15:54:42 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:54:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-annotation-irc 15:54:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:54:44 Zakim has joined #annotation 15:54:46 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:54:46 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 15:54:47 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:54:47 Date: 11 February 2015 15:55:13 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Feb/0062.html 15:55:50 fjh has changed the topic to: agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Feb/0062.html code 2666 15:57:21 Regrets+ Paolo_Ciccarese, Bill_Kasdorf, Luc_Moreau, Kristof_Csillag, Davis_Salisbury, Tim_Cole 15:57:48 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 15:57:59 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 15:58:24 RayD has joined #annotation 15:58:38 Regrets+ Ivan_Herman 15:59:31 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has now started 15:59:32 zakim, who is here? 15:59:33 On the phone I see no one 15:59:33 On IRC I see RayD, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, Matt_Haas, shepazu, JakeHart, Mitar, dwhly, KevinMarks, MarkS, nickstenn, bigbluehat, rhiaro, oshepherd, stain, trackbot 15:59:38 +[IPcaller] 15:59:41 +Rayd 15:59:44 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:59:44 +fjh; got it 15:59:58 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection 16:00:08 present+ Ray_Denenberg 16:00:41 +bigbluehat 16:00:55 +Doug_Schepers 16:01:11 Present+ Benjamin_Young, Doug_Schepers 16:01:17 +Matt_Haas 16:01:23 Present +Matt_Haas 16:01:46 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:02:13 +[Ugent] 16:02:20 zakim, Ugent is me 16:02:20 +bjdmeest; got it 16:02:52 other Benjamin :) 16:02:57 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:04:04 I will scribe 16:04:19 ScribeNick: bjdmeest 16:04:25 s/I will scribe// 16:05:33 + +1.650.274.aaaa 16:05:33 Topic: Minutes Approval 16:05:50 RESOLUTION: 4th February 2015 minutes are approved: http://www.w3.org/2015/02/04-annotation-minutes.html 16:05:58 Topic: Use Cases 16:06:21 bigbluehat: not that much activity 16:06:36 Jacob has joined #annotation 16:06:37 Topic: Protocol 16:06:46 present+ Jacob_Jett 16:06:55 zakim, aaaa is dwhly 16:06:56 +dwhly; got it 16:06:59 Continued Discussion of http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/protocol/wd/ 16:07:03 fjh: draft, there has been discussion, anything wants to say anything specific? 16:07:05 +azaroth 16:07:13 +[IPcaller] 16:07:15 q+ 16:07:33 zakim, who is here? 16:07:33 On the phone I see fjh, Rayd, bigbluehat, Doug_Schepers, Matt_Haas, bjdmeest, dwhly, azaroth, [IPcaller] 16:07:36 On IRC I see Jacob, bjdmeest, RayD, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, Matt_Haas, shepazu, JakeHart, Mitar, dwhly, KevinMarks, MarkS, nickstenn, bigbluehat, rhiaro, oshepherd, stain, trackbot 16:07:47 azaroth has joined #annotation 16:07:54 dwhly: could we discuss getting annotator on the other draft? 16:08:13 fjh: that is underway 16:08:21 shepazu: we can do that 16:08:29 ... we need the infrastructure set up 16:08:35 ... on webplatform.org 16:08:36 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:08:48 ... I will get the annotation system put in place there 16:09:13 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Feb/0040.html 16:09:25 fjh: [about protocol] Nick had some issues 16:09:32 Kyrce has joined #annotation 16:09:32 ... about a lot of annotations 16:09:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Feb/0067.html 16:10:04 ... LDP's minimal container could solve this issue 16:10:39 ... also another discussion about containers and their types 16:10:45 ... matching the rdf types and so on 16:11:12 +Kyrce 16:12:06 fjh: [about search] is that something we have to figure out? 16:12:17 azaroth: I am not aware of a standard search pattern 16:12:29 ... that is less complex than SPARQL 16:12:52 ... any ideas about other ways? 16:12:57 q+ 16:13:16 q- 16:13:45 ack bjdmeest 16:13:46 http://linkeddatafragments.org/ 16:13:57 bjdmeest: we have linked data fragments, bascically SPARQL interface 16:14:06 bjdmeest: allows specific data dumps 16:14:20 bjdmeest: can index specific parts to ease querying 16:14:38 bjdmeest: now have lightweight server, with more work on server, but could change this 16:14:49 +[IPcaller.a] 16:15:11 s/bascically/basically/ 16:15:12 azaroth previously: Important to understand the differences between bulk / web clients to see how the protocol needs to support both 16:15:24 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 16:16:07 azaroth: [about LDP containers] 3 types: 16:16:20 ... ??? contain: endpoint 16:16:34 Zakim: ipnumber is me 16:16:35 ... direct container: basic container with one piece of additional functionality 16:16:50 Zakim, ipnumber is me 16:16:50 sorry, tbdinesh, I do not recognize a party named 'ipnumber' 16:17:01 ... adding a resource creates link from resource to the created object 16:17:18 ... [example] 16:17:28 ...third type: indirect container 16:17:36 ... also looks at RDF that gets posted 16:17:59 ... new created results: picks a predefined relation, uses that to create a new link 16:18:01 ... eg 16:18:08 ... if you create a new body 16:18:16 ... body owl:sameAs url:X 16:18:35 ... system creates annotation hasBody url:X 16:18:52 ... currently we use basic containers for the top-level ones 16:19:25 fjh: so direct containers creates more triples 16:19:45 azaroth: triples aren't extra, system creates them for you 16:19:58 ... use case is: if you want a non-rdf resource as part of the annotation 16:20:07 ... (and image has no URI) 16:20:34 ... then you would have to create a bodyless annotation, as the annotation has no URI 16:20:47 ... then publish the image, and update the annotation 16:20:56 ... direct container automates the last step 16:22:11 fjh: we are not going to look at containers, mostly 16:22:17 ... more a way of interacting 16:22:26 ... paging will help 16:22:54 ... not something a client needs to do 16:23:12 s/fjh/azaroth/ 16:23:16 s/fjh/azaroth/ 16:23:35 azaroth:we need to easily filter annotations 16:23:51 ... [will help scaling] 16:24:03 q+ 16:24:11 azaroth: those that have a given target etc 16:24:16 ack shepazu 16:24:18 ... we need to see how current clients work with current servers 16:24:39 shepazu: how tightly bound are our deliverables? 16:25:10 ... e.g. twitter using the datamodel, but not change the infrastructure to LDP 16:25:32 ... those tweets should still be annotations 16:26:19 zakim, who is here? 16:26:19 On the phone I see fjh, Rayd, bigbluehat, Doug_Schepers, Matt_Haas, bjdmeest, dwhly, azaroth, [IPcaller], Kyrce, [IPcaller.a] 16:26:22 On IRC I see tbdinesh, Kyrce, takeshi, azaroth, Jacob, bjdmeest, RayD, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, Matt_Haas, shepazu, JakeHart, Mitar, dwhly, KevinMarks, MarkS, nickstenn, bigbluehat, 16:26:22 ... rhiaro, oshepherd, stain, trackbot 16:26:44 ... people might be less inclined to adopt this if the protocol is very strict 16:26:54 Present+ Dan_Whaley 16:27:02 Zakim, ipcaller is me 16:27:02 +tbdinesh; got it 16:27:29 azaroth: I don't see them being tightly bound (the deliverables) 16:27:34 Present+ TB_Dinesh 16:27:55 ... If you already have some API, exposing annotations in the correct model will improve interoperability 16:28:07 ... publishing in the correct format would be a big win already 16:28:51 ... if you implement the protocol 16:29:03 ... then we need to be more specific about the interactions 16:29:20 ... so avoid twitter-specific APIs (as we have now) 16:29:41 fjh: so: protocol can be useful, but you don't need it 16:29:45 q+ 16:30:10 ... doing the protocol without the datamodel would not make a lot of sense 16:30:35 azaroth has joined #annotation 16:30:48 shepazu: would there be something like: you need to implement this protocol to publish this datamodel? 16:30:55 ... that would be a bad idea 16:31:07 ... the minimum viable protocol: does it need to be LDP? 16:31:32 ... is there something more abstract 16:31:38 ... and still be interoperable? 16:31:58 ... [LDP] is a very specific solution for a more general problem 16:32:05 ... especially as a transitional thing 16:33:00 azaroth_ has joined #annotation 16:33:26 azaroth: agree that current implementations may not change to the protocol we specify 16:33:45 ... but it may be good to suggest a current specific system 16:34:06 ... we could suggest and abstract API 16:34:31 ... Community group Hydra is about describing hypermedia API using JSON-LD 16:35:05 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 16:35:07 ... Hydra is kinda like WSDL to SOAP 16:35:09 Rob notes that me might consider Hydra, in some ways like WSDL, if we want to be more abstract 16:35:13 Hydra Community Group URL: http://www.hydra-cg.com/ 16:35:42 +David_Salisbury 16:36:04 Present+ David_Salisbury 16:36:14 ... to move forward: it would be good to have a thickened protocol 16:36:22 ... having an alternative would be good 16:36:34 q+ 16:36:41 ... to see what would be acceptable, and not too specific 16:36:45 q- 16:36:45 ack shepazu 16:37:24 fjh: concern is real, but should start something completely different because of that? 16:37:30 ... at some point, you need details 16:38:27 azaroth: so: we should write out the spec and see what the reactions are 16:38:49 ... next steps: 16:39:17 1: prototype implementation, and report pain points and complex interactions 16:39:35 ... e.g. hypothesis or annotator group to implement? 16:40:19 2: look at container types 16:40:37 ... are these necessary? or could we provide discovery mechanisms of where these containers could live? 16:40:58 ... e.g.: creating a binary resource as the body might be out of scope of the protocol? 16:41:40 ... e.g. restrict the fact that you cannot create annotations of offline resources 16:42:29 azaroth: I will try to build a very quick implementation, someone else would also be good 16:42:42 ... so, don't wait for me 16:42:59 Topic: F2F 16:43:14 fjh: decision: 26 april 16:43:22 F2F 22 April, in conjunction 23, 24 April, SF 16:43:26 ... in conjunction with iAnnotate (23, 24 april) 16:43:46 q+ 16:44:15 dwhly: I have made some preliminary reservations 16:44:19 ... about 11 rooms 16:44:20 RESOLUTION; F2F is 22 April in SF, in conjunction with iAnnotate 23, 24 April 16:44:31 ... if you want a place to stay: please let me know 16:44:42 ... let us know if you want help with the hotel 16:45:02 ack fjh 16:45:05 ack RayD 16:45:25 Fort Mason Center 16:45:29 Golden Gate Room 16:45:36 RayD: logistical info? location F2F and conference? 16:45:43 For both 16:46:11 action: fjh to post F2F message 16:46:11 Created ACTION-4 - Post f2f message [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2015-02-18]. 16:46:41 dwhly: they are all in the same place 16:46:44 Topic: Other WGs 16:46:48 q+ 16:46:53 ack dwhly 16:47:05 dwhly: we are almost at capacity for iAnnotate 16:47:17 ... so iAnnotate.org and register 16:47:34 http://iannotate.org/2015/ 16:48:03 azaroth: other WGs their discussion, and connection them with our work 16:48:15 ... [LDP] all in favor of having an event 16:49:21 ... they were very keen on having feedback on LDP 16:49:28 ... but no event planned yet 16:49:58 ... there is talk of having an LDP 1.1 16:50:06 ... so comments are welcome 16:50:42 ... so our discussion about protocol could be good feedback for LDP 16:50:58 ... [Social Web] 16:51:14 ... discussions about extend of requirement of JSON-LD 16:51:23 ... or output being compatible with JSON-LD 16:51:37 .. some interactions have been about RDF subclassing 16:51:48 ... should that be part of Social or not? 16:51:54 ... we have same concerns 16:52:04 ... if we need reasoning, we loose 99% of our adopters 16:52:20 ... is there something compatible, but does not need RDF savvies? 16:52:57 ... good discussions happening there, we should follow those, and have the same discussions 16:53:47 ... [DPUB IG] discussion about footnotes 16:53:51 ... and marginalia 16:53:59 Footnotes: http://davidmacd.com/blog/html51-footnotes.html 16:54:02 ... and make that more convenient for website creators 16:54:14 ... e.g., using a specific HTML element 16:54:45 q+ 16:54:54 ... request: is this something to be taken up by their a11y workgroup, or by us? 16:55:15 ... doug and I believe this falls under HTML serialization of annotations 16:55:33 ack shepazu 16:56:07 shepazu: blogpost: perspective of making HTML-docs more accessible 16:56:19 ... Word is very accessible using footnotes 17:05:46 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 17:05:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-annotation-irc 17:05:56 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:05:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:06:40 azaroth has joined #annotation 17:07:59 rrsagent, make minutes public 17:07:59 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', fjh. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:08:12 rrsagent, public minutes 17:08:12 I'm logging. I don't understand 'public minutes', fjh. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:09:07 rrsagent, make logs world-visible 17:09:14 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:09:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:10:29 Present+ Kyrce_Swenson 17:10:52 s/other Benjamin :)// 17:11:17 s/much activity/much activity on list, we should wait for Paolo next week/ 17:11:47 s/UNKNOWN_SPEAKER/azaroth/ 17:12:15 Topic: Adjourn 17:12:20 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:12:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:12:53 fjh_ has joined #annotation 17:13:31 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:13:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/11-annotation-minutes.html fjh_ 17:13:31 zakim, who is here? 17:13:31 apparently DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has ended, fjh_ 17:13:33 On IRC I see fjh_, azaroth, RRSAgent, davis_salisbury, tbdinesh, Kyrce, RayD, Zakim, fjh, shepazu, JakeHart, Mitar, dwhly, KevinMarks, MarkS, nickstenn, bigbluehat, rhiaro, 17:13:33 ... oshepherd, stain, trackbot 17:15:24 azaroth has joined #annotation 18:16:20 Kyrce has joined #annotation 19:59:15 Zakim has left #annotation 20:02:59 Kyrce has left #annotation 20:21:11 azaroth has joined #annotation 21:42:57 azaroth has joined #annotation 21:43:30 fjh has joined #annotation 22:23:05 tantek has joined #annotation 22:38:25 tantek has joined #annotation 22:55:11 tantek has joined #annotation 23:42:56 azaroth has joined #annotation