21:56:34 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 21:56:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/19-indie-ui-irc 21:56:36 jasonjgw has joined #indie-ui 21:56:36 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:56:36 Zakim has joined #indie-ui 21:56:38 Zakim, this will be INDIE 21:56:38 ok, trackbot, I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM already started 21:56:39 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 21:56:39 Date: 19 February 2014 21:56:45 agenda? 21:56:52 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 21:56:52 Chair: Janina_Sajka 21:56:52 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 21:56:52 agenda+ Shall we plan a F2F in April? 21:56:52 agenda+ Editor's Report 21:56:54 agenda+ Events Implementation Review 21:56:57 agenda+ Prototype polyfills 21:56:59 Agenda+ Issues with composite controls 21:57:02 agenda+ Events Requirements Status & Actions 21:57:04 agenda+ Events Testing Update 21:57:07 agenda+ User Context Update; FPWD Criteria Discussion 21:57:09 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 21:57:12 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 21:57:15 agenda+ Scribe for our Next Teleconference 21:57:18 agenda+ Be Done 21:57:24 +??P3 21:57:30 zakim, ??P3 is me 21:57:30 +janina; got it 21:57:47 zakim, ??p1 is me 21:57:47 I already had ??P1 as Judy, jasonjgw 21:57:52 +??P4 21:58:23 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:58:23 On the phone I see ??P2, janina, ??P4 21:58:36 zakim, ??p2 is me 21:58:36 +jasonjgw; got it 21:58:44 Zakim, ??p4 is me 21:58:44 +kurosawa; got it 21:59:02 regrets: Andy 21:59:18 regrets: Rich_Simpson, Andy_Heath 22:02:14 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:02:20 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #indie-ui 22:02:26 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 22:02:39 +Cooper 22:03:15 +James_Craig 22:04:16 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 22:04:41 scribe: Rich 22:05:16 zakim, take up item 1 22:05:16 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 22:05:17 agenda? 22:06:30 zakim, next item 22:06:30 agendum 2. "Shall we plan a F2F in April?" taken up [from janina] 22:06:47 janina: do we want to try to have a face to face? 22:07:17 janina: the HTML working from is meeting at eBay 9, 10 as well webapps 22:07:50 jcraig: I will just participate in the web apps face to face directly 22:08:06 jcraig: shadow dom and other features are in there 22:08:26 janina: that may be the second best thing 22:08:35 janina: we could overlap HTML 22:08:55 janina: we don't have a group of 50 people 22:09:05 zakim, next item 22:09:05 agendum 3. "Editor's Report" taken up [from janina] 22:09:30 jcraig: I have not made any edits since them. The editors issues we need to discuss 22:09:35 zakim, next item 22:09:35 agendum 3 was just opened, richardschwerdtfeger 22:09:46 zakim, close item 3 22:09:46 agendum 3, Editor's Report, closed 22:09:47 I see 10 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:09:47 4. Events Implementation Review [from janina] 22:10:30 janina: there is a time out thing 22:10:46 jcraig: Is this events implementation review item that you added for me? 22:10:59 janina: this is more what implementations we can expect 22:11:12 janina: we can expect one from Apple. What about Chrome and Firefox? 22:11:39 jcraig: I think Microsoft was looking to see some implementation first 22:12:31 rich: Microsoft is really looking for activity on the implementation not that it all be done first. 22:12:48 zakim, next item 22:12:48 agendum 4. "Events Implementation Review" taken up [from janina] 22:13:10 zakim, next item 22:13:10 agendum 4 was just opened, richardschwerdtfeger 22:13:22 -kurosawa 22:13:25 Agendum 4 , close item 4 22:13:35 zakim, close item 4 22:13:35 agendum 4, Events Implementation Review, closed 22:13:36 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:13:36 5. Prototype polyfills [from janina] 22:13:47 zakim, next item 22:13:47 agendum 5. "Prototype polyfills" taken up [from janina] 22:14:13 +??P0 22:14:54 jcraig: So to give a summary on a JavaScript polyfills. If you launch a date picker this is something you can add to a text field. 22:15:30 jcraig: with polyfills you add script to your page that looks for elements with input type="date" and replace it with with widget in javascript, etc. that you fill in. 22:15:44 jcraig: when implementation catch up then the polyfill can go away 22:16:37 jcraig: one of the ways we can prototype indie ui is to write a polyfill to show people how Indie UI would work with processing for keyboard and mouse input 22:16:53 jcraig: This is on my list. 22:17:14 jcraig: jason kiss may be interested. 22:17:30 katie: he would be cool 22:17:46 jcraig: this will be backward compatible for older browsers 22:18:02 jcraig: we can find holes in the spec. in the process 22:18:23 janina: this makes sense for older browsers 22:19:13 jcraig: the example I was thinking of with scroll requests is they have to listen for mouse down, up, key up, key down, etc. Most people do not do scrolling well. 22:19:57 Rich: Hans Hillen might be a good candidate 22:20:12 janina: this is a good time for Jason Kiss 22:20:27 Action: janina send Jason an invite 22:20:27 Created ACTION-77 - Send jason an invite [on Janina Sajka - due 2014-02-26]. 22:21:10 Action: Rich contact Hans Hillen to participate in polyfill work for Indie UI 22:21:10 'Rich' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., rschwer, rsimpson3). 22:21:27 Action: RichS contact Hans Hillen to participate in polyfill work for Indie UI 22:21:27 Error finding 'RichS'. You can review and register nicknames at . 22:21:40 Action: richs contact Hans Hillen to participate in polyfill work for Indie UI 22:21:40 Error finding 'richs'. You can review and register nicknames at . 22:21:46 Action: schwer contact Hans Hillen to participate in polyfill work for Indie UI 22:21:46 Error finding 'schwer'. You can review and register nicknames at . 22:22:23 zakim, next item 22:22:23 agendum 6. "Issues with composite controls" taken up [from janina] 22:23:16 jcraig: this is the problem I found in writing a polyfill. I mentioned in the scroll request that one action could cause a scroll request. key press, mouse events, etc. 22:23:30 jcraig: I was thinking how this would work for an ARIA slider 22:23:43 jcraig: something like increment or decrement 22:24:23 jcraig: if you had an aria slider we could make a value change request to work with screen readers. this is difficult for a pointing device 22:24:58 jcraig: there would need to be a container and a sub element that would act like a slider thumb. This would be like a move request. 22:25:27 jcraig: this would be like a move on a thumb, etc. 22:25:44 jcraig: this makes adoption a bit weird and certainly more complex than we had planned. 22:26:08 q? 22:26:12 jcraig: even for a custom slider more work would be required 22:26:32 jason: this was not clear to me whether this is an interim issue. 22:27:02 jason: would any implementation pick up any of this. 22:27:17 jcraig: this would certainly be a permanent problem. 22:27:49 jcraig: you could take a click and a scroll 22:28:12 jcraig: the view on a slide is presumably 2 inches wide, 1/2 inch tall with a slider thumb within it 22:28:40 jcraig: you would pick a pixel difference on the slider 22:28:50 q+ 22:29:35 jason: I wonder if there is a way to associate a value change request with this. You would need to specify what is the operable control 22:29:44 -kurosawa 22:29:52 jason: I wonder if you could respecify the value change request 22:30:24 +??P0 22:30:46 jcraig: say you have the slider is all the way to the left and you want to go all the way to the right. 22:31:18 jcraig: it would be the controller 22:31:24 ack r 22:32:00 q+ 22:32:22 Rich understands the problem as being that the party that generates the event doesn't generate the value. He suggests the information about the correspondence between low-level events (mouse movements for example) and changes in value could be specified on registration. 22:33:11 Rich notes that data haven't been provided to the ua to specify when to notify the application of the value change. 22:34:11 q? 22:34:37 ack j 22:35:33 Rich suggests we need to provide enough information to the ua for it to make a determination. 22:36:42 Rich would be willing to postpone last call for this to be solved. 22:36:47 scribe: Rich 22:37:23 action: jcraig to add editorial note to valuechangerequest mentioning the slider/thumb composite widget problem and pixel interface event reconciliation 22:37:23 Created ACTION-78 - Add editorial note to valuechangerequest mentioning the slider/thumb composite widget problem and pixel interface event reconciliation [on James Craig - due 2014-02-26]. 22:37:47 Rich: we don't know how much of a value change to put in as information about the range, the number of pixels required, etc., isn't provided. 22:38:45 q+ 22:39:01 jason: the size of the control if it is different if it is touch 22:39:27 jason: the correspondence between pixel location and values of the control 22:40:04 katie: does this require, if you are using touch to use two fingers? 22:40:10 jcraig: I don't see why 22:40:27 katie: I don't want to have to do more than one thing at a time 22:40:55 jcraig: let me explain my original composite solution now that we have a better grasp 22:41:43 jcraig: If you have a div that are called views for everything and we have roles of sliders. The graphical element would represent the slider thumb and then behind it you have the tracker element 22:42:21 jcraig: for page up, page down home and end send value requests that responds to these 22:42:48 jcraig: the way these composite elements that operate inside the thumb you would have a general move action. 22:43:15 jcraig: the web application can then measure the pixel differences and reconcile the changes up the chain to the value change request. 22:43:43 jcraig: it is much better than what is out there now. It is also not controllable with AT 22:43:49 q? 22:43:59 ack k 22:44:01 ack j 22:44:14 janina: any more comments or questions? 22:44:42 jason: I am still wondering if it is still possible to provide the connections to the sub element 22:45:26 janina: we just need to figure out the how 22:45:55 -kurosawa 22:46:15 katie: so, what is the mechanism whereby the functionality would determine whereby the software would do the calculation 22:46:16 +??P0 22:46:27 jcraig: you mean a general move request? 22:46:41 katie: how is it determining this? 22:47:09 jcraig: I don't think landscape or portrait is relevant here 22:47:32 jcraig: if you had I a high pixel density screen ... a retina display, etc. 22:47:45 q? 22:48:26 zakim, next item 22:48:26 agendum 7. "Events Requirements Status & Actions" taken up [from janina] 22:48:37 s/display, etc./display, etc. It would still resolved to CSS pixels, not device pixels./ 22:48:55 janina: I suspect in advance we are touching base. 22:49:16 MichaelC: I have not done anything on this and won't do anything on this until after CSUN 22:49:24 s/resolved/resolve/ 22:49:39 -> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/default/src/indie-ui-requirements.html IndieUI Requirements 22:50:24 MichaelC: as a reminder, what I did was I put events and user context into one document. they are separate sections. ideally every requirement should be supported by a use case or scenario 22:50:37 MichaelC: I am not all the way done yet 22:51:16 MichaelC: It is a question whether we need to move some to a general accessibility requirements doc. 22:51:33 MichaelC: this is all stuff we should be doing but we have a good start 22:51:42 janina: you thought we were thin on use cases? 22:51:56 MichaelC: we don't have use cases for everything 22:52:11 MichaelC: not all requirements are backed up by use cases 22:52:36 janina: this problem that james has identified for us will keep us from last call for now 22:52:54 janina: this buys us some more time 22:53:04 jason: an argument for polyfills I would have thought 22:53:42 jcraig: unfortunately, there is not a good way to do an accessbility api with a polyfill 22:53:51 zakim, next item 22:53:51 agendum 8. "Events Testing Update" taken up [from janina] 22:53:59 janina: anything else? 22:54:28 jason: I think not. last I call there was a discussion among several people whether the w3c test structure was going to do it. 22:54:47 jason: the basis of a test suite across implementations was as far as we got. 22:55:11 q+ 22:55:25 jason: note: polyfills will not help with the testing as it shows it would work and to help adoption. 22:55:56 jason: if one of the things we tested - element supported actions. it would mask the fact that the implementation was lacking 22:55:57 q? 22:56:15 janina: we need them to do it natively 22:56:17 q? 22:56:27 ack k 22:56:40 http://codedefect.com/ttwf-sz-belem/#/1/5 22:57:03 kurosawa: according to technical material. i think this is not testable. 22:57:21 jcraig: are you asking what statements are testable and not testable? 22:57:33 Mapping physical events to Indie UI events are informative. so they are not testable. 22:57:51 Element IDL extended to include an actions attribute 22:57:55 jcraig: the element IDL would be extended to include the actions attribute 22:58:06
22:59:05 jcraig: there are certainly elements that can be automatable. Do you have specific concerns for things that are not testable? 23:00:04 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/default/src/indie-ui-events.html#actions 23:00:15 partial interface Element { 23:00:15 readonly attribute DOMTokenList uiactions; 23:00:16 }; 23:00:31 I understand uiaction is testable 23:00:50 [Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional UIRequestEventInit dictUIRequestEventInit)] 23:00:50 interface UIRequestEvent : UIEvent { 23:00:51 readonly attribute EventTarget receiver; 23:00:52 }; 23:00:54 janina: let me note that the next meeting is March 5. 23:01:16 janina: I propose the following meeting will be April 2nd due to CSUN 23:01:43 jcraig: there are parts that are testable 23:01:45 -kurosawa 23:01:56 q? 23:02:14 janina: we appreciate all help in setting up a good test environment. 23:02:25 jcraig: we are not trying too be dismissive 23:02:28 -James_Craig 23:02:29 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 23:02:33 zakim, make log public 23:02:33 I don't understand 'make log public', richardschwerdtfeger 23:02:40 zakim, bye 23:02:40 leaving. As of this point the attendees were janina, jasonjgw, kurosawa, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Cooper, James_Craig, Rich_Schwerdtfeger 23:02:40 Zakim has left #indie-ui 23:02:49 zakim, make minutes 23:02:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 23:02:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/19-indie-ui-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 23:21:03 jcraig has left #indie-ui