13:01:40 RRSAgent has joined #svg 13:01:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/11-svg-irc 13:01:42 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:01:42 Zakim has joined #svg 13:01:44 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 13:01:44 ok, trackbot, I see GA_SVGWG()9:00AM already started 13:01:45 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 13:01:45 Date: 11 September 2014 13:03:15 +[IPcaller] 13:03:29 Zakim, [IP is me 13:03:29 +ed; got it 13:04:03 +Tav 13:04:10 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg 13:04:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2014Sep/0012.html 13:04:22 +[IPcaller] 13:04:30 Chair: ed 13:04:31 Zakim, [ is me 13:04:31 +birtles; got it 13:05:05 Regrets: Dirk, Cameron 13:06:06 ScribeNick: ed 13:06:19 Topic: Proposed Sydney F2F dates 13:06:31 CSSWG 9th - 10th 13:06:31 FXTF 11th 13:06:31 SVGWG 12th - 13th 13:06:56 +??P8 13:07:02 fine with me 13:07:11 Zakim, ??P8 is me 13:07:11 +nikos_; got it 13:07:25 ed: these are the proposed dates from the CSS WG, they're awaiting our feedback on this 13:07:39 tav: long travel for just two days of meetings 13:08:07 +??P6 13:08:07 ed: tav, would you rather have more days for the svg part? 13:08:19 -??P6 13:08:25 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 13:08:33 tav: yes, one additional day would be good 13:10:09 +??P6 13:10:39 +??P10 13:10:50 tav: suggest 12-14 th Feb 13:10:51 zakim ??P10 is me 13:11:10 zakim, ??P10 is me 13:11:10 +stakagi; got it 13:11:17 ed: the 14th is a saturday, everyone ok with that? 13:11:28 nikos: valentines day 13:11:50 ... doesn't bother me though 13:12:04 ed: 14th is fine with me 13:12:46 RESOLUTION: the SVG WG will meed in Sydney, 12 - 14th February 2015 13:13:15 tav: for the FXTF there are some issues surrounding text that we should handle, like fill and stroke on text 13:13:22 ... could that be done that day? 13:13:33 ed: sounds like a good topic for FXTF yes 13:14:02 https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Sydney_2015 13:14:38 ACTION: ed to update https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Sydney_2015 with dates and registration form 13:14:39 Created ACTION-3669 - Update https://www.w3.org/graphics/svg/wg/wiki/f2f/sydney_2015 with dates and registration form [on Erik Dahlström - due 2014-09-18]. 13:15:54 topic: Handling of trailing semicolons in list attributes 13:16:12 scribenick: nikos_ 13:16:49 ed: This is a bug that came up on blink. keySplines didn't work with a trailing semi-colo. There was no animation 13:16:52 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=705236 13:17:06 ... there's some background regarding how trailing semi-colons are handled 13:17:11 values, keyTimes, 13:17:11 keySplines, keyPoints, begin, end 13:17:29 ... think most browsers are treating these the same way, except for keySplines and the case where you have two or more semi-colons at the end - indicating an empty value 13:17:45 ... I guess the only thing that differs is the spec says something different than what implementations are doing 13:17:52 ... proposal is to update spec to match implementations 13:18:06 ... and to define multiple semi-colons means an empty value 13:18:19 ... I saw Dr Hoffman replied - he seems to be in dissagreement 13:18:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2014Sep/0020.html 13:18:52 birtles: think his concern is compatibility of specs, not of browsers. He said svg 2 should be compatible with svg 1 in terms of what the spec says 13:19:04 ... but that's not taking into account the accessibility issue of the content 13:19:19 ... there's content that relies on ignoring the trailing semi-colon 13:19:32 ed: I think that's a fair point 13:19:42 ... people seem to expect that a trailing semi-colon is ignored 13:19:48 ... rather than it meaning there's an empty value 13:20:25 ... I think the implementation in Gecko is such that when you have two semi-colons then there is an empty value. But don't think that's the case in Blink 13:20:33 ... I'd be ok in changing that in Blink 13:21:10 ... at the same time I'd also like to align other separators 13:21:20 ... trailing commas are not always ignored and I think they should be 13:21:31 ... all browsers I tested except FF allow trailing commas 13:21:38 http://jsfiddle.net/u6s671gb/4/ 13:21:47 ... that's a simple test case 13:22:05 ... you'll see there's a comma at the end of the y and rotate 13:22:20 -nikos_ 13:22:21 ... if it's rotated then trailing comma is allowed 13:22:51 ... I'm suggesting we allow trailing commas in all list attributes 13:23:01 ... in addition to the original proposal regarding semi-colons 13:23:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2011Nov/0136.html 13:23:34 ed: anyone disagree with this change? 13:23:47 Tav: it would basically just break badly written svg? 13:23:48 ed: yes 13:24:11 ... trailing commas already works in all browsers except FF and I'm pretty sure it's been like that for a while 13:24:32 ... I'd be surprised if much content relied on the specific behaviour with semi-colons 13:24:40 it seems good to me, not allowing trailing commans is a well-known pain point with json 13:24:49 s/commans/commas/ 13:25:12 Tav: I'm mostly fine but I think we should ask Dr Hoffman if he has content that will break with this change 13:25:31 I believe Ikivo Animator exported content with trailing semi-colons and they agreed to fix the bug but never released another version 13:25:38 and the content generated with the buggy version still exists 13:26:03 ed: I think Ikivo was the main source of additional semi-colons 13:26:11 Tav: is this breaking content from Ikivo? 13:26:36 ed: yes if we do something other than ignore trailing semi-colons then content would break 13:26:49 ed: it was a bug in their software, but content is out there 13:26:55 ... may not be very much though 13:27:26 shepazu: it's an easy fix for the content 13:27:32 ... we need to have one way of doing it right? 13:28:14 Tav: I would be happy if we made this change if it's demonstrated that there's not much content out there using this 13:29:12 shepazu: we should either just do it for a particular reason (e.g. interoperability) or not do it 13:29:31 ... it's going to be difficult to demonstrate the amount of content out there that's using this 13:30:06 ... let's just base it on the merits of the idea 13:31:00 ... Ikivo content is unlikely to be used with an SVG 2 user agent 13:31:15 ... is the proposed change more consistent with the internal model or not? 13:31:27 birtles: in JS you can use trailing commas but in JSON you can't 13:31:35 ... and that causes confusion for people 13:31:47 ... people expect trailing commas will be ignored 13:31:57 shepazu: is there any analog in CSS? 13:33:27 ed: I think we should allow trailing commas 13:33:34 ... that's what 3 of 4 user agents do at the moment 13:33:53 ... and we should allow trailing semi colons for all smil attributes 13:34:05 ... if you want an empty value two semi-colons are required 13:34:16 ... which means you can't have an empty value at the end of the list 13:35:52 ed: I don't see the value in keeping the spec as is 13:36:04 Tav: anyone object to the proposal? I'm not going to 13:37:03 RESOLUTION: accept Brian's proposal for handling trailing semi-colons on animation attributes 13:38:01 RESOLUTION: apply Brian's proposal to trailing commas for consistency 13:38:57 action: Erik to update SVG 2 to apply changes relating to handling trailing semi-colons and trailing commas 13:38:57 Created ACTION-3670 - Update svg 2 to apply changes relating to handling trailing semi-colons and trailing commas [on Erik Dahlström - due 2014-09-18]. 13:39:30 Topic: Pointer events test review 13:39:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2014Sep/0009.html 13:39:54 ed: the pointer events WG has suggested that we review one of their tests for the pointer events spec 13:40:17 ed: anyone familiar with the specification? 13:41:06 ... looking for someone to commit to reviewing the svg tests 13:41:06 -stakagi 13:41:32 ... not hearing any volunteers 13:41:42 ... they emailed the mailing lists so I guess anyone could review 13:41:47 ... but it'd be easier if one of us reviewed 13:41:55 +??P8 13:42:09 zakim, ??P8 is me 13:42:09 +stakagi; got it 13:42:23 ... I'll leave that as an open request 13:43:30 shepazu: the test contains things like scroll values 13:43:52 https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/1121/files 13:44:29 ... it has target0.scrollLeft 13:44:33 ... do we have scroll in SVG? 13:45:04
13:45:35 shepazu: is this really a test of pointer events in svg or in an img element? 13:45:56 ed: I haven't read the spec but I think it's trying to test something that doesn't happen on the SVG DOM 13:46:16 shepazu: I'd like to give them some feedback on this test. It seems they're just treating svg as a block level element 13:46:24 ... it's not wrong but it's not really a test for SVG 13:47:28 ed: I think it's trying to test touch-action:none on the svg 13:47:40 ... which means the element shouldn't trigger any default touch events 13:49:11 shepazu: there's a few tests moving the element different directions 13:50:40 ... it's not testing svg, just a block level element 13:50:53 ... so it's not testing pointer events on SVG as such 13:51:23 nikos: it looks that way to me 13:51:26 ed: I think that's fair 13:51:38 ... you could replace the svg element with another html element 13:52:00 shepazu: do we have examples of some sort of test that might be useful for their purposes? 13:52:37 shepazu: nothing springs to mind 13:52:55 ed: I think it would be a good idea to have some more svg tests if they want to test touch events on svg 13:53:22 shepazu: I'll contact the pointer events group 13:53:56 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 13:53:58 -ed 13:54:02 -Doug_Schepers 13:54:03 RRSAgent, make minutes 13:54:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/11-svg-minutes.html nikos_ 13:54:04 -birtles 13:54:04 -Tav 13:54:09 -stakagi 13:54:10 -??P6 13:54:10 GA_SVGWG()9:00AM has ended 13:54:11 Attendees were Doug_Schepers, [IPcaller], ed, Tav, birtles, nikos_, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, stakagi 13:55:12 Looks like the resolution regarding commas wasn't captured as a resolution 13:55:28 or not highlighted as one anyway 14:03:05 just looks like it was captured as one resolution instead of two 14:04:11 nikos__ has joined #svg 14:17:50 just noticed that we'll have the Sydney F2F on Friday the 13th... 15:33:14 thorton has joined #svg 15:58:24 ed: SVG already exists. What else harm can a Friday 13th still do ? 15:58:44 we might all be murdered... 16:01:02 Zakim has left #svg 16:21:59 jet has joined #svg 18:10:09 jet has joined #svg 18:17:39 thorton has joined #svg 19:42:01 jet has joined #svg 19:59:07 jet has joined #svg 20:13:04 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg 20:20:55 jet has joined #svg 22:26:27 thorton_ has joined #svg 23:23:39 jet has joined #svg 23:28:30 jdaggett has joined #svg