14:59:55 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:59:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-irc 14:59:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:59:59 Zakim, this will be Process 14:59:59 ok, trackbot, I see AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM already started 15:00:00 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 15:00:00 Date: 13 January 2015 15:00:07 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:00:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:00:09 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:00:13 SteveZ has joined #w3process 15:00:28 +[IPcaller] 15:00:34 zakim, [ip is me 15:00:34 +chaals; got it 15:00:36 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:00:36 On the phone I see Josh_Soref, chaals 15:00:39 Zakim, mute me 15:00:39 sorry, timeless, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 15:00:52 zakim, timeless is Josh_Soref 15:00:52 sorry, chaals, I do not recognize a party named 'timeless' 15:01:02 zakim, Josh_Soref is timeless 15:01:02 +timeless; got it 15:01:14 zakim, mute timeless 15:01:14 timeless should now be muted 15:01:26 +SteveZ 15:01:36 scribe: timeless 15:01:41 zakim, agenda? 15:01:41 I see nothing on the agenda 15:01:48 jeff has joined #w3process 15:02:07 +Jeff 15:02:14 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Jan/0023.html 15:02:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:02:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:02:30 chair: SteveZ 15:02:45 topic: Review Open Action Items 15:02:50 zakim, who is on the call? 15:02:50 On the phone I see timeless (muted), chaals, SteveZ, Jeff 15:03:27 dsinger has joined #w3process 15:03:28 https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/open 15:03:57 +dsinger 15:04:52 [ There are 0 open actions. ] 15:05:15 Topic: interim TAG election due to two participants from same organization 15:05:34 Do we agree that CfC on not requiring an interim TAG election due to two participants from same organization reached a consensus and the text should be in Process2015? 15:05:49 SteveZ: during an AB call/online, chaals thought we had reached a consensus 15:05:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:06:05 SteveZ: i believe we have reached a consensus, and chaals documented that in 15:06:21 ... the public-w3process ML 15:06:30 ... but i assume chaals would like a resolution to that effect 15:06:36 chaals: it would be helpful to have that 15:06:45 ... i'd like the resolution to note the recorded objection 15:06:48 SteveZ: that's fair 15:07:44 dsinger: chaals remind me what your objection was 15:07:53 chaals: in the context of a broader set of changes, i think it makes sense 15:08:16 ... but this alone, further enables the TAG to produce group-think 15:08:31 +Mike_Champion 15:09:24 mchampion has joined #w3process 15:09:49 are we waiting for critical mass? 15:09:56 s/are we waiting for critical mass?// 15:12:09 one is http://www.w3.org/mid/19561416928584@webcorp02e.yandex-team.ru 15:12:29 and http://www.w3.org/mid/52681418358742@webcorp02h.yandex-team.ru 15:12:36 RESOLUTION: CfC for change to TAG participation acheived Consensus with one objection: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/att-0039/00-part 15:12:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:12:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:13:13 RESOLUTION: CfC for change to TAG participation achieved Consensus with one objection: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/att-0039/00-part 15:13:36 s|RESOLUTION: CfC for change to TAG participation achieved Consensus with one objection: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/att-0039/00-part|| 15:15:25 RESOLUTION: CfC for change to TAG participation achieved Consensus with one objection: XX0 15:15:35 s|XX0|http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/att-0039/00-part XX1| 15:15:42 s|XX1|http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/att-0038/00-part http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/att-0173/00-part| 15:15:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:15:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:16:32 topic: ISSUE-140: The description of the Team in Section 2.2 of the process document is out of date 15:16:39 issue-140? 15:16:39 issue-140 -- The description of the Team in Section 2.2 of the process document is out of date -- open 15:16:39 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/140 15:17:20 chaals: i dropped paragraphs 4 & 5 15:17:26 SteveZ: the remaining issue is the include-list 15:17:39 ... jeff had made the point that it should list some key things that the director is responsible for 15:17:47 ... chaals suggested using the existing list 15:17:55 ... but it has some major/minor things 15:18:05 chaals: i also suggested that whatever is there is not that critical 15:19:23 Changes in https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/AB/raw-file/default/cover.html#Team make sense to me 15:19:45 SteveZ: given that draft, we can close issue-140 15:20:19 issue-140: Changes in https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/AB/raw-file/default/cover.html#Team make sense to me 15:20:19 Notes added to issue-140 The description of the Team in Section 2.2 of the process document is out of date. 15:20:19 close issue-140 15:20:19 Closed issue-140. 15:20:37 q+ with some minor terminology comments 15:20:41 q+ 15:21:03 I am surprised that the Director’s role in Formal Objections is not one of the more prominent examples 15:21:09 ack jeff 15:21:22 jeff: in the note about the institutions 15:21:23 ... JSA 15:21:33 ... is now called "hosting agreements" 15:21:36 chaals: i'll make the change 15:21:52 s/JSA/JSA [joint sponsorship contracts]/ 15:22:15 s|I am surprised that the Director’s role in Formal Objections is not one of the more prominent examples| 15:22:16 dsinger: I am surprised that the Director’s role in Formal Objections is not one of the more prominent examples 15:22:23 chaals: yeah, i'll put it in 15:22:39 ... it's there somewhere in tie-breaker, but i'll change the wording 15:23:20 topic: ISSUE-145: Clean up mentions of W3C Chair, COO etc 15:23:38 s|topic: ISSUE-145: Clean up mentions of W3C Chair, COO etc|| 15:24:12 topic: ISSUE-145: Clean up mentions of W3C Chair, COO etc 15:24:12 issue-145? 15:24:12 For this and for Issue-140 check whether the resolutions have been implemented. 15:24:12 issue-145 -- Clean up mentions of W3C Chair, COO etc -- pending review 15:24:12 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/145 15:24:47 [ chaals will move issue-140 to pending-review ] 15:24:59 SteveZ: we'll leave this for now (following chaals 's model for issue-140) 15:25:04 q+ 15:25:06 topic: ISSUE-141: Improve Errata management in W3C 15:25:10 ISSUE-141? 15:25:10 ISSUE-141 -- Improve Errata management in W3C -- open 15:25:10 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/141 15:25:23 SteveZ: there was a short discussion in yesterday's AB call 15:25:38 ... jeff and myself thought we had reached a consensus 15:25:47 ... and chaals proposed text that greatly simplified the text 15:25:59 ... i feel troubled as chaals dropped quite a lot of things 15:26:12 ... chaals noted that there's redundancy between 7.7.1 and 7.7.2 15:26:22 ... i thought it was important for us to come to some resolution on this 15:26:43 ... chaals's changes dropped the bits put in to add emphasis for WGs to be responsible for managing Errata in a public way 15:26:52 ... and he dropped the definition of what Errata means in the process 15:27:03 jeff: Mr Chair, I have a Point of Order here 15:27:14 ... i thought we had had extensive discussion on this 15:27:22 ... fantasai spent time with us 15:27:26 ... we sent it to PSIG 15:27:35 ... it was pretty well developed 15:27:43 ... i feel like it's done 15:28:01 ... if we put something in and the AC wants to reject it, that's fine, that's the AC's prerogative 15:28:08 ... fantasai showed up at the first meeting 15:28:11 ... chaals showed up at the second 15:28:18 ... fantasai didn't know about the second meeting 15:28:27 SteveZ: that's why i'm discussing that 15:28:30 I thought we were reviewing the current proposed text… 15:28:37 q+ 15:28:43 jeff: if there's a change that you and he can agree with, that's kind of ok 15:28:48 ack je 15:28:59 ... but to throw away fantasai's proposal w/o her being her to defend it, is troubling 15:29:04 ack chaals 15:29:16 chaals: the reason i put in text was that i forsaw a problem 15:29:22 ... this was my counter-proposal 15:29:33 ... the process isn't as random as you're characterizing 15:29:42 SteveZ: i'm sympathetic to chaals 's PoV 15:29:48 s/put in text/took an action item to make an laternative proposal/ 15:29:53 ... i'm not happy w/ your proposal for the reasons i gave 15:29:59 ... you responded to those 15:30:03 ... i can ping fantasai 15:30:05 can we have a link to the current proposal(s)? 15:30:05 s/forsaw a problem/was unhappy with the proposal that was on the table/ 15:30:26 ... i feel your proposal really leaves not as much grounding as the text that i proposed 15:30:35 ... is the text that i proposed too complex? 15:30:41 ... or is there something more that's going on? 15:30:45 q? 15:30:52 chaals: there are several things that i'm unhappy about 15:31:06 ... i'm concerned about the idea that recommendations include stuff that isn't part of the initial recommendation 15:31:19 ... 1) it changes the long-standing social contract of w3's /TR/ publication 15:31:29 ... 2) it changes the contract on WGs about how they do things 15:31:34 I agree that anything that is an as-yet unapproved revision of a Rec needs to be clearly labeled as not a Rec 15:31:47 ... there are a number of ways to do things, and this is just one of them 15:31:54 ... i'm uncomfortable forcing a specific way 15:32:04 q+ to ask Chaals what particularly he does not like. 15:32:33 dsinger: can you give us a blow-by-blow critique of fantasai's proposal? 15:32:50 xxx 15:33:01 s/changes the contract on /places inappropriately restrictive and prescriptive constraints on / 15:33:03 q+ 15:33:05 i|xxx|-> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Jan/0010.html Discussion| 15:33:07 s/xxx// 15:33:26 SteveZ: in creating Process2014, some of the text that was put in was put in to address a lack of clarity 15:33:30 ... it didn't exist in 2005 15:33:38 ... taking it out seems to be, as jeff says, going in circles 15:33:49 jeff: i don't see in chaals 's email where his objection is to the new process 15:33:52 chaals: it isn't in my email 15:34:09 jeff: chaals 's email says "here's the current process, here's my recommendation" 15:34:22 ... for me, the process group came up w/ a proposed revision, that's what should be on the table 15:34:38 ... if there are specific issues [with it], we should address/discuss them 15:34:44 ... rather than starting from scratch 15:34:46 q? 15:34:48 ack jeff 15:34:48 jeff, you wanted to ask Chaals what particularly he does not like. 15:34:53 ack mchampion 15:35:00 mchampion: i was going to agree w/ jeff 15:35:14 ... when i read chaals 's proposal, i was struck that this doesn't seem to do what we set out to do here 15:35:25 ... to motivate people to take errata, and address them more smoothly 15:35:31 ... to address a political problem 15:35:37 ... we're serious, you need to fix your bugs in place 15:35:46 ... not doing so undermines the credibility of w3c recs 15:35:51 q+ 15:35:56 ack dsinger 15:36:19 dsinger: what mchampion said, continues the confusion between Errata and Fixes to Errata 15:36:34 q+ 15:36:39 ... even if a WG doesn't have a fix for an issue, i want the WG to be clear to the public that "we know there's a problem" 15:36:58 dsinger: "Errata is a list of enumerated errors, possibly accompanied by corrections" 15:37:16 ... in a distinct page, inline, manually maintained, or automatic 15:37:21 q- 15:37:27 ... i think clarifying that it doesn't have to be manually managed is fine 15:37:49 SteveZ: chaals, i'm detecting people are in favor of the text that we had worked on 15:37:55 ... as opposed to your proposal 15:38:01 can you post a link to the thing you’re wanting consensus on? 15:38:18 ... i'll propose a resolution to clarify that Errata lists can be autogenerated 15:38:31 ... i don't see support in this discussion for your proposal 15:39:57 [ problem: there's a discussion, and a resolution "resolved as we discussed" -- which isn't as clear when read later as it once was ] 15:40:32 [ action for scribe: if it isn't clear to scribe what a resolution is saying, ask ] 15:40:55 chaals: "if i can't tell what the change to a document is saying from a resolution, then you should ask for clarification" 15:41:01 s/]// 15:41:14 s/[ action for scribe/SteveZ/ 15:41:45 dsinger: i suspect we can address chaals and ArtB's concern in a different way 15:42:01 The December Proposal is documented in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Jan/0010.html 15:42:40 timeless: please ensure that ArtB and fantasai are invited to the discussion 15:43:14 dsinger: that's the wrong proposal 15:43:21 ... we're looking for the previous proposal 15:43:39 s/the wrong proposal/not the proposal we're looking for/ 15:44:53 Correctiion: the prior proposal was http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0004.htmlri 15:45:18 s/htmlri/html/ 15:46:16 SteveZ: proposed RESOLUTION: insert the proposed text from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0004.html into the document 15:46:44 RESOLUTION: insert the "Replacement text" from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0004.html into the document 15:47:13 dsinger: chaals, what's your objection to this proposal 15:47:30 chaals: I believe adding stuff in-situ to a document on TR is totally inappropriate 15:47:34 dsinger: it could be read as doing that 15:47:47 chaals: the only other mechanism it allows is forcing a separate Errata page 15:47:58 ... one mechanism we don't like very much, and one mechanism that's actually terrible 15:48:14 q+ to propose a compromise 15:48:14 ... REC text should be the REC and just that 15:48:47 ... doing it in two ways is problematic 15:48:48 I agree that the text proposed does not clearly indicate that any edited document must clearly identify itself as ‘not the Rec’ 15:48:59 ... things about class 4 changes is also a problem 15:49:22 ... given you have to track Errata classes 1-3 in this mechanism, and Errata class 4 is different 15:49:30 SteveZ: class 4 requires a WD 15:49:38 chaals: ED don't require anything 15:49:44 ... Errata doesn't require anything 15:49:50 ... an Issue tracker doesn't require anything 15:50:03 ... WGs should be able to choose what's most appropriate for them/their audience 15:50:26 ... the requirement to report changes to interested parties per Team seems impractical/unimplemented 15:50:47 ... changes to a REC per 7.7.2 are already required to have Wide-Review 15:51:00 ... so, informing interested parties is effectively a repeat of that statement 15:51:13 This phrase “A Working Group should keep their Recommendations up-to-date as errors are reported” implies that something that has been edited after achieving RTec status will still be labeled as “the rec”, which is at best misleading 15:51:14 ... in a form no less unclear + less trackable/verifiable 15:51:26 SteveZ: i'm sympathetic to the issues you raised 15:51:37 ... by putting the text in and then working on the issues, i think we can move forward 15:51:48 ... better way to move forward than throwing the baby out with the bathwater 15:52:09 chaals: if you record an objection w/ consensus, i'm ok 15:52:14 dsinger: i'm not ok 15:52:24 ... i think the text can be misread in important negative ways 15:52:25 q? 15:52:50 SteveZ: i think we make more progress by incorporating the text in the draft and working from there 15:52:59 dsinger: you're the chair, as long as we can make more changes 15:53:00 zakim, who is makling noise? 15:53:00 I don't understand your question, dsinger. 15:53:16 ack jeff 15:53:16 jeff, you wanted to propose a compromise 15:53:33 jeff: chaals makes some good points which should motivate us to modify the text 15:53:37 ... i think what's important 15:53:44 ... the Quarterly review is important 15:53:54 ... i don't think i heard an objection to that in chaals 's narrative 15:54:09 ... preserving the heart of fantasai's means to include errata with the text of the REC is important as well 15:54:15 [I forgot to mention "quarterly review should be ditched in place of the existing requirements to treat issues in a timely manner"] 15:54:16 ... to the extent that dsinger has concerns 15:54:26 ... doing it in certain ways might be confusing 15:54:39 ... doing it fantasai's way with "clearly marked" should be able to address that 15:55:10 ... to the extent that chaals raised an issue that this is overly prescriptive, i wouldn't have a problem w/ the intent -- that it should be easy to find proposed corrections 15:55:21 ... for people who'd like to find the current thinking 15:55:29 ... and in the method fantasai proposed 15:55:43 ... but adding that if the WG thinks they have a better way, that could be a WG decision 15:56:02 [Chaals, thanks for forgetting to mention to ditch the quarterly reviews] 15:56:19 SteveZ: jeff, i think you would like us to... 15:56:30 jeff: i was suggesting that the editor be directed to adopt this text 15:56:53 ... but with some specific emendations based on chaals + dsinger 's raised points 15:57:00 .... but it might be too late in this meeting to work on that 15:57:03 s/..../.../ 15:57:18 ... but i think we can do the debate+discussion next week/offline 15:57:44 chaals: what works best is doing nothing 15:57:51 ... what doesn't work at all is doing unspecified changes 15:57:58 q+ to discuss schedule 15:58:08 SteveZ: let's move forward with the 2 Nov 2014 text 15:58:14 ... and work from that text 15:58:54 ... chaals you won't have to put this into the draft, because we can work on this via email 15:59:17 ... would those with problems w/ 2 Nov 2014 text suggest changes in email 15:59:23 ack jeff 15:59:24 jeff, you wanted to discuss schedule 15:59:33 jeff: without "throw away the whole proposal" 15:59:58 chaals: i can rewrite my email as 7 emails one per paragraph 16:00:09 ... each "nearly all of this is rubbish and should go" 16:00:14 “identify problems and the minimal changes needed to the Nov text to address them" 16:00:17 jeff: i don't see us making progress 16:00:38 SteveZ: i think jeff + dsinger can propose constructive changes 16:00:40 s/nearly all of // 16:00:56 ... i'm looking for proposals, keeping the general structure 16:01:05 s/go"/go" instead of a single email that addresses each point and makes a wholesale replacement proposal/ 16:01:14 ... distinguishing categories or not, but that seems like broader 16:01:32 dsinger: SteveZ, you're saying take the 2 Nov 2014 text and identify MINIMAL changes and make proposals 16:01:36 ... i think chaals and i can do that 16:01:40 q+ 16:01:46 ... if we have multiple suggestions, we can probably merge them 16:02:19 ack chaals 16:02:28 chaals: SteveZ, do you want minimal, or optimal? 16:02:41 SteveZ: i think the statement is minimal, you may interpret minimal in any sense 16:02:55 jeff: we're looking for changes that preserve the spirit of fantasai's proposal 16:03:20 ... as mike_champion said to solve a political problem 16:03:30 [I think I will find it difficult to offer proposed changes that preserve something's spirit when I specifically oppose that spirit] 16:03:35 ... without changing what it means to be a W3C REC 16:03:40 ... if you can preserve that spirit 16:03:49 chaals: i favor that, but i have issues with the spirit 16:04:05 jeff: there was a pretty big consensus in with November to go along this path 16:04:12 ... we should give AC review a chance w/ this direction 16:04:20 ... it's the general consensus of this TF for some time 16:04:40 SteveZ: i think the assignment is reasonably clear 16:04:42 [Understand and respect Chaals' bracketed comment above.] 16:04:54 ... we'll meet again on the 20th 16:04:56 -chaals 16:04:59 -Jeff 16:05:00 -Mike_Champion 16:05:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:05:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:05:38 action: dsinger to consider proposing minimal changes to the Nov errata revision to address concerns 16:05:39 Created ACTION-46 - Consider proposing minimal changes to the nov errata revision to address concerns [on David Singer - due 2015-01-20]. 16:06:03 s/JSA/JSC/ 16:06:42 [ Adjourned ] 16:06:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:06:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:06:48 trackbot, end meeting 16:06:48 Zakim, list attendees 16:06:48 As of this point the attendees have been [IPcaller], chaals, timeless, SteveZ, Jeff, dsinger, Mike_Champion 16:06:53 -dsinger 16:06:55 s/[IPcaller], // 16:06:56 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:06:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/13-w3process-minutes.html trackbot