19:49:41 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 19:49:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-sdw-irc 19:49:58 rrsagent, make logs public 19:50:08 Frans has joined #sdw 19:50:10 zakim, this will be sdw 19:50:29 Chair : Ed 19:50:36 Zakim has joined #sdw 19:50:43 zakim, who is here 19:50:43 eparsons, you need to end that query with '?' 19:50:50 zakim, who is here? 19:50:50 sorry, eparsons, I don't know what conference this is 19:50:52 On IRC I see Frans, RRSAgent, billroberts, eparsons, kerry, phila, trackbot 19:51:29 zakim, this will be sdw 19:51:29 ok, eparsons, I see DATA_SDWWG()3:00PM already started 19:51:48 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdw 19:51:55 zakim, who is here ? 19:51:55 On the phone I see eparsons 19:51:57 On IRC I see DanhLePhuoc, Zakim, Frans, RRSAgent, billroberts, eparsons, kerry, phila, trackbot 19:52:00 rrsagent, make logs public 19:53:43 chair: Ed 19:53:51 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20150211 19:53:51 +??P7 19:54:06 Regrets+ Rachel Heaven, Krzysztof Janowicz, Antoine Zimmermann 19:54:17 Meeting: SDW WG Weekly 19:54:51 +[IPcaller] 19:54:52 zakim, [ is me 19:54:52 +phila; got it 19:55:55 +??P10 19:55:59 zakim,??P7 is me 19:55:59 +Frans; got it 19:56:08 +kerry 19:56:14 Clemens has joined #sdw 19:56:45 zakim, ??P10 is Alejandro 19:56:45 +Alejandro; got it 19:56:52 zakim, who is here ? 19:56:52 On the phone I see eparsons, Frans, phila, Alejandro, kerry 19:56:54 On IRC I see Clemens, DanhLePhuoc, Zakim, Frans, RRSAgent, eparsons, kerry, phila, trackbot 19:57:02 +??P8 19:57:11 CoryHenson has joined #sdw 19:57:20 Linda has joined #sdw 19:57:23 SimonCox has joined #sdw 19:57:29 I??P8 is me 19:57:38 zakim, ??P8 is Clemens 19:57:38 +Clemens; got it 19:57:41 RaulGarciaCastro has joined #sdw 19:57:51 Payam has joined #sdw 19:57:54 Alejandro_Llaves has joined #sdw 19:57:56 + +1.412.390.aaaa 19:58:05 How can you tell wich P* is you? 19:58:09 billroberts has joined #sdw 19:58:10 +??P12 19:58:15 Zakim, aaaa is Me 19:58:15 +CoryHenson; got it 19:58:29 Frans, Looking at the chat in the moment you connect 19:58:40 +[IPcaller] 19:58:52 zakim, ipcaller is me 19:58:52 +Payam; got it 19:58:53 thanks Raul 19:58:56 Zakim, +??P12 is me 19:58:56 sorry, DanhLePhuoc, I do not recognize a party named '+??P12' 19:59:01 MattPerry has joined #sdw 19:59:07 Zakim, ??P12 is me 19:59:07 +DanhLePhuoc; got it 19:59:41 ingo has joined #sdw 19:59:54 +Simon 20:00:08 `scribe: kerry 20:00:10 +[IPcaller] 20:00:12 +MattPerry 20:00:15 +[IPcaller.a] 20:00:21 Zakim, IPcaller is ingo 20:00:21 +ingo; got it 20:00:23 scribe: kerry 20:00:34 Thanks Kerry ! 20:00:36 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 20:01:02 aharth has joined #sdw 20:01:16 Zakim, IPcaller.a is me 20:01:16 +billroberts; got it 20:01:18 +??P25 20:01:24 +??P26 20:01:24 Regrets: Rachel Heaven, Krzysztof Janowicz, Antoine Zimmermann 20:01:31 -??P26 20:01:44 Ioannis has joined #sdw 20:01:47 ChrisLit has joined #Sdw 20:02:13 zakim ?? p25 is me 20:02:15 + +61.4.331.2.aabb 20:02:25 zakim said +Simon when I think I connected, but my IRC tag is SImonCox 20:02:30 zakim, +61 is me 20:02:30 +ahaller2; got it 20:02:38 zakim, simon is SimonCox 20:02:38 +SimonCox; got it 20:03:04 IanHolt has joined #sdw 20:03:27 meeting starts 20:03:36 PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2015/02/04-sdw-minutes.html 20:03:41 +1 20:03:44 +1 20:03:46 +1 20:03:48 propose: approve previous minutes -- ed 20:03:48 +1 20:03:50 +1 20:03:51 +1 20:04:03 +1 20:04:03 +1 20:04:04 zakim, phila has ChrisLit 20:04:04 +ChrisLit; got it 20:04:17 +1 20:04:26 +[IPcaller] 20:04:33 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 20:04:33 RESOLVED: 20:04:36 zakim, +[IPcaller] is me 20:04:36 sorry, aharth, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]' 20:04:37 RESOLVED: Accept last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2015/02/04-sdw-minutes.html 20:04:47 +[IPcaller.a] 20:04:51 Adila has joined #sdw 20:04:53 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:04:53 +aharth; got it 20:04:55 eparsons points out patent call 20:05:08 +[IPcaller] 20:05:13 magenda item 1 new members? 20:05:21 s/magenda/agenda 20:05:22 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:05:22 +IanHolt; got it 20:05:23 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:05:23 sorry, RaulGarciaCastro, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller]' 20:05:31 billroberts introduction 20:05:44 present RaulGarciaCastro 20:05:48 zakim, who is here? 20:05:48 On the phone I see eparsons, Frans, phila, Alejandro, kerry, Clemens, CoryHenson, DanhLePhuoc, Payam, SimonCox, ingo, MattPerry, billroberts, ??P25, ahaller2, aharth, [IPcaller.a], 20:05:52 ... IanHolt 20:05:52 phila has ChrisLit 20:05:52 On IRC I see Adila, IanHolt, ChrisLit, Ioannis, aharth, ahaller2, ingo, MattPerry, billroberts, Alejandro_Llaves, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, SimonCox, Linda, CoryHenson, Clemens, 20:05:52 ... DanhLePhuoc, Zakim, Frans, RRSAgent, eparsons, kerry, phila, trackbot 20:05:58 -IanHolt 20:06:01 zakim, ipcaller.a is RaulGarciaCastro 20:06:01 +RaulGarciaCastro; got it 20:06:17 zakim, who is noisy? 20:06:18 swrl in uk, lod publishing with technology, help to do things like other people , based in manchester 20:06:18 +[IPcaller] 20:06:26 zakim, Alejandro is Alejandro_Llaves 20:06:26 +Alejandro_Llaves; got it 20:06:28 phila, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 17 (31%), eparsons (65%), kerry (9%), billroberts (19%), ??P29 (6%) 20:06:30 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:06:30 +RaulGarciaCastro; got it 20:06:39 OscarCorcho has joined #sdw 20:06:43 no more new attendees 20:06:46 present +AndreasHarth 20:06:47 +adila 20:06:54 zakim, present +AndreasHarth 20:06:54 I don't understand 'present +AndreasHarth', aharth 20:07:01 +Zakim, ??P25 is me 20:07:09 present+ AndreasHarth 20:07:14 zakim, present+ AndreasHarth 20:07:14 I don't understand 'present+ AndreasHarth', aharth 20:07:15 inext agenda item : adding items to agenda 20:07:24 zakim, ??P25 is ioa 20:07:24 +ioa; got it 20:07:27 +??P32 20:07:31 please email to list by FRIDAy of previous week before meeting 20:07:31 zakim who is on the phone? 20:07:35 zakim, ioa is Ioannis 20:07:35 +Ioannis; got it 20:07:38 zakim, ??P32 is me 20:07:38 +Linda; got it 20:07:46 zakim, who is here? 20:07:46 On the phone I see eparsons, Frans, phila, Alejandro_Llaves, kerry, Clemens, CoryHenson, DanhLePhuoc, Payam, SimonCox, ingo, MattPerry, billroberts, Ioannis, ahaller2, aharth, 20:07:50 ... RaulGarciaCastro, RaulGarciaCastro.a, adila, Linda 20:07:50 phila has ChrisLit 20:07:50 On IRC I see OscarCorcho, Adila, IanHolt, ChrisLit, Ioannis, aharth, ahaller2, ingo, MattPerry, billroberts, Alejandro_Llaves, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, SimonCox, Linda, CoryHenson, 20:07:50 ... Clemens, DanhLePhuoc, Zakim, Frans, RRSAgent, eparsons, kerry, phila, trackbot 20:07:54 all members can ask for items on agenda to be considered by the chairs 20:07:55 +1 20:07:57 +1 20:07:59 +! 20:08:00 +1 20:08:02 +1 20:08:04 +1 20:08:05 +1 20:08:07 +1 20:08:08 +1 20:08:23 +1 20:08:24 zakim, adila is me 20:08:24 +Adila; got it 20:08:35 next agenda item: clarify use case work 20:08:46 frans had cirulated some questions 20:08:50 Topic: Clarifying Use Cases Work 20:09:05 + +34.65.631.aacc 20:09:15 frans: from use cases to requirments -- want to invite externals 20:09:20 zakim, aacc is me 20:09:20 +OscarCorcho; got it 20:09:30 phil has asked public LOD gropu already 20:10:01 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2015Feb/0036.html Phil A's mail to the LOD list 20:10:14 ed: broader range of use cases as we can -- we should reach out --open activity 20:10:27 happy to get feedback/input 20:10:30 -RaulGarciaCastro 20:10:41 frans -- e.g. developers who may not be here 20:10:51 ed: what are we missing? 20:11:02 +q 20:11:21 frans: invite them to look things over 20:11:31 ack kerry 20:11:51 q? 20:12:01 +[IPcaller] 20:12:07 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 20:12:28 kerry: share use cases with web of things? 20:12:30 -> http://www.w3.org/WoT/ The Web of Things Interest Group 20:12:33 zakim, [IPCaller] is me 20:12:33 +IanHolt; got it 20:12:55 +q 20:13:33 ack ChrisLit 20:13:59 chrislittle: I approached medical domain people and medical/environmental, I dont have anything yet 20:14:00 q+ to talk about medical and satellites 20:14:12 chris: also ttalking to 3D people 20:14:17 ack next 20:14:18 phila, you wanted to talk about medical and satellites 20:14:55 +??P35 20:14:58 zakim, ??P35 is me 20:14:58 +AndreaPerego; got it 20:14:58 phil: medical university member is joining wg to add stuff for us in this domain 20:15:03 zakim, mute me 20:15:03 AndreaPerego should now be muted 20:15:21 +q process for contributing use cases? 20:15:39 phil: statllite imagery and sensors chinese academy of sciences -- bu meeting time is bad for them 20:15:42 And Melbourne! 20:15:44 ack next 20:15:45 process, you wanted to discuss contributing use cases? 20:15:59 s/statllite/satellite/ 20:16:08 zakim, who's noisy? 20:16:10 s/bu /but / 20:16:19 phila, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: eparsons (43%), kerry (4%), Ioannis (56%) 20:16:28 zakim, mute Ioannis 20:16:28 Ioannis should now be muted 20:16:28 scibe is lost... 20:16:32 edit the wiki !! 20:16:40 understood! will do 20:16:47 s/scibe/scribe/ 20:17:06 eparsons: cut off date prior to f2f 20:17:11 s/ttalking/talking/ 20:17:46 cutoff date for use cases on wiki to be 1 march 20:17:53 +1 20:18:03 q+ to talk about publication process if wanted 20:18:04 +1 20:18:05 +1 20:18:06 +1 20:18:06 +1 20:18:07 +1 20:18:09 +1 20:18:09 +1 20:18:10 Is the cutoff date the same as the start date for requirements? 20:18:12 PROPOSE: deadline for uscases 1 Maqrch 20:18:14 +1 20:18:14 +1 20:18:15 +1 20:18:18 +1 20:18:20 +1 20:18:31 s/PROPOSE/PROPOSED/ 20:18:32 s/Maqrch/March/ 20:18:34 +1 20:18:36 +1 20:18:41 +1 20:18:54 s/Maqrch/March/ 20:18:56 +1 20:19:17 q- 20:19:20 what's the likely frequency of F2F meetings? (speaking as someone who can't make the March Barcelona mtg due to prior obligations) 20:19:21 q+ to discuss detail of use cases 20:19:31 requirements development will start at the f2f meeting, including grouping common requirements 20:19:46 ed: is this ok? other views? 20:20:30 frans: I start seeing things already emerging from use cases : also this is the time to invite external stakeholders 20:20:45 q? 20:20:58 clemens: some use cases are general, others specific 20:21:12 ack Clemens 20:21:12 Clemens, you wanted to discuss detail of use cases 20:21:40 clemens: most use cases will need more work before requirements emerge 20:22:13 ed: process on doument development -- use cases may be brought up to common level as we develop the deliverable? 20:22:19 +q 20:22:28 s/doument/document/ 20:22:33 q? 20:23:23 phil: generally editors will be responsible for this , there will be a style by looking at other use case documents 20:23:30 -aharth 20:23:56 ed: at some point the whole group must be satisfied, all drafts visible on github, 20:24:04 s/uscases/use cases/ 20:24:53 each doc gets url plus latest version url that allows for keep updating, you can publish first draft when it is not finished but is ready for public comments 20:25:03 So it is up to the editors to get started with the requirements document? 20:25:11 ack next 20:25:15 once it transitions to TR space it cannot then be edited 20:26:17 chris: suggest editors take whats on wiki then structure with actors, processes, tabular format bu we do not lose original text -- need to trace back to original 20:26:57 ed: use cases finsihes 1 march, then a couple of weeks starting on doc, and f2f to validate and same page 20:27:07 yep +1 20:27:09 +1 20:27:09 +1 20:27:14 s/finsihes/finishes/ 20:27:15 +1 20:27:15 +1 20:27:21 +1 20:27:22 +1 20:27:28 next agenda item: editors for use case deliverable 20:28:07 s/next agenda item/Topic/ 20:28:18 +[IPcaller] 20:28:19 phil: meeting new head of standards of OGC tomorrow to ensure we can line up for both standards bodies 20:28:22 https://github.com/w3c/dwbp 20:28:27 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:28:27 +aharth; got it 20:28:42 phil: explains w3c process by reference to data on the web 20:28:44 https://github.com/w3c/dwbp/blob/gh-pages/bp.html 20:29:18 http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html 20:29:30 html has a lot missing, because respec adds this stuff like headers and TOC 20:29:59 -aharth 20:30:03 editor must write html by hand or there are special editors, but you do not to logos or style sheets 20:30:15 s/to/do/ 20:31:13 phil: respec becomes easy to use,phil and ingo will help 20:32:00 q? 20:32:01 ed: send email to put your hand up: 20:32:03 q+ 20:32:07 +q 20:32:13 ack next 20:32:53 ingo :dogs go through several committees 20:32:56 +q 20:33:08 s/dogs/docs/ 20:33:46 ack next 20:33:58 q? 20:34:36 +q 20:34:41 chirs: tech commitee then planning ctee process is geting looser, stndards groups can do prelim releases to public before freezing doc 20:34:41 ack next 20:35:08 -q 20:35:23 Q- 20:35:30 ack next 20:35:35 use-case document would probably be OGC 'Discussion Paper' ? 20:36:00 linda: is the OGC view that we are SWG or DWG? 20:36:01 It will not recommend any tech or practices, therefore not a 'Best Practice' 20:36:11 s/geting/getting/ 20:36:17 Here's an example of a first public working draft of a use case document. Note the open issues etc http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-csvw-ucr-20140327/ 20:36:22 ed: swg , but we will create SWG when we are ready 20:36:23 +1 to Simon 20:36:25 SWG per normative recommendation 20:36:32 s/swg/dwg/ 20:37:03 simon: use cae doc is not a "best prcatice" in ogc, more likely a discussion paper 20:37:12 s/cae/case/ 20:37:19 q? 20:37:26 s/prca/prac/ 20:37:31 ed: aob? 20:38:03 s/stndards/standards/ 20:38:17 ed: summarises use case development plan 20:38:31 ed: close meeting 20:38:33 Bye 20:38:34 Bye bye 20:38:35 -SimonCox 20:38:37 -ahaller2 20:38:37 Bye 20:38:38 -Adila 20:38:38 -Linda 20:38:39 bye 20:38:40 thanks, bye! 20:38:40 -billroberts 20:38:40 -RaulGarciaCastro.a 20:38:41 -IanHolt 20:38:41 -Ioannis 20:38:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:38:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-sdw-minutes.html kerry 20:38:43 zakim, list participants 20:38:43 -MattPerry 20:38:43 As of this point the attendees have been eparsons, Frans, kerry, Clemens, +1.412.390.aaaa, CoryHenson, Payam, DanhLePhuoc, MattPerry, ingo, billroberts, +61.4.331.2.aabb, ahaller2, 20:38:43 ... SimonCox, ChrisLit, aharth, IanHolt, RaulGarciaCastro, Alejandro_Llaves, Ioannis, Linda, Adila, +34.65.631.aacc, OscarCorcho, AndreaPerego 20:38:44 -CoryHenson 20:38:45 -Clemens 20:38:46 bye 20:38:49 bye 20:38:50 -Frans 20:38:51 bye 20:38:51 bye 20:38:52 -OscarCorcho 20:38:52 -Payam 20:38:53 bye 20:38:54 -DanhLePhuoc 20:38:56 -Alejandro_Llaves 20:39:03 -ingo 20:39:04 -AndreaPerego 20:39:08 -phila 20:39:53 RRSAgent, generate minutes 20:39:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:40:12 phil -- how much should i try to fix all the typos? 20:40:14 -eparsons 20:40:45 Kerry thanks I would not worry too much 20:42:11 ok, i'd be a nervous wreck if I did! 20:42:44 -kerry 20:42:45 DATA_SDWWG()3:00PM has ended 20:42:45 Attendees were eparsons, Frans, kerry, Clemens, +1.412.390.aaaa, CoryHenson, Payam, DanhLePhuoc, MattPerry, ingo, billroberts, +61.4.331.2.aabb, ahaller2, SimonCox, ChrisLit, 20:42:45 ... aharth, IanHolt, RaulGarciaCastro, Alejandro_Llaves, Ioannis, Linda, Adila, +34.65.631.aacc, OscarCorcho, AndreaPerego 20:44:19 eparsons has joined #sdw 20:47:23 zakim, bye 20:47:23 Zakim has left #sdw 20:47:27 RRSAgent, bye 20:47:27 I see no action items