18:59:05 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:59:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/15-shapes-irc 18:59:07 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:59:07 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:59:09 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:59:09 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 18:59:10 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:59:10 Date: 15 January 2015 18:59:53 zakim, who's on the phone? 18:59:53 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has not yet started, Arnaud 18:59:55 On IRC I see RRSAgent, kcoyle, SimonSteyskal, TallTed, Arnaud, rhiaro, sandro, ericP, trackbot 19:00:00 zakim, this is shapes 19:00:00 ok, Arnaud; that matches DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM 19:00:13 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:00:13 On the phone I see ??P1, +1.510.435.aaaa, Arnaud 19:00:17 Dimitris has joined #shapes 19:00:29 zakim; ??P1 is me 19:00:30 Zakim, aaaa is me 19:00:30 +kcoyle; got it 19:00:33 +ericP 19:00:37 zakim, ??P1 is me 19:00:37 +SimonSteyskal; got it 19:00:40 + +30694579aabb 19:00:57 zakim +30694579aabb is me 19:00:59 labra has joined #shapes 19:01:19 pfps has joined #shapes 19:01:23 +pfps 19:01:27 +OpenLink_Software 19:01:34 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 19:01:34 +TallTed; got it 19:01:37 Zakim, mute me 19:01:37 TallTed should now be muted 19:01:39 +[IPcaller] 19:01:49 +[IPcaller.a] 19:01:52 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:02:01 +Arthur_Ryman 19:02:19 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:02:19 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal, kcoyle, Arnaud, ericP, +30694579aabb, pfps, TallTed (muted), [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a], Arthur_Ryman 19:02:32 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 19:02:32 +hknublau; got it 19:02:32 zakim, +30694579aabb is me 19:02:33 +Dimitris; got it 19:03:23 ArthurRyman has joined #shapes 19:04:04 Zakim, hknublau is really labra 19:04:04 +labra; got it 19:04:20 Zakim, [IPcaller] is hknublau 19:04:20 +hknublau; got it 19:05:23 scribe: SimonSteyskal 19:05:27 chair: Arnaud agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.01.15 19:05:33 TOPIC: Admin 19:05:34 the minutes look fine to me 19:06:00 RESOLVED: minutes from 8 January 2015 approved without objections http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-minutes.html 19:06:25 TOPIC: Tracking of Actions and Issues 19:06:37 q+ 19:07:05 ack hknublau 19:07:07 Arnaud: should we close open issues? 19:07:22 ack pfps 19:07:33 pfps: resource shapes description is there; i cannot understand it based on the description only 19:07:36 Anamitra has joined #shapes 19:07:54 ...: description should be more elaborated 19:07:56 q+ 19:08:05 ack ArthurRyman 19:08:16 ArthurRyman: i will respond to peters comments 19:08:35 + +1.978.899.aacc 19:08:40 ericP: keep issue open till peter has no furter objections 19:08:41 it's not that the description of Resource Shapes needs to be elaborated, it's that there should be a description of how you use Resource Shapes for validation 19:09:05 RESOLVED: issue 8-9 are closed with no objections 19:09:44 Arnaud: simon and karen are working on a document capturing use cases and requirments 19:10:11 ...: w3c is moving to github, eric has set up a repo 19:10:22 q+ 19:10:24 q+ 19:10:34 q+ 19:11:10 Arnaud: request for everyone who wants write access -> create userid on github and get in touch with eric to get access 19:11:12 ack kcoyle 19:11:49 ack SimonSteyskal 19:12:26 ack ArthurRyman 19:12:30 ArthurRyman: what we are using github for? 19:12:45 Arnaud: for working on documents collaboratively 19:13:10 ...: if anyone wants to work with mercurial instead, you are free to do so 19:13:41 ...: no issues were raised, but many issues have pending review 19:14:06 q+ 19:14:15 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/pendingreview 19:14:34 ack pfps 19:14:40 ... proposal to close some of the issues 19:14:54 pfps: issue 6 brings up an interesting 19:15:19 ... thing; that shexc is part of oslc 19:16:51 ... this little partial solutions in our stories should be really solutions and if shexc needs oslc to propose a solution than it should be stated so 19:17:57 ... I got a shape/something and a graph 19:18:14 ... and I want that all the "something" have a particular shape 19:19:06 ...I cannot read the shexc example and then look in the wiki to understand it 19:20:07 Arnaud: I wanted the authors of the stories to adress issues which were raised against them 19:20:14 ... no marking them as pending review 19:21:10 ... we should let issue 6 open but i propose to close all the others 19:21:38 ... close issue 7/10/18/19 19:22:00 ... no urge to close them, leave them open till next week 19:22:40 ... is group ok with peter closing the issues if he was able to check/review them 19:22:47 ... (yes) 19:23:32 ... if you address issue mark them as pending review 19:23:44 TOPIC: User Stories/Use cases status 19:23:58 q+ 19:24:35 Arnaud: decided that before we get into use cases we should start writing stories 19:24:42 ack SimonSteyskal 19:24:57 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp-ucr.html 19:27:20 Arnaud: editors should take the lead in creating content of the document 19:27:28 q+ 19:27:37 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #shapes 19:27:43 ack kcoyle 19:28:19 kcoyle: big differences are number of user stories in both WGs we are comparing (shapes & ldp) 19:28:31 ... maybe we should reduce the number? 19:29:00 +??P5 19:29:14 Zakim, ??P5 is me 19:29:14 +BartvanLeeuwen; got it 19:29:23 Arnaud: we have all the stories we have accepted, I dont know how much duplication we have and how much people would care if their story gets removed 19:30:09 ... editors could try to perform some merge/grey them out and the group could review that 19:31:44 ... most likely some issues will come up (authors brace yourselves) 19:31:52 +1 19:31:53 ok with me 19:31:59 - +1.978.899.aacc 19:32:40 ... holger added a story and we should talk about that 19:33:09 +q 19:33:19 ack hknublau 19:33:30 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S8:_Checking_RDF_node_type 19:33:59 hknublau: story about rdf node type (whether something is a URI, blank node... ) 19:34:56 Arnaud: hoölger added S8 to the document and questions is if group accepts this story 19:35:04 s/hölger/holger 19:35:09 s/hoölger/holger 19:35:32 ... we could wait to next week to formally approve it 19:36:03 q+ 19:36:11 I don't like the story, but it is a story that should be considered. 19:36:24 ack ArthurRyman 19:37:12 ... S8 took over an old story slot 19:37:25 ... thus the "low" number 19:38:22 ... if people have questions regarding this story, ask questions and we will approve it(or not) next week 19:38:42 +1 for S8 19:39:00 TOPIC: Requirements 19:39:28 Arnaud: we have this wikipage where we have collected some requirements 19:40:10 ... we agreed to only talk about reqs. which were endorsed by more than 2 people 19:41:22 ... instead of voting during the call we should vote in the wiki 19:41:58 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements 19:42:02 where do we put the votes? 19:42:18 ... if you object to certain reqs than elaborate on that 19:42:37 I'm assuming that the "default" vote is +1 19:42:39 +1 19:42:45 +1 19:42:49 ... are people ok in approving this proposal? 19:42:51 +1 19:43:09 +1 19:43:46 ... I will monitor the reqs list and will propose to accept all of those which have no -1 votes on them 19:44:23 ... we could start discussing some of the requirements now 19:44:29 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Declarations_of_Property_Value_Type_.28Range.29 19:45:44 ericP: my issue was that declaration of property value types is unambiquitious 19:46:07 ... 3 different cases we should consider 19:46:12 YUK! 19:46:17 q+ 19:46:35 ack pfps 19:47:30 pfps: I see no difference in being 5 an integer and dick cheney a ?? 19:48:43 ericP: OWL makes a sharp distinction between object and datatype properties 19:49:16 q+ 19:50:01 pfps: ease of use is a very seductive insent 19:51:17 pfps: form vs. meaning 19:51:31 ack ArthurRyman 19:51:55 ArthurRyman: I didnt understand why peter thought that resource shapes are broken? 19:52:17 pfps: because it confuses form and meaning (actual syntax = meaning) 19:53:36 ArthurRyman: resource shapes were defined to check interface contracts (oslc) 19:54:00 ... there is a difference between int and integer 19:55:09 ... rs are defined to specify interfaces for applications 19:57:26 FILTER (sameNode("5"^^xsd:byte, "5"^^xsd:integer)) => false 19:57:26 (some discussion on whether "5"^^xsd:int and "5"^^xsd:integer is/should be the same thing) 19:57:38 FILTER ("5"^^xsd:byte = "5"^^xsd:integer) => true 19:59:14 q+ 19:59:20 ack ArthurRyman 20:00:03 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#operandDataTypes SPARQL's use of the XSD numeric types 20:00:46 note that XSD doesn't have another category analagous to numerics 20:01:35 Arnaud: maybe we should follow eric's suggestion and split that req. up 20:01:54 ... but leave it with that by now 20:02:28 ... if you do have objections, mark them so that we can discuss them 20:02:49 -BartvanLeeuwen 20:03:01 bye 20:03:03 -TallTed 20:03:05 -Arthur_Ryman 20:03:07 -hknublau 20:03:08 -SimonSteyskal 20:03:08 -pfps 20:03:10 -Arnaud 20:03:11 -Dimitris 20:03:13 -kcoyle 20:03:13 -labra 20:03:15 -ericP 20:03:17 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has ended 20:03:17 Attendees were +1.510.435.aaaa, Arnaud, kcoyle, ericP, SimonSteyskal, pfps, TallTed, Arthur_Ryman, Dimitris, labra, hknublau, +1.978.899.aacc, BartvanLeeuwen present: Arnaud, kcoyle, ericP, SimonSteyskal, pfps, TallTed, Arthur_Ryman, Dimitris, labra, hknublau, +1.978.899.aacc, BartvanLeeuwen 20:04:32 hknublau has left #shapes 20:07:09 Dimitris has left #shapes