19:06:09 RRSAgent has joined #crypto 19:06:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-irc 19:06:11 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:06:13 Zakim, this will be CRYPT 19:06:13 ok, trackbot; I see SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM scheduled to start 6 minutes ago 19:06:14 Meeting: Web Cryptography Working Group Teleconference 19:06:14 Date: 18 August 2014 19:20:49 Jyates has joined #Crypto 19:43:03 Jyates has joined #Crypto 19:44:49 Jyates has joined #Crypto 19:54:55 zakim, this will be CRYPTO 19:54:55 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, wseltzer 19:55:08 zakim, space for 20 at 1600? 19:55:10 sorry, wseltzer; could not schedule an adhoc conference; passcode overlap; if you do not have a fixed code you may try again 19:55:14 zakim, space for 20 at 1600? 19:55:16 Jyates has joined #Crypto 19:55:17 sorry, wseltzer; could not schedule an adhoc conference; passcode overlap; if you do not have a fixed code you may try again 19:55:24 zakim, space for 20 at 1601? 19:55:26 sorry, wseltzer; could not schedule an adhoc conference; passcode overlap; if you do not have a fixed code you may try again 19:55:37 zakim, extend crypto 19:55:37 I don't understand 'extend crypto', wseltzer 19:56:45 zakim, code? 19:56:45 the conference code is 27978 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), wseltzer 19:56:52 harry has joined #crypto 19:56:57 zakim, this will be 27978 19:56:57 ok, wseltzer; I see SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM scheduled to start 56 minutes ago 19:57:05 zakim, this will be CRYPT 19:57:05 ok, wseltzer; I see SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM scheduled to start 57 minutes ago 19:57:15 zakim, this will be CRYPT at 1600 19:57:15 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, wseltzer 19:57:37 wseltzer, just checking in 19:57:43 should be fine, the dial-in will still work 19:57:47 SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM has now started 19:57:53 trackbot, start meeting 19:57:54 +JYates 19:57:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:57:55 + +1.510.508.aaaa 19:57:57 Zakim, this will be CRYPT 19:57:57 ok, trackbot; I see SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM scheduled to start 57 minutes ago 19:57:58 Meeting: Web Cryptography Working Group Teleconference 19:57:58 Date: 18 August 2014 19:59:08 Virginie has joined #crypto 19:59:39 Zakim, who's on the phone? 19:59:39 I notice SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM has restarted 19:59:40 On the phone I see +1.510.508.aaaa, JYates 20:00:28 +??P2 20:00:31 +Wendy 20:00:46 zakim, ??p2 is Virginie 20:00:46 +Virginie; got it 20:00:47 +karen_oDonoghue 20:00:56 zakim, aaaa is Trevor_Perrin 20:00:56 +Trevor_Perrin; got it 20:01:01 zakim, who is here? 20:01:01 On the phone I see Trevor_Perrin, JYates, Virginie, Wendy, karen_oDonoghue 20:01:04 On IRC I see Virginie, harry, Jyates, RRSAgent, Zakim, tobie, terri, timeless, slightlyoff, wseltzer, trackbot 20:01:20 kodonog has joined #crypto 20:01:21 Zakim, what's the code? 20:01:22 the conference code is 27978 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), harry 20:01:53 selfissued has joined #crypto 20:03:08 +??P5 20:03:18 rbarnes has joined #crypto 20:03:29 zakim, who is here? 20:03:29 On the phone I see Trevor_Perrin, JYates, Virginie, Wendy, karen_oDonoghue, ??P5 20:03:32 On IRC I see rbarnes, selfissued, kodonog, Virginie, harry, Jyates, RRSAgent, Zakim, tobie, terri, timeless, slightlyoff, wseltzer, trackbot 20:03:39 zakim, i am ??P5 20:03:39 +rbarnes; got it 20:04:00 +[Microsoft] 20:05:00 +[Microsoft.a] 20:05:07 markw has joined #crypto 20:05:36 +MarkW 20:05:45 Zakim, MarkW is me 20:05:45 +markw; got it 20:05:55 zakim, Microsoft has selfissued 20:05:55 +selfissued; got it 20:06:08 zakim, Microsoft.a has Israel 20:06:08 +Israel; got it 20:06:19 israelh has joined #crypto 20:06:53 scribenick: wseltzer 20:06:58 Topic: Introductions 20:07:12 Trevor: I'm a crypto consultant, working with a bunch of different projects 20:07:24 ... many from end-to-end security for person-to-person communications 20:07:31 ... many want browser clients 20:07:52 ... and to modernize. 25519 is what they're looking at. 20:08:25 Virginie: We're interested in your draft, maintenance, ideas for development 20:08:54 ... WG is not yet aligned on which curve(s) to add, and how 20:09:41 ... Agendum for this informal call is Q&A 20:09:54 ... perhaps you can present your draft 20:10:02 and thanks for stepping up Trevor and editing the draft! 20:10:19 has this draft been posted somewhere? 20:10:31 Trevor: Context: lots of person-to-person projects interested in browser extensions 20:10:40 ... PGP community, GPG, multi-party OTR 20:10:53 ... cryptocat, @@ 20:10:56 virginie_ has joined #crypto 20:11:01 s/@@/miniLock/ 20:11:09 ... enscripten, twitNaCL 20:11:47 ... speed, code correctness are concerns 20:12:05 ... side channels are a bit of a concern 20:12:24 ... that's why they;d like direct access, rather than writing in JS 20:12:49 ... Approach, add another algorithm to WebCrypto 20:12:53 ... specific to this curve 20:13:35 tantek has joined #crypto 20:13:42 ... differently specified by DJB from ANSI 20:13:53 ... users want EC-25519 20:14:22 ... you could imagine ECDH-NIST, ECDH-NUMS, etc. 20:14:37 ... so that's what I did. 20:14:51 ... Main difference is key input format. 20:15:16 s/input/import/ 20:16:04 q? 20:16:27 selfissued: clarification, JOSE is open to new representation when there are new curves using them 20:16:34 q+ 20:16:41 ... IETF uses registry, so W3C spec can register a key type and use it 20:17:06 Trevor: do we need IANA assignment for registry? 20:17:07 Trevor's drat is here: 20:17:08 http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/trevp/curve25519_webcrypto/blob/master/Curve25519_WebCrypto.html 20:17:13 harry: thanks 20:17:15 selfissued: It won't happen until JOSE is finalized 20:17:22 Trevor: The registry question is a long one that is the source of controversy :) 20:17:34 ... however, get meeting you at HOPE and thanks for stepping up! I appreciate it. 20:18:05 s/Trevor:// 20:18:46 ack rbarnes 20:18:52 rbarnes: Thanks Trevor 20:19:24 ... because of the way DJB specified 25519, it's more like a new algo than like parameters for an existing algo 20:20:43 ... lots of webcrypto is about exposing crypto libraries to js 20:20:57 ... but most libraries don't currently support 25519 20:21:05 ... which would delay implementation 20:21:43 Virginie: anything you can share about implementations? 20:21:57 q? 20:22:34 rbarnes: heated debate in IETF 20:22:54 ... do you have the sense that your communities are interested in 25519 specifically, or non-NIST more generically? 20:23:20 Trevor: 25519 has been around, it's well specified, it's fast, so it has mindshare. 20:23:28 ... those who have committed likely want to stick with it. 20:23:57 virginie has joined #crypto 20:24:21 rbarnes: Whatever is chosen for TLS will be implemented in browser libraries 20:24:33 Trevor: so easiest if IETF chooses 25519 20:24:58 q? 20:25:40 Virginie: we're also working on extensibility 20:25:52 ... What would be needed in main spec to facilitate addition 20:25:58 ... Did you find problems? 20:26:20 +1 to using this as a test case for extensibility 20:26:32 Trevor: Pretty straightforward 20:27:37 ... does the WG like this strategy? 20:27:55 is bal on the call/ 20:27:56 ? 20:30:07 selfissued: When might you have a complete first draft to review? 20:30:18 Trevor: depends what changes people want 20:31:33 ... if people like this approach, we could do ED-25519 as well 20:32:09 rbarnes: if we're going to do this, we'd probably also want ED-25519 20:32:24 ... but as far as WG process, I'm inclined to hold off for IETF CFRG 20:32:41 selfissued: as a WG member, I would like to see as complete a write-up how to use with WebCrypto 20:33:02 ... including key import and export, for which you need JWK 20:33:16 ... and to see if core spec has necessary extension points 20:34:18 Virginie: we don't want to ask Trevor to do unnecssary work 20:34:51 rbarnes: I'm proposing hold until November, since then we'll either know CFRG choice or that it can't make a choice 20:35:07 ... You probably should define a format for Curve 25519 JWK 20:35:09 virginie has joined #crypto 20:35:21 Trevor: I should add JWK, so it's a complete rough draft 20:35:52 Virginie: that would be great 20:37:45 ... Also consider mode for contribution: IE or non-member contribution 20:38:18 Virginie: Thanks, Trevor 20:38:51 -karen_oDonoghue 20:38:53 -Trevor_Perrin 20:38:53 -JYates 20:38:55 -[Microsoft] 20:38:55 -rbarnes 20:38:57 -Wendy 20:38:58 -markw 20:39:05 -Virginie 20:39:06 SEC_WebCryp()3:00PM has ended 20:39:06 Attendees were JYates, +1.510.508.aaaa, Wendy, Virginie, karen_oDonoghue, Trevor_Perrin, rbarnes, markw, selfissued, Israel 20:39:10 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:39:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-minutes.html wseltzer 20:39:17 regrets+ BAL, rsleevi 20:39:23 trackbot, end teleconf 20:39:23 Zakim, list attendees 20:39:23 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 20:39:29 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:39:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-minutes.html wseltzer 20:39:31 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:39:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-minutes.html trackbot 20:39:32 RRSAgent, bye 20:39:32 I see no action items 20:40:20 RRSAgent has joined #crypto 20:40:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-irc 20:40:26 Chair: Virginie_Galindo 20:40:46 Meeting: WebCrypto WG informal meeting with Trevor Perrin 20:40:49 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:40:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-minutes.html wseltzer 20:44:55 harry has joined #crypto 20:45:26 RRSAgent, generate minutes 20:45:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/08/18-crypto-minutes.html harry 21:59:49 tantek has joined #crypto