This public report was first prepared for the Advisory Committee Meeting during TPAC 2014. It accompanies the W3C Strategic Highlights - October 2014. See the previous fact sheet.
Membership, Staff, Offices
- 406 Members as of 22 October 2014 (was
384 in June 2014)
- Includes 12 new Startup Members
- Includes 1 Introductory Industry Member
- 45.09 FTE from Member dues, 64.16 total. 84 staff are full-time or part-time (was 83 in June);
Members have access to daily FTE updates.
- Staff added (not including Fellows):
- Kevin White joined WAI at W3C/ERCIM (June 2014)
- Andrei Sambra joined INK at W3C/MIT (July 2014)
- Antonio Olmo Titos joined the Systems Team at W3C/Keio (July 2014)
- Yosuke Funahashi joined UbiWeb at W3C/Keio (October 2014)
- Guillaume Baudusseau joins the Systems Team at W3C/MIT (October 2014)
- Staff left:
- Jinsong Wang (June 2014, UbiWeb)
- Ninja Marnau (July 2014, Technology and Society)
- Mark Sadecki (July 2014, WAI)
- Bim Egan (September 2014, WAI)
- Fellows added:
- Jean-François Abramatic (Inria)
- Ryoichi Kawada (KDDI)
- Fellows left:
- Hitoshi Uchida (Canon)
- Wu Wei (RITT)
- Staff added (not including Fellows):
- Footnotes, comments, bookmarks, and marginalia on the Web, A W3C Workshop on Annotations, 2 April 2014 [report]
- Seventh MultilingualWeb Workshop: New Horizons for the Multilingual Web, 7–8 May 2014 [report]
- Workshop on the Web of Things, Berlin (Germany), 25-26 June 2014 [report]
- Workshop on Web Cryptography Next Steps, Mountain View (USA), 10-11 September 2014
- Extensible Web Summit, Berlin (Germany), 11 September 2014
- Workshop on Privacy and User–Centric Controls, Berlin (Germany), 20-21 November 2014
New and Extended Working and Interest Groups
- Cascading Style Sheets Working Group
- Social Web Working Group; Social Web Interest Group
- Web Applications Working Group
- XML Processing Working Group
- Web Annotation Working Group
- RDF Data Shapes Working Group
- Second Screen Presentation Working Group
- Web Payments Interest Group
Closed Working and Interest Groups
Community Groups
- Beta test of the New Community and Business Group Site
- 180 groups (was 180 in May 2014 but we pruned some inactive ones)
- 4448 participants (was approximately 4050 in June 2014)
- 215 Member organizations (was 195 in June 2014)
- 1506 non-Member organizations (was 1412 in June 2014)
- Transitions:
- Second Screen Presentation Community Group transitioned into a W3C Working Group [Call for Participation]
- TV Control API Community Group spun out of the Web & TV Interest Group to produce a TV Control API Specification
- The Open Annotation Data Model developed as a report by the W3C Open Annotation Community Group is the basis of the Web Annotation Working Group deliverables Abstract Data Model and Vocabulary
- The newly launched Web Payments Interest Group charter was developed in the Web Payments Charter Development Community Group
Technical Reports
102 Technical Reports were published from 1 June to 17 October 2014.
Other Types
- 1 Proposed Recommendation
- 13 Candidate Recommendations
- 22 Last Call Working Drafts
- 22 Working Drafts (not LC)
- 10 Group Notes
- Open deployment of Pubrules-NG (aka Specberus)
- Automated Publication Workflow System
- MathML 3.0 was submitted as a ISO/IEC JTC1 PAS in June 2014
- Celebration of two year-anniversary of OpenStand
- Tim Berners-Lee and Jeff Jaffe participated in the launch of the Net Mundial Initiative in Geneva
- Jean-Francois Abramatic joined as an INRIA fellow to better position our role in the new Internet Governance landscape
Marketing and Communications
- 20th anniversary of the W3C: Preparations for Symposium on the Web's Future & Celebratory Dinner (29 October 2014) in Santa Clara, California
- 2 press releases, generally translated into 2-4 languages by the Offices
- 17 talks
- 22
W3C Blog entries
- including 10 issues of the Weekly digest of W3C news and trends
- Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Weekly Public Newsletters
- 9 new volunteer translations
Online Training
W3DevCampus is W3C's official online training for Web developers.
- NEW! W3C/ERCIM is now a certified French training organization. Our training services (following a b-learning model) are available either inter-enterprise or intra-enterprise. We are offering courses for managers and for Web developers/designers (find out more (in French)).
- NEW! Thanks to Intel® XDK sponsorship, three online course sessions of the W3C Mobile Web Applications course are offered for free to individuals worldwide.