This session is being audio recorded.
If you do not want your voice recorded you may type your questions into irc.
Slides, audio recording, and minutes generated from irc typescript will be publicly accessible.
Though still documented as "experimental", this WebDAV interface has been in service for several years.
Mercurial at W3C; notes on accessing W3C's Mercurial instance.
Per-resource access control, (vs. per-directory)
Available throughout "Date space"
A good introduction for new editors of W3C specifications is the W3C Editors' home page.
ReSpec, a script that builds the standard pubrules-compliant W3C presentation from HTML.
A template will get you started quickly.
Use of ReSpec may facilitate future deployment of new features in W3C Technical Reports.
Link Checker service; checks links and anchors in single pages with option to recursively follow links.
Quick access via ,checklink tool
Unicorn; a unified validation service
(And for those who want to check an entire web site or branch of a large site there is W3C Validator Suite.)
Pubrules checker tests required material in (header material of) W3C Technical Reports as well as link checking.
Two XSLT scripts exist to generate disposition of comments for the Director:
Historical note: a Member-only Bugzilla instance was made available but was retired this month (April 2014) as it was no longer actively used.
Ref. Philippe le Hégaret's Chair training module on W3C, Process, and the W3C Team.
Scribe 101; an introduction to how minutes of W3C meetings are captured.
Tracker: issue, action, and resolution tracking
Tracker has several interfaces:
Trackbot is by convention pre-configured to always stay on your group's irc channel.
DisCo: Generating A Disposition-of-Comments Document from Tracker.
Web-Based Straw-poll and balloting system
Scribe.perl; a script for generating "pretty" HTML minutes from an irc typescript.
Editing commands are included in the typescript and processed later.
Thanks to the many Team and Working Group colleagues, current and alumnae, and to those outside the W3C community who have developed these tools and/or adapted them to W3C practices. Special thanks to those who have written or contributed to documentation, How-Tos, hints-and-kinks, and the like.
If you have more documentation, hints-and-kinks, etc. to offer please let us know so we can cite it in The Art of Consensus (aka "Chairs' Guidebook") or the Tools Wiki.