minutes 18:15:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 18:18:04 Scribe: Laurent 18:18:11 rrsagent, publish minutes 18:18:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 18:19:18 rrsagent, bye 18:19:18 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-actions.rdf : 18:19:18 ACTION: Laurent to perform a full review for the Use Cases FPWD. [1] 18:19:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-irc#T17-44-41 18:19:18 ACTION: Chaals to perform a full review for the Use Cases FPWD. [2] 18:19:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-irc#T17-44-49 18:19:18 ACTION: Manu to add "basic flow" to each use case as well as nouns (actors) and verbs (actions). [3] 18:19:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-irc#T17-47-12-1 18:19:18 ACTION: Manu to remove the "Requirements" sections and replace them with "Preconditions" and "Postconditions". [4] 18:19:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-wpay-irc#T17-53-23 18:19:20 zakim, bye 18:19:20 Zakim has left #wpay