14:53:32 RRSAgent has joined #forms 14:53:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/05/14-forms-irc 14:53:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:53:34 Zakim has joined #forms 14:53:36 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 14:53:36 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XForms()11:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 14:53:37 Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference 14:53:37 Date: 14 May 2014 14:53:57 Chair: Steven 14:54:02 Regrets: Philip 14:54:06 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014May/0004 14:54:14 Steven_ has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014May/0004 14:59:59 ebruchez has joined #forms 15:01:01 IA_XForms()11:00AM has now started 15:01:08 +??P1 15:01:13 zakim, I am ? 15:01:13 +Steven_; got it 15:01:24 +ebruchez 15:01:52 +[IPcaller] 15:01:52 Zakim, I am [IPcaller] 15:01:53 ok, alain, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 15:02:23 Regrets+Nick 15:02:44 Topic: Multipart submissions 15:02:44 http://www.w3.org/2013/05/22-forms-minutes.html#item02 15:03:07 Steven: You wanted to reopen this Erik. 15:03:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0014.html 15:03:09 Erik: Yes. 15:03:29 ... it's because someone asked me about the status 15:03:48 ... we do need it, but it may be too late to add it at this stage 15:04:22 ... you cannot control fine-grained multipart mesages 15:04:27 s/mes/mess/ 15:06:02 Erik: Unfortunately it got dropped. 15:06:09 Steven: So keep it on hold? 15:06:19 Erik: It is low-hanging. 15:06:25 ... it takes time. 15:06:59 Steven: We agreed to do it, so if you want to take the time to write the text, that's fine 15:07:04 Erik: Alright. 15:07:15 Steven: You already have the action item :-) 15:07:32 Topic: ACTION-1970 - Propose list of page access functions 15:07:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2014May/0000.html 15:08:20 Steven: Last week you had the action item to spec it, so I just wanted to keep it on the agenda 15:08:44 Erik: Not done yet; I have pinged the ExPath person, no reply yet 15:09:23 ... anyURI as a string would be fine 15:09:48 ... finalising the signature of the functions, I only went that far. 15:10:22 Topic: @label, etc 15:10:48 Steven: I'm in the middle of an edit to get that done; it's a big one but I plan to have it finished this evening. 15:11:04 ... I did have a question 15:12:23 ... the spec uses the notation in most places (for attributes) attrname (author-optional) 15:12:39 ... I'd like to replace that with attrname? 15:12:52 ... which I see Nick has done in one place. 15:12:57 Alain: OK with me. 15:13:26 Steven: Seems to be easier to read. We use ? for elements in content, so why not in attributes. 15:13:48 Topic: AOB 15:13:56 [Adjourn] 15:13:58 -[IPcaller] 15:14:00 -ebruchez 15:14:02 -Steven_ 15:14:02 IA_XForms()11:00AM has ended 15:14:02 Attendees were Steven_, ebruchez, [IPcaller] 15:14:08 rrsagent, make minutes 15:14:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/05/14-forms-minutes.html Steven_ 15:14:13 alain has left #forms 15:14:34 Present+Alain 15:14:37 rrsagent, make minutes 15:14:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/05/14-forms-minutes.html Steven_ 15:16:02 Steven_ has left #forms 16:13:19 ebruchez has joined #forms 17:27:58 Zakim has left #forms