15:10:45 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:10:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/04-annotation-irc 15:10:47 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:10:47 Zakim has joined #annotation 15:10:49 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:10:49 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 50 minutes 15:10:50 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:10:50 Date: 04 February 2015 15:12:02 ivan, kinda jumping the gun, aren't you? 15:19:03 :) 15:51:23 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:57:07 RayD has joined #annotation 15:57:35 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has now started 15:57:42 + +1.201.236.aaaa 15:57:48 Kyrce has joined #annotation 16:00:20 Jacob has joined #annotation 16:00:42 zakim, dial ivan-voip 16:00:42 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:00:43 +Ivan 16:01:01 + +1.202.707.aabb 16:01:02 Present: Ivan_Herman 16:01:14 +[IPcaller] 16:01:23 Zakim: IPcaller is me 16:01:29 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:01:29 + +1.217.300.aacc 16:01:30 +Doug_Schepers 16:01:30 zakim, aabb is Rayd 16:01:30 +Rayd; got it 16:01:36 Zakim: [IPcaller] is me 16:01:39 Zakim, IPcaller is me 16:01:40 +nickstenn; got it 16:01:43 + +1.617.768.aadd 16:01:46 zakim, who is noisy? 16:01:47 paoloC has joined #annotation 16:01:47 Zakim, who's noisy? 16:01:59 ivan, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Rayd (78%), nickstenn (8%) 16:02:01 +[Ugent] 16:02:07 zakim, Ugent is me 16:02:07 +bjdmeest; got it 16:02:08 + +1.434.971.aaee 16:02:12 shepazu, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Rayd (50%) 16:02:20 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:02:22 zakim, aacc is TimCole 16:02:22 +TimCole; got it 16:02:31 present+ Ray_Denenberg 16:02:32 Present+ Tim_Cole 16:02:37 zakim, who is here? 16:02:37 On the phone I see +1.201.236.aaaa, Ivan, Rayd, nickstenn, TimCole, Doug_Schepers, +1.617.768.aadd, bjdmeest, +1.434.971.aaee 16:02:38 present+ Jacob_Jett 16:02:40 On IRC I see paoloC, bjdmeest, Jacob, Kyrce, RayD, tbdinesh, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, tripu, renoirb, MarkS, bigbluehat, shepazu, JakeHart, dwhly, rhiaro, oshepherd_, nickstenn, 16:02:40 ... stain, KevinMarks, trackbot 16:02:51 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #annotation 16:02:52 aaaa is me 16:02:59 zakim, aaee is David_Salisbury 16:02:59 +David_Salisbury; got it 16:03:13 +[IPcaller] 16:03:21 + +1.864.787.aaff 16:03:21 zakim, aaaa is Kyrce 16:03:22 +Kyrce; got it 16:03:22 +Bill_Kasdorf 16:03:31 Zakim, who's noisy? 16:03:37 Zakim: aaff is me 16:03:40 Mitar has joined #annotation 16:03:42 shepazu, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Rayd (6%), David_Salisbury (18%) 16:03:43 Zakim: aaff is bigbluehat 16:03:47 ...still 16:03:51 zakim, who is here? 16:03:52 On the phone I see Kyrce, Ivan, Rayd, nickstenn, TimCole, Doug_Schepers, +1.617.768.aadd, bjdmeest, David_Salisbury, [IPcaller], +1.864.787.aaff, Bill_Kasdorf 16:03:55 On IRC I see Mitar, Bill_Kasdorf, paoloC, bjdmeest, Jacob, Kyrce, RayD, tbdinesh, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, tripu, renoirb, MarkS, bigbluehat, shepazu, JakeHart, dwhly, rhiaro, 16:03:55 ... oshepherd_, nickstenn, stain, KevinMarks, trackbot 16:04:03 Zakim, aaff is bigbluehat 16:04:04 +bigbluehat; got it 16:04:04 +[IPcaller.a] 16:04:07 zakin, [ipcaller] is me 16:04:11 heh... comma vs. colon 16:04:15 I just muted so there should be no noise 16:04:23 :-P 16:04:23 zakim, ipcaller is tbdinesh 16:04:23 +tbdinesh; got it 16:04:57 Matt_Haas has joined #annotation 16:05:12 zakim, pick a victim 16:05:12 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Doug_Schepers 16:05:14 csillag has joined #annotation 16:05:39 zakim, pick a victim 16:05:39 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose tbdinesh 16:05:49 +Matt_Haas 16:06:05 present+ Matt_Haas 16:06:15 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/CABevsUHAyuepzjpjnz1rRY+inah4ZLQCQHAAjkXCtr+93eVevA@mail.gmail.com 16:06:19 scribenick: nickstenn 16:06:29 Topic: minutes approval 16:06:43 mintues : http://www.w3.org/2015/01/28-annotation-minutes.html 16:06:55 RESOLUTION: minutes approved 16:06:59 Topic: Use cases 16:07:06 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:07:37 paoloC: benjamin and I have been discussing the latest use cases, related to reviews 16:07:47 ... we added a page called "reviews as annotation" 16:07:52 +??P20 16:07:58 ... essentially related to a user that wants to review a particular resource 16:08:11 Zakim, +??P20 is me 16:08:11 sorry, csillag, I do not recognize a party named '+??P20' 16:08:13 ... we should allow for mechanisms such as aggregations of reviews of a single resource from multiple places 16:08:37 zakim, P20 is csillag 16:08:37 sorry, ivan, I do not recognize a party named 'P20' 16:08:37 ... this brought up the topic of motivations, which is later on today's agenda 16:08:45 zakim, ?P20 is csillag 16:08:45 sorry, ivan, I do not recognize a party named '?P20' 16:08:59 https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Reviews_as_Annotation 16:09:07 ... in this specific case the presence of a proper review motivation could allow for searching and filtering 16:09:11 bigbluehat: could we hear from RayD? 16:09:15 q? 16:09:37 RayD: I didn't quite understand how the motivation solves the query problem 16:09:54 paoloC: motivation would address the issue that you have different kinds of annotation on a given resource (comments, +1, pictures, etc.) 16:10:12 ... but a "reviewing" annotation would provide the ability to filter down to only those which are reviews 16:10:24 RayD: absolutely, but how do we even find all the annotations in the first place? 16:10:38 paoloC: this sounds like it could be a requirement for the protocol part 16:11:06 q+ 16:11:08 RayD: there may be a need for a mechanism where if I create an annotation on a resource then I can notify that server [of the resource] that I created that annotation 16:11:09 So I'm confused, is this a question about querying and retrieval results or one of aggregation? 16:11:14 q? 16:11:37 ... otherwise if I'm a user and I want to get all the annotations for a given resource I need to know where they are before I can query with them 16:12:07 paoloC: this covers quite a lot -- possibly federation of annotations, notification of publishers that an annotation has been created, etc. 16:12:12 q+ 16:12:15 ack shepazu 16:12:26 shepazu: I acknowledge that this is a useful piece of functionality. 16:12:29 raphael has joined #annotation 16:12:37 ... and this group can try to provide mechanisms that make some aspects of this easier 16:12:47 ... but it's not a solveable problem in terms of standards 16:13:00 disagree that it is not a solvable problem 16:13:07 ... at most we can provide mechanisms 16:13:13 + + 16:13:16 ... but those mechanisms don't in and of themselves solve the problem 16:13:27 ... the ecosystem that makes use of the mechanisms will do that 16:13:45 q? 16:13:53 ... to take the example -- we should provide a mechanism for notifying page authors that annotations have been created about their pages 16:13:54 +q 16:14:03 zaki, P20 is csillag 16:14:13 zakim, P20 is csillag 16:14:13 sorry, csillag, I do not recognize a party named 'P20' 16:14:18 ... but if you're looking for a review of a paper that you're not the publisher of -- that doesn't mean that the publisher will reveal that information 16:15:26 ... there could be another mechanism -- you could, for example, watch a given page ... but it's difficult to see how with a decentralised architecture we'll be able to design a mechanism which allows you track all annotations anywhere 16:15:43 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:16:21 ack RayD 16:16:29 +1 to Bill_Kasdorf 16:16:37 MGU has joined #annotation 16:16:37 Bill_Kasdorf: to avoid the complications that could be implied by this use case, it could be useful to restrict the use cases to refer to a particular group or set of annotations 16:16:47 RayD: I think shepazu may be overcomplicating the issue 16:16:54 +q 16:16:56 ... as far as I'm concerned we're talking about mechanism 16:17:13 ... if the mechanism is provided, then in my book the problem is solved 16:17:20 ack bigbluehat 16:17:27 ... if a publisher refuses to republish, that's a problem that is clearly out of scope for the WG 16:18:25 +1 to bigbluehat 16:18:26 bigbluehat: something that I think would help as paoloC and I collate use cases, is if the use cases could specify which piece of the standards processes they're addressed towards (from model, protocol, interface, etc.) 16:18:38 q+ 16:18:47 ack shepazu 16:19:06 +??P4 16:19:13 Zakim, ??P4 is MGU 16:19:13 +MGU; got it 16:19:46 shepazu: there could well be different protocols here 16:19:57 ... activity streams and LDP are different protocols for different use cases 16:20:02 q+ 16:20:19 ack paoloC 16:20:21 ivan: we may end up with use cases that we cannot solve in this group, and that's ok 16:20:43 paoloC: as our problem is categorization -- search is one of the issues, notification, discovery, etc. 16:21:07 q+ 16:22:07 ... protocol can be multiple protocols 16:22:10 ack nickstenn 16:22:12 q+ 16:22:12 ... should we split protocol into "search", "notification", etc 16:22:17 (I'm assuming that the query would be querying a specific web resource, which may be an aggregator from multiple resources) 16:22:45 https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Use_Cases#List 16:22:48 we're using tag ^^ 16:22:55 s/tag/tags 16:23:15 +q 16:23:20 q- 16:23:47 ack bigbluehat 16:24:07 nickstenn: two things -- nervous about strictly categorising use cases 16:24:37 ... and yes, we should certainly consider splitting up the protocol, but perhaps not into the smallest possible pieces -- it's a question of the technical tradeoffs 16:24:38 +1 to have use cases apply to multiple deliverables, though I think there's value in being organizational 16:24:55 q? 16:25:07 bigbluehat: the categorisation isn't strict -- they're just tags that flag up which deliverables a particular use case might cover 16:25:09 good good, just checking :) 16:25:43 +1 16:26:07 paoloC: should we provide an example of how a "review" annotation could be modelled with the current model? 16:26:23 bigbluehat: absolutely we should try to provide examples 16:26:45 ... separately i think the "reviews as annotations" use case probably has multiple different use cases wrapped up within it 16:27:21 +q 16:27:28 Topic: Protocol 16:27:31 Topic: protocols 16:27:43 ack RayD 16:28:23 scribenick: RayD 16:28:33 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Feb/0040.html 16:28:47 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/protocol/wd/ 16:29:06 rob has put together an early draft of what the protocol should look like discusses a REST API 16:29:25 for operations on annotations, referencing LDP 16:30:16 to enable interoperability and Nick raised issue that the draft spec is a compromise between two points of view 16:30:55 bulk users - interet archives, on one hand, and on the other hand user facing clients 16:31:01 (academic and scientific services) 16:31:25 quite different needs. larget ones place higher importance on interoperability 16:31:45 q+ 16:31:46 +1 to nickstenn's categorization 16:32:05 proposal - split these two and consider the protocols separately. 16:32:22 ack me 16:33:06 +1 16:33:10 q+ 16:33:11 q+ 16:33:20 Ivan: understand what you say. if you have a client, fact that client might not use the protocol is normal 16:33:37 issue comes up when you need to share annotations. 16:33:43 ack paoloC 16:33:43 q? 16:34:33 Paolo: require client to buy in to the protocol. server supports one protocol 16:35:07 hard to ask developers to jump on to technologies they're not familiar with. 16:35:25 ack nickstenn 16:35:29 each client will have it's own way of doing things. 16:36:05 nick: happy with us choosing to focus on the interoperability protocol. 16:36:08 q+ 16:36:27 ack Jacob 16:36:29 bulk data stores will need a way to to bulk annotations 16:37:11 tim: is there anything we can learn from other groups? other contexts? 16:37:56 ivan: comparison with CSV - don't see connection. 16:38:23 q+ 16:38:35 don't need to use protocol if don't care abut interoperability 16:38:59 ack paoloC 16:39:32 paolo: client to server protocol for guidance to new users. 16:39:43 q+ 16:39:55 been looking at nicks work, inspiring, but not everyone's going to do that 16:40:15 interoperability not just a matter of protocol, also a matter of model. 16:40:41 annotation has to be formed so that it is understandable. 16:40:50 ack ivan 16:40:52 q+ 16:40:53 i.e can't just stick it in a pdf 16:41:23 ivan: wonder how client side API comes into picture and how do two relate. 16:41:27 ack nickstenn 16:41:48 nick: closing word. won't address question about client side. 16:42:12 concerned about how we define interoperability. Paolo's definition might be too broad. 16:42:37 interoperability means two people reading the spec can talk to each other. 16:42:54 Topic: Data Model 16:43:00 scribenick: nickstenn 16:43:40 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 16:43:46 ivan: there's a discussion about verbs vs nouns for motivations 16:43:58 paoloC: we had these discussions many times in Open Annotation 16:44:07 ... most annotation systems talked about "types" 16:44:15 ... we moved away from "types" to "motivations" 16:44:51 ... [who?] introduced the concepts of "goals" and "expectations" into Annotation Ontology 16:45:14 +q 16:45:22 ... in this framework the type was a noun, goals and expectations were all nouns 16:45:23 Bob Morris at Harvard 16:45:29 is the who 16:45:37 ... but they were all different 16:45:41 s/[who?]/Bob Morris at Harvard/ 16:46:11 ... not sure why expectations didn't make it into the model, but we picked up motivations from SKOS 16:46:23 ... we did go back and forth between nouns and verbs multiple times 16:46:41 ... but overall I don't really mind -- these are just concepts with labels 16:46:49 +1 to types as nouns and motivations as verbs 16:47:08 . . . and that types are locally defined 16:47:48 q? 16:47:58 q+ 16:48:34 q+ 16:49:06 ack RayD 16:49:07 TimCole: nouns for types makes a lot of sense, but motivations seemed like a special case of type that we wanted to keep "pure" -- there are so many meanings of rdf:type, and we didn't want to pollute the motivation namespace with those uses 16:49:18 q- 16:49:44 RayD: for what it's worth, the current motivations aren't actually verbs, they are nouns -- gerunds. 16:50:18 ... my proposal was not to suggest that we go back to RDF classes/types, but simply to go to the verb infinitive form rather than the gerund form 16:50:58 ... what is substantive here is that I want to be able to filter "reviewing" annotations as a narrower class than a comment 16:51:15 ack paoloC 16:51:37 paoloC: we can always attach multiple motivations 16:51:40 +1 for Ray's infinitive suggestion 16:51:52 ... and thus can query using SKOS 16:51:57 or really +2 I guess... 16:52:53 ... on a personal note the addition of "-ing" on the end of each motivation did seem like a bit much 16:53:07 ... although I'd probably lean towards the short form 16:53:58 q+ 16:54:03 put the bikes in the shed and close the door...ignore the color ;) 16:54:15 ack paoloC 16:54:22 s/put the bikes in the shed and close the door...ignore the color ;)// 16:55:03 q+ 16:55:07 paoloC: i would just say that unless someone feels incredibly strongly we should probably not change them 16:55:11 ... after all we're not going to be creating these annotations by hand 16:55:13 ack shepazu 16:55:33 q+ 16:55:37 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/protocol/wd/ 16:55:45 ack shepazu 16:55:49 https://plus.google.com/u/0/113218107235105855584/posts/cx1C2LVxe8D?cfem=1 16:56:07 shepazu: I got a weird message on G+ [see above] 16:56:07 s/weird // 16:56:21 For what is worth, I don't think we should discuss the naming of the motivations any further, and that we should not change their current naming 16:56:52 ... the message raises a question about the protocol that's been published as a FPWD 16:57:11 ... but it hasn't been approved for publication so it needs to be changed to an editor's draft 16:57:48 ... are we inclined to published this right away? 16:58:13 nickstenn: I don't think Rob was suggesting that it was even close to ready for publication 16:58:24 ivan: AOB? 16:59:39 We need to add a motivation: plagiarism 16:59:47 +1 16:59:57 +1 17:00:05 Sorry, verb form: plagiarize 17:00:31 -Rayd 17:00:32 -raphael 17:00:33 -David_Salisbury 17:00:33 MGU has left #annotation 17:00:34 -Kyrce 17:00:34 -TimCole 17:00:35 -nickstenn 17:00:37 -[IPcaller.a] 17:00:39 -Ivan 17:00:39 -bigbluehat 17:00:39 -bjdmeest 17:00:40 -Bill_Kasdorf 17:00:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/04-annotation-minutes.html ivan 17:00:49 -??P20 17:01:04 -tbdinesh 17:01:23 takeshi has left #annotation 17:01:30 -Matt_Haas 17:01:37 - +1.617.768.aadd 17:02:27 -Doug_Schepers 17:03:58 Kyrce has left #annotation 17:07:28 disconnecting the lone participant, MGU, in DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM 17:07:29 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has ended 17:07:29 Attendees were +1.201.236.aaaa, Ivan, +1.202.707.aabb, +1.217.300.aacc, Doug_Schepers, Rayd, nickstenn, +1.617.768.aadd, bjdmeest, +1.434.971.aaee, TimCole, David_Salisbury, 17:07:29 ... +1.864.787.aaff, Kyrce, Bill_Kasdorf, bigbluehat, tbdinesh, Matt_Haas, +, raphael, MGU 18:05:23 trackbot, end telcon 18:05:23 Zakim, list attendees 18:05:23 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 18:05:31 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:05:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/04-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 18:05:32 RRSAgent, bye 18:05:32 I see no action items