14:40:15 RRSAgent has joined #educ 14:40:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/06-educ-irc 14:40:24 rrsagent, set log public 14:40:42 Zakim has joined #educ 14:40:49 zakim, this will be 3382 14:40:49 ok, ivan; I see Team_JEFF(EDUCATION)10:00AM scheduled to start in 20 minutes 14:41:22 Meeting: Education & W3C 14:41:33 Chair: Pierre Dannet 14:48:10 Crispin has joined #educ 14:49:21 Pierre has joined #Educ 14:53:27 shorton has joined #educ 14:54:59 Team_JEFF(EDUCATION)10:00AM has now started 14:55:06 +??P30 14:55:27 Crispin and Pierre in London connected 14:59:08 + +1.603.252.aaaa 15:00:17 zakim, dial ivan-voip 15:00:17 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:00:18 +Ivan 15:01:04 +[IPcaller] 15:01:34 do we have Judy ? 15:02:09 +Judy 15:02:15 +mhakkinen 15:02:16 davidsloan has joined #educ 15:02:25 Judy has joined #Educ 15:02:32 mhakkinen has joined #educ 15:03:08 +Sylvie_Duchateau 15:04:13 zakim, who's making noise? 15:04:24 Judy, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P30 (67%), Ivan (29%), Sylvie_Duchateau (9%) 15:04:42 zakim, mute me 15:04:42 Ivan should now be muted 15:06:25 +MarkS 15:06:31 I can try to be a scribe 15:06:59 MarkS has joined #educ 15:07:18 zakim, unmute me 15:07:18 Ivan should no longer be muted 15:08:16 So, who can be the scribe ? 15:09:05 scribe: Judy 15:09:12 zakim, mute me 15:09:12 Ivan should now be muted 15:09:25 Pierre: Introductions please.... around the room.... 15:09:36 Pierre: Crispin will now present 15:09:58 Crispin: I'll talk first about the history of edtech, then standardization opportunity 15:10:15 ...slides were distrib by email 15:10:26 ...edtech not extensive impact yet on education 15:10:37 ...backed up by recent study from the UK 15:10:58 ...for standards org, difficult to assess market need then. 15:11:09 ...first must ask why not more effective. 15:11:26 instruction is interaction 15:11:32 Crispin: basis of ed is child interacting with a bicycle 15:11:49 ...and there are other natural instructive partners 15:12:33 will try 15:12:48 Crispin: We haven't seen sufficient development of complex interactive software 15:12:53 scribe: Pierre 15:13:10 Slide 5 representation of Bllom 's taxonomy 15:13:54 Instructional stack for digitizing interactions 15:14:10 -Sylvie_Duchateau 15:14:42 Traditionnal teaching is managed by the teacher 15:14:53 Publisher providing textbooks 15:15:05 Teacher responsible for implementations 15:15:16 +??P11 15:15:20 Digital Education : we do not want to replace the teachers 15:15:30 Slide 6 15:15:41 More process management type 15:15:48 pomerol has joined #Educ 15:16:04 Slide 7 : other way to characterize that 15:16:24 Activities embedded in a management cycle 15:16:43 Adaptive learning select next activities 15:17:11 Multiple activities in order to cover the curriculum 15:17:29 Interface between the two need standard (Red arrows) 15:17:47 Slide 8 : Pedagogy us activity sequencing 15:18:08 There are many sorts of sequences : according to performance, ... 15:18:27 Independent activities can be dependent on each other 15:19:14 ...There are many sorts of sequencing... 15:19:36 Slide 10 : abstract slide : around assessment 15:20:00 ...... Assement is a continuum.... 15:20:22 .....two triangles.... 15:20:40 .....Failure is key concept.... 15:20:56 ....we learn from failure.... 15:21:49 ...... Reliable method to more integrated continuous assessment... 15:22:05 Slide 11 : Supply chain 15:22:47 .... Interactive courseware based on information and activity softwares.... 15:23:09 ....there are gaps in this edtech supply chain... 15:23:26 Slide 12 : expressing learning objectives 15:23:50 ....people based on paper and digital.... 15:24:20 .....Education is interested by capabilities... 15:24:53 ...we often certificate people on performance and not on capability.. 15:25:21 ..... Capability representation is needed... 15:25:56 ..... Capabilities taxonomies could be defined by different people... 15:26:09 Slide 17 : Moderation 15:27:08 ......An authority is mamanging a process... 15:27:24 Slide 18 : moving to standards 15:27:37 We do not have the management system we need 15:27:58 We do not have any interoperability between LMS and activity softwares 15:28:11 Slide 19 : Key standards in this area 15:28:39 History of the SCORM initiative, which was a collection of many standards 15:29:21 OILS : UK initiative 15:29:58 There were a lot of organizations involved 15:30:11 American department of Defense 15:31:13 SCorm 1.2 included CMI, content packaging 15:31:26 Legal disputes between IMS and EDL 15:31:38 Everything stopped 15:32:01 A lot of disccusions there 15:32:16 zakim, who's making noise? 15:32:19 Slide 20 : how SCORM works 15:32:34 Judy, listening for 17 seconds I could not identify any sounds 15:32:49 ......Within the content package, you have a manifest and SCOs 15:33:05 ...you can launch individual SCOS... 15:33:48 ...SCO is an activity, with a beginning and an end 15:34:49 .... 2004 : add of simple sequencing to that... 15:35:17 .....it became complex..... 15:35:32 .....need for in house implementation.... 15:36:03 ...othe people did not implement the runtime as well.. 15:36:11 ..... dry TOC... 15:36:21 Slide 21 : Probles with SCORM 15:36:56 Legal disputes with IMS + Javascript API + 15:37:15 ....Fixed Data Model in CMI was a pbm.... 15:37:27 ..... as knewton in the last Educ call... 15:38:31 ...key point to draw out : field SCORM : SCO + Asset 15:39:26 You really can't have a fixed data model for innovation 15:39:56 ....more technical information needed (Transportation mechanism for example)... 15:40:11 Poor sequencing specification 15:40:43 Single learner model => No multi players ... gaming ?? 15:40:59 2008 : attempt to move beyond that 15:41:19 Slide 22 : Tin Can replaced Javascript 15:41:49 The Data model was very simple (Inspired by Social Networks) 15:42:03 Tin Can does not deal with object launches 15:42:13 Does not deal with metadata 15:42:32 Slide 23 : Standard issues 15:42:43 SCORM covered all the basis 15:43:00 We need multi player for pair learning 15:43:14 Datamodel definition language is necessary 15:43:32 LMS could basically discover 15:43:39 ...sequencing... 15:43:54 .... elephant to the room : Privacy for Data 15:44:12 Yes, Judy, could be cool 15:44:25 Transparency at minimum 15:45:13 I can do it 15:45:30 Discussion begins 15:45:41 scribe: davidsloan 15:46:15 Crispin focusing on interoperability, application development is a separate requirement 15:46:39 interoperability needs to be agnostic with regard to application platform 15:47:04 difficult to get consensus on something that hasn't happened yet, so standards creation is challenging 15:47:30 need to allow framework for innovation, and then specifications emerge from that 15:47:58 My question on privacy 15:48:15 q+ 15:48:28 ack Judy 15:48:40 Crispin: privacy is a key factor in this framework. Suggests create a description language that allows adaptation for different jurisdictions and legislatory environments 15:49:45 Judy: when W3C looks at taking on standardisation activity it needs to consider pressing needs; which organisations are active in this area and could partner; existing technical work in the area 15:50:30 Judy: may be overlap with digital publishing activity 15:50:33 q+ 15:51:12 ack ivan 15:53:15 Ivan: W3C has focus of work, i.e. core web technologies. Difficult now to define what this is, but W3C does have some sense of what this is. Of standardisation questions raised in this and previous call's presentations, which are in areas within W3C expertise? 15:54:37 Data interoperability Platform 15:54:42 Crispin: depends on what you see the Web as. TinCan as an example provides a web service API. Real crying need in edu is what the Web can offer as data interoperability platform 15:55:20 q+ 15:55:26 Crispin: web services is a key are 15:55:42 ack Judy 15:56:21 s/are/area 15:56:23 zakim, mute me 15:56:23 Ivan should now be muted 15:57:13 Judy: mhakkinen may be able to comment on edu standards and core web technologies 15:57:48 mhakkinen: currently in transition from paper based delivery to web based rich assessments 15:58:24 mhakkinen: concerns over lack of harmonization in accessibility across different standards for assessment 15:58:30 q+ 15:58:57 mhakkinen: example new initiative of interest is AQTI (Accessible QTI) 16:00:21 Open learning XML 16:00:46 q+ 16:00:47 MarkS: right now, EdX started own standard on Open Learning XML (OLX), would be good to see commonalities with goals of this group 16:00:51 ack Judy 16:01:30 Pierre: we suggest using wiki to propose ideas for standardisation in education, for open discussion 16:02:09 zakim, unmute me 16:02:09 Ivan should no longer be muted 16:02:22 Pierre: next call on 20 February will focus on discussion of wiki 16:03:06 need to drop. thanks and bye! 16:03:20 -mhakkinen 16:03:21 Pierer Danet Hachette 16:03:25 Mark Sadecki - edX 16:03:29 David Sloan, The Paciello Group 16:03:31 mark hakkinen - educational testing service (ETS) 16:03:37 Sarah Horton, The Paciello Group 16:04:00 Jean Charles Pomerol will participate 16:04:17 update for 20 Feb—subject will be MOOCs 16:04:17 -MarkS 16:04:25 Judy: thanks to Crispin for presentation 16:04:29 -Judy 16:04:31 - +1.603.252.aaaa 16:04:33 -[IPcaller] 16:04:33 -Ivan 16:04:38 davidsloan has left #educ 16:04:41 -??P30 16:04:42 Judy Brewer W3C WAI 16:04:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:04:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/06-educ-minutes.html ivan 16:04:45 -??P11 16:04:46 Team_JEFF(EDUCATION)10:00AM has ended 16:04:46 Attendees were +1.603.252.aaaa, Ivan, [IPcaller], Judy, mhakkinen, Sylvie_Duchateau, MarkS 16:05:23 https://www.w3.org/wiki/AB/2014-2015_Priorities/w3c_most_important#Education_task_force 16:05:50 Tnks Judy for helping me 16:06:53 rrsagente, draft minutes 16:06:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:06:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/06-educ-minutes.html ivan 16:21:20 Judy has left #educ 16:24:02 FX has joined #educ 18:34:00 Zakim has left #educ