16:48:11 RRSAgent has joined #audio 16:48:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-audio-irc 16:48:13 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:48:15 Zakim, this will be 28346 16:48:15 ok, trackbot; I see RWC_Audio()12:00PM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 16:48:16 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 16:48:16 Date: 06 March 2014 16:54:30 kawai has joined #audio 16:56:44 chrislowis has joined #audio 16:57:45 kawai has joined #audio 17:01:21 RWC_Audio()12:00PM has now started 17:01:28 +olivier 17:01:53 +Doug_Schepers 17:02:10 +[IPcaller] 17:02:18 zakim, ipcaller is me 17:02:18 +chrislowis; got it 17:02:23 jernoble has joined #audio 17:02:34 +??P6 17:02:34 -olivier 17:02:45 Zakim, ??P6 is me 17:02:45 +jernoble; got it 17:03:58 -jernoble 17:04:12 +??P6 17:04:13 hmm zakim is not letting me connect 17:04:15 Zakim, ??P6 is me 17:04:15 +jernoble; got it 17:04:19 +[IPcaller] 17:04:38 Zakim +??P6 is me 17:04:45 olivier, why o note? 17:04:52 paul has joined #audio 17:05:02 er, why not? 17:05:15 are we meeting now ? 17:05:43 padenot, yes, once olivier joins 17:05:44 shepazu: wish I knew. connected earlier, got disconnected for no apparent reason, can't connect any more. Could be our phone system. trying still 17:06:04 olivier, you might try skype? 17:06:13 +olivier 17:06:46 -olivier 17:07:37 +padenot 17:07:57 +[IPcaller.a] 17:08:13 zakim, IPcaller.a is me 17:08:13 +olivier; got it 17:09:51 Topic: review of action items 17:09:55 scribeNick: chrislowis 17:10:08 olivier: outstanding action items first. 17:10:11 Agenda+ f2f meeting 17:10:16 Agenda? 17:10:30 zakim, drop agendum 4 17:10:30 agendum 4, next FTF meeting, dropped 17:10:46 http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/track/agenda 17:10:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2014JanMar/0129.html 17:11:30 olivier: on item #94, the removal of the action item is outstanding on paul to merge. 17:11:38 padenot: I can merge it. 17:11:41 close action-94 17:11:41 Closed action-94. 17:12:00 olivier: on action-96, it's still ongoing. 17:12:05 action-96 due in 2 weeks 17:12:05 Set action-96 Draft strawman proposal(s) on scriptprocessornodes in workers - see github issue 113 due date to 2014-03-20. 17:12:24 action-95 17:12:24 action-95 -- Chris Lowis to Open github issue on http://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-audio/2014janmar/0088.html - document discussion so far -- due 2014-02-27 -- OPEN 17:12:24 http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/track/actions/95 17:12:29 olivier: on action-95. 17:12:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2014JanMar/0088 17:13:05 action-95 due in 1 week 17:13:05 Set action-95 Open github issue on http://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-audio/2014janmar/0088.html - document discussion so far due date to 2014-03-13. 17:13:22 olivier: two actions which are on mdjp 17:13:37 olivier: he sends his regrets. 17:13:57 action-87 17:13:57 action-87 -- Matthew Paradis to Review http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/apis/webaudio, suggest updates -- due 2014-03-06 -- OPEN 17:13:57 http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/track/actions/87 17:14:33 olivier: on action-87, mdjp says he has reviewed some of the documentation, he thinks it's quite different to the current spec, and he will send an update to the list. 17:14:54 olivier: he wants to update the documentation to include simple examples to illustrate how each node works. 17:14:54 + +1.650.214.aaaa 17:14:54 action-88 17:14:54 action-88 -- Matthew Paradis to Start discussion on audio-dev list about known best practices (and tutorials), make sure to include stuff linked in chrislowis' newsletter -- due 2014-03-06 -- OPEN 17:14:54 http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/track/actions/88 17:15:02 olivier: which crosses over with action-88 17:15:06 rtoyg has joined #audio 17:15:11 zakin, aaaa is rtoyg 17:15:15 zakim, aaaa is rtoyg 17:15:15 +rtoyg; got it 17:15:19 action-88 17:15:20 action-88 -- Matthew Paradis to Start discussion on audio-dev list about known best practices (and tutorials), make sure to include stuff linked in chrislowis' newsletter -- due 2014-03-06 -- OPEN 17:15:20 http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/track/actions/88 17:15:41 action-88: discussion started at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio-dev/2014Mar/0000.html 17:15:41 Notes added to action-88 Start discussion on audio-dev list about known best practices (and tutorials), make sure to include stuff linked in chrislowis' newsletter. 17:15:47 action-88 closed 17:15:47 Closed action-88. 17:16:46 olivier: I thought we could spend a little bit of time on issue 282 17:16:57 Topic: progress on issue 282 - cross origin behaviour 17:17:20 padenot: I think that got merged. 17:17:42 olivier: looks like there was a call for consensus and everyone was happy. 17:17:52 padenot: I think cwilso reviewed that. 17:17:58 olivier: So I think we can close that. 17:18:02 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/282 closed - merge done and cross-reviewed by editors 17:18:32 olivier: and next https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/254 17:18:49 Topic: progress on issue 254 - non audiobuffer data races 17:18:49 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/254 17:18:58 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/commit/ac15990656442a366e83c03bf9165f60882032d4 17:19:06 (PR for the change) 17:19:11 olivier: something seems to have been pushed to fix that. 17:20:03 padenot: with that one, it just reflected the proposal I made in an email. 17:20:04 the original proposal was http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2013AprJun/0644.html 17:20:20 olivier: did you run into any problem you'd like to share? 17:20:47 padenot: no, it was fairly straight forward. I pushed a fix for the first three agreed issues, and there's one where we don't have a consensus yet. 17:21:11 olivier: I think we can close 254 because the final issue is in a new ticket. 17:21:12 closing https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/254 - satisfactory. only remaining data race is tracked elsewhere 17:21:29 (for reference: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/268 is the remaining one) 17:22:30 olivier: I vote we wait for the next call to discuss this with cwilso. 17:22:52 [ looking at https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues?direction=desc&page=1&sort=updated&state=open ] 17:23:20 olivier: do we have anything padenot outstanding with the oscillators? 17:23:28 Topic: oscillatornode issues 17:23:35 padenot: I pushed my interface proposal for that to a branch. 17:23:50 https://github.com/padenot/web-audio-api/commit/7c83c01386e56df9e601cb037dab7ae515e3d1f5 17:24:42 padenot: it's a new attribute "bandlimited" which defaults to `true` for today's behaviour, and when `false` it would give the 'mathematically correct' oscillator. 17:25:04 olivier: I can't remember if it was marcus or rtoyg who had some reservations about this. 17:25:17 olivier: padenot can you send an email to the list to get some discussion going around this? 17:25:35 olivier: does this relate to issue 249? 17:25:39 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/249 17:26:07 olivier: about making the interface consistent with AudioBufferSourceNode. 17:26:31 padenot: there's a nice symmetry that could exist between these two nodes. And it would be good to align them. 17:26:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2013OctDec/0034.html 17:26:49 (AudioBufferSourceNode does not 17:26:49 require a when argument.) 17:27:19 olivier: padenot could you take this on, I don't think it will be too problematic. 17:27:25 padenot: sure, I can do that. 17:27:39 olivier: these args will be optional, so there's no backwards-compat issues. 17:28:37 Topic: live editor Q&A 17:29:05 padenot: I'm working on the bandlimited oscillators, and otherwise, I think I merged most of what I'm working on. 17:29:31 olivier: I get the sense that there's a lot of issues open, some of them nagging. And maybe we could do with a roadmap. 17:29:44 padenot: yes, it's a mess right now. We could do with a triage. 17:30:01 padenot: and there's some places where things aren't spec'd yet (e.g. DynamicsCompressorNode) 17:30:36 olivier: do you have a preference for how to do this? Maybe a spreadsheet with votes on how to prioritse them. Or an extended call to do that? 17:30:50 padenot: I'd rather have a spreadsheet I think, it could be a long call. 17:31:18 olivier: ok, why don't I start this, get some feedback from you two editors, and see how to proceed from there? 17:31:34 olivier: I think, if we're not to have a f2f in the spring, we can have a triage meeting to do that. 17:31:36 ACTION: Olivier to start spreadsheet to triage issues for webaudio api 17:31:37 Created ACTION-97 - Start spreadsheet to triage issues for webaudio api [on Olivier Thereaux - due 2014-03-13]. 17:31:49 agenda? 17:32:20 zakim, take up agendum 5 17:32:20 agendum 5. "audio EQ cookbook" taken up [from shepazu] 17:32:26 zakim, who is on the call? 17:32:26 On the phone I see Doug_Schepers, chrislowis, jernoble, [IPcaller], padenot, olivier, rtoyg 17:33:33 http://www.musicdsp.org/files/Audio-EQ-Cookbook.txt, fwiw 17:33:40 shepazu: in the spec, we had referenced a document with details of filter design. But we were worried about the longevity. And I had an action to contact him and see if we could publish it 17:34:02 shepazu: he said that we could, and we got stalled a bit about how to do that, with crogers leaving . 17:34:19 shepazu: my proposal is to convert the doc to mathml and add it as an appendix to the spec. 17:34:26 olivier: how does that work in terms of copyright? 17:34:34 shepazu: he's given us permission to publish it. 17:34:42 shepazu: and that's non-exclusive. 17:35:07 shepazu: I guess that would mean that we would give him some authoring credit too on the spec. 17:35:19 shepazu: I just wanted to see if that's a good approach. 17:36:42 shepazu: I think we'd use mathjax to support the mathml. 17:38:16 zakim, close agendum 5 17:38:16 agendum 5, audio EQ cookbook, closed 17:38:17 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:38:17 6. f2f meeting [from olivier] 17:38:26 zakim, take up agendum 6 17:38:26 agendum 6. "f2f meeting" taken up [from olivier] 17:38:37 olivier: two things on this. 17:39:03 olivier: 1. there's an email I sent earlier this week. I suggested that we should have one, at least two f2f meetings. 17:39:16 olivier: I think TPAC in santa clara would be one good date. 17:39:44 shepazu: yes, but it does tend to be busy for a lot of people. It's good for meeting people in other groups, but maybe not for concentrated meetings. 17:39:59 olivier: yes, and early summer would be a goal for another f2f meeting. 17:40:22 olivier: piggy-backing on the meeting in Cambridge, MA which cwilso would prefer not to. 17:40:47 olivier: so I'd repeat the call for hosts, and times. 17:41:43 olivier: so if your company can host the meeting, please do say so. 17:42:54 Topic: next meeting 17:42:59 olivier: adjurned for now. Next meeting 20th! 17:43:14 -jernoble 17:43:18 -olivier 17:43:20 -[IPcaller] 17:43:25 -Doug_Schepers 17:43:26 -chrislowis 17:43:29 -rtoyg 17:45:44 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:45:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-audio-minutes.html olivier 17:46:06 rrsagent, make logs world 17:46:08 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:46:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-audio-minutes.html olivier 17:46:16 Chair: olivier 17:46:18 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:46:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-audio-minutes.html olivier 18:00:20 -padenot 18:00:20 RWC_Audio()12:00PM has ended 18:00:20 Attendees were olivier, Doug_Schepers, chrislowis, jernoble, [IPcaller], padenot, +1.650.214.aaaa, rtoyg