14:12:24 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:12:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-irc 14:12:25 Steve: I don’t have any email with new draft so stuck there 14:12:54 jeff; we have a bunch of AB actions... 14:13:01 s/jeff,/jeff:/ 14:13:12 Jeff: I think chaals had to move some actions to the CG list 14:13:16 Jeff: not sure it happened 14:13:21 Steve: ok 14:13:29 Steve: I still have to do my part of it 14:13:39 ack je 14:13:45 Steve: I’ll correspond with chaals about it 14:13:49 q+ to set the stage for today's CG meeting 14:14:33 Steve: /me thanks timeless for rrsagent 14:14:35 urgh 14:14:49 s/urgh// 14:15:30 Jeff: this work between process CG and AB, cleanup run 14:15:39 Jeff: AB meeting in two weeks about it 14:15:47 Jeff: AC around end of year 14:15:56 Jeff: same time, Process 2015 work 14:16:07 Jeff: more substantial work on the Process for next year 14:16:19 ack je 14:16:19 jeff, you wanted to set the stage for today's CG meeting 14:16:24 Steve: was there an action associated with that ? 14:16:29 Jeff: just a reminder 14:16:37 Steve: ok 14:16:44 s/jeff,/jeff: 14:16:50 s/cleanup run/cleanup run which is Process2015/ 14:17:02 Steve: last week we went thru issues raised by chaals 14:17:18 s/same time, Process2015/same time, Process2016/ 14:17:24 Steve: we have a few remaining we can deal with 14:17:28 Steve: issue 120 14:17:37 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/120 14:17:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:17:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:17:59 « ISSUE-120: threshold level of effort that Members are expected to pledge » 14:18:00 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:18:24 Steve: originally in the Activity section 14:18:39 s|s/same time, Process2015/same time, Process2016/|| 14:18:43 Steve: question is should this apply to Charters? 14:19:03 s/same time, Process 2015/same time, Process2016/ 14:19:06 Steve: (reads 6.2.6) 14:19:16 s|s/jeff,/jeff:/|| 14:19:23 s/jeff;/jeff:/ 14:19:27 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:19:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:20:18 Steve: also estimate of time participation for participants 14:20:27 s|Steve: /me thanks timeless for rrsagent|| 14:20:36 Steve: time requirements for both Team and participants are already Charter requirements 14:20:43 Steve: so no need to do anything for this one 14:20:46 chair: SteveZ 14:20:52 q? 14:20:58 +1 14:21:11 issue-115? 14:21:11 issue-115 -- Revising the Activity Statement for each Activity every 6 months -- open 14:21:11 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/115 14:21:24 SteveZ: no objection the closed 14:21:37 s/the/then 14:21:45 RESOLUTION: issue 120 closed 14:21:46 s|s/the/then|| 14:21:51 s/the/then/ 14:21:56 SteveZ: next one on the agenda is 122 14:22:14 SteveZ: « ISSUE-122: What community is expected to benefit from this Activity? » 14:22:32 SteveZ: should we put this requirement on Charters? 14:22:43 SteveZ: suggested that this requirement is only applicable to an Activity 14:23:07 SteveZ: it is sort of self-evident that when you construct a Charter, the Charter stands alone 14:23:21 +1 to closing 14:23:27 SteveZ: so this looks like unnecessary and I suggest closing with « no action required" 14:23:28 +1 14:23:44 SteveZ: objections? 14:23:45 s/+1/glazou: +1/ 14:23:59 Zakim: who is on the ophone? 14:24:05 Zakim: who is on the phone? 14:24:17 Zakim, who is making noise? 14:24:29 timeless, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: SteveZ (77%) 14:24:41 dsinger__ has joined #w3process 14:25:34 dsinger__ has joined #w3process 14:26:09 dsinger__: believes the AB should take an active role, this is another piece of assessment, ok with closing « should be part of AB assessment" 14:27:36 Plz note as xfered to AB then close 14:27:41 Zakim, what conferences are active? 14:27:41 I see Team_(MEET)10:00AM, INK_Team()9:00AM, XML_EXI()10:00AM, AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM, DPUB_DIGC()10:00AM active 14:27:43 also scheduled at this time are WAI_UAWG(CHAIRS)10:30AM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM 14:27:43 zakim, mute dsinger 14:27:43 dsinger should now be muted 14:28:12 dsinger__ has joined #w3process 14:28:13 RESOLUTION: close action 122 but make it a part of AB assessment 14:28:27 Zakim, who is here? 14:28:27 On the phone I see Jay, Jeff, SteveZ, dsinger (muted), glazou, Mike_Champion, timeless 14:28:30 On IRC I see dsinger__, RRSAgent, jeff, SteveZ, Zakim, Jay, glazou, timeless, cwilso, trackbot 14:28:47 zakim, list conferences 14:28:47 I see Team_(MEET)10:00AM, INK_Team()9:00AM, XML_EXI()10:00AM, AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM, DPUB_DIGC()10:00AM active 14:28:50 also scheduled at this time are WAI_UAWG(CHAIRS)10:30AM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM 14:28:50 Issue 123: https://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/123 14:28:57 SteveZ: ISSUE-123: Date of the first face-to-face meeting.of a newly chartered WG 14:29:05 Zakim, what conference is this? 14:29:05 this is AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM conference code 7762 14:29:08 Issue-123? 14:29:08 Issue-123 -- Date of the first face-to-face meeting.of a newly chartered WG -- raised 14:29:08 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/123 14:29:16 Zakim, what's the code? 14:29:16 the conference code is 7762 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), timeless 14:29:41 SteveZ: date of 1st ftf for a newly chartered WG 14:29:54 SteveZ: timing of things discussed before at AB 14:30:10 SteveZ: traditionnally 8 weeks after announcement of WG so people can join and make travel plans 14:30:22 q+ 14:30:24 SteveZ: no change suggested but maybe leave open for AB meeting ? 14:30:44 jeff: well, nothing wrong with AB talking more about it 14:30:57 Not sure what the question is 14:30:58 jeff: why would we extend this beyond 8 weeks? 14:31:20 jeff: if you want to leave it open I won’t object 14:31:38 SteveZ: I’m happy to close it but if AB happens to come with diffferent plan... 14:31:44 jeff: no strong opinion 14:31:54 SteveZ: dsinger, you were part of the discussion? 14:31:55 Do not recall the issue... 14:32:03 On noisy street 14:32:45 timeless: no objection 14:32:56 SteveZ: then I will close this one as no change 14:33:03 glazou: +1 14:33:20 RESOLUTION: action 123 closed, no change 14:33:40 Just concerned I should know what the motive wax to ask the question 14:33:52 dsinger__ has joined #w3process 14:34:02 SteveZ: action 109 discussed over email during last week 14:34:08 « ISSUE-109: Should AC approval be required to extend a charter » 14:34:12 s/wax/was/ 14:34:16 SteveZ: I think in the end there was some agreement 14:34:33 dsinger___ has joined #w3process 14:34:34 SteveZ: that we did not need AC approval to extend a Charter 14:35:03 SteveZ: still discussion there should be a limit on an amount of time for Charter extensions 14:35:09 SteveZ: six months proposed 14:35:11 q+ 14:35:21 q- 14:35:58 glazou: limit to six months w/o AC review ? 14:36:00 SteveZ: correct 14:36:05 Glazou: As I understand it the proposal is to limit the extension to six months without an AC review 14:36:10 dsinger has joined #w3process 14:36:13 glazou: then I think it is a bad proposal six months not enough 14:36:20 zakim, unmute dsinger 14:36:20 dsinger should no longer be muted 14:36:35 q+ 14:37:17 Glazou:Some charters are extended multiple times: if limited to six months this this will be a larger overhead on chairs and Team 14:37:27 q? 14:37:47 Glazou: It should be at least a year 14:37:53 zakim, mute dsinger 14:37:53 dsinger should now be muted 14:38:02 Mike: my intent here was to encourage WG to be more realistic when they operate 14:38:28 Mike: if you don’t change your scope, it will let you extend too many times 14:38:34 Mike: intent was to put a cap on that 14:39:14 s/SteveZ/scribe/ 14:39:16 s/SteveZ/scribe/ 14:39:16 Mike: Team’s task will be to recharter instead of extending 14:39:24 zakim, unmute dsinger 14:39:24 dsinger should no longer be muted 14:39:27 s/Glazou:Some/Glazou: Some/ 14:39:32 dsinger: this is fairly long 14:39:34 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:39:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:39:41 dsinger: something between these two positions 14:39:49 s/Zakim: who is on the ophone?// 14:39:51 dsinger: some things are not in the hands of WG 14:39:56 s/Zakim: who is on the phone?// 14:40:11 dsinger: « you need 5% of membership to support charter" 14:40:31 Q+ 14:40:34 dsinger: if you ask multiple extensions then any Team or AC can say you have to go back to AC 14:40:58 dsinger: repeated extensions of Charter may be blocked by Team or AC 14:41:24 SteveZ: if you’re unhappy with Team giving extension you can appel 14:41:34 s/appel/appeal 14:41:44 q+ to ask about WGs with deliverables that are "maintenance-like" or "continue to evolve X" 14:42:11 SteveZ: even the 1st six months extension is appealable 14:42:14 q+ 14:42:20 SteveZ: who will appeal? 14:42:29 yes, I understand. perhaps we should look at the wording of the clause in question 14:42:32 ack g 14:42:35 ack s 14:42:42 ack d 14:43:08 timeless: in principle WG job is to maintain « something" 14:43:30 timeless: do we really want to threaten them with « we could refuse extension » ? 14:43:45 I guess we need to look at concrete proposals to change http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/#charter-extension 14:43:53 timeless: if they’re doing what they are supposed to be doing... 14:44:13 OK, let us not confuse this we re-chartering where we add/delete deliverables, and so on 14:44:18 ack timeless 14:44:18 timeless, you wanted to ask about WGs with deliverables that are "maintenance-like" or "continue to evolve X" 14:44:20 jeff: I appreciate what Mike and dsinger are trying to do in theory 14:44:33 jeff: not aware of what practical problem we’re solving 14:44:42 Zakim, mute me 14:44:42 timeless should now be muted 14:44:48 jeff: no permanent extension w/o going to AC 14:44:49 I think we see too many ‘charter … is hereby extended’, but I am saying this without data 14:45:05 I merely want to add the right for the team to call for AC review 14:45:06 jeff: skeptical about new requirements to solve theoretical issues 14:45:22 jeff: I’m more with timeless on this issue 14:45:44 s/Advisory Committee representatives MAY appeal the extension of a Working Group or Interest Group charter./Any member of the AC or the team may request a full charter review in response to a request for an extension./ 14:45:50 SteveZ: I agree with you Jeff, I don’tt hink extensions have be abused 14:45:54 s/be/been 14:46:06 s/don’tt hink/don’t think/ 14:46:31 SteveZ: the reason there is a every-2-yr review is that from time to time a Group cease to function because the membership there dies out 14:46:38 SteveZ: sometimes you don’t notice that 14:46:51 SteveZ: for example the XSL-FO group 14:47:08 SteveZ: it lost energy over time and ceased to function so it was appropriate to close it 14:47:20 i support that case 14:47:20 SteveZ: so there is validity in having charter review 14:47:31 SteveZ: and validity in mike and dsinger point 14:47:36 I am looking at the trace of emails from Ian Jacobs that contain “hereby extended”. There were a lot in 2010, quite a few in 2011, a decent number in 2012, fewer in 2013, and only one so far in 2014 14:47:43 q+ to ask if there's a concern about things that are less web oriented 14:47:45 zakim, unmute dsinger 14:47:45 dsinger was not muted, dsinger 14:47:47 SteveZ: Mike and David can you live w/o that change ? for 2015 14:47:54 q- jeff 14:47:54 Mike: I can live with that 14:48:39 Mike: I think we’re dealing with larger problem with WHATWG people when W3C specs lose credibility 14:48:58 q+ to comment about conflating "charter extensions" with credibility 14:49:19 dsinger: looking at Charters 14:49:25 dsinger: maybe we’re getting better 14:49:31 dsinger: suggestion to change sentence 14:49:43 dsinger: AC appeal sounds ok 14:50:27 scribe: timeless 14:50:38 dsinger: in 2010 there were many extensions 14:50:47 ... in 2011 there were somewhat fewer 14:50:57 ... in 2012 there were fewer 14:51:04 ... in 2013 there were a handful 14:51:09 ... in 2014 there was one or two 14:51:28 SteveZ: we can leave it open, to see if there's a problem to fix or not 14:51:36 dsinger: maybe we should ask Team if they have a problem 14:51:43 ... that they need to have a charter review 14:51:59 jeff: formally it's the Director's choice to do a charter extension 14:52:10 ... so if the team doesn't want to, the director can choose not to 14:52:31 dsinger: formally the Chair sends a request to Team who sends to Director who sends to AC saying it happened 14:52:49 jeff: it actually happens that Team tells Chair to work on Charter 14:52:57 ... and then triggers an extension process 14:53:12 SteveZ: are you ok w/ me closing it as "process is currently working"? 14:53:30 q? 14:53:32 dsinger: if we had a problematic WG, we could close it because the process has teeth 14:53:34 ack trackbot 14:53:37 ack timeless 14:53:38 timeless, you wanted to ask if there's a concern about things that are less web oriented 14:54:15 ack jeff 14:54:15 jeff, you wanted to comment about conflating "charter extensions" with credibility 14:54:25 jeff: there's the super groups issue in the background 14:54:34 q+ 14:54:40 ... how should a charter extension be organized for groups we know will live for some time 14:54:42 q+ to comment about conflating "charter extensions" with credibility 14:54:45 ... that's still very much an open issue 14:54:58 dsinger: the habit of forcing everyone to re-read the damn charter 14:55:09 ... to force people to think about whether something is good 14:55:13 q? 14:55:32 Zakim, who is speaking? 14:55:43 timeless, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: SteveZ (25%), timeless (49%), dsinger (44%) 14:56:00 ack glazou 14:56:05 glazou: you mention the super groups 14:56:17 ... one of the key things about super groups is that they don't change scope 14:56:23 ... only deliverables 14:56:30 ... that's why i was mentioning permanent extensions 14:56:35 Zakim, mute me 14:56:35 timeless should now be muted 14:56:44 ... do you think it will be an issue for them? 14:56:45 if deliverables change, then we MUST do charter review 14:57:07 this is ‘extend with no change of anything’ 14:57:13 jeff: i don't see the director giving charter extensions over and over 14:57:21 glazou: i know that's the current state of things 14:57:30 ... but, super groups are special 14:57:31 s/jeff: I don't/SteveZ: I don't/ 14:57:33 ... there's an IPR issue 14:57:46 ... a mandatory AC review each time we do this 14:58:00 ... we may have to revisit this issue 14:58:05 ack glazou 14:58:18 SteveZ: let's do supergroups discussion in that context 14:58:27 q- 14:58:27 resolution: closed, there are sufficient checks and balances 14:58:33 q+ timeless to ask for pointer on supergrups 14:58:39 q- timeless 14:58:50 Zakim, unmute me 14:58:50 timeless should no longer be muted 14:59:02 SteveZ: waiting input from chaals for the other two items 14:59:09 -Mike_Champion 15:00:08 SteveZ: i'll send the minutes from last week 15:00:13 ... and fix up today's 15:00:20 ... thanks to the scribes 15:00:22 -dsinger 15:00:25 [ Adjourned ] 15:00:26 -Jeff 15:00:33 -glazou 15:00:35 -timeless 15:00:41 -Jay 15:01:00 Zakim, attendees? 15:01:00 I don't understand your question, SteveZ. 15:01:12 Zakim, who is on irc? 15:01:12 I don't understand your question, SteveZ. 15:01:32 -SteveZ 15:01:34 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has ended 15:01:34 Attendees were Jeff, SteveZ, glazou, Jay, dsinger, timeless, +, Mike_Champion 15:02:38 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html SteveZ 15:03:11 i/don’t have any email with new draft so stuck there/scribe: glazou/ 15:03:16 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:03:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:04:13 pretty good job timeless 15:04:20 s/resolution/RESOLUTION/ 15:04:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:04:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:05:08 s/jeff: i don't/SteveZ: I don't/ 15:05:15 s|s/jeff: I don't/SteveZ: I don't/|| 15:05:35 glazou has left #w3process 15:05:40 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:06:32 i/scribe: glazou/[ Minutes before this point are missing -- to be inserted by Chair ]/ 15:06:34 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:06:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:06:50 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:06:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/02-w3process-minutes.html timeless 17:05:27 Zakim has left #w3process