15:55:26 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 15:55:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-html-a11y-irc 15:55:28 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:55:30 Zakim, this will be 2119 15:55:30 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 55 minutes ago 15:55:31 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:55:31 Date: 12 February 2015 15:55:45 WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has now started 15:55:52 +??P5 15:55:59 zakim, ??P5 is me 15:55:59 +janina; got it 15:56:05 agenda? 15:56:14 zakim, clear agenda 15:56:14 agenda cleared 15:56:19 Chair: Janina 15:56:19 agenda+ Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:56:22 agenda+ Additional agenda? 15:56:25 agenda+ HTML-WG Face to Face -- Sam, Paul 15:56:27 agenda+ Longdesc Status Update -- Judy 15:56:30 agenda+ Media Subteam Update -- John, Shane, Janina 15:56:32 agenda+ Alt Note Status; Shane and Liam 15:56:35 agenda+ Notes Enhancement -- Shane, David 15:56:37 agenda+ The Future of Canvas 2D -- Sam 15:56:40 agenda+ TF Open Actions http://w3.org/wai/pf/html/track 15:56:42 agenda+ Other Business 15:56:45 agenda+ Identify Chair and Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:56:48 agenda+ be done 15:57:16 zakim, who's here? 15:57:16 On the phone I see janina 15:57:18 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Judy, IanPouncey, sivoais, LJWatson, newtron, janina, liam, MarkS, Zakim, joanie, cabanier, trackbot 15:57:35 zakim, next item 15:57:35 agendum 1. "Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List" taken up [from janina] 15:57:39 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #html-a11y 15:58:25 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:00:36 JF has joined #html-a11y 16:00:43 +Sam 16:01:19 rubys has joined #html-a11y 16:01:26 regrets: David_MacDonald, Mark_Sadecki 16:01:31 IanPouncey1 has joined #html-a11y 16:01:31 +JF 16:01:57 [2/12/15, 9:18:24 AM] Mark Sadecki: rich, looks like there is some movement on this bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=425149 16:01:58 [2/12/15, 9:19:22 AM] Mark Sadecki: and looks like Dominic is looking for some more guidance on what else needs to be done. I am flat out right now. If you can leave a comment and fill him in, that would be great. You have the most historical perspective on this. Would also be great to get Rik C to comment 16:02:19 +Joanmarie_Diggs 16:02:53 +[IPcaller] 16:03:50 zakim, IPcaller is Leonie 16:03:50 +Leonie; got it 16:04:02 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 16:04:02 sorry, LJWatson, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller]' 16:04:04 ShaneM has joined #html-a11y 16:04:12 +ShaneM 16:04:25 paulc has joined #html-a11y 16:04:29 +Judy 16:04:36 zakim, what is the code? 16:04:36 the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), paulc 16:04:52 ScribeNick: ShaneM 16:05:07 zakim, next item 16:05:07 agendum 2. "Additional agenda?" taken up [from janina] 16:05:25 +[Microsoft] 16:05:32 zakim, [Microsoft] is me 16:05:32 +paulc; got it 16:05:37 No additional items. 16:05:41 zakim, next item 16:05:41 agendum 2 was just opened, ShaneM 16:05:46 zakim, close this item 16:05:46 agendum 2 closed 16:05:47 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:05:47 3. HTML-WG Face to Face -- Sam, Paul [from janina] 16:05:55 zakim, next item 16:05:55 agendum 3. "HTML-WG Face to Face -- Sam, Paul" taken up [from janina] 16:06:12 +[IPcaller] 16:06:25 Zakim, IPcaller is me 16:06:25 +IanPouncey1; got it 16:06:34 paulc: No updates on the f2f status as yet. 16:06:36 +Liam 16:06:50 Zakim, IanPouncey1 is me 16:06:50 +IanPouncey; got it 16:07:38 paulc: HTML will probably meet that week in Redmond. But not certain yet. Not sure what webapps will do,. 16:07:42 zakim, next item 16:07:42 agendum 5. "Media Subteam Update -- John, Shane, Janina" taken up [from janina] 16:08:24 zakim, who's making noise? 16:08:25 zakim, who is noisy? 16:08:36 Judy, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: ShaneM (74%) 16:08:39 janina: Josh Neely and Janina had a conversation earlier this week. Some input. Will look at suggested tweaks next week. 16:08:45 zakim, mute Shane 16:08:45 ShaneM should now be muted 16:08:46 zakim, who is noisy? 16:08:47 LJWatson, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ShaneM (61%) 16:08:57 paulc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Judy (80%), janina (44%), Rich_Schwerdtfeger (4%) 16:09:22 ... no email yet, but will forward to list when it is available. 16:09:37 janina: please take another look through the MAUR to see if it is applicable to WebRTC? 16:09:55 ... I think some of it is applicable even though it is not specifically called out. 16:09:56 q+ 16:10:49 ck ju 16:10:56 ack ju 16:11:40 Judy: the MAUR is also applicable to WebVTT. If anyone is interested in that angle and is reviewing please drop Judy a note. 16:11:47 zakim, next item 16:11:47 agendum 6. "Alt Note Status; Shane and Liam" taken up [from janina] 16:12:01 zakim, unmute me 16:12:01 ShaneM should no longer be muted 16:12:03 msg/Judy what would taht entail? 16:12:11 scribenick LJWatson 16:12:30 SM: We've been addressing comments. 16:12:36 s/msg/Judy what would taht entail? 16:12:49 LQ: Next couple of days will be editing the doc. 16:13:29 LW: Fixing first pie chart example, and general restructuring. 16:14:00 s/LW: Fixing first pie chart example, and general restructuring./LQ: Fixing first pie chart example, and general restructuring./ 16:14:47 SM: Language needs improving - mix of active and passive voice. 16:14:54 JS: Worth fixing. 16:15:02 SM: Yes, but need to prioritise. 16:15:09 rrsagent, make minutes 16:15:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-html-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 16:15:37 LQ: I'll do an editorial pass. 16:16:02 SM: The doc content is reflected in the HTML5 spec. 16:16:16 PC: Bugs were filed on the spec and changes were proposed and accepted into HTML5. 16:16:50 PC: Is there duplication? Would require investigation, but I thought intent was to move advice into HTML5 because objection was to having guidance in two places. 16:17:01 JS: Think normative should be in spec, informative in the note. 16:17:08 HTML5 document: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/embedded-content-0.html#alt 16:18:07 plh has joined #html-a11y 16:18:09 q+ 16:18:19 +Plh 16:18:29 PC: Why are we publishing this separately then? 16:18:32 ack me 16:18:35 q+ 16:18:46 JS: My understanding is that there were differences. 16:19:14 JB: WOuld be surprised if the content in both places were still the same. 16:19:51 JS: Worth trying to identify the differences? 16:19:54 JB: Yes. 16:20:52 q+ to talk about duplication 16:21:02 PC: Concerned we could be taking time to publish a note that contains different advice to the spec. 16:21:24 SM: It is definitively a duplicate. 16:21:34 LQ: Agreed. 16:21:48 JB: That may not have been reported to the TF. 16:22:02 SM: I asked this when we first discussed taking this forward. 16:22:11 SM: Steve said then it was a duplicate. 16:22:22 ack ju 16:22:24 adk sha 16:22:26 ack sha 16:22:26 ShaneM, you wanted to talk about duplication 16:22:29 s/JB: Yes./JB: Yes, but I thought we were mainly checking bug status./ 16:22:42 PC: Think we should take thi soffline. Shane perhaps you should do the investigation? 16:22:50 ACTION: ShaneM to illustrate the duplications between HTML5 and alt-techniques 16:22:50 Created ACTION-307 - Illustrate the duplications between html5 and alt-techniques [on Shane McCarron - due 2015-02-19]. 16:22:50 rrsagent, make minutes 16:22:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-html-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 16:23:31 q+ 16:23:58 cyns has joined #html-a11y 16:24:17 in a place where I can't do audio, but montioring irc 16:24:19 JB: There was interest in mapping some parts of this doc, but make this doc more directly navigable to. 16:24:25 q+ 16:24:51 JB: The doc was created because of mis-information in the spec originally. 16:25:14 ack ju 16:25:30 ack l 16:25:43 scribenick: ShaneM 16:25:59 LW: Point of practicality it makes no sense to duplicate effort. 16:26:07 zakim, next item 16:26:07 agendum 7. "Notes Enhancement -- Shane, David" taken up [from janina] 16:26:47 SM: Group hasn't settled on a definite recommendation. 16:27:25 s/some parts of this doc, but make this doc more directly navigable to/some parts of this doc more directly to WCAG WG guidance on accessibility, and ensuring that that guidance is directly navigable to from HTML spec./ 16:27:46 LQ: Long discussion in Digital Publishing IG. Consensus is emerging about what the pro publishing world wants in terms of notes. 16:27:57 JS: They're compiling use cases and requirements? 16:28:01 LQ: Yes. 16:29:41 LQ: There might be a need for a11y advise once the DPub people do things about rendering. 16:29:45 ... it might take a while. 16:30:21 SM: Separating semantics from rendering is something we've got the dPub people to in their heads. 16:30:42 SM: Think we'll get feedback about semantics before rendering. 16:33:49 janina: lots of traffic about this in the DPub interest group 16:33:55 zakim, next item 16:33:55 agendum 8. "The Future of Canvas 2D -- Sam" taken up [from janina] 16:34:33 richardschwerdtfeger: one defect left before we have two implementations 16:34:43 ... will follow up with Dominic today or tomorrow 16:35:05 ... hit region support. Most features are already in FF. 1 or 2 defects left. 16:35:18 ... in chrome there is quite a way to go. Not sure how long it will take to get it done. 16:35:28 s/one defect/drawfocus: one defect/ 16:35:49 SR: Are there any dates about hitregion? 16:36:09 richardschwerdtfeger: Not yet. No work is started on Safari. No work is started in IE as far as I know. 16:36:23 SR: Should we move hitregion to level 2? 16:36:36 richardschwerdtfeger: I don't want to see that, but we don't know how long it will take so maybe. 16:36:42 https://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Canvas_Task_Force/CR-Test#drawFocusIfNeeded_when_a_default_path_is_provided_and_the_associated_fallback_element_is_descendant_of_the_element_with_focus._Scroll_the_window_so_that_the_canvas_moves. 16:37:03 ... if we can get drawfocusifneeded done in time keep it. move hitregion to 2. 16:37:09 https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=425149 16:37:11 richardschwerdtfeger: don't know about that test issue. will check. 16:37:29 SR: Chrome thinks it is fixed, but we are not saying it works. 16:37:44 richardschwerdtfeger: they are not moving an item into view when focus is moved. 16:37:59 q+ 16:38:10 SR: There seems to have been discussion within the last 24 hours. Are we seeing when information about when it will be done' 16:38:16 richardschwerdtfeger: not sure yet. need to look. 16:38:34 Judy: If published without hitregion part, how much of an A11Y failure is that for canvas? 16:38:54 ... if we have one and not the other, do we end up with an inaccessible canvas? 16:39:09 richardschwerdtfeger: yes, it makes it fairly inaccessible. magnifiers will not work well. 16:39:27 q? 16:39:32 ack ju 16:39:38 ... hit testing for correlation with what is on the glass with what is underneath is needed for AT. 16:40:02 Judy: for a while we had good interaction about support and progress. Recently little progress. Is that true? 16:40:04 richardschwerdtfeger: yes. 16:40:22 q+ 16:40:38 Judy: If 2D goes out, the chance of a refresh being done is pretty slight. hitregion might just get reflected in 3D 16:41:15 ... but some implementors are only going to support level 1. So would this be an a11y issue going forward? 16:41:27 SR: Note there is no 3D. There is level 1 and level 2. 16:41:51 paulc: chairs need to balance interest and urgency. There are people who need a rec because of its implied patent promise. 16:42:00 ... we can't hold it up forever. 16:42:34 ... this was put into WHATWG without Apple's permission. Anyone who has implemented this without a recommendation means they are at risk. They don't know the status of the IPR. 16:42:50 ... so the chairs are trying to address the needs of the broader community. 16:43:13 Judy: It is unfortunate that we have not been able to get the implementation support despite a lot of back and forth for a long time. 16:43:20 janina: what is the likelyhood of level 2? 16:43:36 SR: at the moment there is no one working on level 1. 16:43:39 q? 16:43:44 q? 16:43:53 ack p 16:43:57 paulc: for the last 12 months people concentrated on getting html5 done. 16:44:14 ... several people who were canvas editors have moved on within their companies because it took so long. 16:44:34 ... if we can get level 1 done, we might be able to get people to get excited about level 2. 16:44:44 ... because level 1 is not done, they are waiting before looking at level 2 16:45:15 Judy: Some staff changes. trying to proceed. doesn't really solve the issue, but it is not for lack of trying to get the A11Y aspects covered. 16:45:32 ... so level 2 would be iffy. It is a gamble. 16:45:54 richardschwerdtfeger: is there a reason we can't work on level 2 while level 1 is still being wrapped up? 16:46:09 paulc: other than resources, no. Some work has been done on level 2 already. 16:46:12 q+ 16:46:21 richardschwerdtfeger: what sort of resources? 16:46:48 paulc: Judy has mentioned there are staff resources. I have mentioned that people have moved on because of the long delay. 16:47:01 Judy: We need resources for level 1 from the direct implementors. 16:47:06 ack plh 16:47:17 plh: we have two implementations. what is the hold up? 16:47:35 SR: there is at least one test that has not been run. There is a bug that has been filed and has stalled. 16:47:37 s/there are staff resources/there is a gap in staff resources/ 16:47:52 plh: is it a critical bug? is it blocking publication? 16:48:02 richardschwerdtfeger: most of hitregion is supported in firefox 16:48:21 SR: there are more tests that have not been run. 16:48:27 q+ 16:48:35 janina: they could be in level 2 and point out that there is already support in FF. 16:48:44 SR: yes - they could move to level 2 16:49:08 richardschwerdtfeger: if level 2 only supports hitregion, would we release an update that only includes hitregion support? 16:49:10 q+ 16:49:21 SR: yes, if it passes the tests. 16:49:23 ack Judy 16:49:38 Judy: Are there some implementors that will only use level 1 and not move forward to level 2? 16:49:45 SR: I don't think we know that. 16:49:49 plh: We don't know. 16:50:08 ack p 16:50:13 Judy: I had heard that concern in the past. If it is an unfounded concern, then I won't worry about it. 16:50:58 paulc: If A11Y community is concerned about hitregion being missing from level 1, the chairs could ensure a draft of level 2 with hitregion is available at the same time as level 1 is published. 16:51:06 Judy: that would be great 16:51:21 +1 to Paul's suggestion. 16:51:24 newtron has joined #html-a11y 16:51:27 paulc: there's no reason not to get a draft out. We wouldn't know when it would get to Rec though. 16:51:40 q? 16:52:07 SR: Remember that there is only one implementation. 16:52:17 Judy: any idea of the scope for how long? 16:52:35 paulc: well - HTML working group recharters in June, so we will need a schedule by then. 16:52:49 q+ 16:53:22 ack ju 16:53:48 Judy: if there is any way to encourage people to pay attention to this critical feature, that would be helpful. 16:54:48 janina: some implementors are working on this hard now. 16:54:53 Judy: Righ? 16:54:57 SR: and we need tests! 16:55:05 s/Righ/Rich/? 16:55:19 janina: don't forget that IE can always surprise us too. 16:55:41 richardschwerdtfeger: we lost a critical resource in the middle of this. I have been working on SVG. I will try to get back and look at hitregion and work with Dominic. 16:55:55 ... drawfocus is really close and I don't think it is too much work to finish. 16:56:03 SR: Let's add to next week's agenda. 16:56:20 zakim, next item 16:56:20 agendum 9. "TF Open Actions http://w3.org/wai/pf/html/track" taken up [from janina] 16:56:31 zakim, agenda? 16:56:31 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 16:56:32 9. TF Open Actions http://w3.org/wai/pf/html/track [from janina] 16:56:32 10. Other Business [from janina] 16:56:32 11. Identify Chair and Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List [from janina] 16:56:32 12. be done [from janina] 16:56:52 plh: where are we in terms of the work statement for the task force 16:57:00 q+ to discuss the work statement 16:57:15 janina: we have not been making the edits yet, but we are close to knowing the list 16:57:23 ... should know more later this afternoon. 16:57:38 ... if there are more changes needed we should kick that around. 16:58:12 ... e.g., making calls for consensus be more efficient 16:58:16 plh: that's great. 16:58:36 paulc: open action item question: action chaals took to explain the status of the various documents. 16:58:48 ... API mappings status 16:59:08 ... did he ever do that action item? 16:59:26 janina: disagreement about whether the HTML AAM should be a task force deliverable or a PF item? 16:59:59 ... chairs? what should it be? complicates it if there is business that is task force related, and some that are not. PF would prefer that HTML items are dealt with in the task force. 17:00:19 ... might clarify this later this afternoon too 17:00:47 janina: there are two editors named from the HTML working group for the document. Jason and Steve 17:01:05 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #html-a11y 17:02:03 http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-wai-aria-implementation-20140320/ 17:03:01 Is it: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-html-aapi-20131001/ 17:03:15 bye all 17:03:36 -IanPouncey 17:03:49 -JF 17:03:52 -Judy 17:05:35 paulc: the original HTML mapping guide was published by the HTMLWG. The Task Force has a responsibility for it. The update to this document is definitely in the scope of the task force. 17:06:11 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html 17:06:30 paulc: I had asked for a message about how core is related to SVG and the HTML mappings. I looked and can't even find an action item for this. 17:06:55 janina: the new one is close to ready for an FPWG 17:07:14 richardschwerdtfeger: SVG one is approved. HTML is being refactored to match that pattern. 17:07:44 janina: I expect this as a FPWD in March 17:08:16 paulc: why are we changing the short name? when it is a revision of the previous document? 17:08:26 plh: because it is a new document? 17:09:11 paulc: my understanding was that information from the old html document would have data removed into the core, making the HTML related document smaller 17:10:12 ... so you are asking that the HTMLWG basically rescind this earlier document? 17:10:21 -Sam 17:10:21 ... publish as a note? 17:10:24 [Liam had to drop off] 17:10:29 -Liam 17:10:33 janina: I wouldn't recommend that. 17:11:14 paulc: my point is why change the short name? the old one is is html-aapi 17:12:26 paulc: I get your point that it would be nice if we got the original structure right in the first place. But the director may push back on this. 17:12:45 plh: if we ask the director there may be an issue. We could redirect the old short name to the new short name. 17:13:03 paulc: how much of the material from the old document has survived 17:13:10 janina: very little or none 17:13:32 IanPouncey has joined #html-a11y 17:13:32 janina: What we meant was the ARIA 1.0 Implementation Guide, not the html-aapi document. 17:13:44 ... that's what is getting broken down. 17:14:24 richardschwerdtfeger: please let me know if the short name needs to change. 17:14:31 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:14:37 janina: we won't change the short names for core, svg, dpub 17:15:33 -Leonie 17:16:27 paulc: point 1. when are we going to tell the wokring group what is planned with html-aapi? 17:16:43 ... janina is concerned about the domain of responsibility. 17:17:02 FPWD for html-aapi is at http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html-aapi-20110414/ 17:17:09 ... I asked what the old document was. Let's agree for the sake of argument that we can deal with it orthoginally. 17:17:32 see http://www.specref.org/?q=html-aapi 17:17:48 paulc: if PF and the task force agree that html-aam should be published HTMLWG? Who is publishing SVG-aam 17:17:58 janina: joint publication 17:18:14 paulc: then html-aam should be a joint publication of the HTMLWG and PFWG. 17:18:34 paulc: for the record I am okay if it is a complete new document. 17:19:29 plh: There was an FPWF of html-aapi in 2011. 6 publications until 2013 October. There is a broken link to the previous publication in the final version. 17:20:11 paulc: hopefully now you understand why I thought that html-aam was an evolution of this document. 17:21:00 plh: conclusion is that we should wrap up html-aapi and migrate to the new document 17:21:12 paulc: okay. but let's explain this to the HTML working group 17:21:28 ... happy to help explain this to the task force and the working group 17:22:18 -Joanmarie_Diggs 17:22:22 rrsagent, generate the minutes 17:22:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-html-a11y-minutes.html paulc 17:22:24 -Plh 17:22:26 rrsagent, make minutes 17:22:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-html-a11y-minutes.html ShaneM 17:22:26 -janina 17:22:34 -ShaneM 17:27:35 disconnecting the lone participant, paulc, in WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM 17:27:36 WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has ended 17:27:36 Attendees were janina, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Sam, JF, Joanmarie_Diggs, Leonie, ShaneM, Judy, paulc, Liam, IanPouncey, Plh 17:34:04 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #html-a11y 17:38:35 richardschwerdtfeger has left #html-a11y 18:03:39 newtron has joined #html-a11y 19:25:43 chaals has joined #html-a11y 20:07:07 Judy has joined #html-a11y 20:09:10 #html-a11y-plan 20:09:39 Judy has left #html-a11y 20:20:38 rubys has left #html-a11y