Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

21 Feb 2014

See also: IRC log


Kim_Patch, Kathy_Wahlbin, Kathleen, +1.720.663.aaaa, DavidTodd, Michael_Cooper, Jon_Avila, wuwei, Detlev, Jeanne, Jan, [IPcaller]
Alistair, Alan


<trackbot> Date: 21 February 2014

<wuwei> zakim

New member introduction

<Detlev> scribe?

<jeanne> chair: Kim, Kathy

Survey email from Kathleen and Jan

<KimPatch> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Talk:Draft_User_Survey_Questions#Additional_questions_from_Kathleen_and_Jan

Kathleen: question about why people are no longer using a mobile phone.
... Lost, stolen, broken

Jan: Maybe that is personnel information.

Group feels income is a personal issue.

Jeanne: Avoid personal information.

Kathy: table personal information for the moment.

Resolution: questions added to survey.

Survey goals discussion

Jeanne: will share thoughts about survey goals.
... avoid large survey.
... focus on specific goals.
... Get help from experienced survey folks.
... How will we store data? How to make data confidential?
... If survey is broad, remove personal questions.

Kathy: purpose of survery - put together user stories.
... Survey will address how people are using mobile devices.

Jeanne: There are organizations that are funded that do surveys.

Kim: What should be the focus of the survey?

Jan: Accessibility issues with Web content. Lesser extent mobile apps.

Kim: User's voice is most needed is in stuff we can't think of.
... Therefore, it's useful to have some open ended questions.
... Strength of group - can't draw from entire world.
... Should we reduce the size of the survey?

Jeanne: Do we want the survey to be on user stories?

Kathy: Could have 2 surveys. 1 broad and 1 specific.

<Detlev> sounds good

<jeanne> +1

Kathy: How to people feel about getting personal information for user stories.

Group agrees.

Kim: Organization survey so people can do it in different sessions.

Jeanne: Working on 1st survey we will find out if we want to do another one.

Kathy: Make sure are asking appropriate questions. Have someone look at it.

Resolution: User survey will focus on user stories.

<Kathy> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Draft_User_Survey_Questions

Kim: Should we leave out any usage questions?

Jeanne: Leave off the details like OS.

Kim: feels OS can completely change the experience so it's an important question.

Jeanne: Maybe keep it to the level of Android or iOS.

Kim: agrees

Kathy: Remove how frequently do you do updates.

Kim: Reading the questions and group will speak up if they have input.

Have you tried user other phone? delete

Most - least remove

Group discussion on: How often do you use accessibility features?

Remove How often do you use accessibility features?

Do you use a desktop or laptop computer? Jan recommends removing. Kim users use a combination of devices.

Kathy: Has designed surveys asking how do you use computer along with mobile devices.

<Detlev> Fine

<Detlev> keep

<Jon_Avila> Either way

<kathleen> either is fine with me

Group feels "Do you use a smartphone/tablet in connection with checking TV listings or controlling your TV via a companion app?" is important to keep.

Kathy should we make the question broader?

Jeanne: yes

Group: Mobile device uses: security systems, tv, thermostat, security.

Kim: Do want an "other" selection?

Kathy: Could have a "please comment" field.

Group: agrees on "please comment" field.

Kim: Keep native apps in?

Jan: What does user prefer to use native or Web app?

<Jon_Avila> Do we want to have a question on how people who are deaf or hard of hearing are using mobile devices for communication rather than other traditional methods - such as video relay, captel as opposed to TTY, etc.

Jan: Question about apps vs web is useful to determine whether users prefer apps over the Web.

Detlev: List a few social media apps and corresponding Web apps to see which one is used.

<Jan> possible wording: If you a choice between a mobile web site and a mobile app, which would you choose to do the following:

<Jan> possible wording: If you have a choice between a mobile web site and a mobile app, which would you choose to do the following:

<Jan> 3. If you HAVE a choice between mobile phone or a mobile tablet, which device would you choose to do the following:

<Jan> OR 2. If you have a choice between a mobile web site and a mobile app, which would you typically choose?

<Jon_Avila> I have to jump off the call -- good discussion. Sorry.

<Jan> - mobile web site, - mobile app, - don't know

Kim: Continue with survey questions and discuss techniques next call.

Group: Does your device have a touch screen? remove

Kathy: For next time think about adding to the WCAG understanding document.

<Detlev> bye

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014-02-21 16:29:00 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138  of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11  
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: DavidTodd
Inferring Scribes: DavidTodd
Default Present: Kim_Patch, Kathy_Wahlbin, Kathleen, +1.720.663.aaaa, DavidTodd, Michael_Cooper, Jon_Avila, wuwei, Detlev, Jeanne, Jan, [IPcaller]
Present: Kim_Patch Kathy_Wahlbin Kathleen +1.720.663.aaaa DavidTodd Michael_Cooper Jon_Avila wuwei Detlev Jeanne Jan [IPcaller]
Regrets: Alistair Alan
Found Date: 21 Feb 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/02/21-mobile-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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