14:58:55 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:58:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-irc 14:58:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:58:57 Zakim has joined #w3process 14:58:59 Zakim, this will be 14:58:59 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:59:00 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 14:59:00 Date: 18 November 2014 14:59:13 Zakim, this will be #proc 14:59:14 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, SteveZ 14:59:25 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:59:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:59:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:00:10 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:00:10 sorry, timeless, I don't know what conference this is 15:00:12 On IRC I see RRSAgent, SteveZ, Jay, jeff, fantasai, mdjp, cwilso, timeless, trackbot 15:00:35 Zakim, this is process 15:00:35 ok, timeless; that matches AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM 15:00:51 +SteveZ 15:00:58 chair: SteveZ 15:01:19 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:01:19 On the phone I see Josh_Soref, ??P3, Jeff, SteveZ 15:01:42 Zakim, ??P3 is Jay 15:01:42 +Jay; got it 15:01:48 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:01:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:02:00 scribe: timeless 15:03:11 1. Review Open Action Items https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/open 15:03:58 regrets: chaals, dsinger 15:04:16 s/SteveZ/timeless/ 15:04:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:04:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:05:00 +Mike_Champion 15:05:02 s/ 1./ 1./ 15:05:07 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:05:54 s|Review Open Action Items https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/open|-> https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/open Review Open Action Items| 15:05:56 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:06:29 s/Review Open Action Items/"Review Open Action Items" (#1)/ 15:06:32 s/1. // 15:06:34 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:06:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:06:57 s|s/1. //|| 15:07:03 s/1.// 15:07:05 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:07:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:07:37 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:07:37 On the phone I see Josh_Soref, Jay, Jeff, SteveZ, Mike_Champion 15:07:57 SteveZ: one of my actions was to create action-148 15:08:00 action-148? 15:08:00 Sorry, but action-148 does not exist. 15:08:44 s/action-148?// 15:08:50 s/Sorry, but action-148 does not exist.// 15:09:01 s/action-/issue-/ 15:09:06 issue-148? 15:09:06 issue-148 -- Consider Liaison when deciding who should review a REC Track document -- raised 15:09:06 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/148 15:09:15 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:09:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:09:34 ... i take it judy didn't make it for this meeting 15:09:37 jeff: i spoke to her 15:09:48 ... both about the idea of using a Member only IG 15:09:51 ... and two other ideas 15:10:08 ... she was not very enamored by these proposals 15:10:22 ... my judgement that there is an overwhelming view from the Process TF 15:10:32 ... that we shouldn't have Coord-Groups just for the sake of one group 15:10:46 ... but, Judy is providing Strong and Accurate input, of the form "i have something that is working now 15:10:52 Zakim, mute me 15:10:52 sorry, timeless, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 15:11:15 Zakim, nick alias josh is me 15:11:15 I don't understand 'nick alias josh is me', timeless 15:11:42 Zakim: nick timeless is josh 15:11:46 s/Zakim: nick timeless is josh// 15:11:48 Zakim, nick timeless is josh 15:11:48 ok, timeless, I now associate you with Josh_Soref 15:11:52 Zakim, mute me 15:11:52 Josh_Soref should now be muted 15:12:01 jeff: i sent an email, intended for chaals 15:12:15 ... asking him if we would meet one-on-one with Judy 15:12:31 ... my reply failed to be directed to chaals 15:12:35 ... and SteveZ replied 15:12:43 ... she's open minded to work on this 15:12:59 Zakim, who is speaking? 15:13:04 ... so, the next step is SteveZ, chaals to work with judy on this 15:13:10 timeless, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: SteveZ (26%), Mike_Champion (59%) 15:13:23 mike: what position does Judy have to veto process changes 15:13:38 q+ 15:13:40 ... if WGs who are in her Coord-Group want to continue meeting, they can have this meeting 15:13:47 ... we're saying it doesn't have to be in the process document 15:14:02 jeff: we don't have to negotiate with judy 15:14:10 ... when we did Process-2014, we had an open dialog on process cahnges 15:14:16 ... we had two LCs 15:14:28 ... in the second LC to Process-2014, there were no objections what-so-ever 15:14:34 ... but when we sent it to AC Review 15:14:50 Topic: Action-39 and Action-40 15:14:53 ... when one person formally objected to the document, after not having objected to the previous reading of the exact same document 15:14:57 ... we spent two months on it 15:15:15 ... If we receive input prior to AC review, it behooves us to try to find common ground 15:15:23 ... to avoid formal objections 15:15:31 ... why would we want to send a document which might have formal objections 15:15:37 ... should we do it 15:15:54 mike: so, w3c would formally object? 15:16:02 ... this is taking consensus too far 15:16:14 SteveZ: i don't think jeff is saying that 15:16:25 ... i think he's saying a little more effort is worth it 15:16:35 mike: i don't object to trying 15:16:44 SteveZ: i happen to agree with mike 15:16:59 ... we don't have to put this in the process, she can create a group 15:17:17 mike: and if she's looking for a Club to beat these people, i don't think we should put it in the process 15:17:21 jeff: i don't think that's fair mike 15:17:34 ... i think we probably need to do more coordination (rather than less) between groups 15:17:46 ... we have an entire task by Virginie on coordination 15:18:06 ... we have an extremely active thread on process, started by annevk on coordinating security 15:18:20 ... quite the contrary, it's very appropriate that we find better ways to coordinate in W3C 15:18:29 ... just as coordination has always been part of the process 15:18:42 ... if we had a better idea of how to do coordination, it should be part of the process 15:18:58 ... the problem we have here is that Coordination-Groups has fallen into disuse 15:19:03 mike: id' 15:19:15 s/id'/i'd agree, / 15:19:31 ... but chaals's argument is that Coordination-Groups burden the Process without helping 15:19:36 ... who's in this? 15:19:43 SteveZ: WAI 15:19:58 s/task by Virginie/AB project led by Virginie/ 15:20:02 mike: the pushback on Coordination done in that group 15:20:10 ... is "it's not early and technical enough" 15:20:24 q+ 15:20:24 ... it's procedural, and not part of technical consensus building 15:20:32 ... the fact that it's a Coordination-Group is part of the problem 15:20:45 ... there isn't an incentive for people with the skillset to engage 15:21:02 ... they, instead have a heavy handed objection process 15:21:09 ... e.g. the formal objection to LONGDESC= 15:21:23 ... i think we have to do it better, rather than doing the same thing 15:21:34 ... i agree trying to find some solution w/ judy 15:21:42 ... but i'd like to try to tweak the culture 15:21:47 Zakim, who is speaking? 15:21:59 timeless, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 15:22:15 SteveZ: i attended a P&F WG joint w/ CSS, and janina made the point that they're trying to do more reaching out 15:22:30 jeff: to your point that WAI Coord-Group should do things better, i think that's a fair point 15:22:45 ... by all means, if SteveZ + chaals talk w/ judy, let's use that to make the coordination better 15:22:56 ... you also mentioned, mike, which seems to be unrelated 15:23:06 ... you mentioned a formal objection to LONGDESC= 15:23:10 ... that seems separate 15:23:15 ... it's coming out by HTML WG 15:23:24 ... led by several people, including PaulC (Microsoft) 15:23:29 ... there was WG consensus 15:23:32 ... Apple objected 15:23:40 ... you may have some opinions about the objection 15:23:47 ... but i don't know what that has to do w/ WAI 15:23:55 mike: it wasn't an accessibility issue in another spec 15:24:15 ... it was an objection about a spec for one attribute that is only about accessibility 15:24:20 mike: fine, i accept the point 15:24:22 q? 15:24:24 q- jeff 15:24:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:24:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:25:04 SteveZ: that's as much as we can do on that item 15:25:22 ... i'd prefer to leave both action items open, i believe jeff+i are still in the process of talking 15:25:52 SteveZ: i'll close XX, or at least move to pending-review 15:26:17 ... jeff, you sent a note about the AB resolution 15:26:26 ... that the modification of the election procedures 15:26:32 ... the sentence is hard to parse, but 15:26:50 [Jeff confesses that the English could have been much clearer] 15:27:00 RESOLUTION: AB input to W3C process CG is that the modification to election procedures that in the case of a change of affiliation instead of requiring immediate resignation, we should allow the people to serve until the next regular election 15:27:19 SteveZ: that's the resolution the AB passed 15:27:27 ... it's in support of the text that i circulated 15:27:34 ... i said i'd send out a CfC 15:27:37 ... i forgot to do that 15:27:48 ... i can action myself to send out the CfC on the text i proposed 15:27:55 ... after i proposed it, there was no further discussion on the ML 15:28:12 ... is that what you were looking for jeff? 15:28:20 jeff: yes, we weren't trying to propose text 15:28:47 ... to show support for the proposal 15:28:53 ... there's also a proposal from DKA 15:28:58 ... to have 2 people from the same org 15:29:13 ... at this time, the AB does not have consensus, and hasn't taken a position on such a broader proposal 15:29:24 SteveZ: that was my understanding, from the process list as well 15:29:52 s/cahnges/changes/ 15:29:59 ACTION SteveZ: Send CfC on text proposed to fix the election process when a change of affliliation occurs 15:30:00 Created ACTION-42 - Send cfc on text proposed to fix the election process when a change of affliliation occurs [on Steve Zilles - due 2014-11-25]. 15:30:27 timeless has changed the topic to: Revising the W3C Process 15:30:52 Topic: 3. Issue-144: Chairs are asking for clarification for Wide Review 15:31:09 SteveZ: i sent out a bunch of text 15:31:55 SteveZ: jeff pointed out that i had left out a pointer for a place to make announcements 15:32:02 ... which we've created in the mean-time 15:32:02 Chaals sent: Of the proposals in that mail I support numbers 1, 2, and the first proposed variant of 4, but oppose proposal 3. With regards to naming the review list, I'm ambivalent but if we do it I prefer Steve's formulation. 15:32:07 ... i sent out proposed text 15:32:29 ... i asked chaals why he opposed 3 15:32:36 ... i don't think i heard back on that 15:32:40 ... i think jeff was fine 15:32:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0132.html 15:33:08 1-4 refer to the message http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0130.html 15:33:20 s|http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0132.html|| 15:34:08 s|1-4 refer to the message http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0130.html|-> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0130.html "Issue-144 Suggested updates to clarify Wide Review in Process2014" 1-4 are in here| 15:34:20 SteveZ: i propose we adopt 1, 2, and the first version of 4 15:34:36 ... and then chaals can be more clear about his problem with 3 15:35:00 ... any objections? 15:35:02 [ None ] 15:35:12 SteveZ: then, chaals supported my suggestion to add 15:36:11 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:36:11 On the phone I see Josh_Soref (muted), Jay, Jeff, SteveZ, Mike_Champion 15:36:59 Proposal: adopt the text I proposed in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0132.html 15:37:27 "have had adequate notice of the progress of the Working Group (for example, using public-review-announce@w3.org) and ..." 15:37:38 SteveZ: and chaals was in favor of that 15:37:52 ... any objections? 15:37:54 [ None ] 15:38:10 RESOLUTION: "have had adequate notice of the progress of the Working Group (for example, using public-review-announce@w3.org) and ..." will be added 15:38:14 Topic: Issue-140: The description of the Team in Section 2.2 of the process document is out of date 15:38:28 SteveZ: chaals sent out text 15:38:33 ... and he created an issue 15:39:00 issue-145? 15:39:00 issue-145 -- Clean up mentions of W3C Chair, COO etc -- raised 15:39:00 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/145 15:39:19 s/an issue/an issue (145)/ 15:39:29 jeff: my view is that, we should close issue-145 15:39:53 ... since this is really issue 140 15:40:00 ... issue 140 is clean up all references to team 15:40:19 ... i don't think we need different issues for the parts of 140 that chaals wants to solve, and the parts chaals doesn't want to solve 15:40:24 SteveZ: i think i agree w/ you 15:40:32 ... part of cleaning up the definition of team in team in 2.2 15:40:43 ... means making sure all other references to Team make sense, given that cleanup 15:41:01 ... in some cases, it may make sense by eliminating references 15:41:06 ... but others may require work 15:41:36 jeff: that sounds better than how i phrased it 15:42:43 SteveZ: the text chaals proposed on nov 12 15:42:58 ... has team consists of director, ceo, interns, staff, fellows 15:43:09 ... director may delegate to others in team for roles described in document 15:43:29 ... and administrative bits are team only, subject to host oversight 15:43:40 ... and host institutions (link) to FAQ for w3c 15:43:52 ... that's the entirety of the change 15:43:59 ... it implies that Director may delegate 15:44:05 ... it doesn't say that anyone else can delegate 15:44:15 q+ to ask if we had something saying that anyone can delegate 15:44:29 jeff: i'm trying to remember what the current document says on delegation 15:44:35 ... i don't want to make changes in delegation rules 15:44:52 ack me 15:44:54 Josh_Soref, you wanted to ask if we had something saying that anyone can delegate 15:45:15 Josh_Soref: we need an issue for process-2016 on delegation by anyone 15:45:21 Zakim, mute me 15:45:21 Josh_Soref should now be muted 15:45:40 jeff: the current document says "these individuals (director, chair, ceo) may delegate responsibility" 15:46:09 SteveZ: the text on the team consists of needs text on delegation for director + ceo 15:46:24 jeff: it's possible that chaals found nothing in process indicating roles for ceo to delegate 15:46:37 ... i don't know if there's text in the document w/ formal roles for the ceo to delegate 15:46:44 SteveZ: that was the main thing that i found 15:47:04 ... he also did not include the line that the host orgs aren't members of w3c 15:47:13 ... i don't know that that's necessary or not 15:47:23 jeff: i think if the Process CG finds it in its heart not to include this line 15:47:31 ... i think there's some benefit to the ambiguity 15:47:49 ... ralph mentions that there have been times when host institutions have wanted to assign a W3C fellow to work for W3C for a year 15:48:06 ... but since the right to assign a W3C Fellow is a Member privilege ... 15:48:08 SteveZ: makes sense 15:48:24 ... I assume that it was done on the principle that Host organizations could just assign people 15:48:35 ... but Hosts may want to do that 15:48:54 ... AC is big enough that hosts voting/not voting isn't going to make a difference 15:48:59 s/fellow/Fellow/ 15:49:21 ... I think the text for 2.2 is probably fine as long as we answer the question about Director and CEO question 15:49:32 ... and we just answered the question about Hosts are not members -- we don't need to say that 15:49:35 ... i think the text is fine 15:49:42 ... and we just need to go update the rest of the document 15:49:57 ... i interpreted 145 as doing that, but when i looked at the text, it's not what it does 15:50:03 ... i think it needs to be done as part of 140 15:50:12 RRSAgent, draft mintues 15:50:12 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft mintues', timeless. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:50:16 s/RRSAgent, draft mintues// 15:50:18 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:50:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:50:46 SteveZ: jeff, you suggested closing 145 15:50:56 jeff: i wouldn't close it in chaals's absence 15:51:36 SteveZ: issue-148 15:51:58 Topic: 4. Issue-148: Consider Liaison when deciding who should review a REC Track document 15:52:45 https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/148 15:53:11 s|https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/148|-> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0133.html w3process-ISSUE-148 (Consider Liaisons): Consider Liaison when deciding who should review a REC Track document [Process Document]| 15:53:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0133.html 15:53:24 SteveZ: there's a change 15:53:39 s/SteveZ: there's a change// 15:53:43 issue-148? 15:53:44 issue-148 -- Consider Liaison when deciding who should review a REC Track document -- raised 15:53:44 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/148 15:53:46 q+ to ask about where the agenda is being sent 15:54:17 "especially groups identified as dependencies in the charter or identified as liaisons," 15:54:20 -Mike_Champion 15:54:30 SteveZ: any objections to the proposal? 15:54:32 [ None ] 15:54:48 RESOLUTION: incorporate proposal for issue-148 15:55:06 SteveZ: i think it's time to get an updated draft of the document 15:55:15 ... i'm not sure we have something to meet about until then 15:55:21 ... depending on the conversation w/ judy 15:55:28 jeff: we have judy, and cleanup for issue-140 15:55:33 topic: Agenda mails 15:55:35 ack jeff 15:55:35 jeff, you wanted to ask about where the agenda is being sent 15:55:42 SteveZ: i sent a note to jeremy 15:55:55 ... i can send messages to the list, but i can't send agendas 15:56:02 ... it seems to get forwarded, but not reliably 15:56:12 jeff: you have complicated agendas w/ charts 15:56:17 ... can you send a simple text version? 15:56:25 SteveZ: yeah, i was thinking that might be the problem 15:56:33 ... it's not getting archived, but it's getting forwarded 15:56:39 ... my other messages get archived + forwarded 15:56:47 jeff: i think jeremy should work on your issue to be done right 15:56:55 ... but i'd encourage the chair to find a workaround in the interim 15:57:07 ... so the entire w3process TF can find the process 15:57:10 SteveZ: i agree 15:57:14 ... i don't know who it's going to 15:57:19 ... you go it, chaals got it 15:57:25 jeff: but you're sending it to the AB 15:57:30 ... perhaps that's where it's going? 15:57:34 SteveZ: oh, interesting 15:57:52 ... i'll try resending a simpler message of the agenda we followed this morning, and point to the minutes, and see if that one works 15:58:18 jeff: on the question of other things to meet about 15:58:30 ... we also need to review specific language for change of affiliation 15:58:41 SteveZ: there is specific language proposed, that will go out, probably today 15:58:46 jeff: at the next call, we can review that 15:59:01 ... also, if the chair is of the opinion that we're reaching the end of issues for Process-2015 15:59:16 ... then we should start thinking about our schedule for Wide-Review of the document to finish it up 15:59:29 ... and then also assemble the larger issues for Process-2016 15:59:32 SteveZ: yes 15:59:42 ... from both what percolated up, and from the time, and where we are 15:59:53 ... i think we are in fact running out of issues that need to be addressed for 2015 16:00:00 jeff: are we done with errata management? 16:00:01 SteveZ: no 16:00:09 ... we sent a message to PSIG 16:00:12 ... PSIG sent it out 16:00:30 ... i can send a reminder to Scott saying that we'd like a reply ASAP (by Mid Jan) 16:00:47 ... schedule is to have a complete document for AB Feb 11 F2F 16:00:52 s/11/11-12/ 16:01:01 jeff: we probably want to send it ample time in advance 16:01:03 ... Mid Jan 16:01:17 ... telling scott we anticipate having a completed document by Mid jan 16:01:31 ... so he needs comments in by beginning of Jan, to give us time to respond 16:01:35 s/jan/Jan/ 16:01:42 SteveZ: i agree w/ that schedule 16:01:47 ... i think chaals thinks it's too soon 16:01:50 ... but given last year 16:01:53 ... it's never too soon 16:02:00 jeff: it isn't a question of too soon 16:02:12 ... chaals is saying we have more time, and we could shoe-horn more stuff into 2015 16:02:20 ... but, if we have no more issues, there's no need to delay 16:02:27 ... i'd rather increase time for Wide-Review 16:02:44 ... if have issues, let's get them on the table 16:02:46 timeless ++ 16:02:47 ... if not, let's get it out 16:02:58 SteveZ: thanks Josh for taking the minutes 16:03:01 [ Adjourned ] 16:03:06 RRSAgent, draft mintues 16:03:06 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft mintues', timeless. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:03:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:03:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:03:12 Zakim, unmute me 16:03:13 Josh_Soref should no longer be muted 16:03:13 -Jeff 16:04:06 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0139.html 16:04:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:04:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:04:46 trackbot, end conf 16:04:46 Zakim, list attendees 16:04:46 As of this point the attendees have been Josh_Soref, Jeff, SteveZ, Jay, Mike_Champion 16:04:51 -SteveZ 16:04:52 -Josh_Soref 16:04:54 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:04:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-minutes.html trackbot 16:04:55 RRSAgent, bye 16:04:55 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-actions.rdf : 16:04:55 ACTION: SteveZ to Send CfC on text proposed to fix the election process when a change of affliliation occurs [1] 16:04:55 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-w3process-irc#T15-29-59 16:04:58 -Jay 16:04:59 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has ended 16:04:59 Attendees were Josh_Soref, Jeff, SteveZ, Jay, Mike_Champion