15:02:42 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 15:02:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-irc 15:02:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:02:44 Zakim has joined #w3process 15:02:46 Zakim, this will be Process 15:02:46 ok, trackbot, I see AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM already started 15:02:47 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 15:02:47 Date: 16 December 2014 15:02:52 chair: SteveZ 15:02:55 scribe: timeless 15:03:00 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:03:00 On the phone I see +1.416.440.aaaa, SteveZ 15:03:44 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:03:44 +timeless; got it 15:03:48 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:03:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:03:51 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:04:21 +Jeff 15:04:54 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/0069.html 15:05:00 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:05:16 chaals has joined #w3process 15:05:59 zakom, code? 15:05:59 s/zakom, code?// 15:05:59 zakim, code? 15:05:59 the conference code is 7762 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), chaals 15:06:28 +[IPcaller] 15:06:36 zakim, [ip is me 15:06:36 +chaals; got it 15:07:36 topic: Timeline 15:07:51 jeff: there is an AB meeting in January, but it's very early 15:08:02 q+ 15:08:12 ... there's an AB F2F meeting in Japan, Feb 11-12 15:08:30 ... there's a March meeting, but that would be tight to the XXX meeting 15:08:40 s/XXX/AC/ 15:08:43 SteveZ: the February AB overlaps w/ CSS in Australia 15:08:44 s/XXX/early May AC/ 15:08:56 s|s/XXX/early May AC/|| 15:09:03 s/AC/early May AC/ 15:09:13 ack chaals 15:09:21 chaals: i was hoping we were targeting the March meeting 15:09:32 ... to allow some time to waffle around for late April 15:09:43 ... which would get us to an end of April document for AC review at the meeting 15:10:02 s/waffle around/go back and forth a bit/ 15:10:10 SteveZ: the tradition is to send it out for one AC review before the final review 15:10:20 ... jeff is talking about a LC before Final Review 15:10:28 ... w/ March, we don't have that LC 15:10:39 jeff: it's also difficult to get full AC attention on a 2 hour phone call 15:10:45 ... a F2F meeting allows more time/detail 15:11:10 ... to chaals's point, it's possible that the 2 day AB meeting might raise additional thought that we might bring back to the TF 15:11:20 ... if the Feb meeting is a review of the TF's final report 15:11:26 ... there may be another iteration 15:11:39 q+ 15:11:41 ... if we do a thorough review in Feb, and do a superficial review in March, i think that makes sense 15:11:42 ack chaals 15:11:54 chaals: the other point i'd raise is that it isn't like we've made a lot of changes 15:12:14 ... if we're cruising along at the pace we're cruising along at, I'd be comfortable w/ less review 15:12:23 ... We told AC about Acitivities 15:12:37 ... I doubt that it's particularly controversial 15:12:47 ... the Coordination Group stuff is probably not controversial 15:12:52 ... Good Standing isn't much 15:12:57 ... The rest is tweaking 15:13:00 jeff: plus Errata 15:13:10 chaals: if we came to a final conclusion on Errata, I couldn't find it 15:13:19 SteveZ: we haven't yet, it's on the agenda for today 15:13:30 q+ to partly agree with Chaals 15:13:36 chaals: even so, it's a set of signalled/pre-explained-changes 15:14:28 SteveZ: the last AC review in time for the June AC meeting did produce a substantial number of comments which would have been nice to get sooner 15:14:37 chaals: that's why we produce a draft for AC 15:14:44 ... last year we made a lot more changes than this year 15:14:46 ack jeff 15:14:46 jeff, you wanted to partly agree with Chaals 15:14:57 jeff: we haven't made a lot of changes, not a lot of changes on the docket 15:15:06 ... since there aren't a lot of changes, let's just get them done by Feb 15:15:30 ... to chaals 's point, if we hit on something which is really important and we need more time for that, we can drag it into March 15:15:42 ... but i don't think we will need to, so why drag? 15:15:47 SteveZ: my feeling too 15:15:59 topic: Review Open Action Items 15:16:43 topic: Review Open Action Items 15:17:22 -> https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/open Open Actions 15:17:26 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:17:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:17:49 SteveZ: i did action-40 15:17:51 action-40 15:17:51 action-40 -- Steve Zilles to Look at simplifying coordination groups to meet judy's needs -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN 15:17:51 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/40 15:18:00 SteveZ: that's been completed 15:18:08 ... i produced a document for action-43 15:18:11 action-43 15:18:11 action-43 -- Steve Zilles to Will confirm that all musts about the team would be covered by delegating from director -- due 2014-12-02 -- OPEN 15:18:12 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/43 15:18:18 ... i produced half of action-44 15:18:20 action-44 15:18:20 action-44 -- Steve Zilles to Draft text on coordiantion responsibility for the process document and edit guide to begin collecting best practicres for same -- due 2014-12-16 -- OPEN 15:18:20 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/44 15:18:26 s/.../SteveZ:/ 15:19:05 SteveZ: action-43 is issue-145 15:19:17 ... action-40 and action-44 is issue-129 15:19:18 chaals has joined #w3process 15:19:26 s/is/are/ 15:19:44 ... issue-140/issue-145 is the Team section 15:20:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:20:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html chaals 15:20:01 chaals: i changed the CEO from Chair, I couldn't find the resolution of what we'd do for the rest 15:20:58 SteveZ: there wasn't a resolution, it's on the agenda for today 15:21:13 ... i went through and found the various places where ceo/chief-operating-officer was referenced 15:21:31 ... i believe toward the bottom of the list... i listed 3 15:21:31 Steve, link to list? 15:21:37 ... Chair to AB 15:21:49 ... Team appoints chair of these (AC Meetings) 15:21:55 mchampion_ has joined #w3process 15:22:09 ... Director / W3C Chair / COO have responsibility for consensus 15:22:14 chaals: i believe i did those three 15:22:30 jeff: i don't think you changed COO 15:22:40 ... Paragraph 5, first sentence 15:22:50 chaals: yes, i left that, i'm waiting for a resolution on that section 15:23:30 SteveZ: prior team / chair leads member relations/liaisons 15:23:45 ... it was originally envisioned to have different people for the roles 15:23:58 ... that split never happened, and is less likely now 15:24:07 ... my recommendation is to drop the split description 15:24:20 ... what i thought was useful was Paragraph 2 in section 10 on Liaisons 15:24:26 ... which says that Team 15:24:39 ... I said XXQ due to requirements on public communications 15:24:55 ... it seemed to me that it made sense to call out a specific person 15:25:45 s/XXQ/change the liaison management from "team" to "team under leadership of the CEO" 15:26:02 s/XXQ/All liaisons MUST be coordinated by the Team under the leadership of the CEO / 15:26:14 s|s/XXQ/All liaisons MUST be coordinated by the Team under the leadership of the CEO /|| 15:26:45 SteveZ: i'd drop any further mention of CEO/COO 15:27:04 ... in the Team section, you said you (chaals) didn't change COO? 15:27:10 ... i'd just remove those lines 15:27:34 ... as they refer to roles that don't exist 15:27:41 +dsinger 15:27:51 jeff: i thought we'd leave QQQ 15:27:57 chaals: yes, we leave that in 15:28:27 The e-mail is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Dec/0001.html 15:29:09 >> Note: There are responsibilities assigned to the W3C Chair and COO that should be transferred to the CEO with this process revision. These are: 15:29:20 -chaals 15:29:54 dsinger___ has joined #w3process 15:30:05 +[IPcaller] 15:30:22 1. The Team appoints the Chair of the Advisory Board, who is generally the W3C Chair (change to CEO) 15:30:22 2. The Team appoints the Chair of these [the AC] meetings (generally the W3C Chair or Chief Operating Officer) (change to CEO) 15:30:22 3. The Director, W3C Chair, and COO have the role of assessing consensus within the Advisory Committee.(change "W3C Chair and COO" to "CEO" 15:30:39 chaals: those three changes i have done 15:31:39 Last change: who declared consensus? The 3 have to be unanimous? 15:32:05 S/declared/declares/ 15:32:23 2.2 The W3C Team 15:32:23 Paragraph 2, First sentence, "The Team is led by the Director, W3C Chair, and Chief Operating Officer." 15:32:23 Paragraph 4, First sentence, "The W3C Chair leads Member relations, and liaisons with other organizations, governments, and the public." 15:32:23 Paragraph 5, First sentence, "The Chief Operating Officer (COO) leads the operation of W3C as an organization: a collection of people, Host institutions, and processes. 15:32:43 SteveZ: Paragraph 4/5 are there because of the Split of roles, that never actually occurred 15:33:07 jeff: do we still have good standing? 15:33:25 chaals: yes, because we haven't agreed on director's responsibilities 15:33:37 ... good standing is removed, but if the rest of the paragraph is going, then i can wait 15:33:41 jeff: why remove the paragraph? 15:33:50 chaals: it's repetitive 15:34:10 SteveZ: w/ one exception, the director's responsibilities are distributed throughout the document 15:34:13 s/it's repetitive/it repeats content already included/ 15:34:18 q+ 15:34:38 ... it's the "Lead Technical Architect" line 15:34:59 ... that's the one piece not already covered elsewhere 15:35:41 q+ dsinger to ask who declares consensus 15:36:04 ack jeff 15:36:15 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:36:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:36:29 jeff: i'd like to offer an opinion, and at least discuss w/ Director + AB 15:36:33 Dsinger_ has joined #w3process 15:36:39 ... we still have a significant document (10 pages?) 15:36:47 ... the role of director in w3c is pretty essential 15:36:58 ... i don't think redundancy is bad 15:37:10 ... if you think this paragraph is a poor replica 15:37:16 ... there are other ways to fix it 15:37:31 ... The director is the Lead Technical Architect, among them are ... 15:37:41 ... i think it's important to have something about the Director early on in the document 15:37:52 q+ 15:38:01 SteveZ: the sentence about Lead Technical Architect is the one thing that isn't elsewhere 15:38:10 ... i suggest it remain, but possibly elsewher 15:38:32 ... i strongly believe that duplication leads to confusion 15:38:38 s/elsewher/elsewhere/ 15:39:13 Duplication leads to errors when one section is revised and not the other 15:39:16 ... i'd suggest text that says "his roles are described throughout this document" 15:39:20 SteveZ has joined #w3process 15:39:34 jeff: we mention things where they show up, and in section 2 we say how they fit 15:39:46 ... in 2.3 AB we say AB manages evolution of the process document 15:39:52 ... we say it again in section 12 15:40:00 ... do we remove that redundancy as well? 15:40:10 ... we have them listed in different sections because they're different perspectives 15:40:11 q/ 15:40:15 s|q/|| 15:40:18 ack chaals 15:40:31 q+ 15:40:32 chaals: yes, absolutely, i want to remove all of the redundancies 15:40:47 ... if this document were 1/3 shorter but not having repeated sentences saying almost the same thing 15:40:55 ... it would be a lot easier for people to look at/understand 15:40:59 ... or identify missing bits 15:41:05 ... there are serious Lacuna in this document 15:41:25 ... i'd really love to be able to say "any time i can find 2 places that say the same thing, the editor is authorized to identify one and remove it" 15:41:27 ack Dsinger_ 15:41:30 ack Dsinger_ 15:41:33 ack Ds 15:41:33 dsinger, you wanted to ask who declares consensus 15:42:00 Dsinger_: i mostly agree w/ chaals, about removing redundancy 15:42:16 ... but in the case jeff sited, when you're reading about AB, you need to know about AB 15:42:26 ... and when you're reading about Process, you need to know about it too 15:42:40 ... making it shorter and not repeating it is a good goal, but not hard-and-fast 15:42:43 q+ 15:42:47 jeff: i'm glad to hear what Dsinger_ said 15:42:56 ... he said he agreed w/ chaals, but he agreed w/ me 15:43:20 I agreed with two people who disagree! Neat trick 15:43:24 ... to chaals, when we do the edit task and remove 5 pages of text by removing redundancies, then i'll probably be supportive of that 15:43:36 q+ 15:43:37 ... i don't agree w/ ppp 15:43:46 ack je 15:43:54 ... but as Dsinger_ said, you need to talk about the AB, and you need to talk about the Process 15:43:57 ack chaals 15:44:03 chaals: there's a reason i work the way i do 15:44:11 ... text change proposal, one-by-one 15:44:24 ... saying "here's the redundancy [i think i see]" 15:44:39 ... the frustration i have is that we've spent literally hours each on a paragraph 15:44:52 ... the ability to get through large chunks in a quarter is hard 15:44:55 [/me suspects that we will spend fewer than hours if we talk about worthwhile changes or consistent changes] 15:44:59 ... i'm happy to write off this paragraph 15:45:29 ... i'm happy to take a proposal whereby i line up pairs of statements, people say yes, i axe one, later they come back and read the document, and discover some redundancy should be put back 15:45:41 ... i'm looking for a modus-operandi where we do some operandi 15:45:47 q+ 15:45:56 ... only touching one line is entirely justified, but it's a circular argument 15:45:58 ack SteveZ 15:46:28 SteveZ: i proposed a concrete proposal: leave lead-architect line, drop all other pieces since they're listed elsewhere, and we add a small bit to liaison statement that seems useful 15:46:40 ... from what i've heard so far, i think everyone is happy w/ that 15:46:51 ... w/ an exception about having more text of director's roles 15:47:04 ... my concern is that either we put in pointers to all his roles, or put in none 15:47:26 ... putting in pointers to half is bad, since it leaves the wrong impression (implying that it's all roles) 15:47:36 ... i could put together a list of links, but even that's dangerous 15:47:45 q+ to repeat his previous suggestion 15:47:51 chaals: if you draft a set of links, i'd want to stop editing the document 15:47:57 ack Dsinger_ 15:48:13 Dsinger_: my suggestion is that we look at a tool is that there's a tool that automatically indexes 15:48:22 ... a book is written w/ a tool that generates an index 15:48:35 ... someone wants to look up director, they use the index 15:48:45 ... why don't we put that on the back burner and see if we get a solution to that 15:48:51 chaals: i don't have such a tool 15:49:01 ... i don't have motivation to look for/learn one 15:49:28 timeless: +1 to Dsinger_ 15:49:37 ... we can ask someone else to help us get such a tool 15:49:41 s/have motivation/have a lot of motivation/ 15:49:50 ... and we can do it for a future year's iteration of the document 15:49:57 Dsinger_: can we ask darobin about it? 15:50:06 SteveZ: i think Bikeshed might be able to do it 15:50:19 ... as timeless points out, this isn't an issue for this year's version of the document 15:50:38 ... jeff are you ok w/ a sentence "the additional duties of the director are described throughout the document."? 15:50:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:50:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:50:57 ack je 15:50:57 jeff, you wanted to repeat his previous suggestion 15:50:57 q? 15:51:28 q+ 15:51:47 jeff: similar to SteveZ 's suggestion "director has role as L-T-A, responsibilities are described elsewhere in the document, some of the /key/ responsibilities include consensus, publishing TR, appointing chairs, handling appeals of WG decisions" 15:51:52 ... i think that gives a helpful flavor 15:52:02 ... it doesn't have to be linked, it doesn't have to be comprehensive 15:52:09 timeless: i can live with that 15:52:13 SteveZ: i can live with that 15:52:22 ... if it solves the problem and allows us to go with that 15:52:25 q? 15:52:27 ack chaals 15:52:43 chaals: i'm ok with "director is L-T-A" 15:52:57 ... i despise additional text, i think it's a terrible idea 15:53:15 SteveZ: 5 people is hardly representative of the organization 15:53:31 ... 4 people ... isn't bad 15:53:37 In cases like this I defer to the person willing to edit, however... 15:53:42 i/ok with/Dsinger_: ok by me/ 15:53:57 SteveZ: do i hear objections to jeff 's paragraph? 15:53:58 chaals: mine 15:54:08 SteveZ: acknowledging objection 15:54:30 chaals: resolution is to remove Paragraph's 4+5 15:54:35 ... add missing word 15:54:44 ... and add responsibilities include 15:55:24 s/add responsiiblities include/add director's duties are described throughout the document, some key ones include/ 15:56:23 RESOLUTION: remove paragraphs 4 and 5 of section 2.2 and in paragraph 3 add "director's duties are described throughout the document, some key ones include" 15:56:26 Issue-129? 15:56:26 Issue-129 -- Should the Process define Coordination Groups? -- open 15:56:26 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/129 15:56:36 s/Issue-129?/Topic: Issue-129/ 15:57:19 chaals: if we agree that the resolution to issue-129 is that we remove Coordination Groups and make no further changes 15:57:28 ... we were leaning there 15:57:32 SteveZ: that's where i believe we are 15:57:58 ... i'd make one change to the resolution, that we move mechanisms to a section of the guide for best practices on coordination 15:58:29 q+ 15:58:35 ack jeff 15:59:20 jeff: i don't think we decided on last week's call to drop coordination groups 15:59:28 ...and wide review should normally include review by coordination groups? 15:59:31 ... SteveZ, would you be willing to discuss the final resolution with judy? 15:59:44 ... i thought last week's discussion was very good 16:00:06 SteveZ: i should have copied judy on action-44 16:00:23 ... which says that there's already sufficient text for coordination 16:00:32 chaals: is there support? 16:00:34 [ yes ] 16:00:38 SteveZ: any objections? 16:00:40 [ none ] 16:00:41 RESOLUTION: Remove the material on Coordination Groups from the Process Document 16:00:44 No objection 16:01:05 action-44 is outstanding but associated 16:01:33 ACTION: Steve to communicate the resolution of issue-129 to Judy Brewer 16:01:33 Created ACTION-45 - Communicate the resolution of issue-129 to judy brewer [on Steve Zilles - due 2014-12-23]. 16:01:51 -[IPcaller] 16:01:56 thanks folks 16:02:03 [ Adjourned ] 16:02:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:02:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:02:16 s/[ Adjourned ]// 16:02:20 topic: Errata 16:02:33 SteveZ: we're waiting on PSIG 16:02:45 ... i think there was some progress 16:03:07 ... people realized that the problem they were worrying about wasn't really a problem since they were only looking at half of the section 16:03:36 ... i only gave them text for the section that was changing (insufficient context) 16:03:45 Steve, can you point me at the big picture, plz? 16:03:54 ...in email... 16:05:35 s/Steve, can you point me at the big picture, plz?// 16:05:43 s/...in email...// 16:07:22 s|... i don't agree w/ ppp|| 16:08:02 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:08:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:09:01 -SteveZ 16:09:10 -dsinger 16:09:39 Dsinger_ has left #w3process 16:10:24 bye, josh. 16:10:27 -Jeff 16:10:32 s/\ RESOLUTION:/\ RESOLUTION:/ 16:10:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:10:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:10:57 s|s/\ RESOLUTION:/\ RESOLUTION:/|| 16:11:18 s/Last change: who declared consensus/Last change: who declares consensus/ 16:11:25 s|S/declared/declares/|| 16:11:47 s/add responsibilities include/add director's duties are described throughout the document, some key ones include/ 16:11:51 s|s/add responsiiblities include/add director's duties are described throughout the document, some key ones include/|| 16:12:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:12:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:12:22 s/bye, josh.// 16:12:45 s/ RESOLUTION:/ RESOLUTION:/ 16:12:48 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:12:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:13:02 s/ RESOLUTION:/ RESOLUTION:/ 16:13:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:13:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:13:39 [ Adjourned ] 16:13:45 trackbot, end meeting 16:13:45 Zakim, list attendees 16:13:45 As of this point the attendees have been SteveZ, +1.416.440.aaaa, timeless, Jeff, [IPcaller], chaals, dsinger 16:13:53 s/[IPcaller], // 16:13:53 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:13:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html trackbot 16:13:54 RRSAgent, bye 16:13:54 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-actions.rdf : 16:13:54 ACTION: Steve to communicate the resolution of issue-129 to Judy Brewer [1] 16:13:54 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-irc#T16-01-33 16:13:57 s/+1.416.440.aaaa, // 16:14:18 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 16:14:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-irc 16:14:21 s/+1.416.440.aaaa, // 16:14:28 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:14:31 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:14:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:15:18 RRSAgent, bye 16:15:18 I see no action items