See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 29 January 2015
<jeanne> applicability notes
<jeanne> agenda: Followup from previous meeting 8 January 2015
<jeanne> RESOLUTION: UA documents will use "installed fonts" and "platform colors" - additional fonts can be
<jeanne> installed, colors only exist on the platform
<jeanne> Jan: I'm suggesting in A level in 1.4.1 and adding the word normal
Text style (normal, underline, italic, bold)
Text style, choosing to turn off underline, italic, bold
Text style, choosing to turn on/off underline, italic, bold
<jeanne> RESOLUTION: add bullet point to 1.4.1 'Text style, choosing to turn on/off underline, italic, bold"
<scribe> Scribe: Jan
<Greg> "Text size (e.g. 18pt) or scale (e.g. 150%)" ?
<Greg> "Text size and scale (e.g. 18pt, 150%)" ?
Text size (e.g. 18pt) or text scale (e.g. 150%)
1.4.2 "Text size or scale"change to --> Text size (e.g.
18pt) or text scale (e.g. 150%)
... In 1.4.2 "Text size or scale"change to --> Text size
(e.g. 18 point) or text scale (e.g. 150%)
<jeanne> shawn's comments from 2013 <-
<jeanne> Last Call <-
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to go back to shawn on MISSING AAA - we don't think anything is missing except word spacing. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1066 - Go back to shawn on missing aaa - we don't think anything is missing except word spacing. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2015-02-05].
<Greg> Jeanne thinks we removed it because it’s not a major accessibility issue, and we knew of no UA that does it other than with CSS.
JR: New bullet in 1.4.5 Word
spacing, choosing from a range with at least 5 values
... New bullet in 1.4.5 Word spacing
RESOLUTION: New bullet in 1.4.5...- Word spacing
<jeanne> 5.1.3 refers to the accessibility rules of the platform, not the user settings
<jeanne> Jan: If we want this, it should be a SC at AA
<jeanne> Jeanne: Microsoft asked for this
<jeanne> Jan: I think it is good as a user interface continuity perspective. I hate to fail other browsers for this. I want to take out the Note in 1.4.1 and write a new SC at level AA.
<scribe> ACTION: Jan to Propose some way to handle the inherit properties from OS issue [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1067 - Propose some way to handle the inherit properties from os issue [on Jan Richards - due 2015-02-05].
Referring to note in 1.4.1
JR: Points out 1.4.3 and 1.4.4
lack Reference buttons
... 1.4.4 has a-b-c numbering of bullets instead of
... 1.4.5 Extra <strong> in handle
GL: Extra white space before
bullets in 1.4.4
... Note for 1.4.5 has the wrong class and so has too much
whitepace and is not indented
... Should use class="sc-notes"
... 1.10.1 also erroneously uses lettered lists
JR: ATAG uses UL but with text letters (a), (b), etc.
<Greg> Personally for technical documents I prefer unordered lists to be lettered so that items can be referred to by a unique ID; otherwise people have to count bullets. (Ordered lists would be numbered.)
JR: "The Conformance Applicability Notes are a list of normative conditions that apply broadly to many of the success criteria in these guidelines. These conditions must be satisfied for conformance. "
<Greg> Jeanne pointed out that most of the Applicability Notes are making SC less restrictive, rather than more as the proposed intro paragraph implies.
The Conformance Applicability Notes are a list of normative conditions that apply broadly to many of the success criteria in these guidelines. Generally, the notes clarify success criteria under certain edge conditions.
The Conformance Applicability Notes are a list of normative conditions that apply broadly to many of the success criteria in these guidelines. Generally, the notes clarify how the success criteria would apply under certain edge conditions.
The Conformance Applicability Notes are a list of normative conditions that apply broadly to many of the success criteria in these guidelines. Generally, the notes clarify how the success criteria would apply under certain conditions.
The Conformance Applicability Notes are a list of normative conditions that apply broadly to many of the success criteria in these guidelines. Generally, the notes clarify how the success criteria would apply under certain circumstances.
<jeanne> +1
<Greg> +1
<Kim> +1
RESOLUTION: To add this paragraph above the Applicability notes: "The Conformance Applicability Notes are a list of normative conditions that apply broadly to many of the success criteria in these guidelines. Generally, the notes clarify how the success criteria would apply under certain circumstances."
JR: Proposal to add text pointer to the Conformance section: "The Conformance Applicability Notes must also be satisfied."
The *Conformance Applicability Notes* provide additional guidance on the applicability of the success criteria under certain circumstances.
In order for a web page to conform to UAAG 2.0, one of the following levels of conformance is met in full.
-Level A: For level A conformance (the minimum level of conformance), the user agent satisfies all the Level A success criteria.
-Level AA: For level AA conformance (recommended), the user agent satisfies all level A and level AA Success Criteria.
-Level AAA: For level AAA conformance (advanced), the user agent satisfies all level A, level AA and level AAA Success Criteria.
The *Conformance Applicability Notes* provide additional guidance on the applicability of the success criteria under certain circumstances.
Although conformance can only be achieved at the stated levels, developers are encouraged to report (in their claim) any progress toward meeting success criteria from all levels beyond the achieved level of conformance.
Conformance Reqs section: Add the paragraph: "The *Conformance
Applicability Notes* provide additional guidance on the
applicability of the success criteria under certain
circumstances." after the bulleted list (as shown above) and
then REMOVE "Note:" from the next sentence (" Although
conformance can only be achieved at the stated levels,
developers are encouraged to...
... report (in their claim) any progress toward meeting success
criteria from all levels beyond the achieved level of
conformance. ")
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Jan Inferring ScribeNick: Jan Default Present: Jeanne, Greg_Lowney, Kim_Patch, Jan Present: Jeanne Greg_Lowney Kim_Patch Jan Regrets: Jim Found Date: 29 Jan 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jan jeanne[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]