14:02:50 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 14:02:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/16-svg-a11y-irc 14:03:00 RRSAgent, make log public 14:03:16 meeting: SVG Accessibility task Force 14:03:25 chair: Fred 14:06:34 1. Reminder on SVG2 Accessibility API Mappings (Rich) 2 minutes 14:06:35 2. Action 1 update - where are we on definitions for staw man taxonomy (Fred) 2 minutes 14:06:36 this #svg-a11y is 2742 14:06:37 3. Joint meeting with SVG WG (Doug) 5 minutes 14:06:38 3. Review of chart type taxonomy (Doug) 14:08:14 AGENDA: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Jan/0005.html 14:08:58 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/svg-aam/svg-aam.html 14:09:00 scribe: fesch 14:09:54 rs: discussion on SVG2 Accessibility API Mappings 14:14:02 q+ 14:15:26 fesch: can start email threads on taxonomy definitions 14:15:57 fred: posted a .doc file of the taxonomy 14:16:12 fred: will post an HMTL version 14:16:12 doug: please use HTML format instead of docs 14:17:26 TOPIC: Chart type Taxonomy 14:17:28 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Jan/0006.html 14:17:33 Doug's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Jan/0006.html 14:18:42 doug: I think it is good to come from both angles - doesn't see a big difference between the staw man taxonomy 14:20:01 doug: chart type taxonomy has more properties - roles, category, values, parent applies to... 14:33:08 doug: describing axis 14:33:36 fesch: issues on "aria-axisdimension" 14:35:25 doug: may have different level of abstractions - depending on whether we have well known charts or not 14:37:25 jw: aria defines a ontology which is a conceptional hierarchy, and we may have very specific kind some may instantiate and some more abstract 14:37:52 jw: lets think of this a hierarchy 14:39:11 doug: in aria 1 you can't instantiate an higher level abstract role, we will allow instantiating higher level roles 14:40:45 rich: discussion on aria-axisdimension can be a attribute... 14:41:48 rich: don't need to include role in the attribute name -ie aria-axisdimension could be dimension 14:42:27 doug: thinks the long name aria-axisdimension makes it easier for software to read it 14:50:06 fesch: discussion on axis vs dimensions 14:51:21 doug: lets delay detailed discussion on axis vs dimension 14:55:37 doug: described legends 14:55:56 doug: described dataset 14:57:02 doug: might have multiple datasets in a chart 14:58:39 fred: does a dataset = a table? 14:59:31 amelia: a dataset could be a table and rows are a data point 15:00:08 RRSAgent, make log public 15:00:08 doug: data set may not = a table 15:01:56 amelia: likes term facet 15:02:51 doug: tried to limit aria roles and attributes to make it easy to put in the SVG 15:04:12 doug: tried to map to objects in the SVG 15:05:05 rs: doug is saying axis is an important container... affects the mapping specification which we need to consider 15:06:08 doug: advantage is you must be explicit so the screen reader can extract the information 15:07:01 rs: each role has a defined name computation strategy - two ways to approach it, name from content... we don't want name from context 15:08:04 doug: mentions different facets, x, y, legend, size.... might have invisible facet in there 15:09:45 rs: what is strategy on axis labels? 15:10:13 doug: strategy varies 15:11:10 doug: for value min and value max might be better strategy than worrying about axis ticks 15:12:09 doug: should have document on interaction modes 15:12:45 rs: graphs may be scrollable.... 15:14:15 rs: do you think scrollable interaction is valuable or not? 15:14:34 doug: yes 15:17:20 fesch: defender view vs scrollable, zoomable - scrollable, zoomable get whole chart, defender view - get a window - as a entire chart 15:22:41 q+ 15:24:53 amelia: likes strategy of focusing on mappings... will work on strawmen and keeping stuff general 15:25:11 RRSAgent, make log public 15:25:24 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:25:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html fesch 15:54:04 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 17:10:48 MichaelC_ has joined #svg-a11y 17:12:45 MichaelC__ has joined #svg-a11y 17:27:33 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 17:30:39 Zakim has left #svg-a11y 18:48:08 shepazutu has joined #svg-a11y