14:58:17 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:58:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-irc 14:58:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:58:21 Zakim, this will be 14:58:21 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:58:22 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 14:58:22 Date: 11 November 2014 14:58:42 zakim, this is process 14:58:43 ok, timeless; that matches AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM 14:59:01 Zakim, mute me 14:59:01 sorry, timeless, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:59:52 +Jeff 15:00:04 Zakim, who is on the call 15:00:04 I don't understand 'who is on the call', timeless 15:00:08 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:00:08 On the phone I see +1.416.440.aaaa, Jeff 15:00:13 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:00:13 +timeless; got it 15:00:23 Zakim, mute me 15:00:23 timeless should now be muted 15:00:26 scribe: timeless 15:00:33 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:00:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:00:36 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:00:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:00:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:01:38 SteveZ has joined #w3process 15:02:47 +SteveZ 15:03:42 trackbot, start telcon 15:03:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:03:46 Zakim, this will be 15:03:46 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:03:47 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 15:03:47 Date: 11 November 2014 15:04:03 s/Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference// 15:04:07 s/Date: 11 November 2014// 15:04:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:04:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:04:20 chair: SteveZ 15:04:25 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:04:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:04:25 zakim, this will be #proc 15:04:25 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, SteveZ 15:04:44 s/trackbot, start telcon// 15:04:48 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:04:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:04:54 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:04:54 I notice AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has restarted 15:04:55 On the phone I see timeless (muted), Jeff, SteveZ 15:06:22 timeless, agenda was sent in email. 15:06:52 +Mike_Champion 15:07:12 chaals has joined #w3process 15:07:49 Zakim, unmute me 15:07:49 timeless should no longer be muted 15:08:21 s/timeless, agenda was sent in email.// 15:09:23 Here comes the agenda 15:09:26 Agenda: 15:09:26 1. Review Open Action Items 15:09:26 https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/actions/open 15:09:26 2. Discuss Meeting time 15:09:26 This Telcon now begins at Midnight in Japan and at 1AM in Australia. Possible other time include: 15:09:39 3. Issue-141: Improve Errata management in W3C 15:09:39 Proposed replacement text for section 7.7.1 was sent: 15:09:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Nov/0004.html 15:09:39 and Proposal and associated discussion thread begins at: 15:09:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Oct/0139.html 15:09:41 Charles has an Action: Propose a resolution for issue 141 to propose an alternative replacement text. 15:09:45 4. Issue-129 Remove Coordination Groups 15:09:46 5. Issue-144: Chairs are asking for clarification for Wide Review 15:09:48 The Document Review wiki has been edited to resolve concerns expressed so efforts to create an RfC announcement list should proceed. Some editing of the text of the Wide Review section, to indicate the desired purposes of the changes to Wide Review, is still needed. 15:09:52 http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-widereview-minutes.html 15:09:54 See thread announcing the results of the CfC: 15:09:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Oct/0157.html 15:09:58 6. Issue-140: The description of the Team in Section 2.2 of the process document is out of date 15:10:00 We seem to be reaching consensus on not listing rights and responsibilities of the Director in 2.2. We have not, however, reached consensus on whether the Process Document should have or point to a definition of the W3C. There are two points that have been raised: (a) The legal status of the W3C does not need to be discussed in the Process and (b) the term “W3C” is used in the Process Document and should have a definition within that document, but, perhaps, 15:10:06 it a separate section rather than part of section 2.2. 15:10:08 And if time is available: 15:10:10 7. Issue-138: Does the process assume ‘an’ editor, or is group-editing formally ok? 15:10:14 8. Issue-97: Is using the term "Board" in "Advisory Board" really accurate and representative? 15:10:16 9. Any other business 15:11:10 s/Here comes the agenda/Topic: Agenda/ 15:11:26 i/Topic: Agenda/scribe: jeff/ 15:11:36 s/Agenda:// 15:11:53 scribe: timeless 15:12:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:12:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:12:34 s/scribe: timeless// 15:12:35 s/scribe: timeless// 15:12:37 scribe: timeless 15:12:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:12:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:13:12 topic: Review Open Action Items 15:13:19 SteveZ: i'll skip action items, because chaals isn't on 15:13:25 topic: Discuss Meeting time 15:13:44 SteveZ: the agenda had two other times 15:13:49 ... we don't have Jay (it's midnight for him) 15:13:52 chaals_ has joined #w3process 15:14:01 ... the other times that seem to make sense are 6AM Japan (+1 day) 15:14:16 ... 1pm on West Coast, 4pm on East Coast, 10pm in Central Europe 15:14:27 ... or 7AM Japan ... which pushes it to 11pm in Central Europe 15:14:44 ... we don't have chaals 15:14:49 timeless: chaals is in Spain 15:15:09 s/chaals is in Spain// 15:15:30 jeff: can we do this via Email? 15:15:54 michael: what about rotating? 15:15:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:15:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html chaals 15:15:58 SteveZ: that gets really confusing 15:16:12 michael: it's confusing, but it shares the pain 15:16:25 ... rather than just saying "ok, well you people in East Asia, get used to it" 15:16:36 SteveZ: i'll resend this out 15:16:41 timeless: as a doodle poll? 15:16:45 SteveZ: i should do that 15:16:49 jeff: one other complexity 15:17:00 ... when i look at the times for the US, 4/5 or 10 15:17:05 ... it depends on the day of the week 15:17:13 ... each of us have other standing meetings/standing conflicts 15:17:22 ... maybe do the poll 5 days, 3 times = 15 times 15:17:25 ... to find out which works 15:17:27 SteveZ: ok 15:17:37 topic: Issue-141: Improve Errata management in W3C 15:17:48 SteveZ: chaals was going to give an alternative update 15:17:52 [chaals thinks rotating is a reasonable option] 15:17:52 ... to the text i proposed 15:17:57 ... i haven't seen that text 15:18:06 ... it's getting late to send something out to PSIG for comment 15:18:20 +1 to sending Steve's proposed text to PSIG for comments 15:18:22 ... i'd like to send the text I proposed to PSIG as "what we have at the moment", to get comments on 15:18:55 [I have not completed either of my action items. Assuming my computer lasts the week - which is not an assumption I would rely on - I will aim to complete them by tomorrow night] 15:19:34 SteveZ: we can wait another week and discuss it next week 15:19:48 jeff: i don't object to a chair's decision to wait another week 15:20:04 ... PSIG analyzes very deliberately, i want to get this in Process-2015 15:20:18 ... personal preference, is that we send SteveZ 's proposed text to PSIG for comments 15:20:24 ... we'll run out of time 15:20:30 ... PSIG review, AC review, ... 15:20:39 SteveZ: i was worried about that 15:20:44 ... my thinking is the same as yours 15:20:56 ... one week was reasonable 15:20:58 jeff: it was 15:21:03 SteveZ: i will send my text to PSIG 15:21:14 ... if chaals is on PSIG, he can raise issues w/ it there 15:21:17 topic: Issue-129 Remove Coordination Groups 15:21:31 s/topic: Issue-129 Remove Coordination Groups// 15:21:42 michael: I agree, moving forward, let it get word-smithed in PSIG 15:21:43 topic: Issue-129 Remove Coordination Groups 15:21:51 SteveZ: jeff, you said Team had some concerns about this 15:21:57 jeff: yes, i discussed this w/ the Team 15:22:08 ... i'd say many in the Team were supportive of removing Coord-Groups 15:22:18 ... one person in the Team (Judy) strongly objected 15:22:26 ... and her objection had substance 15:22:35 ... that her Coord-Group is extremely useful 15:22:47 ... my personal opinion is they aren't creating harm, 15:22:50 ... they're very useful 15:23:00 ... i'd suggest people advocating removing them work w/ Judy 15:23:06 ... to identify something that works for WAI 15:23:11 ... address her concerns 15:23:22 ... and once that's successful, bring it back to Process 15:23:32 michael: which group is this? 15:23:58 jeff: i can get the details 15:24:12 michael: the argument isn't to take away things that are useful 15:24:12 [wai-cg] 15:24:25 ... it's to unburden the Process document 15:24:36 ... the argument is for simplifying the process document 15:25:06 s|[wai-cg]|-> http://www.w3.org/WAI/CG/ WAI Coord-Group| 15:25:18 michael: as a way of getting wide review of documents 15:25:31 jeff: in her perspective, there's a lot of cross-review of documents that take place in this group 15:25:41 ... perhaps to your point, it doesn't have to be part of the process 15:25:48 ... we had a 15 min discussion at W3M 15:25:54 ... people weren't able to convince Judy of that 15:26:08 [many people talking at once] 15:26:09 timeless: could they change to be a Community Group? 15:26:17 SteveZ: chaals in his proposal said 15:26:38 ... there's nothing preventing Charters from requiring people from participating in Ad-hoc groups 15:26:45 ... the goal was to try to stop the requirement to create them 15:26:53 ... where a number of groups felt they weren't useful 15:26:59 jeff: i don't recall the exact proposal 15:27:20 ... if we stopped the requirement to create them 15:27:28 ... but continue having Coord-Groups in the process 15:27:40 ... it's possible that Judy would satisfied with that 15:27:45 ... that's a worthy task to explore 15:27:57 ... i'm guessing she might not be comfortable w/ it as a Community-Group 15:28:03 ... in speaking to the General Public 15:28:16 ... folks in the Accessibility Community feel the need to work in Member space 15:28:25 ... that could be a problem w/ doing it as a Community Group 15:28:34 SteveZ: it could be an IG or a WG w/o Deliverables 15:28:50 ... I think an Interest Group would be the most relevant 15:28:55 ... and that can be in Member space 15:28:58 michael: I agree 15:29:03 ... not to taking the tool away 15:29:10 ... but to simplify the process 15:29:18 jeff: I don't mind taking that proposal to Judy 15:29:24 michael: doesn't Security have an IG 15:29:31 jeff: there is a Security 15:29:39 ... i can take an Action to bring it back to Judy 15:29:59 SteveZ: please take the action given that chaals isn't on the phone call 15:30:07 ... and you're likely to see Judy before he is 15:30:18 ... to point out, we aren't interested in banning useful Groups 15:30:31 ... but, a Member only IG should be able to serve the same purpose as a Coord-Group 15:30:42 ... I could understand her wanting membership to be just Chairs 15:30:58 ... I'll look to see if there's a simplification of Coord-Group based solely on Membership 15:31:08 ... that might make it possible to keep around in a simpler form 15:31:18 jeff: fine with me 15:33:01 ACTION: jeff to talk to Judy about using an existing group type, for example, member-only IG, to coordinate WAI activity 15:33:01 Created ACTION-39 - Talk to judy about using an existing group type, for example, member-only ig, to coordinate wai activity [on Jeff Jaffe - due 2014-11-18]. 15:33:39 ACTION: SteveZ to look at simplifying Coordination Groups to meet Judy's needs 15:33:40 Created ACTION-40 - Look at simplifying coordination groups to meet judy's needs [on Steve Zilles - due 2014-11-18]. 15:33:58 topic: Issue-144: Chairs are asking for clarification for Wide Review 15:34:01 chaalsGrr has joined #w3process 15:34:17 SteveZ: this one, there were two comments in the Breakout session at TPAC 15:34:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:34:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html chaals 15:34:46 ... one from Nigel was, he would like a statement about the Intent for Wide-Review 15:34:52 ... the Intent statement has two components 15:34:57 ... "To Encourage Early Review" 15:35:15 ... "To Encourage that things are Actually Reviewed, and not just announced" 15:35:22 ... i'm willing to draft that kind of a statement 15:35:36 ... if people are willing to accept that kind of statement back into the process document 15:35:37 q+ 15:35:42 ack jeff 15:35:52 jeff: I certainly would be interested in seeing a draft statement for review 15:36:02 ... i totally get what Nigel is looking for 15:36:12 ... we're creating this new ML for documents to go out 15:36:16 ... i hear rumblings about 15:36:29 ... "", if we put our stuff on the ML, then we've achieved wide-review 15:36:36 ... in general, the Team has concern 15:36:43 ... when the Director is looking for Wide-Review 15:36:50 ... he isn't looking for "I sent it out" 15:36:58 ... he's looking for actual evidence of wide-review 15:37:06 ... the text is there, but it's unclear, 15:37:18 ... having text could help, i'd be interested in seeing such a statement 15:37:39 SteveZ: timeless, do you remember anything else people were asking about 15:37:47 ... and I know there was a similar one for Implementation 15:38:13 http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-widereview-minutes.html 15:38:39 timeless: there was a note about Liaisons 15:38:45 SteveZ: we have a Liaison page 15:38:53 ... we should add that to the things that the Director is considering 15:38:57 ... whether they were contacted 15:40:12 ACTION: SteveZ to propose text for the intent of the Wide Review section and to add Liaisons to list of Director considerations 15:40:12 Created ACTION-41 - Propose text for the intent of the wide review section and to add liaisons to list of director considerations [on Steve Zilles - due 2014-11-18]. 15:40:19 topic: Issue-140: The description of the Team in Section 2.2 of the process document is out of date 15:40:36 SteveZ: i went through the minutes of last week on Team description 15:40:43 ... i was unclear about what our resolution was 15:41:15 ... it's possible, but i didn't see an action on chaals to draft text for that section 15:43:12 jeff: what's the conclusion, do we give chaals an action? 15:43:27 michael: does anyone besides chaals want to champion this? 15:43:30 +1 to Mike. 15:43:41 SteveZ: there are pieces of it that would be good 15:43:57 ... chaals sort of proposed text that listed roles/identified that they belonged to team 15:44:10 ... i did a check, and with one exception, all of the director's roles are listed in the document 15:44:22 q+ 15:44:30 ... i'll contact chaals so that by our next meeting, we'll have a clear answer on what's going to happen 15:44:40 michael: i don't object to this, i don't want to spend a lot of time on it 15:44:45 SteveZ: team section is simpler 15:44:53 ... roles will be in document body, not team section 15:45:00 ... some simple description of w3 will appear 15:45:11 ... i think chaals said he was comfortable w/ it being in the team section 15:45:12 ack jeff 15:45:18 jeff: i think that's the last outstanding issue 15:45:27 ... having director description in one place 15:45:42 ... the only thing i think we were bouncing around on was Hosting agreements in / out 15:45:49 ... if chaals is agreeable, 15:46:00 michael: is that somewhere that the process document can point to? 15:46:06 jeff: it's in the Process document 15:46:20 SteveZ: i think he was going to come up w/ language that would simpler 15:46:28 michael: chaals seems to have more work than he can do 15:46:32 ... this doesn't seem as important 15:46:38 ... [as other work] 15:47:20 timeless: if we gain a 5th host or lose a 4th host 15:47:27 ... i don't want to have to revise the process document to handle that 15:47:32 ... i'd rather we point to something 15:47:38 ... even if that means someone has to make such a place 15:47:44 SteveZ: i'll talk to Ian about it 15:48:00 jeff: changing the Process document to add a Host 15:48:10 ... was only a problem when we didn't change the document in 8 years 15:48:19 ... we're on track to update the process document annually 15:48:27 ... and we've only added a host once in 15 years 15:48:32 SteveZ: i can see text that says 15:48:51 ... "the organization is established by contracts among the hosts, as of the date of this document, they are ..." 15:49:05 topic: Issue-138: Does the process assume ‘an’ editor, or is group-editing formally ok? 15:49:24 SteveZ: this came up in an email discussion 15:49:36 ... i had my doubts about this particular one 15:49:40 ... there are some groups 15:49:43 ... tantek is in those 15:49:49 ... they don't exactly designate an editor 15:49:58 ... there seem to be informal designation of lead people who can edit 15:50:06 ... but the ED is open to changes by anyone 15:50:15 ... so that we save the bottleneck of having to go to someone to get an issue in 15:50:20 ... it means that w/ change-tracking these days 15:50:36 ... the lead person modifying the document would typically catch changes 15:50:42 ... see them, react to them, that way 15:50:46 q+ 15:50:57 ... this works as long as the group is disciplined about how they edit things in 15:51:05 ... and the leads are on top of things to fix things that need to be fixed 15:51:07 ... whatever that means 15:51:18 ... i think the process currently says that "the group selects an editor" 15:51:30 ... but i don't think there's anything in the process that prevents other people from actually editing the document 15:51:48 michael: maybe we could take an action item to look for specific text in the Process document 15:51:55 ... i agree there shouldn't be a mandate to have a single editor 15:52:05 SteveZ: i think the only thing that's there is that the WG is responsible for choosing the editor 15:52:12 michael: make that plural, and .... 15:52:18 SteveZ: i think it may be plural as it stands 15:52:47 ack me 15:53:03 q+ 15:53:17 SteveZ: there was a complaint from one of the editors [at TPAC] that the WG was making Decisions without understanding why the text they were editing was there 15:53:19 ack jeff 15:53:25 jeff: i'm not sure that the statement is true 15:53:32 ... the document is "Copyright W3C" 15:53:41 ... i guess that no one has the right to modify it without permission 15:53:53 chaals has joined #w3process 15:53:55 ... so there's a question of who we give permission to modify the document 15:54:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:54:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:54:16 from 7.2.1 Every Technical Report published as part of the Technical Report development process is edited by one or more editors appointed by a Group Chair. It is the responsibility of these editors to ensure that the decisions of the Group are correctly reflected in subsequent drafts of the technical report. An editor must be a participant, as a Member representative, Team representative, or Invited Expert in the Group responsible for the document(s) th[CUT] 15:54:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:54:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:54:56 RRSAgent, pointer 15:54:56 See http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-irc#T15-54-56 15:56:01 SteveZ: the key thing is the chair (can be plural) 15:56:06 ... appoints 1 or more... 15:56:21 jeff: i'm not saying there can't be 15:56:30 ... it just isn't automatic w/o permission of the Chair 15:56:32 -Mike_Champion 15:56:42 [right. As I proposed a while ago, the whole group can be editors if the chair appoints them] 15:57:12 SteveZ: i'm not sure we need to do anything for this case 15:57:30 q+ to talk about how wobbly the "whole group" is 15:57:50 timeless: is it sufficient to have an issue asking this 15:58:02 7.2.1 http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/#general-requirements 15:58:03 ... and we resolve saying that no change is needed because this is already possible 15:58:10 ... and then we just point to the resolved issue when people ask? 15:58:17 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:58:17 On the phone I see timeless, Jeff, SteveZ 15:58:49 jeff: it wasn't clear to me what the question was 15:58:57 ... "is it permitted to have group editing" 15:59:07 ... or "should we open it up so that anyone can be the editor [by default]?" 15:59:22 SteveZ: i wouldn't agree with it either. if the group decides and the chair agrees, that would be fine 15:59:37 ... this paragraph is the only place that defines restrictions on editors 15:59:41 jeff: it seems to me 15:59:50 ... you want to close this item 15:59:57 ... by saying "no, we don't want it to be editor free" 16:00:03 [the question was "can everyone in the group be an editor of some deliverable of the group?". The answer is "yes"] 16:00:15 ... "it's whatever the Chair decides, one, two, or infinite" 16:00:53 SteveZ: the current definition of the role of editor 16:00:57 [actual the question was "Does the process require an editor or have other roadblocks] 16:01:02 ... allows a group to decide that all group members are editors 16:01:16 ... and therefore the desired outcome is possible within the current process 16:01:21 ... so no change is necessary 16:01:33 [Our consensus seems to be, Yes, we desire to have a chair (or several or all) decided by the Chair] 16:01:35 s/infinite/only bounded by the size of the group/ 16:01:43 timeless: +1 16:02:14 jeff: if we wanted to have anyone 16:02:24 ... it's unfair to say anyone in a CG can be an editor of a document 16:02:33 ... we're part of a large group where only a few turn up for calls 16:02:40 SteveZ: in the sense that Tantek meant, it would probably be ok 16:02:49 ... the idea being to only put ISSUES into the document 16:02:56 ... in general, they wouldn't be changing the text 16:03:03 ... the goal is to deal w/ copyright 16:03:12 ... you only do this when a Group is working 16:03:24 ... that's why i think the decision of the Chair is important in this case 16:03:27 +1 16:03:29 ... you don't want to leave it as teh default behavior 16:03:33 s/teh/the/ 16:03:47 timeless++ 16:03:49 ... I want to thank you, and the minute taker [ timeless ], for all of this discussion 16:03:59 ... i came out with several actions, i'll review the minutes and do 16:04:23 ... i'd like to resolve that i'll put a pending review answer to the last topic (everyone can be editors) 16:04:25 +1 to Steve putting a Pending Review 16:04:35 thanks , steve 16:04:38 [ Adjourned ] 16:04:46 trackbot, end meeting 16:04:46 Zakim, list attendees 16:04:46 As of this point the attendees have been +1.416.440.aaaa, Jeff, timeless, SteveZ, Mike_Champion 16:04:49 -timeless 16:04:51 -Jeff 16:04:54 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:04:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html trackbot 16:04:55 RRSAgent, bye 16:04:55 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-actions.rdf : 16:04:55 ACTION: jeff to talk to Judy about using an existing group type, for example, member-only IG, to coordinate WAI activity [1] 16:04:55 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-irc#T15-33-01 16:04:55 ACTION: SteveZ to look at simplifying Coordination Groups to meet Judy's needs [2] 16:04:55 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-irc#T15-33-39 16:04:55 ACTION: SteveZ to propose text for the intent of the Wide Review section and to add Liaisons to list of Director considerations [3] 16:04:55 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-irc#T15-40-12 16:04:57 -SteveZ 16:04:57 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has ended 16:04:57 Attendees were +1.416.440.aaaa, Jeff, timeless, SteveZ, Mike_Champion 16:05:04 s/+1.416.440.aaaa, // 16:05:42 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 16:05:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-irc 16:05:45 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:05:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:05:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:05:57 s/+1.416.440.aaaa, // 16:05:59 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:06:02 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:06:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/11-w3process-minutes.html timeless 16:06:09 RRSAgent, bye 16:06:09 I see no action items