15:58:14 RRSAgent has joined #forms 15:58:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-forms-irc 15:58:16 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:58:16 Zakim has joined #forms 15:58:18 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 15:58:18 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XForms()11:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 15:58:19 Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference 15:58:19 Date: 03 December 2014 15:58:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014Dec/0001 15:58:47 Steven has changed the topic to: AgendaL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014Dec/0001 15:58:53 Chair: Steven 15:58:57 Regrets: Nick 15:59:45 pfennell has joined #forms 16:00:17 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:00:34 IA_XForms()11:00AM has now started 16:00:44 +??P35 16:00:49 zakim, I am ? 16:00:49 +Steven; got it 16:01:04 +pfennell 16:03:16 +[IPcaller] 16:03:17 Zakim, I am [IPcaller] 16:03:17 ok, alain, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 16:04:18 The UK Government will be using XForms for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). 16:04:23 +ebruchez 16:05:48 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:48 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:48 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:48 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:48 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:49 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:49 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:49 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:49 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:49 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:05:49 Topic: Net week's call (regrets from Steven, see next Topic) 16:06:21 Steven: As I was just saying to Philip, I am chairing a meeting in London hosted by the UK Cabinet Office 16:06:48 ... (a part of govt). The UK govt has decided to use ODF instead of MS Office 16:07:04 ... and I am chairing that meeting (and talking about XForms) 16:07:14 ... I won't be back in time for the call. 16:07:29 http://plugfest.opendocumentformat.org/2014-london/ 16:07:58 ... Good news all round. 16:08:34 Topic: ACTION-1986 - Investigate dealing with excess namespace nodes in 16:08:34 section 3.2 the instance element 16:08:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014Dec/0000.html 16:08:49 (Nick's not here, so there are a number of items we can't handle today) 16:09:35 Erik: [walks through the email] 16:16:31 Steven: So you copy namespace nodes to the root of the instance for contained elements and attributes that have ns bindings, but NOT for namespaces in content? 16:16:36 Erik: Right 16:18:12 Steven: So if we adopted the backward-incompatible way, the only forms that would potential break would be those with namespace prefixes in content. 16:18:41 Steven it seems the others can still hear me 16:18:46 Steven Anyone else hear him? 16:19:26 s/Steven Anyone else hear him?// 16:20:16 Erik: Yes, namespaces in content, or for people who needed the namespaces to be in scope. 16:20:21 Steven: Example? 16:21:14 Erik: An instance that inherits a namespace node, that the form ends up using by creating nodes that use them... 16:21:56 Alain: another possibility is when the forms are automatically created. 16:25:03 Steven: Do we have a preference for backwards-compatibility/incompatibility? 16:25:17 ... since the incompatible one is the one that is likely to occur more often. 16:25:36 Erik: It is a broader compatibility issue, as raised by Nick. 16:25:50 ... We can control that with @version 16:26:20 ... I think that the default being the new behaviour is the better choice 16:27:48 Erik: I prefer the incompatibility route 16:27:52 Philip: Agree 16:27:59 s/Erik/Alain/ 16:28:21 STeven: I can live with that 16:28:26 s/ST/St/ 16:28:43 Erik: I think that's OK 16:29:28 Steven: It means old forms have to have a textual change if they are affected, but there aren't many of those 16:30:02 ... and let them be more explicit about the namespaces being used by copying them to the root element of the instance 16:30:52 RESOLUTION: Adopt the "Backwards incompatible" version of namespace usage in instances 16:31:24 ACTION: Erik to write text for new instance namespaces processing 16:31:24 Created ACTION-1990 - Write text for new instance namespaces processing [on Erik Bruchez - due 2014-12-10]. 16:31:39 Topic: Review section 9 16:31:39 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_2.0#Container_Form_Controls 16:32:13 Steven: Alain sent a message http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014Dec/0002.html 16:32:47 Steven: A good point. 16:33:42 Erik: Isn't the goal of caseref and indexref to control the behaviour via an instance? 16:35:25 Alain: toggle would not be possible with casevalue 16:35:30 Erik: I see. 16:35:35 ... that could work. 16:36:16 Steven: So casevalue would calculate to a string which would select one of the IDs? 16:36:19 Alain: Yes. 16:36:38 Steven: Replacing caseref? 16:36:43 Alain: No because of toggle. 16:37:13 Erik: We already allow ref attributes to point to atomic values. 16:37:21 @caseref="...compute the selected case..." 16:37:38 ... there is nothing that would prevent us from having a caseref that returns a string. 16:38:28 ... so we might not need another attribute 16:38:40 Alain: But then we could deprecate output/@value 16:39:14 Steven: I'd like longer to consider the ramifications; OK we put it off to nexxt call? 16:39:19 s/xx/x/ 16:39:37 Steven: I had a couple of comments 16:40:21 ... case has label as content, so it should have a label as attribute as well. 16:41:00 http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/#ui-switch-module 16:42:06 Erik: I'm not sure what we do with that label... 16:43:03 Steven: case does not have help hint or alert on the other hand. It is not a control. 16:43:29 Erik: It is not unreasonable that Case have a label (or even help and hint) 16:44:00 ... it should either have none or all of them. 16:44:23 Steven: We need to decide, and while we are about it, dialog has the same problem. 16:45:56 s/same/similar/ 16:46:08 Erik: Dialog should have them all. 16:46:25 Steven: dialog is much more clearly a control than case is 16:46:29 Erik: Exactly. 16:46:48 ACTION: Steven to add help hint alert elements to dialog 16:46:48 Created ACTION-1991 - Add help hint alert elements to dialog [on Steven Pemberton - due 2014-12-10]. 16:47:26 Steven: Back to 16:47:34 ... do we think of it as a control? 16:48:22 Steven: So you think it is valid that it has a label 16:48:30 Alain: Agree 16:48:41 Steven: So we should add them all? 16:48:45 Alain: Right 16:49:00 ACTION: Steven to add help hint alert elements, and attributes to 16:49:00 Created ACTION-1992 - Add help hint alert elements, and attributes to [on Steven Pemberton - due 2014-12-10]. 16:49:46 Steven: I moved itemset and copy as agreed last week. All other comments from me are editorial. 16:50:59 Steven: I propose we discuss section 10 at the call in two weeks time. 16:51:13 Topic: AOB 16:51:18 [None] 16:51:25 -pfennell 16:51:26 -Steven 16:51:27 -ebruchez 16:51:27 -[IPcaller] 16:51:28 IA_XForms()11:00AM has ended 16:51:28 Attendees were Steven, pfennell, [IPcaller], ebruchez 16:51:32 Next call in two weeks 16:51:35 [ADJOURN 16:51:39 s/N/N] 16:51:46 rrsagent, make minutes 16:51:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:52:21 s/Net week/Next week/ 16:52:22 rrsagent, make minutes 16:52:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-forms-minutes.html Steven 17:42:48 ebruchez has joined #forms 18:26:36 Zakim has left #forms 20:10:06 alain has joined #forms 20:20:03 alain has left #forms