17:32:30 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 17:32:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/14-aria-apg-irc 17:32:36 jamesn has joined #aria-apg 17:32:39 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:32:39 sorry, LJWatson, I don't know what conference this is 17:32:42 On IRC I see jamesn, RRSAgent, Zakim, mattking, LJWatson, bgaraventa1979, kooje, MichaelC, trackbot 17:32:48 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:32:48 sorry, jamesn, I don't know what conference this is 17:32:50 On IRC I see jamesn, RRSAgent, Zakim, mattking, LJWatson, bgaraventa1979, kooje, MichaelC, trackbot 17:32:51 zakim this is 92463 17:33:00 zakim, this is 92473 17:33:00 ok, MichaelC; that matches WAI_PF()12:30PM 17:33:16 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:33:16 On the phone I see +1.217.244.aaaa, +1.650.738.aabb, Matt_King, [IPcaller], James_Nurthen 17:33:29 zakim, [IPcaller] is LJWatson 17:33:29 +LJWatson; got it 17:33:39 zakim, aabb is Bryan_Garaventa 17:33:39 +Bryan_Garaventa; got it 17:34:01 rrsagent, make log world 17:34:14 my last name is ku 17:34:29 my first name is Jaeun but I would go by Jemma 17:34:31 meeting: ARIA Authoring Practices 17:34:41 I am from University of illinois, urbana-champaign 17:35:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:35:29 On the phone I see Jemma_Ku, Bryan_Garaventa, Matt_King, LJWatson, James_Nurthen 17:36:03 my phone number starts with 217 17:36:23 +??P5 17:36:35 ack me 17:36:50 ack me 17:38:24 agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/117FD62B-F19D-4AAD-BD7E-99D77B1A5895@oracle.com 17:43:29 .... git wiki here 17:43:29 https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Aria-Authoring-Practices 17:45:59 ack me 17:48:02 ack me 17:50:28 scribe: jamesn 17:50:37 chair: Matt_King 17:50:40 TOPIC: Link Example 17:51:01 ackme 17:51:04 ack me 17:51:32 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/practices/examples/link-design-pattern/links.html 17:51:37 rawgit.com 17:52:21 took this https://github.com/w3c/aria/blob/master/practices/examples/link-design-pattern/links.html 17:52:30 and pasted into rawgit.com 17:54:03 MK: Main question is should we include notes 17:54:43 MK: 1 thing i noticed is that you don't get a link context menu when you right click on a link coded this way. One thing that we might want to talk about in the notes 17:55:13 MK: they wouldn't be able to know how you are getting the target. Some of the context menu actions wouldn't work 17:55:21 BG: depends what they are using it for 17:55:32 BG: There isn't really anything that fits the UI 17:55:42 BG: It is up to the author if they want to do this 17:56:23 JN: I don't think it is an accessibility issue - and don't think FF would consider this a bug 17:57:29 MK: Where in the guide do we want to include info about what works in what browser etc. 17:57:31 MK: I would much rather see that in the examples 17:57:54 LW: who is going to keep that up to date 17:58:15 BG: JF was putting together an aria compatibility matrix or has been talking aout it 17:58:25 ack me 17:58:33 LW: tried for something at CSUN but didnt get off the ground 17:58:42 MC: tets harness not working right now 17:58:54 LW: are there plans to keep that up to date 17:59:13 MC: the latest decision was to keep it up to date but has always been a stopgap tool. 17:59:57 MK: there is an opportunity to use these as test cases. the examples might facilitate test cases 18:00:11 MC: might want to consider test the web forward framework 18:00:29 MC: designed around script based automated testing of features 18:00:40 LW: would like to know more about this anyway 18:00:48 http://testthewebforward.org/ 18:01:01 MC: link for docs and getting started 18:01:13 MC: writing tests and running tests 18:01:41 MC: in theory not limited to the kinds of tests they document there. in practice get the most benefits if using the kind of tests they already have support for. 18:01:52 LW: don't think this changes my stance 18:02:05 MC: WCAG has moved to an auxiliary page 18:02:09 can you tell me what testing tool we are talking about? 18:02:16 MC: also an accessibility support DB project 18:02:34 JN: sounds like the best fit we have so far 18:02:41 never mind 18:02:43 http://www.w3.org/WAI/accessibility-support/ 18:03:36 LW: circling back to including notes with examples 18:03:50 LW: good to get a general format of what we want to include in these examples 18:04:02 http://ljwatson.github.io/ARIA-examples/link-examples/links.html 18:04:15 BG: like the idea of the basic markup. Keyboard support needs to be there. 18:04:38 BG: combining with refs to w3c tutorials would also be good 18:06:52 MK: don't want to repeat what is in the APG 18:07:05 MK: but something to explain what is implemented. 18:07:37 MK: how many people need stuff explained why certain things are there. 18:08:23 MK: really like the phrases like where it says the span element is not natively interactive 18:08:35 I agree. 18:09:52 BG: link to a checklist within the aria bpg guide which indicates that span not a native element etc. 18:12:00 I like the idea of explaining of the clear purpose in the notes. 18:13:52 BG: a kind of footnotes kind of thing might be useful 18:14:02 BG: if there was a general guidance section. 18:15:02 can use a different label, not "notes"? 18:15:20 MK: precede with something specific and then add generic stuff 18:15:53 BG: There are going to be a lot of commonalities between thjinngs with for example aria-activedescendent 18:16:14 MK: the other thing to keep in mind is that things like combobox could end up with multiple examples 18:16:26 MK: when we do that I am envisioning 1 page with multiple examples 18:16:41 MK: probably each would have 1 set of notes 18:16:46 BG: I agree 18:17:18 as a developer, I felt confused because there are so many options 18:17:29 JN: sometimes makes pages more difficult to write 18:18:05 BG: have been building out some samples. Sometimes the requirements to make things accessible are very different 18:18:34 BG: sometimes the requirements vs a readonly element varies quite a bit across devices 18:19:12 Describing the differences is very important 18:19:32 BG: you have to use different attributes and techniques 18:20:01 MK: A table that lists the examples in the APG could accomplish this 18:20:31 table idea sounds good 18:20:32 JN: brief description in APG is useful 18:20:47 MK: hopefully will allow us to create a repeatable pattern 18:22:07 BG: if typing into an editable combobox that is fine. Need to be able to navigate left and right within the textbox. There has to be some sort of scripting behaviour. 18:22:26 BG: there are variations that don't translate equally 18:22:53 JN: some things sound like screen reader issues 18:26:00 -LJWatson 18:26:04 LW: have enough to create more notes for links 18:26:58 TOPIC: Future meetings 18:27:29 Will not meet Nov 28, Dec 26 or Jan 2 18:27:43 ok 18:28:14 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-practices/#checkbox 18:28:40 TOPIC: Checkbox 18:29:58 MK: this is what got us into the keyboard handling part 18:31:01 Topic: button 18:31:04 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-practices/#button 18:31:21 MK: I am going to propose some changes to the keyboard handling section 18:31:36 MK: something that explains the fundamentals of focus management 18:31:46 As a newbie to the group, is there any way I can help? It would be nice if I can do shadow work of one of members. 18:32:12 MK: gets deep fast... would be nice if in section 3 there was something that was higher level 18:34:15 MK: want to link to this - and takes too long to get to what is relevant 18:35:38 JN: too many words... 18:35:54 MK: some bits more important to toolkit writers or screen reader users. 18:36:08 MK: fewer than half the words are needed 18:37:20 JN: I think we should give people some guidance as to what is and what is not a toggle button. 18:37:37 MK: should mention that there are 3 different types of buttons 18:37:54 MK: just a link to menu button 18:39:46 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27327 18:41:43 MK: a toggle button label shouldn't change when its state changes 18:44:29 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27328 18:47:13 JN: there are cases where you do want focus to move from a button for example add a new search criteria - you want to move to the new crtieria 18:48:27 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27329 18:49:36 MK: going to take out references to external examples 18:49:49 MK: as we replace them 18:50:28 MK: stop here now 18:50:35 rrsagent, make minutes 18:50:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/14-aria-apg-minutes.html jamesn 18:50:39 I cannot hear anything 18:50:43 zakim, please part 18:50:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.217.244.aaaa, +1.650.738.aabb, Matt_King, James_Nurthen, LJWatson, Bryan_Garaventa, Jemma_Ku, Michael_Cooper 18:50:43 Zakim has left #aria-apg 18:51:03 rrsagent, make minutes 18:51:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/14-aria-apg-minutes.html jamesn 18:52:46 ack me 18:52:57 Zakim has joined #aria-apg 18:53:03 ack me 18:53:17 zakim, unmute Michael 18:53:17 Michael_Cooper was not muted, MichaelC 18:55:08 -Jemma_Ku 18:58:50 -Michael_Cooper 18:58:51 -James_Nurthen 18:58:53 -Matt_King 18:58:54 -Bryan_Garaventa 18:58:54 WAI_PF()12:30PM has ended 18:58:54 Attendees were +1.217.244.aaaa, +1.650.738.aabb, Matt_King, James_Nurthen, LJWatson, Bryan_Garaventa, Jemma_Ku, Michael_Cooper 18:58:55 zakim, bye 18:58:55 Zakim has left #aria-apg