13:30:59 RRSAgent has joined #rd 13:30:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/10-rd-irc 13:31:01 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:31:01 Zakim has joined #rd 13:31:03 Zakim, this will be 7394 13:31:03 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_RDWG()9:30AM scheduled to start now 13:31:04 Meeting: Research and Development Working Group Teleconference 13:31:04 Date: 10 September 2014 13:31:11 zakim, this is rdwg 13:31:11 ok, shadi; that matches WAI_RDWG()9:30AM 13:31:19 zakim, call shadi-617 13:31:19 ok, shadi; the call is being made 13:31:20 +Shadi 13:31:22 +??P11 13:31:38 zakim, who is on the phone? 13:31:38 On the phone I see [IPcaller], ??P3, ??P11, Shadi 13:31:45 zakim, IPcaller is me 13:31:45 +Vivienne; got it 13:31:47 +??P12 13:31:49 zakim, ??P11 is me 13:31:49 +annika; got it 13:31:56 zakim, ??P12 is me 13:31:56 +christos; got it 13:33:29 scribe: vivienne 13:33:43 zakim, take up agendum 13:33:43 I don't understand 'take up agendum', Vivienne 13:33:49 zakim, take up agendum 1 13:33:49 I see nothing on the agenda 13:34:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/Accessible_Way-Finding_using_Web_Technologies_Online_Symposium_3_December_2014 13:34:13 https://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/index.php?title=Accessible_Way-Finding_using_Web_Technologies_Online_Symposium_3_December_2014&diff=2918&oldid=2917 13:34:18 Item 1: CFP for way-finding symposium 13:35:45 q+ 13:35:46 SA: has re-worked the CFP so that it still retains the meaning, but makes it more compact. Has put in some of the objectives that were removed previously 13:36:02 Topic: CFP for way-finding symposium 13:36:54 Christos: surprised to see the edit. Concerned about that we are talking about technologies and this may be discourage some of the development but doesn't really use web technologies in the core or main part of the presentation. 13:36:57 zakim, mute me 13:36:57 Vivienne should now be muted 13:37:11 ack chr 13:37:26 Christos: they may have done something new to communicate to direction in a mobile application, this might discourage me from submitting a paper 13:38:18 Christos: do we want people not to feel encouraged to submit? Shouldn't we leave a door open to R&D that doesn't use web technologies as the main technology of the application, but it might be possible to use web technologies in the future in the application. 13:38:46 SA: maybe I went a bit too far and this might discourage people who aren't developing web applications but it might benefit those who are using web technologies 13:39:09 I only have a minute to read it and would like a minute 13:39:20 Read background for a couple of minutes 13:41:01 zakim, ack me 13:41:01 unmuting Vivienne 13:41:03 I see no one on the speaker queue 13:41:06 q+ 13:42:17 zakim, mute me 13:42:17 Vivienne should now be muted 13:42:27 q- viv 13:42:47 I'm happy with the background section, but wonder if the first sentence could be re-worded so that it isn't closed to just 'web technologies' 13:43:19 Annika: like the focus on web technology part. Maybe have web technologies not the first word in this section. Also agree with Christos that ' 13:43:37 it's not only about systems already using that technology but also those that are considering web technologies in the future 13:44:33 SA: keep this in mind also for the scope section - also those considerations that can benefit from web technologies rather than those who are currently using them 13:45:07 +q 13:45:47 Christos: I think it is really good and concise. We are working in this domain, using official information from met and hospital with legal implications on accessibility and cloud security. The accessibility of editing function for PWD who can annotate and bring information into a system. 13:46:02 SA: let's look at this in the scope section also 13:46:37 SA: was trying to describe so many dimensions by using the buzzwords and wanted it to be more than that 13:46:58 SA: with regard to the challenges, I tried to frame these in the scope area and not too much in the background area 13:47:47 Christos: in the background missing systems that let you explore places, accommodation etc. 13:47:56 Is this the trip-planning aspect Christos? 13:48:12 some how 13:48:17 like foursquare 13:48:29 yelp... etc 13:50:44 SA: these bullet points in the background aren't exclusive, you could have an airport system that encompasses more than navigation but also interactive and orientation 13:51:40 I'm having a bit of trouble hearing with the background noises 13:52:34 SA: how does an interactive guide relate to a way-finding system, but something like 'yelp' says whether a restaurant offers a certain type of food 13:53:21 Christos: we can use information that is currently existing ? not sure what else was said here, but Christos' background noise makes it hard to hear 13:55:50 "Examples of web-based maps, crowd-sourced reviews, and public data with accessibility information demonstrate the use of the Web to augment the physical world" 13:56:30 SA: : different from repositors with information and how that can be used in a way-finding sy normation 13:57:24 Annika: these are sources of information - like a database 13:57:37 SA: Christos did you want this incorporated more? 13:57:44 ack me 13:57:47 q+ 13:58:01 q- chr 13:58:24 q- viv 13:58:26 zakim, mute me 13:58:26 Vivienne should now be muted 13:58:35 have to leave, sorry, All the best! 13:58:44 -??P3 13:58:46 look at scope section now - there are the 3 area we agreed on 14:03:01 Sorry, someone better take over minuting as my system keeps freezing 14:03:13 q+ 14:03:46 q+ 14:03:53 zakim, ack me 14:03:53 unmuting Vivienne 14:03:54 I see no one on the speaker queue 14:04:35 scribe:annika 14:04:40 scribe: annika 14:05:29 What types of web-based data sources provide or can provide accessibility-related information? What types of formats and APIs do they use? -> What types of data sources provide or can provide accessibility-related information? What types of formats and APIs do they use? 14:05:50 or maybe 14:05:52 christos: Move "web-based" to the end of the sentence "What kinds of technologies, systems, and applications entail potential benefits for accessible way-finding and how can web technologies support this?" 14:06:12 What types of data sources provide or can provide accessibility-related information and how web technologies relate to that? What types of formats and APIs do they use? 14:06:13 zakim, mute me 14:06:13 Vivienne should now be muted 14:06:16 q+ 14:07:31 q- ann 14:08:23 annika: In the user interfaces section, change wording to include other technologies not only web. 14:08:47 shadi: suggest to remove "web" in "How well do web technologies such as WAI-ARIA and IndieUI address accessibility requirements in way-finding systems, and what gaps exist, if any? ". 14:08:53 annika +1 14:09:52 q+ 14:09:57 ack me 14:10:09 christos: Add this as additional question: "how can web technologies support ...?" rather than mentioning "web technologies" as the main topic. 14:10:34 shadi: will rewrite these section to tone down the "web technologies" aspect. 14:10:37 ack viv 14:10:52 Vivienne: We need to tone down the web technologies. 14:11:13 ... The data is a big concern. We need to get the CfP out soon. 14:11:57 ... Suggest to ask the other RWGW members by email. So that we can get the CfP out before the next meeting. 14:12:01 zakim, mute me 14:12:01 Vivienne should now be muted 14:12:11 shadi: Other comments? 14:12:26 christos: It's ok. 14:13:32 shadi: Is the topic 4square, yelp etc. addresse sufficiently? 14:13:55 christos: Please add a reference to crowd sourcing in the data sources section. 14:14:02 shadi: ok. 14:14:44 ... we can add crowd sourcing explicitly in the data sources section. 14:15:46 christos: Add "examples of data sources could be web-based data sources, crowd sourcing, etc." 14:16:02 shadi: "web-based" will be removed anyway. 14:16:23 What types of data sources (annotations, web-based, crowd-sourced, etc) provide or can provide accessibility-related information? 14:17:19 shadi: Agree that social media are important but we should not put too much weight on it. 14:17:27 +q 14:18:07 annika: we could mention "data sources and way of data collection". 14:18:09 ack ann 14:18:41 +1 14:19:27 shadi: Ok, let's but that buzz word (data collection) in again. 14:20:00 s/but that buzz/put that buzz/ 14:20:20 shadi: There are also some edits to the introduction. 14:20:31 shadi: Let's look at the timeline. 14:21:09 ... We don't have enough people on the call today to decide on the CfP. 14:21:44 ... We will send the updated CfP to the group for approval by Friday. 14:22:07 ... That means we can announce the CfP on Tuesday. 14:22:39 christos: Tuesday is no problem. 14:23:11 shadi: Ok, the CfP will be announced on Tue 16th. 14:23:33 ... That means 4.5 weeks for submission. 14:23:45 ... Are we fine with this? 14:24:34 ... Should we push it by one week? 14:25:21 christos: We could push the dates by 3-4 days and still do the symposion on the 3rd Dec. 14:25:47 ... Five week should be sufficient at this time of year. 14:26:36 shadi: Ok, then we keep the deadlines as they are. 14:27:07 annika: If some people request, we can give them a few more days for the submission. 14:27:28 shadi: the only thing that can't be changed is the symposium date. 14:28:05 shadi: Some submission will be very bad html. 14:28:23 ... That means additional work for the editors. 14:28:57 ... The elearning used a word template that could be converted into html. 14:29:14 ... html tends to be worse the word. 14:29:28 christos: ok. I've been there ... 14:29:57 ... We can manage that. 14:30:05 I'd like to keep the symposeium on the 3 December because it's a good date to hold it 14:30:19 Sorry, I'm back. I've heard everything but couldn't respond. 14:30:35 I'm sure we'll be okay with the work involved with converting into HTML. 14:30:43 annika: yes, we should be abele to manage the html part. 14:30:47 I'm also wanting to keep to the December 3 deadline. 14:31:16 ack me 14:31:25 good night. 14:31:28 bye 14:31:28 -christos 14:31:31 -Shadi 14:31:33 -annika 14:31:34 -Vivienne 14:31:34 WAI_RDWG()9:30AM has ended 14:31:34 Attendees were Shadi, Vivienne, annika, christos 15:13:17 trackbot, end meeting 15:13:17 Zakim, list attendees 15:13:17 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 15:13:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:13:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/10-rd-minutes.html trackbot 15:13:26 RRSAgent, bye 15:13:26 I see no action items