15:02:11 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 15:02:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-irc 15:02:13 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:02:13 Zakim has joined #html-media 15:02:15 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:02:15 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 15:02:16 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:02:16 Date: 01 April 2014 15:02:21 davide has joined #html-media 15:03:01 zakim, who's here? 15:03:01 HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, pal 15:03:04 On IRC I see davide, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, johnsim, joesteele, pal, pladd, ddorwin, glenn, wseltzer, trackbot 15:03:15 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:03:17 scribe: joesteele 15:03:17 HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, paulc 15:03:17 On IRC I see davide, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, johnsim, joesteele, pal, pladd, ddorwin, glenn, wseltzer, trackbot 15:03:23 chair: paulc 15:03:27 trackbot, start meeting 15:03:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:03:30 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:03:31 zakim, this is 63342 15:03:31 ok, glenn; that matches HTML_WG()11:00AM 15:03:31 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:03:32 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:03:32 Date: 01 April 2014 15:03:33 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start 3 minutes ago 15:03:44 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:03:44 I notice HTML_WG()11:00AM has restarted 15:03:45 On the phone I see pladd, [IPcaller], davide, +1.781.221.aaaa, [Microsoft], +1.720.897.aabb, [Microsoft.a] 15:03:56 zakim, [microsoft.a] is me 15:03:56 zakim, aabb is me 15:03:57 zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc 15:03:57 +johnsim; got it 15:03:57 +glenn; got it 15:03:57 +paulc; got it 15:04:14 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:04:15 On the phone I see pladd, [IPcaller], davide, +1.781.221.aaaa, [Microsoft], glenn, johnsim 15:04:16 [Microsoft] has paulc 15:04:23 + +1.425.936.aacc 15:04:30 zakim, [aaaa] is pal 15:04:30 sorry, paulc, I do not recognize a party named '[aaaa]' 15:04:30 zakim, I am aaaa 15:04:31 +pal; got it 15:04:36 zakim, aacc is me 15:04:36 +ddorwin; got it 15:04:44 adrianba has joined #html-media 15:04:48 zakim, aaaa is pal 15:04:48 sorry, paulc, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:04:53 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:04:53 On the phone I see pladd, [IPcaller], davide, pal, [Microsoft], glenn, johnsim, ddorwin 15:04:55 [Microsoft] has paulc 15:05:49 Zakim, IPCaller is me 15:05:49 +joesteele; got it 15:06:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014Apr/0000.html 15:06:21 + +1.425.614.aadd 15:06:26 zakim, aadd is me 15:06:27 +adrianba; got it 15:06:38 Topic: Role Call 15:06:48 Zakim, who is here? 15:06:49 On the phone I see pladd, joesteele, davide, pal, [Microsoft], glenn, johnsim, ddorwin, adrianba 15:06:51 [Microsoft] has paulc 15:06:51 On IRC I see adrianba, BobLund, davide, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, johnsim, joesteele, pal, pladd, ddorwin, glenn, wseltzer, trackbot 15:07:02 +BobLund 15:07:12 Topic: Intro comments 15:07:43 jdsmith has joined #html-media 15:07:43 +[Microsoft.a] 15:07:43 Discussin F2F next week 15:08:07 Two groups to handle in the agenda 15:08:23 Promises, accessibility, ... 15:08:34 zakim, who's noisy? 15:08:42 ... want to get a clear understanding 15:08:45 glenn, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [Microsoft] (14%), johnsim (20%) 15:08:47 s/accessibility/extensibility 15:08:57 s/accessibility/extensibility/ 15:09:09 paulc: start the agenda with item #5 15:09:27 ... first section is 25199 15:09:43 ... David filed and made 5 other bugs dependent on it 15:09:52 Topic: Bug#25199 15:09:57 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25199 15:10:10 Blocks: 17750 21798 24081 24216 24771 15:10:22 paulc: this bug blocks 5 other bugs -- David thinks this is a solution to those other bugs 15:10:29 ... like to hear what others think on this 15:10:46 ddorwin: Promises is a way of returning async results -- WebCrypto going to LC with them 15:11:07 ... we have async operations, previously used the Error event but kinda inconsistent 15:11:25 ... but if you add methods have no idea where errors are coming from 15:11:39 ... think Promises solve some of this issue 15:12:05 paulc: willing to spend time discussing as this group of bugs covers over 25% 15:12:13 ... need to discuss or at least come up with a plan 15:12:31 ddorwin: its 4 pages -- happy to discuss 15:12:54 joesteele: I think it is a good idea -- but have to review fully 15:13:00 glenn: agree with the proposal 15:13:24 paulc: anyone else? 15:13:25 @paulc: very choppy 15:13:39 paulc: what is our plan for processing the 6 bugs? 15:13:41 -glenn 15:13:53 ... should I add this an an agenda at the F2F? 15:14:08 +glenn 15:14:18 -adrianba 15:14:22 joesteele: I think we should discuss at the F2F 15:14:39 +adrianba 15:14:48 ... only because I need time to review 15:14:53 -BobLund 15:14:57 paulc: would like to know this will let us clear those bugs 15:15:10 very choppy 15:15:20 reconnecting 15:15:22 +BobLund 15:15:27 -[Microsoft] 15:15:47 zakim is not answering 15:15:57 i had that problem the first time i tried 15:16:07 …this morning 15:16:12 Zakim? 15:16:22 not answering me either :-) 15:16:51 +[Microsoft] 15:16:56 joesteele: has everyone had a chance to read David's proposal -- this would be a good time 15:18:07 paulc: will I have a concrete proposal at the F2F to handle these bugs? 15:18:16 ddorwin: the Promises API reshapes all these APIs 15:18:41 ... we have committed to some of the changes, others change completely, it will be a drastic change 15:19:02 johnsim: is it the decision that we will change to Promises? 15:19:10 paulc: only two folks in agreement so far 15:19:18 joesteele: 3 including David 15:19:41 paulc: would like to get some sense from the group today what the impact would be on the other bugs 15:20:03 ... would be a staged solution, if we decide to go that way in first 5 minutes, won't know how to process the other 5 bugs 15:20:12 ... could review the impact of this change today 15:20:29 jernoble has joined #html-media 15:20:44 17750 - details being discussed - resolved by Promises 15:20:55 21798 - errors will change drastically. still need to evaluate 15:20:57 ... proposals may look different for the other bugs if we go in this direction 15:21:09 24081 - resolved (mostly?) by Promises 15:21:24 24216 - agreed to do. Promises affect the API 15:21:49 paulc: 24771 Microsoft agreed to review, David marked it as dependent, Microsoft has made no comment as yet 15:22:03 24771 - jdsmith agreed. Potentially simplified by promises. 15:22:05 ... if we make the decision to move to this, not sure what we will do with the other bugs at the F2F 15:22:22 ddorwin: updated IRC with the status of the bugs you mentioned 15:22:41 ... for the most part we have agreed on a solution 15:22:58 johnsim: have Mark made a comment yet? he is active there 15:23:06 ddorwin: not yet 15:23:28 paulc: will put this cluster on the F2F agenda 15:24:01 ... we will try to make a decision on 25199 -- if you are not going to make a decision, make your position known before the F2F so folks can review and repsond 15:24:04 i think moving in the direction of promises for async is good - i haven't reviewed the details of the proposal - my initial reaction is that promises might not map very well to the unordered events that can fire in EME 15:24:21 but i can see it making some of the error handling better 15:24:29 ... folks who own the other bugs should review Davids synopsis and determine if feasible/reasonable and how the bugs would change 15:24:35 is this an all or nothing proposal? 15:24:36 i have a question about promises 15:24:40 q+ 15:24:40 s/17750 - details being discussed - resolved by Promises/17750 - implemented but there are some remaining details being discussed; these are resolved by Promises./ 15:24:53 paulc: looks like Microsofts comment on 25771 is positive so we won't review further 15:25:18 ddorwin: Promises is not replacing all events, errors cannot be replaced by Promises 15:25:35 q+ 15:26:22 ack pal 15:26:32 pal: looks like client support for desktop browsers, but not a core feature of ECMAscript, what about support outside of desktop browsers? 15:26:50 ddorwin: defined by ECMAScript now -- it is the future of async APIs 15:27:25 brad: is there a compelling reason to make the move now instead of resolving the bugs first and then moving later? 15:27:40 ddorwin: now is the time because it is a major change before LC 15:27:53 +1 to what ddorwin said; the time is now, ... or never 15:28:17 ECMAScript 7? 15:28:24 paulc: this would be called out in LC review - so obvious thing to address now 15:28:42 paulc: was this published as sidebar to EC 6? 15:28:44 it will be in ES6 15:28:54 ddorwin: thought it was in 6 15:29:04 pal: want to make sure we have a normative reference 15:29:19 ddorwin: WebCrypto is in LC (so would have this problem) 15:29:30 pal: we are not that group 15:29:34 ack bob 15:29:36 paulc: understood 15:30:07 Topic: Bug#25092 15:30:09 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25092 15:30:30 paulc: filed by Mark -- not here 15:30:46 ... David do you want to summarize? 15:30:55 See David's response in https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25092#c1 15:31:05 jamil has joined #html-media 15:31:08 ddorwin: it appears some implementations will downscale content based on the license, he wants a way for app to know that 15:31:41 ... this is specific to that use case, perhaps what apps really need to know is what KIDs are usable at the moment 15:31:54 ... previously the way to know what is usable was to play it 15:31:56 q+ 15:32:11 ... this way app could query the available keys 15:32:21 ack joe 15:34:00 joesteele: in this situation, the key may be the same for both resolutions. this is a specific example of the CDM needing to communicate to the application 15:34:37 ddorwin: did think about that - could issue licenses to fake KIDs and use those a s a proxy for this 15:34:56 ... what can you communicate in the same key case? need to figure that out in a consistent common and interoperable way 15:35:15 ... think fake KIDs solves this in a generic way 15:35:39 paulc: let's move on - Joe please respond in the bug with your explanation. David can respond in kind 15:35:47 ... more can be done at the F2F 15:35:52 Topic: Bug#25200 15:35:57 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25200 15:36:05 paulc: persistent license thread 15:36:12 ... David you filed this bug 15:36:20 Email thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014Mar/0020.html 15:36:29 re: promises in ES6, see sections 25.4 and 7.5 in http://wiki.ecmascript.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=harmony%3Aspecification_drafts&cache=cache&media=harmony:working_draft_ecma-262_edition_6_01-20-14-nomarkup.pdf 15:36:36 ... of course original request is not an active participant 15:36:47 This bug actually came out of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24025 15:36:48 ... Joe responded to the request 15:36:51 Joe's response: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25200#c1 15:36:54 ... handle here or at F2F 15:37:20 dorwin: this was actually my bug -- pasted above 15:37:30 ... really talking about offline licenses 15:37:42 ... Joe and Shinya have other models in mind 15:37:49 ... might not match with EME 15:38:04 ... this is mostly about offline storage and the license request 15:38:23 q+ 15:38:35 paulc: so it looks like there is a response from Shinya from this morning 15:38:40 Shinya response: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25200#c2 15:38:43 ack john 15:39:10 johnsim: in some cases whether the license can be persisted in dependent on the DRM not within the applications control 15:39:27 ... lot of the discussion is around the application not being able to override what the DRM is saying 15:39:53 ... I think that the question is whether EME should handle this at all or just handled by the DRM? 15:40:05 ... also asking David -- what do you mean by offline licenses? 15:40:19 ddorwin: agree that DRM is ultimately responsible for the licenses 15:40:59 ... talking about Netflix model .. if Netflix allowed you to get on a plane and still playback your content -- that is what I am talking about 15:41:10 johnsim: so you mean a licenses that can be used when offline 15:41:31 ... that is what we mean as well -- no need to request a license when playing back 15:41:48 ... in our model the decision is made by the service sending down the license 15:42:00 .. at the DRM level not the application level 15:42:15 dorwin: I am thinking about watching online versus offline 15:42:18 q+ 15:42:33 It looks like there is a cluster of 24025 (RESOLVED), 25200 and 25201 and possibly a bug filed by Joe. 15:42:41 zakim, who's noisy? 15:42:51 glenn, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [Microsoft] (33%), johnsim (55%) 15:42:53 johnsim: in the scenario where the app wants to do something - this is independent of what is negotiated with the service 15:43:05 ... the application wants to prevent cacheing when it could be cahced 15:43:32 ddorwin: this flag would tell the CDM what the app wants to do 15:43:41 ... can't override the DRM policy 15:43:57 ... with the store() method would directly control whether stored or not 15:44:09 johnsim: what would the diff. be? 15:44:17 ddorwin: depends on the DRM 15:44:27 johnsim: would have to store it somewhere though. 15:44:47 ... if I wanted to build a solution where I built the app and own the key server 15:45:07 ... I can let the app/user decide whether to store the license 15:45:29 ... then the DRM would issue the right kind of license (that could be persisted) 15:45:46 ... as opposed to having it be a fixed policy at the server 15:46:04 ack joe 15:46:54 q+ 15:47:02 ack dd 15:47:47 ddorwin: the main proposal is that a flag is passed to allow the CDM to say I want a persistent license 15:47:56 ... not storing is not what I meant 15:48:11 joesteele: this would not be used by anyone in my opinion 15:48:35 ddorwin: getting the persistent license and not storing it was not what I was proposing 15:49:27 paulc: this sounds like 24025 -- Joe says he would file a bug (25217) 15:49:37 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25217 15:49:45 It looks like there is a cluster of 24025 (RESOLVED), 25200 and 25201 and 25217. 15:49:50 paulc: so this is another cluster of bugs that are related 15:50:09 ... should be close to each other in the F2F 15:50:22 ... I will skip the next two bugs then as they are related 15:50:29 Topic: Bug#25218 15:50:31 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25218 15:50:33 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25218 15:51:33 Note to Paul: consider adding 25218 to the cluster of 24025 (RESOLVED), 25200 and 25201 and 25217. 15:52:04 q+ 15:52:36 25218 deals with sessions not be granular enough and it allows for the application to manage licenses/keys 15:52:44 ack dd 15:52:57 ddorwin: want a clarification on what is in a session versus 15:55:44 "A Key Session, or simply Session, represents the lifetime of the license(s)/key(s) it contains and associates all messages related to them." 15:55:47 paulc: will have to deal with this in the F2F -- not all scribed 15:55:57 Sessions can only be created with initData. 15:55:58 Topic: Bug#18515 15:56:12 David's comment: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18515#c23 15:56:12 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18515 15:56:14 @ddorwin: will you be at F2F on Wednesday? 15:56:27 paulc: looks like it has been reopened 15:56:57 adrianba: think I implemented this -- was not my proposal 15:57:03 ... think is was Jerry 15:57:30 jernoble: yes this is my bug 15:57:42 paulc: Jerry will look at David comment 15:57:58 s/David comment/David's comment/ 15:58:21 paulc: last topic -- complex set of bugs (7) 15:58:51 ... 24951, 24673, 24873, 17673, 17682, 24027, 24419 15:59:03 ... all of these bugs are interconnected as explained in the agenda 15:59:16 ... some bugs block each other, some have transitive relationships 15:59:42 ... some are waiting for actions from David, some are waiting for implementation from David or Adrian 15:59:58 ... all are effectively in this cluster -- not sure which to pull to the top to discuss 16:00:22 ... want to point out that the cluster exists and processing would resolve 30% of our bugs 16:00:35 I've made lots of changes for 24951 this morning. 16:00:49 ... would be really good if you could come to the F2F knowing how you would like to process these bugs 16:01:05 -pladd 16:01:36 s/paulc: last topic -- /Topic: Last Topic --/ 16:02:03 -joesteele 16:02:04 adrianba: think this somewhat unblocked the other bugs 16:02:18 ... the content type strings checks will probably not be an issue now 16:02:46 ... some open questions will -- but think it unblocks 17673 for ISOBMFF 16:03:03 ... might need some help for the archeology -- some older text might be resurrected 16:03:19 paulc: ok -- we are out of time 16:03:29 ... think there are 4 main clusters to eal with at the F2F 16:03:36 ... Promises 16:03:45 ... License persistence 16:03:52 ... and this last cluster 16:04:04 ... plus extensibility cluster (2-3 bugs) 16:04:21 ... that is most of the significant technical discussion. That is how I will organize the F2F agenda 16:04:32 ... please let me know if you think that is the wrong thing 16:04:58 paulc: will send a draft agenda for the media session in advance of the F2F so we have a written list of the order to do them in 16:05:12 .. send me any suggestions you have 16:05:16 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:05:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html paulc 16:05:21 ... done for today. 16:05:30 -BobLund 16:05:31 -davide 16:05:32 -glenn 16:05:33 .... adjourned 16:05:36 -adrianba 16:05:38 -pal 16:05:38 -ddorwin 16:05:43 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:05:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:05:44 -[Microsoft.a] 16:05:50 davide has left #html-media 16:05:52 -johnsim 16:06:42 s/its 4 pages/it's four pages long/ 16:06:44 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:06:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:07:38 s/have Mark/has Mark/ 16:07:39 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:07:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:07:53 s/repsond/respond/ 16:07:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:07:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:08:25 s/EC 6/ECMAScript 6/ 16:08:29 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:08:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:09:15 s/a s a /as a / 16:09:17 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:09:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:10:53 disconnecting the lone participant, [Microsoft], in HTML_WG()11:00AM 16:10:54 HTML_WG()11:00AM has ended 16:10:54 Attendees were pladd, davide, +1.781.221.aaaa, +1.720.897.aabb, johnsim, glenn, paulc, +1.425.936.aacc, pal, ddorwin, joesteele, +1.425.614.aadd, adrianba, BobLund, [Microsoft] 16:11:42 s/original request is/original requester is/ 16:11:44 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:11:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:13:15 s/cacheing/caching/ 16:13:17 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:13:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:13:31 s/diff./difference. 16:13:33 s/diff./difference/ 16:13:36 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:13:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:14:11 s/not storing is not what I meant/a flag to NOT store it is not what I meant/ 16:14:13 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:14:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:16:48 s/24951, 24673, /paulc: 24951, 24673, / 16:16:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:16:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:17:22 s/--complex/ - Complex/ 16:17:23 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:17:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:17:53 s/would be really good/paulc: would be really good/ 16:17:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:17:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:18:48 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:18:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/01-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:18:51 Zakim, bye 16:18:51 Zakim has left #html-media 16:19:04 rrsagent, make log public 16:19:09 rrsagent, bye 16:19:09 I see no action items