See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 28 March 2014
<AlanSmith> Have my other call to be on so I'm double listening for a while.
Kathy & Jeanne at CSUN
Kathy reporting on WCAG meeting @ CSUN.
Kathy: One topic was how to write to write techs. for WCAG.
Kathy: There is a wiki page on
how to write techs.
... recommend we read "how to".
Kathy: There is a template for
writing techs.
... recommends reviewing techs. template.
... easier to use wiki for writing techs.
Kim: How to stay coordinated with other groups?
<AlanSmith> I've book marked them and will look at them
Kathy: Create a work plan to
document what we are going to do.
... 2 things are underway (gap analysis and BBC review).
... When finished reviewing techniques send a note to the group
so we can start reviewing as a group.
... There are number of ways to present mobile guidance in the
Kim: 2 things that need to be done. Common failures and last part of general techniques.
John will do 1 - 20 of common failures.
Kim & Kathy: Keep in mind both native and hybrid apps when reviewing techniques.
Kathleen: Silverlight not supported on mobile.
<Kathy> Here are the assignments
<Kathy> Jonathan Avila Common Failures: F52-F89
<Kathy> Kathleen Anderson CSS Techniques: C23-C30
<Kathy> David Todd General Techniques: G101-G150
<Kathy> Kathleen Wahlbin Common Failures: F1-F50
<Kathy> Kimberly Patch FLASH: FLASH 1-36
<Kathy> Alan Smith General Techniques: G151-G202
Jon: Should we add notes about html specific topics?
Kim: yes
Kathy: Ways we can present mobile accessibility techniques and changes to understanding documents so people get the information they need.
Jan: Makes sense to have a mobile techs. page that pulls everything in one place.
Kathy: How to deal with the different technologies?
<jon_avila> There may also be some general mobile technqiues
Jeanne: There are disadvantages to having separate techniques (e.g., maintenance)
Kim: Thinks a separate document would be good.
Kathy: What do we think from a developer perspective?
<jon_avila> Right, people may be using responsive design
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say that a separate mobile techniques section would solve the problem of duplicating work in other groups
Jan: Support the notion that WCAG is the appropriate guideline.
kathleen: would like to work with one document rather that two.
<Jan_> Jan: The mobile native technaiwues should be their own sections of
<Jan_> Jan: Would like to see a "Mobile HTML" section of
<Jan_> Jan: Then there could be cross-references from "Desktop HTML" to matching "Mobile HTML" section and vice versa
Jon: General & HTML guidelines that work in mobile we should reference.
<Jan_> Jon: People will be using "responsive web design"
<jon_avila> The reason I was saying something might not apply is because it's not accessibility supported on mobile.
Kathleen: Add additional sections to existing techs?
<jon_avila> survey?
<Jan_> Jan: Since what is accessibility supported changes over time, notes to that effect should be "soft"
Kathy: yes, or could incorporate other models.
Kim: Create a wiki page with different models.
Kathy: schedule people to present
what they have done.
... Decide on a direction in the next couple of weeks.
... Get feedback in a controlled manner.
Kim: Next time we will have list of models and then walk through completed work.
Kathy: Think about the techs. that address keyboard.
There is a summary page of keyboard issues from WCAG meeting.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: DavidTodd Inferring Scribes: DavidTodd Default Present: Kim_Patch, Kathy_Wahlbin, kathleen, +1.720.663.aaaa, Jon_Avila, Alan_Smith, DavidTodd, wuwei, Jeanne, Jan Present: Kim_Patch Kathy_Wahlbin kathleen +1.720.663.aaaa Jon_Avila Alan_Smith DavidTodd wuwei Jeanne Jan Agenda: Found Date: 28 Mar 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]