See also: IRC log
<Chaohai_Ding> [IPcaller] is me
<Lisa_Seeman> agenda: this
<Chaohai_Ding> Zakim IPcaller is me
<Lisa_Seeman> scribe: Lisa_Seeman
zakim next item,
Cognitive Accessibility User Research describes the challenges of using
web technologies for users with learning disabilities or cognitive
disabilities. This basis will support subsequent documents that will
suggest potential strategies to improve accessibility for these user
groups, and identify gaps in the features of current technologies and
guidelines to fulfill those strategies. The research includes
challenges in the areas of attention, executive function,
knowledge, language language, literacy, memory,
perception, and reasoning.
It describes the user groups of the
following disabilities: Aging-Related Cognitive Decline, Aphasia,
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Down Syndrome,
Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, and Non-Verbal. Additional user groups may be
added to future versions.
will leave out behavoural as people will be upset if emotional disabilities are not covered well
<MichaelC> proposed abstract now:
<MichaelC> Cognitive Accessibility User Research describes the challenges of using web technologies for users with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities. This basis will support subsequent documents that will suggest potential strategies to improve accessibility for these user groups, and identify gaps in the features of current technologies and guidelines to fulfill those strategies. The research describes challenges in the areas of attention, executive
<MichaelC> function, knowledge, language, literacy, memory, perception, and reasoning. It is organized by user groups of the following disabilities: Aging-Related Cognitive Decline, Aphasia, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Down Syndrome, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, and Non-Verbal. Additional user groups may be added to future versions.
<scribe> scribe: neilmilliken
Michael Cooper - think that we are ok on the abstract.
LS any objections?
No objections raised
Lisa Seeman nags Neil to Add Dyscalculia techniques and write issue paper
<MichaelC> New COGA repository - edit in ¨master¨ branch, not the side branch like in the other repository
Planning a session with EA Draffan and Abi James to work on the Issue papers on Numbers
Michael Cooper looking in to giving access for editing via the new Git hub repository
MC has restructured the repository
Users need to give MC their Git hub account to get edit access
Nex Item is techniques and we dont have the quorum for the discussion today
LS wants to encourage people to leverage research that is out there. Neilsen have published research report on usability for seniors can I cite it or will that cause problems with copy right.
MC if cited normally there should not be a problem but we should probably be careful.
We need to be more careful citing non public resources it needs to be done in a specific way.
LS where can we gather more techniques?
I had 2 more suggestions for issue papers
LS there was 1 on being able to interchange components
<Chaohai_Ding> I also discuss with EA about using the Linked Data for interlinking the symbols
LS we had an example of a media player that is very easy to use, would it be possible to replace one video player with another - does anyone else know of any other ways that this might be done. What about user style sheets for CSS
LS another paper we could do with having is one about protecting people from scammers and abusers online. Risk to people of getting them online and opening them up to potential parasites and scams
MC we could ask the security working group about best practices
<Lisa_Seeman> not just me having zakim issues
LS requests that the MC contact the security WG
<janina> My apologies for being so noisy today
<Tim> +1
Agreement from all on call that this was desireable.
LS Raises the question of Face to face
Janina venue and dates keep morphing may be in London or Seattle some time in April
London would be good for me
I could supply room in London
<Chaohai_Ding> +1
MC for publication checks I have to check for broken links and I found a couple of broken links.
I need to remove any that we cannot fix
MC we can flag where links have been removed
<Tim> what happens if links become out of date (shoudl we have a note)?
LS Agree with Neil we do want to fix the links.
MC will send the list of links to the mailing list.
MC its difficult when publishing on the web to know how long stuff will stay current. We must assume that at time of publication all material is up to date - it is harder to predict how long it will stay that way after publication.
<Chaohai_Ding> not for me
<Tim> no
Agreed to try to fix what we can and then remove temporarily for publication allowing us time to revisit and fix for next iteration
Expected publication on thursday
<Chaohai_Ding> Thanks
<Chaohai_Ding> bye
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Lisa_Seeman Inferring ScribeNick: Lisa_Seeman Found Scribe: neilmilliken Inferring ScribeNick: neilmilliken Scribes: Lisa_Seeman, neilmilliken ScribeNicks: Lisa_Seeman, neilmilliken Default Present: [IPcaller], Lisa_Seeman Present: [IPcaller] Lisa_Seeman WARNING: Fewer than 3 people found for Present list! Regrets: John_Rochford Barry_Johnson Mary_Jo_Mueller Susann_Keohane Kinshuk Steve_Lee Anthony_Doran E.A._Draffan Deborah_Dahl WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting Got date from IRC log name: 12 Jan 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]