15:25:57 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 15:25:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-irc 15:26:27 rrsagent, set log public 15:26:29 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 15:27:36 Meeting: DPUB IG F2F meeting - second day, 2014-10-31 15:28:00 zakim, dial seattle 15:28:00 sorry, ivan, I don't know what conference this is 15:28:07 zakim, this will be dpub 15:28:08 ok, ivan; I see DPUB_IG()11:00AM scheduled to start 28 minutes ago 15:28:13 zakim, dial seattle 15:28:13 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:28:15 DPUB_IG()11:00AM has now started 15:28:16 +Seattle 15:28:43 brady_duga has joined #dpub 15:28:46 dauwhe has joined #dpub 15:29:22 scribenick: brady_duga 15:29:49 Topic: STEM 15:30:02 be right there.... 15:30:25 takeshi has joined #DPUB 15:30:40 Zakim, how are you? 15:30:40 I don't understand your question, dauwhe. 15:30:58 +pkra 15:31:04 Zakim, your personality leaves something to be desired. 15:31:04 I don't understand you, dauwhe 15:32:37 tzviya has joined #dpub 15:32:57 ivan_ has joined #dpub 15:33:22 +madi 15:33:36 Present+ Madi_Solomon 15:33:56 Krautzberger 15:34:07 bradk has joined #dpub 15:34:08 ivan 15:34:08 Present+ Peter_Krautzberger 15:34:12 :-) 15:34:21 Present+ Markus_Gylling 15:34:23 Present+ Brady_Duga 15:34:29 Present+ Karen_Myers 15:34:31 Present+ Dave_Cramer 15:34:39 Present+ Bill_Kasdorf 15:34:47 Present+ Dave_Cramer 15:34:54 chair: tzviya 15:34:54 Present+ Ivan_Herman 15:35:04 Present: Markus_Gylling 15:35:11 Karen has joined #dpub 15:35:18 Present+ Tzviya_Siegman 15:35:26 Present+ Deborah_Kaplan 15:35:37 Present+ Charles_LaPierre 15:35:40 clapierre has joined #DPUB 15:35:47 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:36:17 Present+ Takeshi_Kanai 15:36:32 tzviya: no real agenda for STEM, want to bring focus to STEM 15:36:41 Karen_ has joined #dpub 15:37:20 peter: update - wrapped up all but 1 interview 15:37:38 peter: … talked to 4 or 5 people [various names] … 15:38:03 peter: … very productive, will start on the email interview/questionaire now 15:38:19 peter: … will set up a meeting of the actual task force 15:38:42 peter: … lots of advanced layout features people are looking for 15:38:47 Present+ Shinyu_Murakami 15:38:57 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub 15:39:07 peter: … extremes: epub heavilly adjusts to reader vs advanced layout 15:39:31 peter: … surprised that there was very little STEM specific tech that people need and should be standardized 15:39:54 peter: … there is math which is ahead of the curve 15:40:07 q? 15:40:18 peter: … for every else there are people stuck in proprietary tech 15:40:20 murakami has joined #dpub 15:40:30 peter: … not a lot of knowledge about what is needed to get it in the web 15:40:49 tzviya: Might just be that people don’t know what is needed 15:41:29 tzviya: … maybe people just haven’t explored these issues, or have they tried and given up? 15:41:47 Present+ Ben_De_Meister 15:41:48 peter: not a lot of giving up. Lot of focus on the print side, so limits what you can do 15:41:54 TimCole has joined #dpub 15:42:03 q+ 15:42:21 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:42:53 bill: asking about pub formats in a traditional sense, or using the web for science in general? 15:43:00 q+ 15:43:03 clapierre1 has joined #DPUB 15:43:19 bill: … in science it is taken for granted that the web is used 15:43:58 my call dropped... 15:43:59 bill: .. reaction to comment about reflowable. Using tools is common and not a problem, reflowable content is another story. 15:44:23 -pkra 15:44:26 brb 15:44:43 bjdmeest has joined #dpub 15:44:51 dkaplan: what is an epub? what is a publication? 15:44:56 Present+ Ben De Meester 15:44:59 bill: yes, keep cycling back to that 15:45:03 +pkra 15:45:08 bill: … may not be relevant 15:45:21 dkaplan: is there a STEM group at W3c? 15:45:25 ivan: no 15:46:19 ivan: there has been discussion in the last few months about publications of schaolarly data 15:46:20 -pkra 15:46:24 flaky connection.. 15:46:58 +pkra 15:47:32 q+ 15:47:48 zviya: wants to make sure we can actually accomplish something. We could cover the entire web, but that is impossible. Please let’s not try 15:47:59 tzviya: … peter, can we get some next steps? 15:48:25 tim: there is a set of concerns about traditional pubs moving to the web that PDF can’t do 15:48:45 tim: … for instance, in math it is not just data, for example a graph you can manipualte 15:48:55 tim: … or a 3d model 15:49:05 bill: already done routinely 15:49:11 tim: yes, but non-standard 15:49:12 q? 15:49:17 ack TimCole 15:49:49 tzviya: do you want to standardize the data or the method or presenting the data? 15:50:07 tzviya: … data we can address, not so much the 3d modelling 15:50:17 joanie has left #dpub 15:50:19 bill: why can’t we do the modelling 15:50:51 bill: … our job is not to solve the problems. If we are focusing on STEM we can’t say modelling is out of scope 15:50:58 jamesn has joined #dpub 15:51:31 tim: Dichotomy isn’t unreasonable 15:51:42 ack ivan 15:51:45 q+ 15:52:04 ivan: 2 indepentent things 15:52:28 ivan: … 1) there are lots of problems with PDF. Lots of things STEM wants to do and PDF doesn’t offer them 15:53:03 ivan: … if this group came up with lists of areas where STEM has problems with PDF, would be great 15:53:11 s/modelling/3D modelling 15:53:29 ivan: … offers some names for Peter (ask him for them) 15:53:44 bradk_ has joined #dpub 15:53:52 ivan: … 2) for the data, trying to find out what are the missing bits is something that is interesting and important 15:54:14 ivan: … interesting because Don Groupson joined 15:54:35 ivan: … have tried to bring 3d modelling to the web for years in web3d group 15:54:38 s/Groupson/Brutzman 15:54:39 fjh has joined #dpub 15:55:09 ivan: … w3c pushed away, not mature enough, may not be enough interest 15:55:37 ivan: … if we push for it (on web, in epub), brings it into scope and makes it interesting to w3c 15:55:48 ivan: … may be other interesting formats 15:56:22 ack pkra 15:56:24 ivan: … whether w3c can handle it, we can’t decide, but we can identify issues with current specs (for example can html5 handle 3d like it handles svg) 15:57:02 peter: clarifying that talking to real publishers, that doesn’t seem to be a place we can find solutions 15:57:09 fjh_ has joined #dpub 15:57:37 peter: … static rendering eliminates need for custom rendering 15:57:43 ShaneM has joined #dpub 15:58:16 peter: … do think the idea of a STEM group or community to bring together interested parties might be a good outcome from the task force 15:58:45 +1 15:58:46 q+ 15:58:47 q? 15:58:49 liam_ has joined #dpub 15:58:50 peter: … maybe the perfect tool is a couple of CG, might be worthwhile to bring these people together 15:58:52 ack ivan 15:59:16 peter: … help publishers formulate the solutions they need (want to do interesting things, but don’t know how) 15:59:25 ivan: only concern is work duplication 15:59:34 Force11 - http://www.force11.org 16:00:04 ivan: … is on the board at force11, looking at these issues, they are active 16:00:21 ivan: … force11 doesn’t want to work alone 16:00:34 ivan: … once we know what is needed, we can rech out to these groups 16:00:52 ivan: … The interviews you had were with publishers 16:01:22 ivan: … the big publishers are very conservative, so maybe you need to have interviews with people in the scholarly community 16:01:37 +1 16:01:47 ivan: … there are very few scholarly publishers in anything other than PDF 16:02:03 ivan: … hard to break the circle, want ot hear from both sides 16:02:19 bill: the first interviews were with those people. We do have that input. 16:02:45 q+ 16:02:51 fettes has joined #dpub 16:03:19 peter: scholars annoyed with current tech, give me anything to get away from static rendering 16:03:20 ack TimCole 16:03:48 tim: You ask scholars what they need in digital media, and they ask for the wrong thing, or underestimate 16:04:13 tim: … got best results talking to PhD students. Learn a lot about their fears. 16:04:19 q+ 16:04:32 tim: … cautious, want to protect their careers 16:04:37 ack dkaplan 16:05:02 q+ 16:05:19 ShaneM_ has joined #dpub 16:06:08 peter: Seems like a CG to bring people together would be good 16:06:36 dkaplan: 2 deliverables: think STEM is a larger issues than DPUB (tell this to W3c) 16:06:54 dkaplan: w3c should look into this for a STEM group 16:07:21 q+ 16:07:23 dkaplan: … from dpub, we have a list of things that STEM people want in their publications that they can’t do 16:07:37 dkaplan: … hand this research over to w3c/new group 16:07:45 q+ 16:08:03 dkaplan: … we could be stuck just looking at one issue in this group for years 16:08:05 ack ivan 16:08:30 Maryann Martone, maryann@ncmir.ucsd.edu 16:08:40 ivan: 2 additional things: Peter - you could get an interview with Maryann Martone 16:08:53 ivan: … I don’t want to do it, you should 16:09:24 ivan: … other thing: to document what dkaplan just said is useful 16:09:32 ivan: … but don’t get your hope up 16:10:14 ivan: … things may have already slipped out of w3c, so we may be too late 16:10:20 ack Bill-Kasdorf 16:10:24 ivan: … the list is very useful 16:10:39 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:11:02 peter: to clarify, biggest problem is when you say Maryann Martone has good insights from our point of view, my problem is “what is out point of view”? 16:11:07 madi has joined #dpub 16:11:25 ivan: what are issues scholars have with PDF? Or traditional publications? 16:11:39 ivan: … she may have ideas and further pointers for that 16:12:14 bill: the issues we are talking about today should go in the questionaire 16:12:26 bill: … that’s what the interviews are for 16:13:00 tzviya: At what point will we get data back from the questionnaire? This group is chartered for just one more year 16:13:39 bill: task force strategy was to do interviews to create the larger, more structured questionaire 16:14:07 peter: Timing, send out Q in Nov, then give people to end of year 16:14:14 peter: … then write up in Jan 16:14:29 ivan: can you come to conference in Jan? 16:14:33 peter: I will try 16:14:36 q? 16:14:54 ack pkra 16:15:14 tzviya: timing: get Q out in early Nov, give them 1 or 2 weeks, get all results by end of Nov. 16:15:35 tzviya: … then process data in 2 or 4 weeks, when have it all ready for force11 conf 16:15:42 Reinaldo_ has joined #dpub 16:15:52 tzviya: … we end in less than 1 year, so need to have discrete action items ASAP 16:16:00 tzviya: does that timeline work? 16:16:06 peter: we will make it work 16:16:19 bill: we can find a volunteer to help 16:16:45 peter: surprising thing was authoring on and for the web topic 16:16:57 peter: less STEM, but using the web as an authoring platform 16:17:00 Present+ Daniel_Glazmann 16:17:05 +1 16:17:15 peter: … there is movement away from xml 16:17:33 peter: … people data mine html anyway, so why do we make xml? 16:17:59 peter: … slow transition away from PDF to web 16:18:19 peter: … search - no one does it because there are no semantically interesting formats 16:18:48 peter: … mathml is ahead of the curve, but everyone else there are no tools it is an abyss 16:18:48 glazou has joined #dpub 16:18:59 peter: … annotation work is appreciated 16:19:22 q? 16:19:22 peter: … metadata - there is a lot of detailed metadata, but it seems too hard to use, too hand crafted 16:19:57 peter: … peer review - this is publishing in general. How to organize it on the web, then how do we deal with STEM specific content (for example the data) 16:20:12 peter: … and finally data. How to deal with data sets, make them available, etc 16:20:48 tzviya: talk about AI 16:21:15 action pkra to send STEM survey in Nov 16:21:16 Created ACTION-34 - Send stem survey in nov [on Peter Krautzberger - due 2014-11-07]. 16:21:51 tzviya: who is on taskforce? 16:22:04 ivan: reach out to Don 16:22:17 action tzviya to reach out to Don 16:22:17 Created ACTION-35 - Reach out to don [on Tzviya Siegman - due 2014-11-07]. 16:22:50 action pkra to call meeting of taskforce (maybe on this Monday) 16:22:51 Created ACTION-36 - Call meeting of taskforce (maybe on this monday) [on Peter Krautzberger - due 2014-11-07]. 16:23:37 tzviya: Need to document the results. Ivan will lead the process through respec 16:24:17 peter: have started to work on a proper respec document 16:24:37 markus: have a tangent question 16:24:51 markus: … ivan said there was a 3d standards war? 16:25:14 ivan: webgl is low level. If you want complicated 3d models, doing it in webgl is tedious 16:25:58 ivan: … x3d consortium has an xml spec for modelling (very old school) 16:26:20 ivan: .. there is another group that has a similar language, but closer to the web (use CSS, DOM, etc) 16:26:30 markus: do they both use webgl? 16:26:42 ivan: yes, underneath they both use webgl 16:27:00 ivan: … there was a German CG, sort of died out 16:27:23 ivan: … it is worse than mathml, browsers say it is a niche market, not interested in implementing it 16:28:09 ivan: … this idea of doing 3d at w3c, some people have talked about it since early 2000s 16:28:34 q? 16:28:36 ivan: … if digital publishers push for it, maybe the new demand would push things forward 16:28:57 q+ 16:29:15 ack dkaplan 16:29:46 dkaplan: maybe out of school but when there is STEM outreach maybe talk to some blind scientists. 16:30:01 s/school/scope 16:30:06 peter: maybe John Gardner? 16:30:51 tzviya: we do have acccesible authoring tools at 1pm here. Peter, please join if you are awake 16:31:31 -madi 16:32:27 -pkra 16:36:59 bobtung has joined #dpub 16:42:29 + +44.788.775.aaaa 16:42:48 scribenick: dauwhe 16:43:13 +madi 16:45:37 bobtung_ has joined #dpub 16:46:00 +astein 16:46:49 + +1.217.721.aabb 16:47:14 astein has joined #DPUB 16:47:19 Present+ Liam_Quin 16:47:36 Present+ Alan_Stein 16:47:56 Chair: Markus 16:47:59 Topic: metadata 16:48:04 Metadata agenda is at https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/TPAC2014-F2F 16:48:06 mgylling: we have two hours 16:48:25 Bill_Kasdorf: this will be simple 16:48:31 murakami_ has joined #dpub 16:48:32 liam_ has joined #dpub 16:48:42 mgylling: what do you see as outcomes after two hours? 16:49:00 Bill_Kasdorf: defer to ivan on first step 16:49:13 ... we don't have is a document to deliver to w3c 16:49:18 *Ayla_Stein 16:49:26 ... what are we asking of W3C to address metadata 16:49:32 ... how can we best express that? 16:50:11 ... we focused on many nebulous issues, where the W3C cannot help 16:50:21 ivan: if the IG produces a document on a wish list 16:50:26 ... these are things that should happen 16:50:38 ... specific things at w3c 16:50:43 ... that's as far as this group can go 16:50:53 ... under which heading and structure? 16:51:10 ... can publish as w3c note 16:51:16 ... a stable document that can be refered to 16:51:19 ... that's my goal 16:51:32 ... in that doc you cannot use the word "recommendation" 16:52:04 Bill_Kasdorf: overview... we know how we got here 16:52:08 ... three main things 16:52:15 zakim, who is here? 16:52:15 On the phone I see Seattle, +44.788.775.aaaa (muted), madi, astein, +1.217.721.aabb 16:52:18 On IRC I see liam_, murakami_, astein, bobtung, Reinaldo_, madi, ShaneM_, fettes, fjh, jamesn, bjdmeest, clapierre1, Bill_Kasdorf, Karen_, ivan, tzviya, takeshi, dauwhe, 16:52:18 ... brady_duga, RRSAgent, Zakim, mgylling, mihnea_____, astearns, dkaplan3, rego, plinss, trackbot 16:52:24 ... first: need to better enable ONIX metadata expressed on the web and in web docs 16:52:47 ivan: [administrative issues discussed] 16:52:51 Present+ Graham 16:53:40 Bill_Kasdorf: second issue is lack of understanding in pub community of existing tools like URIs 16:53:50 ... little understanding of RDFa 16:53:58 ... that's in pub side, not library side 16:54:09 ... there's a big gulf between trade and library sides of business 16:54:28 ... need better education 16:54:39 ... third issue is rights metadata 16:54:59 ... not just associating rights metadata with publications, but with portions of publications 16:55:07 ... we don't have a strategy for those three issues 16:55:20 ... let's talk about ONIX first, as we have Graham on the phone, Mr. Onix 16:55:29 ... ONIX is a messaging format between trading partners 16:55:44 ... it's confused with subject metadata, but ONIX is much more 16:55:53 ... the discussion has often involved schema.org 16:56:08 bobtung has joined #dpub 16:56:09 ... is the discussion about ONIX? Or schema.org? 16:56:17 ... there are other orgs working on similar things 16:56:23 ... let's collaborate but not collide 16:56:49 ... first thing is to get a firm grasp on players and what they're doing, especially in schema.org 16:57:03 ... BISG is U.S. org that talks to Editeur 16:57:17 ... BISG is forming WG on book publishers using onix with schema.org 16:57:23 ... Graham is chair of that WG for BISG 16:57:44 ... when talking with ??? of Springer, people talking about subscription metadata in schema.org 16:58:01 ... Also some work in Library community on schema.org 16:58:14 ... so we may need to focus on schema.org rather than ONIX 16:58:34 TimCole: we've worked with OCLC and LOC 16:58:48 ... Libraries are trying to figure out how to use schema.org 16:58:56 ... need authority files 16:59:29 ... we have MARC records looking about information for names to map to URIs 16:59:50 ... we analyzed 5m books, got 70% by matching 17:00:03 ... partly because old MARC records didn't have birth/death data 17:00:09 ... similar results with subject names 17:00:16 ... made schema.org records better 17:00:24 ... and linked them with other sources 17:00:42 ... how to express holdings in schema.org 17:00:48 ... there's a community group 17:01:24 Bill_Kasdorf: pubs have ONIX, library has MARC 17:01:43 ... but in library world there are major authority files like VIF, worldcat, name authority files 17:01:55 ... that are invaluable to librarians, who are the real metadata experts 17:02:09 ... but publishers don't know that sh%# 17:02:24 TimCole: link to wikipedia names 17:03:28 The community group Tim was talking about: http://www.w3.org/community/schemabibex/ 17:03:33 Graham: I agree with Tim 17:03:40 liam_ has joined #dpub 17:03:46 ... increasing interest in authorities like ISNI in pub world 17:03:58 ... not quite the same as VIAF 17:04:05 ... but does give you all disambiguations 17:04:14 ... close links between OCLC and ISNI 17:04:26 ... and is unique persistent identifier for a public identity 17:04:35 ... can be expressed as URI 17:04:44 ... [lots of slashes] 17:04:58 ... there are also subject authorities like BISAC and BIC and Thema 17:05:22 ... they do something similar to Dewey or LOC or similar things 17:05:37 ... it's not that pub doesn't have authority, it's just different and perhaps a little behind 17:05:45 ... ISNI isn't widely used yet 17:05:59 Bill_Kasdorf: there are 8 million ISNI 17:06:11 Graham: ISNI is growing quickly but not widely used 17:06:17 ... the subject schemes are widely used 17:06:27 ... BISAC is ubiquitious in US, BIC in UK 17:06:36 ... the problem is that they are national 17:06:46 (the scholarly publishers and authors have a similar service via ORCID (http://www.orcid.org) 17:06:49 ... France has CLIL 17:06:58 ... there are hundreds of these subject schemes 17:07:09 ... Thema is designed to solve this problem 17:07:15 ... based on BIC but more international 17:07:24 ... Happy First Birthday to Thema! 17:07:28 ... it's growing 17:07:39 ... and commercially relevant 17:07:55 ... it has different features than library subject schemes, which are much more details 17:08:06 ... library schemes may have 100000 categories 17:08:18 q+ 17:08:28 ... publishers have relatively unskilled poeople, there are 4k subjects 17:08:40 s/poeple/people/ 17:08:48 madi: [beep] 17:08:57 ... what sort of actions do we want to take? 17:09:09 tzviya: this is fun but let's focus 17:09:15 q+ 17:09:15 ack tzviya 17:09:21 Bill_Kasdorf: there's lots of metadata out there 17:09:35 ... focus should be to how to implement this in OWP? 17:09:39 ... what needs to be done? 17:09:52 hiroto has joined #dpub 17:10:08 ... do we need to chose between these identifiers? No, need lots of them 17:10:17 ... but must express as URIs. 17:10:32 ... need resolvable identifiers expressed as URIs 17:11:14 ... we were focused on ONIX, which means we're focusing on book trade 17:11:19 ... note we don't govern ONIX 17:11:30 ... schema.org is not W3C standard 17:11:55 ... I think we should focus on schema.org implementation, independent of the vocabulary 17:12:06 ack ivan 17:12:09 ... what might need to be added/changed to make schema.org more useful 17:12:17 ivan: we need to separate issues 17:12:39 ... various schems like ISNI and Orchid 17:12:46 ... these are important 17:12:57 s/Orchid/ORCID 17:12:58 ... it's sad that we have many standards instead of one 17:13:27 ... schema.org is a collection of terms for the properties 17:13:48 ... can only have list of subjects (accepted vocabularies) 17:14:01 ... we can't really influence them 17:14:27 ... schema.org has a heirarchy of classes and properties 17:14:32 ... persons and shops and actions 17:14:40 ... which falls back to what ONIX can do 17:14:45 ... ONIX is way too huge 17:15:04 example: http://schema.org/Book 17:15:22 ... if there's already a group looking at mapping a subset of ONIX onto schema.org 17:15:47 ... BISG is doing this, which is great 17:15:51 ... so we shouldn't do it. 17:15:57 ... let's wish them good luck 17:16:02 ... and I'd be happy to help 17:16:11 ... and use my contacts at schema.org 17:16:27 ... so let's not set up Yet Another Group (YAG) 17:16:39 +1 17:16:58 Bill_Kasdorf: This is for book trade onix metadata 17:17:09 ivan: Graham, do you agree? 17:17:18 Graham: yes, I do 17:17:26 ... some input from this IG might be useful 17:17:34 ... within bisg process 17:17:54 ... no need to duplicate effort 17:17:59 ivan: I'll help 17:18:03 bradk_ has joined #dpub 17:18:16 mgylling: you seem to have expected this 17:18:26 Bill_Kasdorf: my point is that lots of people are already doing work 17:18:34 ... the focus on ONIX here is misguided 17:18:46 ... the W3C spans all these interest groups (lowercase) 17:18:54 ... libraries, commercial people, etc 17:19:00 ... the web crosses all those areas 17:19:28 ... if we exclude graham, the people at BISG are unaware of tim's work in library world with schema.org 17:19:34 ... is there some matchmaking we can do? 17:19:41 mgylling: is w3c the vehicle? 17:19:48 ivan: we can't federate all these groups 17:19:57 Bill_Kasdorf: w3c as intermediary 17:20:08 ivan: lots of tech here around semantic web 17:20:15 ... if issues come up 17:20:18 q? 17:20:23 q+ 17:20:27 ... then me as former semweb activity lead can help 17:20:36 ... but for this IG we should stop 17:20:45 Bill_Kasdorf: we can be responsive but can't do proactive work 17:20:49 ivan: they are in driving seat 17:20:52 glazou has joined #dpub 17:21:23 - +44.788.775.aaaa 17:21:25 ... looking at RDF-ization of ONIX 17:21:41 ... if there's an interest for it, it's not happening anywhere, it could happen here 17:22:02 Bill_Kasdorf: Graham is supportive of this idea 17:22:09 ivan: This is Graham's hobby 17:22:26 Bill_Kasdorf: Graham is overloaded, an offer to help here could help 17:22:48 mgylling: in the note, propose this as future activity? 17:22:56 ivan: we should explore, not commit 17:23:09 Bill_Kasdorf: I want madi and tcole's perspective 17:23:24 ... commercial pubs don't use or understand RDF 17:23:46 madi: I think it's a great idea 17:24:09 ivan: schema.org will never take whole of ONIX 17:24:20 madi: I assume we're talking about RDFa 17:24:29 ivan: RDFa is just an expression of an RDF model 17:24:38 ... can be expressed in RDFa or JSON-LD 17:24:48 ... it can use some terms that schema.org has 17:24:52 ... but can't add terms 17:25:21 madi: start with RDFization but consumable by schema.org 17:25:29 ... i know creativework has book 17:25:38 ... I've beenl playing with google rich snippets 17:25:56 ... I want to take aspects of minimal book or publication, finding key metadata elements 17:26:07 ... in a rich snippet that would automate RDF from ONIX 17:26:12 ... just a sliver of a subset 17:26:28 ivan: there is an order here that should be kept 17:26:36 ... by mapping a subset of ONIX onto schema 17:26:43 ... that means that subset is turned into RDF 17:26:58 q+ 17:27:00 ... which means that a part of onix is already in RDF 17:27:08 ... once that work is done by another group 17:27:20 ... is there an interest in extending this to the whole of ONIX 17:27:38 ... BISG will do subset 17:27:50 ... then we can see if extending to whole model is feasible 17:28:03 TCole: I agree with Ivan 17:28:14 ... don't take legacy format and turn to effort 17:28:20 ... effort with MARC was abandoned 17:28:34 s/to effort/to RDF/ 17:28:36 ... effort with ??? is ongoing but problematic 17:28:46 s/???/Bibframe/ 17:29:03 ... most successful has been map traditional library to schema.org and let some things go 17:29:12 ... same thing would happen with onix 17:29:15 Bibframe: http://bibframe.org 17:29:25 ... some of onix you might not want in schema.org 17:29:33 q? 17:29:48 ???: from books that I see 17:29:52 ... looking at EPUB 17:30:01 ... has vast metadata like DAISY terms 17:30:06 s/???/fettes 17:30:07 ... and name/value pairs 17:30:11 ... it's all random 17:30:20 ... there's rich language that no one uses 17:30:23 q+ 17:30:31 ack fettes 17:30:39 Present+ Allastair Fettes 17:30:40 ... identifier is most important thing and we don't trust it 17:30:59 ... we can shoehorn interesting information into OPF file 17:31:14 ... it's just using meta name of property 17:31:24 ... you can have registry of roles 17:31:28 ... ibooks:version 17:31:48 ... using vendor prefix then push to standard 17:31:55 tzviya: you're talking about package metadata 17:32:06 ... but we're supplying you with ONIX which is better metadata 17:32:08 q- 17:32:21 ... the amazon metadata is from ONIX 17:32:26 ... that stuff is updated 17:32:43 fettes: so book metadata is orphaned 17:33:01 Bill_Kasdorf: we have same disconnect between commercial and library world 17:33:27 ... ??? made a comment about not getting article metadata about journals 17:33:31 q- 17:33:33 *Ayla 17:33:40 ... because the systems are focused on titles and issues 17:33:53 ... so the publisher has the metadata, but the article metadata is stripped out 17:34:14 ... by the metadata handoffs through intermediaries 17:34:20 q+ 17:34:28 ... lots of what in ONIX doesn't get to MARC (for example) 17:34:40 ... so library doesn't get rich metadata, even though publisher created it 17:34:50 q+ 17:34:56 q? 17:35:02 ... they have OCLC MARC record, but they have another one with lots of publisher metadata 17:35:38 q- 17:35:52 ack astein 17:35:58 maybe 17:35:59 sorry! 17:36:04 Bill_Kasdorf: we need to move on 17:36:24 ... the proposal with item one is that we should not pursue ONIX in schema.org 17:36:28 ... just be resource to BISG 17:36:49 ... don't want to complicate that one with Ivan's suggestion of RDFization of all of ONIX 17:37:05 ... so we won't pursue #1 17:37:25 ... #2 gets at one aspect of Alistair's consistent use of identifiers 17:37:40 ... let's separate those issues 17:37:52 ... so we separate proper use of identifiers with URI 17:38:05 ... is that the business of this group? Education? 17:38:17 ivan: we collect existing documents 17:38:31 ... there's an RDFa primer 17:38:41 ... there's a ??? URIs 17:38:47 http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-rdfa-primer/ 17:39:01 ... the issue is not covered, but the first thing is to collect those resources 17:39:04 http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/ 17:39:09 ... and then consider whether there's somthing missing 17:39:17 s/???/cool uris/ 17:39:23 s/???/cool 17:39:45 Bill_Kasdorf: what do we need to do? 17:40:07 ... can we assign some folks to look at this issue and report back? 17:40:25 ivan: if at the end of that and some things that are not covered, this group can write more documents 17:40:31 Bill_Kasdorf: +1 17:41:07 Action: Bill_Kasdorf to lead activity of collating existing resources of best practices for RDFa 17:41:07 Created ACTION-37 - Lead activity of collating existing resources of best practices for rdfa [on Bill Kasdorf - due 2014-11-07]. 17:41:20 Bill_Kasdorf: call for volunteers 17:41:43 ... email Bill K. if you want to participate 17:41:56 ... do we need similar activity on use of URI 17:42:03 ivan: it's one thing 17:42:16 Technical difficulties - I just wanted to add on to Bill's comment about publisher metadata earlier and the loss of information from the complicated ecosystem, that the worst offenders are from Open Access Journal publishers. 17:42:38 Bill_Kasdorf: the difference with URI issue is engaging with users of identifiers like crossref, editeur, 17:43:02 q+ 17:43:05 ... get unanimity from governance groups to express to their users to use their identifiers as URIs 17:43:10 ivan: there's disagreement 17:43:19 ... on how to handle this 17:43:28 ... for many they don't understand why this is important 17:43:34 Bill_Kasdorf: they are realizing 17:43:41 ivan: crossref is recognizing this 17:43:53 Bill_Kasdorf: update to ISBN has expanded guidance on this 17:43:54 bobtung has joined #dpub 17:44:04 ivan: it's not just issue of having URI 17:44:13 ... but what happens when I try to dereference 17:44:18 ... there there are disagreements 17:44:27 Bill_Kasdorf: I want separate group on thaat 17:44:35 ivan: Phil Archer will want to participate 17:44:42 ... he's activity lead for data 17:45:06 Bill_Kasdorf: do I have the leeway to extend scope as far as I am able to? 17:45:21 ... I know CA data library site which uses DOI 17:45:29 ... can I bring them into conversation? 17:45:37 ivan: I know people at Data Site 17:45:49 ... they are not as clearly using DOIs as URIs like crossref 17:45:58 Bill_Kasdorf: it's separate registration agency 17:46:06 ack tzviya 17:46:12 ivan: we want DOIs as URI, I'm not sure if Data Site does this 17:46:19 tzviya: let's document first 17:46:29 ... there are a lots of organizations 17:46:46 ... let's pull them together at some point 17:46:57 ... i think of that as stage two 17:47:09 ... I talked to Phil ARcher about this, he'll have a lot to say 17:47:19 Bill_Kasdorf: I see both action items as information gathering 17:47:25 tzviya: let's finish something 17:47:48 mgylling: the action is registered 17:47:54 ... the marching orders seem clear 17:48:05 Bill_Kasdorf: and we separate the two 17:48:28 bradk_ has joined #dpub 17:48:52 Action: Bill_Kasdorf to develope comprehensive list of identifiers that should be expressed as URIs and contact governance organizations to find current recommendations 17:48:52 Created ACTION-38 - Develope comprehensive list of identifiers that should be expressed as uris and contact governance organizations to find current recommendations [on Bill Kasdorf - due 2014-11-07]. 17:49:10 gbell has joined #dpub 17:49:20 bobtung_ has joined #dpub 17:49:22 Bill_Kasdorf: didn't get much feedback on github 17:49:33 ... rights metadata is important 17:49:40 ... expressing in actionable way 17:49:45 .. they have two interests 17:49:58 ... one is how can I know at a granular level that I have the right to do X 17:50:05 ... can I use a print image in my ebook? 17:50:11 ... goes beyond that to IP 17:50:20 ... other question is how to monetize my IP 17:50:33 ... how can I express rights on components of documents 17:50:42 ... lets me police usage 17:50:51 ... can I license rights to this thing? 17:50:59 ... particularly important with images 17:51:03 q+ 17:51:10 ... we're working with life magazine photo archive 17:51:23 ... they were losing lots of money every year 17:51:28 q+ 17:51:40 ... intersects with royalty payments 17:52:03 ... lots of folks working on this like IPTC 17:52:11 ... working with W3C 17:52:14 q+ 17:52:17 ... ODRL and RightsML 17:52:41 ... BISG has a new priority to look at this from author and agent perspective 17:52:57 q? 17:53:11 ... IDEAlliance has three components: contractual, usage, monitoring 17:53:26 ... we might be able to help 17:53:38 ... create an infrastructure in web tech 17:53:52 ack ivan 17:53:58 ivan: you scare me 17:54:07 ... rights metadata 17:54:16 ... there were only CGs at W3C 17:54:21 ... it's not technical 17:54:31 ... you need lawyers 17:54:54 ... and we don't have lawyers 17:55:06 Bill_Kasdorf: I'm thinking infrastructure 17:55:18 ivan: setting up another CG can be done 17:55:32 ... you need to talk to people who are already doing it 17:55:37 ... I don't know what they would say 17:55:45 - +1.217.721.aabb 17:55:51 ... to turn it into w3c work item is a different thing 17:56:12 ... if you have a CG then W3C does not endorse work 17:56:33 ... results may leave CG and go into other parts of W3C 17:56:46 ... endorsement in legal sphere is very tricky 17:57:03 Karen_: DOn't know about any work in this area 17:57:21 liam_: you must distinguish between rights identification and rights management 17:57:26 s/Don't know about any work in this area at W3C 17:57:44 liam_: RDF says who the author is 17:57:51 Bill_Kasdorf: but doesn't describe contract 17:58:21 liam_: I agree with Ivan that finding a way of describing moral rights internationally in RDF, XML, or animated cat GIFs is scary 17:58:34 ... won't be achievable 17:58:54 Bill_Kasdorf: I'm learning that my tendancy to bring siloed people together isn't a good fit for w3c 17:58:57 ivan: I don't agree 17:59:04 ... we can bring together different parties 17:59:10 ... OA group started that way 17:59:17 Question: something like the Creative Commons licenses beyond the open access sphere but expanded to a metadata scheme? 17:59:22 ... lots of discussion to bring people together 17:59:31 ... is a success now 17:59:47 Bill_Kasdorf: started with OA CG, now a WG 17:59:50 ivan: yes 18:00:08 Bill_Kasdorf: is there a role for this IG in that? 18:00:58 q? 18:01:22 q_ 18:01:25 q- 18:01:32 Yes! 18:01:34 that's Ayla 18:01:50 I'm having microphone issues 18:01:55 I'm just trying to clarify 18:02:02 Present+ Ayla_Stein 18:02:08 Karen_: copyright clearance center does this 18:02:17 ... they are member of this group 18:02:24 ... talk to her 18:02:32 ivan: CC in one sense is good example 18:02:44 ... all licenses are espressed in RDF 18:02:50 ... they helped start RDFa 18:03:03 ... they way they worked is with lawyers 18:03:16 ... it's legal issues and not technical issues 18:03:23 Bill_Kasdorf: liam, could you rephrase 18:03:37 liam_: rights identification but not rights management 18:03:53 ... legal issues in both parts 18:04:11 tzviya: will need lawyer to help with tagging 18:04:18 ivan: you need international lawyers 18:04:26 liam_: I run stock image company 18:04:37 ... I scan out-of-copyright books 18:04:54 ... wikipedia articles about law are not by lawyers 18:05:04 ... copyright articles are similar 18:05:05 Could we invite ALA's OITP or a Copyright/Intellectual Property/Law Librarian to collaborate on this? 18:05:35 ... legal landscape is changing rapidly 18:05:52 Bill_Kasdorf: whether or not have this as potential activity 18:06:20 ... do we want to include an activity that would try to bring together groups working on rights 18:06:39 q+ 18:06:41 q+ 18:06:46 ack tzviya 18:06:52 ack tzviya 18:06:58 tzviya: this is one example of granular metadata 18:07:04 ... if we form a CG about this 18:07:13 ... we might have to for every other sort of granular metadata 18:07:23 glazou has joined #dpub 18:07:24 Bill_Kasdorf: this is picking something to focus on that's important 18:07:40 tzviya: the other possibility is that this can be addressed by annotations 18:07:43 ivan: no 18:07:56 ... annotations give you framework to express something, but not what to express 18:08:05 Bill_Kasdorf: interoperability is the important thing 18:08:17 ... it's so random it's not interoperable 18:08:24 q? 18:08:30 ack ivan 18:08:30 ... w3c can build infrastructure to make it interoperable 18:08:43 or IFLA to get this advice 18:08:50 ivan: having a CG that tries to reconcile these different vocabularies is a useful thing 18:08:55 q+ 18:09:07 ... to form that CG someone needs to get these partners to accept to work together 18:09:19 ... that somebody would be Bill Kasdorf 18:09:29 ... whether you need backing of IG to do that is up to you 18:09:45 ... that's where IG would stop 18:09:59 Bill_Kasdorf: let me suggest this 18:10:07 ... if there's an interest in this group 18:10:14 ... is it worth spending my time on? 18:10:23 ... I am in touch with these people 18:10:59 tzviya: none of those people are involved in this group 18:11:03 ivan: except heather 18:11:16 Bill_Kasdorf: BISG is also active in this group 18:11:35 ... there are stakeholders in those groups who may be w3c members 18:11:39 ack dauwhe 18:11:44 ... IPTC has thomson reuters 18:12:13 gbell_ has joined #dpub 18:12:32 dauwhe: this has taken a lot of time today and will take a lot of time if we invest time 18:12:39 ack liam 18:12:39 liam_, you wanted to say expression facility might be OK for publisher-provided info 18:12:50 liam: I'd like to retract further 18:12:58 ... we had the web fonts work 18:13:03 ... there are some similar issues 18:13:09 ...we are a group that supports incorporating into web and can help once these groups figure out how they will work together 18:13:14 ... the font companies had to come to an agreement about font piracy 18:13:35 ... people would download fonts intentionally or unintentionally 18:13:44 ... what we did was two-fold 18:13:54 ... WOFF fonts dont' work as desktop font 18:14:12 ... you'd have to use program, which is legal evidence of willful intent 18:14:30 ... it's like a fence around a swimming pool, which is an attractive nuisance in legal technology 18:14:41 ... by showing willful intent, then you can prosecute 18:14:56 ... and there is metadata in the fonts that includes info about the EULA 18:15:08 ... there is metadata in there that expresses rights 18:15:18 ... but we didn't talk about the interpretation of those rights 18:15:25 ... which were in XML by the way 18:15:33 ... but we don't say anthing about it 18:15:40 ... that could go a long way to being useful 18:15:45 Bill_Kasdorf: that's a useful analogy 18:15:51 liam: that is the first point 18:16:05 Bill_Kasdorf: that outreach may not be about some major diplomatic effort 18:16:13 ... but that we know you're working on this issue 18:16:19 ... but are there issues with the web? 18:16:40 ... this is why it's a metadata question--do we have a mechanism for associating metadata? 18:16:58 ivan: in case of WOFF, there were issues with how to package fonts 18:17:12 ... that's not the case here. We know where to put metadata if we have vocab 18:17:29 ... but the vocab is what we don't have, and it's a translation of legal terms 18:17:34 ... epub has too much metadata 18:17:48 Bill_Kasdorf: epub can have rights metadata 18:18:03 ivan: it's not up to us to restrict what metadata you can use 18:18:16 liam: if you look at fonts in firefox, it has areas to display metadata 18:18:24 ... whether it's worth going there I don't know 18:18:31 q? 18:18:34 ack madi 18:18:36 ... rights expression CG can bring interesting peopoe 18:18:46 madi: it is a huge headache 18:18:57 ... if we succeed we'd accomplish something huge 18:19:02 ... but I don't think it's likely 18:19:16 ... lawyers don't think legal expression can be standardized 18:19:25 ... so they resist these vocabularies 18:19:46 ... maybe a CG with low expectations? 18:19:56 ... we can't do anything in a year 18:20:10 Bill_Kasdorf: IDEAlliance is establishing a vocab to do three things 18:20:18 ... one: do you have rights? Y/N 18:20:34 ... two: you have rights under condition 18:20:39 ... third: consult the lawyer 18:20:53 tzviya: that would be insufficient for most publishers 18:21:06 ... due to restrictions like fixed durations and so on 18:21:12 ... this is too out of schope 18:21:16 s/schope/scope/ 18:21:32 Bill_Kasdorf: I just think this is important 18:21:49 liam: if you make a CG I'll be in it 18:22:13 conference ribbons 18:22:15 Bill_Kasdorf: is that OK with you? 18:22:22 madi: we're working on it here for years 18:22:33 ... haven't moved the needle very far 18:22:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:22:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-minutes.html ivan 18:22:51 mgylling: if your friends want to do a CG that's fine 18:23:04 mgylling: I think we're about to end the session 18:23:12 ... do you want other suggestions? 18:23:51 ivan: let's be realistic. to do both URI and RDF outreach docs is already a tall order 18:23:57 Bill_Kasdorf: and those would be good outcomes 18:24:08 tzviya: we already have enough to do 18:24:13 Bill_Kasdorf: is there consensus? 18:24:15 all: yes 18:24:25 Bill_Kasdorf: so we'll focus on these 18:24:38 mgylling: it's 11:24, we're re-convening at 1PM 18:25:10 mgylling: cindy and richard will come at 3PM 18:25:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:25:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-minutes.html ivan 18:25:28 break type="lunch" 18:25:35 -astein 18:25:55 -madi 18:35:36 tzviya has joined #dpub 18:38:49 bradk_ has joined #dpub 18:39:36 brady_duga has joined #dpub 18:42:03 ivan has joined #dpub 18:42:57 tzviya has joined #dpub 18:44:54 bradk__ has joined #dpub 18:46:56 ivan_ has joined #dpub 18:47:41 jamesn has joined #dpub 19:21:12 ShaneM has joined #dpub 19:27:01 dauwhe has joined #dpub 19:30:59 bradk__ has joined #dpub 19:35:35 iank_ has joined #dpub 19:38:28 ivan has joined #dpub 19:45:54 tzviya has joined #dpub 19:46:49 dauwhe has joined #dpub 19:47:22 bradk__ has joined #dpub 19:55:11 pkra has joined #dpub 19:57:11 mgylling has joined #dpub 19:58:48 Topic: Accessibility (meeting with UUAG) 19:58:56 zakim, who is here? 19:58:56 On the phone I see Seattle 19:58:57 On IRC I see mgylling, pkra, bradk__, dauwhe, tzviya, ivan, iank_, ShaneM, RRSAgent, Zakim, mihnea_____, astearns, dkaplan3, rego, plinss, trackbot 20:00:14 bjdmeest has joined #dpub 20:00:41 Jan has joined #dpub 20:01:04 +pkra 20:01:06 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub 20:02:32 +[IPcaller] 20:02:35 clapierre has joined #DPUB 20:02:56 Present+ Jeanne_Spellman 20:03:50 Present+ Ben De Meester 20:03:57 scribenick: bjdmeest 20:04:26 brady_duga has joined #dpub 20:05:58 mgylling: the plan is for Deborah to update us 20:06:10 [introductions] 20:06:12 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jutta 20:06:13 +Jutta; got it 20:06:52 Jan Richards 20:07:14 jongund has joined #dpub 20:07:29 jeanne has joined #dpub 20:08:18 Jutta Treviranus 20:08:48 Present+ Peter Krautzberger 20:08:55 Robin Seaman 20:09:06 Jutta has joined #DPUB 20:09:25 mgylling: Deborah, would you recap the previous descussions, to get everyone up to date? 20:09:28 +Tim_Boland 20:09:32 Present+ Susann_Keohane 20:09:35 dkaplan: there were a couple of meetings 20:09:43 ... about: what should we do? 20:09:55 ... Charles and I became heads of the accessibility task force 20:10:27 Jutta Treviranus, Chair WAI ATAG, Director Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University 20:10:36 ... together with others: they would explain how they would work about accessiblility 20:10:59 ... they have been looking at techniques: this is fine, this is not (needs expanding) 20:11:31 ???: they got a lot of puswhback by W3C, wanted more use cases 20:11:44 s/???/clapierre/ 20:11:50 s/???/clapierre 20:11:58 clapierre1 has joined #DPUB 20:12:03 dkaplan: so, our idea is to start that process for digital publishing, mirrorring that effort 20:12:04 s/puswhback by W3C/pushback by W3C WCAG WG 20:12:13 liam has joined #dpub 20:12:27 ... question: what would be most helpfull when we start that process? 20:12:55 Jan: we deal with any tool that is used by authors in order to produce a webbased experience for another user (def authoring tool) 20:13:10 ... not considering changing your own experience 20:13:34 ... a lot of experience, guidelines, with a wide variety (plugins, CMS, Dreamweaver, blogs...) 20:13:45 ... we think DPUB is covered, so a review would be usefull 20:13:53 ... there is a ref doc, examples 20:14:00 ... so DPUB examples would be very useful 20:14:14 http://www.w3.org/TR/IMPLEMENTING-ATAG20/ 20:14:21 dkaplan: If we wanted to look into DPUB examples, or existing examples? 20:14:30 also Overview of ATAG -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/atag-glance.php 20:14:44 Jan: we have something like: have checks for accessibility, varies a whole lot 20:15:00 ... we don't do techniques, but we provide examples of what if might look like 20:15:20 q? 20:15:30 ... there was an old document about techniques, but there was confusion, so we changed the name to 'implementing' 20:15:56 dkaplan: if we look into those documents, and find stuff that might be expanded, how to do that? 20:16:48 jeanne has joined #dpub 20:16:55 Jan: what will hopefully happen, is that we get new examples for DPUB (nicely explained) for success criteria eg 3.1.1, and that will be put into the doc, gets into new publication (this doc is a note) 20:17:05 ... there is no deadline 20:17:13 ... the doc is called Implementing ATAG 20:17:18 ... ATAG has 2 main parts 20:17:36 ... what should you do in content to make that content rendered accessible? 20:17:54 part A: author interface needs to be accessible 20:18:34 part B: production accessibility 20:19:09 marcjohlic has joined #dpub 20:19:49 Jan: it is more important for the used tools to support accessibility, then that a group publishes accessibility guidelines 20:20:20 fettes has joined #dpub 20:20:46 -Tim_Boland 20:20:50 dkaplan: how do you make an interface accessible? 20:21:08 Jan: most will involve part A, our first guideline is: meet WCAG 20:21:22 dkaplan: are there specific needs for DPUB about what is produced? 20:21:37 ... is at the publishers level 20:21:48 Jan: consumers are tool devs (microsoft, adobe, ...) 20:22:12 dkaplan: the reason why this is relevant, because a lot of tools are built inhouse, to meet publishing needs 20:22:29 marcjohlic_ has joined #dpub 20:22:30 ... not just aimed at generic content, aimed at workflow 20:22:57 Jan: if you read the doc, so many support the ease of user experience 20:23:12 ... if tools are not accessible, a human is needed to fix stuff later on 20:23:32 ... if you are creating a long description, that needs to be stored and reused as much as possible 20:23:42 q+ 20:23:56 fjh has joined #dpub 20:24:05 dkaplan: that is mostly what i think about in DPUB: creators have a vast amount of images, the company that is creating the tool has no idea how to tag those images 20:24:19 ... that is a unique req 20:24:21 q? 20:24:24 jamesn has joined #dpub 20:24:43 Jan: You won't find something like: content HAS to comply to... that is impossible to enforce. 20:24:55 ... we try to flexible on the design of the doc 20:24:56 ack tzviya 20:25:40 tzviya: if worked for a publisher for 14 years, where would this fit? because I have never encountered something like this, eg, an image _must_ have an alt text 20:25:49 Jan: it is more about guidelines, not rules 20:26:13 ... eg not a government legislation (thou shalt not) 20:26:24 tzviya: not even a guideline encountered 20:26:46 dkaplan: eg, word does do grammatic checking, but no accessible checking 20:27:09 Jan: they do have an accessibility checker, hard to turn on, but it exists 20:27:24 tzviya: point is that publishers probably don't know about this 20:27:32 Jan: this doc is aimed to tool devs 20:27:53 ... why use tooling: to hide ugly details 20:28:03 ... we say: there is an extra accessible layer on top 20:28:12 q+ 20:28:17 jeanne: the text book publishers are going to be more aware of this 20:28:31 tzviya: i am part, no they are not 20:28:38 jeanne: there are legal requirements 20:28:48 Jan: ATAG is not well know compared to WCAG 20:28:59 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch 20:29:16 Jeanne: there are legal reqs for eg students with disabilities, we try to make it easier for people to do the right thing 20:29:26 fjh has joined #dpub 20:29:27 ... there is a big market for accessibility 20:29:36 ack dkaplan 20:29:40 ... an opportunity 20:29:58 dkaplan: is ATAG only intended for the authoring tools, or also for the conversion tools? 20:30:18 Jan: it does talk about conversion, section about conserving accessibility, sometimes that cannot be fully automated 20:30:33 ... sometimes, prompts are needed, human intervention 20:30:35 wordpress and OERpub editor are good examples for simple approaches with high "conversion rates" (i..e, making users actually input the content) 20:31:11 ... we call those: recoding transformations, there is also structural transformations, and 'pretty print' transformations 20:31:31 mgylling: you are in CR, ammending to the current doc is not an issue? 20:31:33 Jan: correct 20:31:55 mgylling: dkaplan, you wanted to add to this doc? 20:32:00 dkaplan: yes, mostly examples 20:32:08 mgylling: what is the concrete approach? 20:32:10 bradk__ has joined #dpub 20:32:40 dkaplan: after talking to cathy and kim, asking: how much time into this? amswer: 2-8 hours a week 20:33:10 ... they wanted as much accessibility in there as possible, very explicit workflow (why do we change something) 20:33:34 Jan: techniques are special in WCAG, sufficient techniques, advisory techniques, 20:33:41 ... there is more process around that 20:33:58 ... ;you would just send us examples, and then it is published 20:34:17 dkaplan: there should be a wordsmith expert 20:34:24 ShaneM has joined #dpub 20:34:33 ... there was a lot of misunderstanding the specific language for a specific framework 20:34:39 ... we need help on that for WCAG 20:34:45 q? 20:35:05 Jeanne: idea: why not just write a note: DPUB using ATAG and/or accessibility guideline practices 20:35:15 ... you could focus on DPUB, relevant to the process 20:35:24 ... then you have a single linking point 20:35:37 ... and it would be _your_ note, without fuzziness of language 20:35:53 ... and it can refer to ATAG, WCAG, ... 20:36:19 ... people could go to that one, in DPUB speak 20:36:21 fjh has joined #dpub 20:36:22 jongund_ has joined #dpub 20:37:01 mgylling: about fixed-layout ebooks: in accessibility, it might be horrible (tool that exports fixed epub is horrible) 20:37:16 ... contextualized note could go very deep into this 20:38:13 dkaplan: [superseded notices is not clear] 20:38:27 ... would a separate note get the right attention 20:38:36 clapierre: could there be a dual link from ATAG 20:38:45 Jan: we could 20:38:59 ... we know about fixed layout 20:39:26 ... a remark: ATAG doesn't judge (what a flash tool?! shame on you!), it guides the user as much as possible 20:39:32 q? 20:40:00 Bill_Kasdorf: our role is evangelizing this stuff, as we are part of a big organization, we will make sure that this separate note gets attention 20:40:12 mgylling: mobile folks didn't chose a separate note? 20:40:38 dkaplan: DPUB is a specific industry, whereas mobile is part of the product of every kind of industry 20:40:44 .. they are not the same 20:41:08 clapierre: we will run into the same issues (ereader on your desktop vs on your tablet, etc) 20:41:47 s/our role/the role of the BISG Accessibility Working Group 20:41:49 Jan: they kind of melt together (responsive design), it did make sense to do what they did 20:42:10 fjh_ has joined #dpub 20:42:12 dkaplan; we should be very carefull, if we create our own note 20:42:29 q? 20:42:32 ... it should use the 'approved' language 20:42:50 clapierre: there may be issues that, where a note is not enough 20:43:14 ... eg, image of a drop cap must be spoken out by a11y tools correctly 20:43:21 ... we might go up to W3C standard 20:43:34 Jan: I would love example of DPUB for inclusion into our doc 20:43:51 mgylling: the more propagation, the better, the higher we get, the more discoverability 20:44:15 ???: what about Oreilly Atlas? a11y platforms? 20:44:24 Jan: that would be part A of our doc 20:44:35 s/???/Robin Seaman 20:44:39 ... the biggest barrier is attitude 20:45:00 ack liam 20:45:00 liam, you wanted to pint out fixed layout might make a useful example of a challenge 20:45:04 ... positive feedback loop is good 20:45:07 virtuous cycle 20:45:27 liam: about fixed layout: two kinds 20:45:35 1: ipad: every page is a bmp 20:46:03 ... without judging, fixed layout is a challenge, good example for a11y 20:46:32 ... drop cap is another (css mech for that now, improves a11y), but tools are lagging 20:46:43 dhauwe: there are still problems 20:47:12 liam: someone with a11y needs using an authoring tool, vs creating a11y content 20:47:28 Jan: you can have non-a11y tools that produce a11y content, and vice versa 20:47:37 [2 - svg] 20:47:44 q? 20:48:03 xiaoqian has joined #dpub 20:48:04 Bill_Kasdorf: is there any sort of validator for a11y? 20:48:48 Jan: there is a mix: tools that return report using a server, integrated tools (eg Word) 20:49:14 Bill_Kasdorf: there is a master EPUB checker, independent of the tools, is there something authorative like that? 20:49:28 Jan: yes, eg EMWeave 20:49:53 dkaplan: that is actually impossible 20:50:01 ... epubcheck is something like doing a checksum 20:50:11 it does a bit more these days... suggestions on code quality. 20:50:38 Jan: not so different than spelling and grammar, they flag for human judgement 20:50:41 checking after authoring is also not as useful as prompting and checking during authoring 20:50:49 ... closer to that than validity checking 20:50:59 q? 20:51:10 q+ 20:51:52 ... everybody needs to know some, there are also some experts out there 20:52:12 Jeanne: there are a11y checkers for HTML, to talk to them for an EPUB a11y checker 20:52:41 an example of integrated checking in EPub is Open Author 20:52:59 ack fettes 20:53:04 ... somthings can be flagged for humans to check, some things can be automated 20:53:33 fettes: ebpucheck is nice, but if you use a tool that creates epubs, if that is a wrong epub, you have a problem 20:53:43 q+ 20:53:46 ... iBooks uses warnings 20:54:08 ... checker should be integrated into the tool 20:54:42 mgylling: to take away: the separate note thing 20:54:57 murakami has joined #dpub 20:55:04 dkaplan: more take away: we should also keep you guys in the loop 20:55:19 ... so stuff might be incorporated into the ATAG document 20:55:50 clapierre: we will get going, an hour a week, we will pull you guys in, some point or another 20:55:55 Jan: okay 20:55:55 q? 20:56:31 mgylling: BISG does something about a11y for fixed layout? 20:56:34 mgylling: yes 20:56:41 ... i wrote that section 20:57:14 dhauwe: mostly warnings, how users deal with that, is their choice 20:57:29 mgylling: we should make sure there are no parallel notes out there 20:57:38 s/dhauwe/dauwhe/ 20:57:49 Bill_kasdorf: agreed, no duplication (there is already a lot of duplicate stuff) 20:58:03 ... we will not add to the problem, we will try to shine a light 20:58:12 dkaplan: could someone of that group join us? 20:58:17 tzviya: I can 20:58:24 Robin: me too 20:58:40 mgylling: thanks y'all! 20:58:41 clap clap 20:59:01 -pkra 21:01:05 jongund has joined #dpub 21:05:59 glazou has joined #dpub 21:07:37 -Jutta 21:14:18 Present+ Xiaoqian_Wu 21:14:32 Topic: Planning for the future of the IG 21:15:28 murakami has joined #dpub 21:15:34 mgylling: talk about actions items, and logistics 21:16:11 Karen has joined #dpub 21:16:30 dauwhe has joined #dpub 21:16:37 ... to make sure actions and marching orders are clear 21:16:50 dauwhe has joined #dpub 21:17:09 karen: i want to mention: converations with other global regions (ie, indian publishing community) 21:17:17 ... could be short agenda item 21:17:37 topic: pagination 21:18:00 tzviya: adding section about spread behaviour at latin req 21:18:26 ... marcus and liam will have a fun time creating the page layout req 21:18:37 ... I will give pdf examples of paginated content 21:19:07 dauwhe: I can triage them, we may need to decide how to communicate the insights they will provide 21:19:17 ivan: we can put the big ones on the W3C site 21:19:28 dauwhe: or in scope for latin req 21:19:41 ... could be small snippets 21:19:55 tzviya: I will do small snippets (1-2 pages) 21:20:02 liam: is this in scope for paged layout? 21:20:14 http://kesselstreet.tripod.com/notmine/absolute_learning.gif 21:20:59 tzviya: bus/business use case is for Karen 21:21:08 ivan: Karen will collect, everyone should help 21:21:33 tzviya: perhaps Paul? 21:22:15 mgylling: what about time commitments? now, everything has one week due, seems not possible 21:22:26 tzviya: I can give examples withing 2 weeks 21:22:48 ... volunteerism is a general problem 21:23:02 ivan: very specific jobs might be easier to find volunteers 21:23:25 mgylling: we need timelines, we cannot fix volunteers atm 21:25:07 dauwhe: I will add to the latin req by thanksgiving (27/11) 21:25:41 [updates are being done in www.w3.org/dpub/ig/track/actions/open ] 21:27:23 [updates are further being done in the actions page, deadlines are being set] 21:29:34 ivan: [about bus case] when do we have a list of names we can act upon? 21:29:55 ... we really concentrate on the current resources (only books, might change in the future) 21:30:14 mgylling: was this a good idea? 21:30:19 karen: it would be useful 21:30:39 ivan: we will have on this and on EPUBWEB discussions with the browser vendors 21:30:50 ... I think as well this doc will be very useful 21:31:08 tzviya: so this bizz case doc by the end of november? 21:31:10 karen: yes 21:31:30 topic: role-stuff 21:31:34 jeanne has joined #dpub 21:31:59 mgylling: we are good to go, we are creating a TF under PF that will take a subset of EPUB structural semantics, do stuff (OWLifying) 21:32:16 ... headed by tzviya and me, with contributions of mark ??? 21:32:22 Jan has joined #dpub 21:32:32 ... charles and deborah as well 21:32:46 mgylling: the action is to review and narrow the list 21:32:52 ... by mid december? 21:33:03 tzviyah: yes, and we will talk to Paul? 21:33:12 mgylling: I'll do that 21:33:45 ivan: I will try to understand the OWL thing, what they do 21:34:08 ... remove this separate action, and add me to the previous one 21:34:31 topic: stem-meeting actions 21:34:49 tzviyah: survey send out early november, results by end november 21:35:03 ... by Peter 21:35:11 ... in time by force11 21:35:18 ivan: force11 is in January 21:35:58 topic: metadata actions 21:36:16 Bill_kasdorf: actions are depending on volunteers (I already got some) 21:36:31 ... by myself, I could commit to one in november, but there are volunteers 21:37:02 ivan: I think both actions are comparable in size 21:37:07 Jan has left #dpub 21:37:13 Bill_kasdorf: I am busy till mid november 21:37:22 ivan: so commit to both by mid december? 21:37:28 bill_kasdorf: yeah 21:37:44 ivan: so current document should be closed down. 21:38:19 mgylling: also for rob, to finalize annotation 21:38:55 ... use cases 21:41:28 dkaplan: i will send out an email: we will do a11y reset, and ask to join again 21:41:45 Karen_ has joined #dpub 21:41:50 ... so people with not that many actions: we are superfun to work with! We have candy! 21:42:12 glazou has joined #dpub 21:42:21 http://diagramcenter.org/54-9-tips-for-creating-accessible-epub-3-files.html 21:42:41 clapierre: I added a benetech file with tips for a11y for EPUB 21:42:57 ... we think that that list of tips will be linked back to the a11y note, that will link to WCAG etc 21:43:44 tzviya: maybe an extra F2F, during a conference maybe? (BEA, that is together with IDPF) 21:43:47 ... is that valuable? 21:43:50 ivan: yes 21:44:02 dkaplan: could be throw together a conference wiki page? 21:44:23 bill_kasdorf: I have ssp and IDPF, so if this could be at the frontend of IDPF, that would be great 21:44:56 tzviya: the conference wiki is a good idea (also C-SAN 21:45:09 ivan: we need it to be before summer 21:45:11 s/C-SAN/CSUN 21:45:29 karen: also other parts of the world (eg EDUPUB) 21:45:34 mgylling: may sounds better 21:45:49 ... next TPAC is in Saporro, so that is not an easy location 21:46:03 ... that is an argument to get another meeting 21:46:56 mgylling: we are getting a lot of complains that the current time for telcon is not great 21:47:15 tzviya: certainly for Asia 21:47:38 karen: India has a lot of interest in DPUB 21:47:57 ... the time is prohibitive to participate 21:48:05 ... they want to make sure there use cases get attention 21:48:36 ... maybe they have their own task force? own community group? representative for our telcons? 21:48:55 ... ideally, we should have one time that fits for all 21:49:06 bill_kasdorf: publishers or suppliers? 21:49:08 karen: both 21:49:23 ... 10-12 people, so not insignificant 21:49:23 q? 21:49:29 mgylling: what to do? 21:49:36 liam: we could move India 21:50:11 ivan: having yet another task force, means extra load to tzviya and marcus, I am reluctant to go that way 21:50:26 ... we have a situation where latinreq is done here 21:50:58 ... at some point, japan, chinese and korean is going on, which span on i18n activities 21:51:25 ... the indian group could be a separate interest group, // to china 21:51:25 [note, jlreq was a joint task force with XSL-FO, CSS and I18N ] 21:52:06 ... with the additional feature that they have a representative for our call, or we sporadically organize calls with more convenient times for them 21:52:30 q+ 21:52:43 ... if we move the call, we have to move the call 1-2 hours forward, which is not practical for the west coast 21:53:00 pkra1 has joined #dpub 21:53:05 karen: they could maybe join other task forces? 21:53:27 robin: we met the former head of Elsevier, it could be that there is an intersection there 21:53:31 ack dkaplan 21:53:50 dkaplan: extra help to the a11y group would be very much appreciated 21:54:20 ivan: apart from some sparks, we did not really make use of e-mail discussions, sometimes there are long discussions on the monday calls 21:54:32 ack xiaoqian 21:54:37 ... we could make more use of the email discussions, and then the timezone is no longer a problem 21:55:06 xiaoqian: we have community group, where DPUB discussions should happen 21:55:29 karen: for India, a separate interest group does not make sense, whilst they want to be bonafide members 21:55:55 ivan: chartering an extra interest group is not a problem, as it are india specific issues 21:56:13 karen: it is not only India related, they also want to contribute to the main core 21:56:29 tzviya: extra help is always appreciated 21:56:35 fjh has joined #dpub 21:56:53 ivan: task forces have very ad hoc goals, there are no regular timings, more emails 21:56:59 ... there, there is no problem 21:57:02 q+ 21:57:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:57:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-minutes.html clapierre1 21:57:27 karen: maybe we can organize a call with the Indian office, on a convenient time, to check the matches and the task forces with them 21:57:31 tzviya: ok 21:57:41 karen: I will organize that 21:57:52 q? 21:58:02 dkaplan: anybody who knows anyone who cares about a11y, put them in touch with us 21:58:03 ack dkaplan 21:58:24 thank you 22:00:02 fjh has joined #dpub 22:02:18 Present+ Richard_Ishida 22:02:45 bjdmeest_ has joined #dpub 22:03:39 Present+ Addison 22:03:56 Present+ Felix_Sasaki 22:05:53 scribenick: brady_duga 22:06:26 bjdmeest has joined #dpub 22:06:29 Present+ fantasai 22:06:41 me s/an editor/THE editor/ 22:08:31 richard: Need intro? Yes 22:09:13 … brief overview of I18n WG 22:09:54 … seek out features, provide advice to WGs, review specs, liase with other orgs, create tests, etc 22:10:06 Present+ Bert_Bos 22:11:00 … home page has a bunch drill down topic based tasks, plus dos and don’ts 22:11:20 … have a checker/validator 22:11:44 … run workshops from various disciplines. Lock them in a room until they are smiling and happy 22:11:47 addison has joined #DPUB 22:12:14 … slides are available online 22:12:16 takeshi has joined #dpub 22:12:49 … empower local communities to participate 22:13:11 Bert has joined #dpub 22:13:39 hiroto has joined #dpub 22:13:40 … work they have done: predefined counters for various scripts. The document has the CSS you need, and it will create correct script-based styling 22:14:00 … Arabic math done in mathml WG. 22:14:38 … have worked a lot on ruby, working on a new model for html 5 and working with CSS to enable fine adjustments of these annotations 22:14:46 fsasaki has joined #dpub 22:15:43 … show of hands of people who are familiar with various interesting scripts 22:16:26 … one problem with BIDI was use of unicode BIDI algorithm. Usually works, but not always 22:16:53 … [showing example of restaurant review putting restaurant names in the wrong place] 22:17:06 bradk__ has joined #dpub 22:17:19 … they worked on solving this 22:17:38 Reinaldo_ has joined #dpub 22:18:04 … that’s the general stuff they work on 22:18:14 q? 22:18:17 … they started to look at Japanese content specifically 22:18:57 … TF met over 2 years, created a huge document “Requirements for Japanese Text Layout” 22:19:22 … Document is in both Japanese and English 22:19:22 http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/ 22:19:51 … Did not address problems in CSS, just described text layout for Japanese, to make it perrenial 22:20:31 … TF worked in their own language, comms in own lang 22:20:41 … then provided English language version 22:20:53 … So succesful, moved on to Korean 22:21:15 http://www.w3.org/TR/klreq/ 22:21:17 … Things not going too fast, but they have some work out 22:21:28 … have an indic TF as well, still early days 22:21:58 … now working on Chinese 22:22:10 … simplified and traditional 22:24:28 … also looking at minority scripts (Mongolian, Tibetan & Uyghur) 22:25:50 … lots of interesting problems, nto just styling (for instance, fonts) 22:26:21 … Looking at Thai - for instance letter spacing 22:26:33 … have to decompose and then apply spacing in some cases 22:28:00 … letter spacing in Hindi may need to keep two grapheme clusters together, so letter spacing is a problem 22:28:37 … white space processing - may need to drop inserted spaces (say, after pretty printing content) 22:29:08 … underlines are tricky - in some scripts if the line crosses certain glyphs it changes their meaning 22:29:49 … emphasis issues - for instance, in Tibetan need to position on syllables 22:30:31 … ruby differences (eg bopomofo in Taiwan) 22:30:51 … how do Korean line breaking rules work? 22:31:10 … Arabic justification - rules vary based on font, even if the text is identical 22:31:55 … Tibetan justification - still researching the best way to do it in modern typography 22:32:11 … working to get more layout requirements 22:32:27 q? 22:32:28 jongund has joined #dpub 22:32:47 … they are trying to get the international community more involved. 22:32:55 q+ 22:33:03 … instead of a bunch of geeks in a room figuring it out 22:33:21 ack xiaoqian 22:33:32 q+ 22:34:19 q astearns 22:34:26 xiaoqian: had a Chinese layout workshop earlier - Mongolian professor said they are trying to help others understand their problems with an online magazine 22:34:38 q+ 22:34:39 … need to get more data from local experts 22:34:48 alan: what is up with Korean WG? 22:35:00 richard: not hearing much from them 22:35:04 ack clapierre 22:35:07 alan: LG may be joining 22:35:10 ack me 22:35:26 charles: looking at the list of languages: what about Burmese? 22:35:31 q+ 22:35:42 richard: looking at it, based on indic languages 22:35:54 … may be other issues (eg no spaces between words) 22:36:26 ack ivan 22:37:17 ivan: based on a presentation a few years ago, this IG will be limited to Latin 22:37:20 q+ 22:37:53 q+ 22:38:43 … Is there a need to synchronize on the type of problems and concerns across languages? So documents produced for other languages are as relevant to digipub as latin rec 22:39:34 … Also, yesterday we talked about pagination. We will initiate some work on it. Need to coordinate. 22:39:50 q- 22:40:16 … Also, have Indian group joining us. Some of their issues will be language specific. How to handle overlap with this group? 22:41:22 richard: back to Burmese sample: problems with mobile vs desktop 22:41:40 … need to conform to proper unicode is really only solution 22:42:24 https://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Improving_typography_on_the_Web_and_in_eBooks 22:42:28 … improving typography on the web. Fantasai has said, layout isn’t just language based (for instance, specific scripts change things) 22:42:57 http://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-latinreq/ 22:43:17 ack addison 22:43:20 [Richard shows wiki page on Improving text layout and typography on the Web in ebooks] 22:43:50 q+ 22:44:14 addison(???): digital pubs need to discover all these things. 22:44:55 addison: want to make sure international standards are done at w3c and move into epub 22:45:12 s/(???)// 22:45:13 tzviya: worried we are overlapping - how to we work together 22:45:39 richard: wants us to look at what they are doing, see if it will help us or if we can work on it with them 22:46:13 ? 22:46:16 q? 22:46:20 ack ivan 22:46:28 … Indic group wanted to document stuff for us, richard pushed them to get it in a single place (i18n WG) 22:47:15 ivan: all the documents i18n wg have produced would be extremely useful for epub publishers 22:47:47 ivan: worried that most publishers don’t know these documents and tools exist 22:48:10 ivan: last thing - do we have time for Chinese CG? 22:48:12 mgylling has joined #dpub 22:48:44 xiaoqian: chinese wg is same as Chinese requirement TF 22:48:59 ivan: but whatever comes out of the CG - we would like to hear about it 22:49:43 bobtung has joined #dpub 22:50:00 xiaoqian: there are still gaps between dpub wg and Chinese TF. They need to fill the gaps. 22:50:37 q+ 22:50:38 richard: i18n WG working on getting complex communication issues resolved 22:50:48 … want to work with dpub on that 22:50:53 ack murakami 22:51:20 murakami: in Japan one study group working on next gen layout for browsers 22:51:28 chunming has joined #dpub 22:51:30 … supported by Japanese government 22:51:57 … the chair of that group is Koji Ishii 22:52:28 q? 22:52:32 q+ 22:52:44 … next year TPAC will be in Sapporo 22:53:12 … wants us to work in conjunction with that group 22:53:33 q? 22:53:43 q+ 22:53:53 ack ivan 22:53:53 richard: Lets look at ways we can tie together all the appropriate groups 22:54:03 ivan: Looking for actions 22:54:46 action ivan to find someone to review i18n web page 22:54:46 Created ACTION-42 - Find someone to review i18n web page [on Ivan Herman - due 2014-11-07]. 22:55:12 ivan: we should report back to i18n wg 22:55:15 ACTION Tzviya DPUB to read i18n documentation from EPUB perspective for gap analysis 22:55:15 Created ACTION-43 - Dpub to read i18n documentation from epub perspective for gap analysis [on Tzviya Siegman - due 2014-11-07]. 22:55:57 … especially pagination recs need to coordinate 22:55:58 You may refer to the report of Chinese Layout Req Workshop this september: http://www.chinaw3c.org/layout-workshop-report.html#conclusion 22:56:09 ack takeshi 22:56:09 … once a year at TPAC may not be enough 22:58:14 takeshi: gathering info from many communities is very important, but need to be careful - in some cases need to understand how it interacts with Latin languages 22:58:39 … for instance, emphasis in Japanese with Latin glyphs 22:59:04 richard: if we make all these requirements without tieing to technologies that’s fine 22:59:05 q? 22:59:36 … but we need to tie this back to the technologies, and need to coordinate with similar language groups (for instance Chinese and Japanese) 22:59:49 bobtung has joined #dpub 23:00:03 … need to figure out what is the web of comms channels to make this work 23:00:04 q+ 23:00:34 tzviya: we will review their docs, and work with ivan on coordinating comms with i18n wg 23:00:51 addison: is this a good time to start reviewing our work? 23:01:04 … this is a weird case, since we are working on similar things 23:01:15 ack karen 23:01:36 karen: Communications - is that intra-w3c? Or do you mean external comms? 23:01:49 tzviya: Intention was intra-w3c 23:02:07 karen: is there an opportunity to do more educational outreach? 23:02:13 tzviya: yes, eventually 23:02:15 thank you 23:02:59 Meeting adjurned 23:03:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 23:03:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-minutes.html ivan 23:03:27 zakim, who is here? 23:03:27 On the phone I see Seattle 23:03:28 On IRC I see bobtung, chunming, Reinaldo_, hiroto, Bert, takeshi, addison, bjdmeest, Karen_, jeanne, dauwhe, murakami, xiaoqian, ShaneM, liam, Jutta, tzviya, ivan, iank_, RRSAgent, 23:03:28 ... Zakim, mihnea_____, astearns, dkaplan3, rego, plinss, trackbot 23:03:33 zakim, drop seattle 23:03:33 Seattle is being disconnected 23:03:35 DPUB_IG()11:00AM has ended 23:03:35 Attendees were Seattle, pkra, madi, +44.788.775.aaaa, astein, +1.217.721.aabb, Jutta, Tim_Boland 23:04:04 zakim, bye 23:04:04 Zakim has left #dpub 23:04:12 rrsagent, bye 23:04:12 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-actions.rdf : 23:04:12 ACTION: Bill_Kasdorf to lead activity of collating existing resources of best practices for RDFa [1] 23:04:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-irc#T17-41-07 23:04:12 ACTION: Bill_Kasdorf to develope comprehensive list of identifiers that should be expressed as URIs and contact governance organizations to find current recommendations [2] 23:04:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/10/31-dpub-irc#T17-48-52