13:53:48 RRSAgent has joined #eval 13:53:48 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/03-eval-irc 13:53:50 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:53:50 Zakim has joined #eval 13:53:52 Zakim, this will be 3825 13:53:52 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 13:53:53 Meeting: WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference 13:53:53 Date: 03 April 2014 13:56:45 Liz has joined #eval 13:57:19 WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has now started 13:57:26 +Liz 13:58:33 alistair has joined #eval 13:58:44 zakim, call shadi-617 13:58:44 ok, shadi; the call is being made 13:58:45 +Shadi 13:59:49 +[IPcaller] 13:59:50 zakim, ipcaller is alistair 13:59:50 +alistair; got it 14:00:55 Detlev has joined #eval 14:02:19 +Detlev 14:02:27 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:02:57 zakim, who is making noise? 14:03:08 shadi, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Mary_Jo_Mueller (47%) 14:03:28 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:03:45 regrets: Richard 14:04:00 MaryJo has joined #eval 14:04:16 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:04:18 ericvelleman has joined #eval 14:05:20 +??P29 14:05:38 scribe: alistair 14:05:48 zakim, ??p26 is ericvelleman 14:05:48 I already had ??P26 as Philipp, shadi 14:05:57 zakim, ??p29 is ericvelleman 14:05:57 +ericvelleman; got it 14:06:14 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:06:14 On the phone I see Liz, Shadi, alistair, Detlev, Mary_Jo_Mueller, ericvelleman 14:07:01 Eric, welcome 14:07:14 Eric, Disposition of comments 14:07:34 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/comments-20140130 14:08:03 Eric: Some discussion last week 14:08:25 Eric: A link was sent for the minutes of the previous meeting 14:08:46 Eric: We needed more discussion on the scope last week 14:08:56 Zakim, mute me 14:08:56 Detlev should now be muted 14:09:05 Eric: we need to go through major points within Disposition of comments 14:09:11 http://www.w3.org/2014/03/27-eval-minutes 14:09:35 Eric: We could put points from discussions in surveys which could be circulated 14:10:15 Kathy has joined #eval 14:10:16 Eric: We talked about version from title, scoring (needs a bit more) 14:10:43 Eric: As many comments as possible will be put in the survey so we can focus our discussions 14:10:57 fine 14:11:04 Eric: This will also allow others to look at the work 14:11:09 +Kathy_Wahlbin 14:13:19 Shadi: Last week we debriefed from face-to-face 14:13:47 Shadi: the survey idea for comments re disposition of comments is a good idea 14:13:59 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/#step1d 14:14:06 Step 1.d: Define Evaluation Methods to be Used (Optional) 14:14:12 Shadi: Steps requiring further thought 1d 14:14:41 Shadi: 1d needs to be better defined, with more explicit reference to techniques and tools 14:15:17 Shadi: Email, or a survey or thinking about the questions in the survey would be a good place to start this discussion 14:15:20 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/#step4a 14:15:25 Shadi: step 4a 14:15:27 Step 4.a: Check for Each Success Criterion 14:15:51 Shadi: we need to check back to the minutes from the face to face - IBM comments? 14:16:13 Shadi: There were some gaps issues 14:16:19 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/#step5d 14:16:22 Shadi: last scoring 14:16:28 Step 5.d: Provide an Aggregated Score (Optional) 14:16:58 Shadi: this needs to be discussed further with several groups, including WAI coordination group 14:17:24 Shadi: We need to make sure that all things we do are in line with the overall goals of WAI 14:17:50 Shadi: Are there other topics which need more discussion? 14:17:55 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/#step1c 14:17:57 Eric: Step 1c 14:18:13 Eric: We had a bit of trouble defining this 14:18:28 Eric: Difficult to describe baseline 14:18:39 Eric: need a bit more guidance 14:19:06 Eric: Defining the baselines becomes very broad 14:19:27 q+ 14:19:33 Eric: There are a number of sections to be addressed - total of 4 14:19:46 Eric: should we go through the 4 sections 14:19:47 q? 14:20:01 Shadi: Its fine that we raise issues ourselves 14:20:41 q- 14:20:42 Shadi: define the baseline is a candidate for discussion with the WCAG group on accessibility support - understanding doc 14:21:13 Kathy: Discussion in WCAG working group has had some discussions 14:21:34 Shadi: Kathy to be coordination point between WCAG group and EVAL re baseline 14:22:02 Shadi: We need to think about the questions which go with each section, which might go into surveys 14:22:14 Eric: Leave 1c and start with 1d 14:22:54 Shadi: The questions would be what do we want to do and what do we need to move forward 14:23:05 q+ 14:23:11 Eric: Back to 1c - what can we clarify to make this more workable 14:23:20 q+ 14:23:26 ack me 14:24:11 Detlev: Term baseline is ambigous - is it the same as lowest common denominator 14:24:34 Tim has joined #eval 14:24:48 Detlev: From the wording it is difficult to know what is required, and what should be defined 14:25:22 Eric, baseline is a list of several things at the moment 14:25:33 q+ 14:25:46 q- 14:25:49 Detlev: We could have positive - browser x, assistive tech y 14:26:47 Detlev: Or a lower version with lots of tech which needs to be supported 14:27:19 Kathy: Under WCAG accessibility support there are a number of considerations which we could take and make into a diagram 14:27:35 q+ 14:27:36 Zakim, mute me 14:27:36 Detlev should now be muted 14:28:07 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#accessibility-supporteddef 14:28:13 Kathy: would could also have a list of things people have to think about when choosing a list of tech - what should you be testing on 14:28:53 Kathy: There are further implications with regard to different techs 14:29:05 http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/conformance#uc-accessibility-support-head 14:29:10 Kathy: we could put the information into a diagram 14:29:28 Kathy: you cannot say test in this, this and this 14:29:51 Eric: we could copy from the document, but we have tried not to to date 14:30:08 aim for *simple* explanaton of options for defining baseline 14:30:21 Kathy: if you read the considerations documents there is a list of things 14:30:44 Eric: Like the idea of flow diagram 14:31:09 q+ 14:31:19 ack kath 14:31:38 Alistair: baseline is something you'd expect the website owner you define 14:31:39 XCan't undersatand Alistair! 14:31:53 s/you define/to define 14:32:01 ack me 14:32:20 ...WCAG document is primarily designed for developers rather than evaluators 14:32:25 q? 14:32:42 ...really up to the Evaluation Commissioner in this situation 14:32:53 ack ali 14:32:59 q+ 14:33:59 Detlev: Disagree 14:34:30 [[This step ... is ideally carried out in consultation with the evaluation commissioner (who may or may not be the website owner) to ensure common expectations about the scope of the evaluation.]] 14:34:47 Detlev: We evaluate against BIVT, which fixes what we look at 14:34:48 q+ 14:35:34 Alistair: but essentially up to the website owner what they define as their baseline 14:35:50 ...putting a definition contrains them 14:36:03 s/contrains/constrains 14:36:22 q+ 14:36:49 ack det 14:36:50 Detlev: It is what you are looking at - but to simply take what the website owner states as sufficient is missing the mark 14:37:14 Eric: the question is who decides the baseline - the commissioner or the evaluator 14:37:32 Eric: it would be useful to discuss this further 14:37:56 +Tim_Boland 14:38:47 Alistair: the commissioner sets the context of where they think their website will be used 14:39:17 Eric: We should leave this for further discussion 14:39:30 q- 14:40:04 Kathy: as far as support, regardless of who decides the baseline we still have a number of questions which would need to be asked 14:40:28 Kathy: many people don't know, and many will need extra help from experts 14:41:18 Kathy: The baseline will differ from person to person - depending on who is using the documentation 14:41:55 Kathy: We probably understand better that the commissioner as to accessibility support 14:42:45 Kathy: It is going to be different in different contexts - the goal is to ensure that it will work for the end user, in their different regions 14:42:51 ack me 14:43:24 Shadi: Agree with everyone - minimal requirements are set by WCAG 14:43:42 Shadi: bar is set, below that you are not meeting WCAG 14:44:21 Shadi: This is a grey zone, where you can technically meet WCAG but in reality this does not work broadly 14:45:01 Shadi: How to meet WCAG are decisions for the web developers, we can of course provide a set of warnings 14:45:28 Shadi: We agreed from the beginning that this would not be adding additional requirements 14:46:20 Shadi: We cannot be more prescriptive that WCAG, and we would hope to work with the website owner to determine what baseline they were considering 14:46:51 Shadi: Warnings as opposed to what is technically required by WCAG 14:46:53 q? 14:47:05 Shadi: WCAG sets the requirements 14:47:50 zakim, mute me 14:47:50 Shadi should now be muted 14:48:13 Eric: Look again at WCAG and see if we can clarify things a little. 14:48:17 q+ 14:48:23 [[+1 to providing clarity *from the perspective of an evaluator*]] 14:50:20 Alistair: issue is that setting the baseline by the evaluator might lead to differences 14:50:41 ...can't get to an agreed baseline 14:50:51 ...involvement of the website owner is necessary 14:50:54 q+ 14:50:55 Eric: 1c clarify steps or questions, and see if we can add ownership 14:51:02 q- 14:51:31 Eric: can we atleast give people the questions - think about this when setting baseline 14:51:35 q+ 14:51:39 ack me 14:52:29 Detlev: Evaluator should not set the baseline, it should be more set by a group - disabilities groups- etc... 14:52:56 Detlev: The audience should create a consensus 14:53:34 Detlev: Some people like the latest things, but from a user perspective this might not be the best thing 14:53:58 Zakim, mute me 14:53:58 Detlev should now be muted 14:54:00 Eric: I'll look at the section and see what could be done - maybe a number of questions. 14:54:13 q? 14:54:14 ack me 14:55:08 Shadi: Another issue or two: consistency questions - does the baseline need to be consistent in a page, over a website 14:55:34 Shadi: and that the baseline should be over all widgets, rather than one for one and another for another 14:56:14 Shadi: We need to differentiate between WCAG failures and other issues 14:56:44 Eric: Summary, I will propose a list of questions 14:57:07 Eric: Surveys will be started for a number of comments 14:57:22 Eric: Then everyone can have a look at the surveys 14:57:30 Eric: next time 1d 14:57:44 Eric: and scoring 14:57:46 q+ 14:58:05 ack me 14:58:50 Detlev: EIII project - evaluating websites - is it possible to get input 14:59:13 Detlev: information on scoring would be great 14:59:24 Eric: We haven't talked about scoring yet 14:59:57 http://www.eiao.net/publications/ 14:59:59 Eric: The same discussions are being held everywhere, highlighting the difficulties with scoring 15:00:40 Tim: We're working on something 15:00:59 Shadi: Scoring is a very open ended discussion 15:01:17 Shadi: No rubber stamped solutions 15:01:41 Shadi: Other three things are easier to move forward with 15:01:56 Eric: Next telco next week 15:01:58 bye 15:02:05 Eric: Survey will come in advance 15:02:13 bye 15:02:14 -Tim_Boland 15:02:18 -Detlev 15:02:20 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 15:02:24 -Kathy_Wahlbin 15:02:25 -Liz 15:02:27 ericvelleman has left #eval 15:02:28 -alistair 15:02:29 -Shadi 15:02:33 -ericvelleman 15:02:34 WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has ended 15:02:34 Attendees were Liz, Shadi, alistair, Detlev, Mary_Jo_Mueller, ericvelleman, Kathy_Wahlbin, Tim_Boland 15:05:51 Kathy has left #eval 15:16:54 trackbot, end meeting 15:16:54 Zakim, list attendees 15:16:54 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 15:17:02 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:17:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/03-eval-minutes.html trackbot 15:17:03 RRSAgent, bye 15:17:03 I see no action items