18:00:08 RRSAgent has joined #aria 18:00:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/17-aria-irc 18:00:10 RRSAgent, make logs member 18:00:10 Zakim has joined #aria 18:00:12 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 18:00:12 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM scheduled to start now 18:00:13 chair: Rich 18:00:13 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 18:00:13 Date: 17 February 2014 18:00:23 meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 18:00:25 chair: Rich 18:00:50 WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM has now started 18:00:57 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 18:01:40 +James_Nurthen 18:01:44 + +49.322.110.8.aaaa 18:01:57 +??P3 18:02:09 zakim, ??P3 is me 18:02:09 +janina; got it 18:02:28 +??P4 18:02:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2014Feb/0021.html 18:03:02 zakim, aaaa is Stefan_Schnabel 18:03:02 +Stefan_Schnabel; got it 18:03:22 +[Apple] 18:03:49 regrets+ Matt_King 18:04:00 Stefan has joined #aria 18:04:17 jcraig has joined #aria 18:04:42 Zakim, who is on the call? 18:04:42 On the phone I see Rich_Schwerdtfeger, James_Nurthen, Stefan_Schnabel, janina, Michael_Cooper, [Apple] 18:04:52 did an agenda go out? 18:04:54 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 18:04:54 +jcraig; got it 18:06:01 +joanie 18:07:18 scribe: jcraog 18:07:33 scribe: jcraig 18:07:49 sirc: janina 18:07:55 scribe: janina 18:08:26 rs: Reporting on Edupub developments 18:08:39 rs: Movembent on semantic sub team and also graphics sub team 18:09:19 s/movemeent/movement/ 18:10:19 i 18:11:08 ack me 18:11:17 topic: 1.0 doc scrubbing 18:11:40 mc: Reviewing timeline for publishing by March 13, if at all possible 18:12:02 mc: Director review must precede that. This will all be compressed 18:12:24 mc: So, all pre by March 7 18:12:40 mc: So cleanup should be this week 18:12:48 s/Movembent/Movement/ 18:13:16 rs: So what to do, and do we need additional calls? 18:13:22 mc: some can be assigned 18:14:19 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-roadmap/ ARIA Roadmap 18:14:30 http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/ 18:14:35 http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-primer/ 18:15:04 js: Asks whether notes couldn't be published later? 18:15:06 mc: Yes 18:15:47 jc: Docs we refer to do should be permanently available 18:16:03 rs: The Road Map served its purpose. Do we need to pub? 18:16:23 mc: Started on rec track, so it raises questions: "What happened to it?" 18:16:54 mc: Might say "We're done and will not finish" and publish as notes. 18:17:02 mc: Or, we can do some editing. 18:17:09 jc: Can we mark as obsolete? 18:17:11 mc: Unsure 18:17:56 rs: As a historical document? That's what it is? 18:18:15 mc: Which is one reason for publishing as a note. 18:18:26 jc: Rather do "retired." 18:18:46 mc: Looking I see mostly notes as "retired." 18:19:14 [agreement to seek "retired" status] 18:19:59 mc: So Road Map and Primer to be marked "retired" 18:20:21 js: Notes that Authoring has new editors as of Toronto F2F 18:20:29 better to mark the roadmap and primer as retired than as notes, b/c as notes we'd have to clean them up again before republishing. 18:21:59 mc: Practices says "1.0," do we want to make it versionless? 18:22:01 [agreement] 18:22:40 rs: So retired means we don't need any edits? 18:22:44 mc: Believe so. 18:23:01 mc: If we edit anything, questions arise why not more, and also about process 18:24:08 agenda+ Ivan Herman's comment about RDF reference to URI/IRI 18:25:01 mc: Concerned about doc load 18:25:10 rs: Well, Authoring eds not in Indie 18:26:05 rs: Publish draft of Authoring? 18:26:11 mc: Not on the TR timeline 18:26:41 topic: spelling and other edits for PR docs 18:27:00 mc: inconsistency in spelling, which do we use? programing or programming etc 18:27:13 mc: How to find these issues? 18:27:59 js: Will listen for TTS errors that might indicate spelling 18:28:03 jc: Will look 18:28:07 jc: Timeline? 18:28:21 mc: Need all done by the 28th 18:28:38 mc: So read throughs done by the 24th ... 18:28:55 rs: Both docs? 18:28:57 mc: Yes 18:29:10 rs: Are hyperlinks checked? 18:29:11 mc: Yes 18:29:41 mc: Need to check referencing section -- pointers to other W3C specs. Are we up to date? 18:30:14 mc: Links aren't broken, but maybe suboptimal because of a redirect, etc 18:30:30 jc: Especially links pointing to a fragment ID 18:31:16 js: Asks about style sheet? 18:31:22 mc: W3C standard is US English 18:31:53 mc: Expect we would avoid doubled consonents, u's etc 18:33:42 js: So, beyond the W3C style guide, we simplify? Drop doubled consonants -- fewer chars is our rule ... 18:33:46 [agreement] 18:33:51 rs: Do we email these? 18:33:58 +[Microsoft] 18:34:20 mc: Suggest keep a running set of notes and forward one doc 18:34:26 cyns has joined #aria 18:34:35 zakim, Microsoft has me 18:34:35 +cyns; got it 18:35:19 mc: Please send one doc with suggested edits to list so it's archived 18:35:57 mc: Note that editorial notes are not output. Are there some that souldn't be removed? We need to address that. 18:36:25 mc: If there are some we want to keep in the final TR, we need to do something about them. 18:36:32 mc: So these need to be noted. 18:37:40 zakim, next item 18:37:40 agendum 1. "Ivan Herman's comment about RDF reference to URI/IRI" taken up [from jcraig] 18:39:16 jc: Notes that commenter believes this is an editorial correction 18:39:28 mc: But we need to agree, and will need to flag this for the Director. 18:39:46 mc: At the least we want Shane to check this? 18:39:48 [agreement] 18:41:08 mc: Double checking for lagging comments ... 18:41:45 mc: Notes we are open for comments until March 7. Any that come late, we will need to handle urgently. 18:42:33 mc: AC can also leave comments. Any AC comments will hold up progress until we've satisfied them, or achieved Director's approval to move without resolution 18:44:09 js: Notes that AC voting has not progressed in the last several days. No new votes 18:48:31 -[Microsoft] 18:50:07 zakim, next item 18:50:07 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, janina 18:51:21 topic: Issues 411 & 406 18:51:42 +[Microsoft] 18:51:52 cyns_ has joined #aria 18:51:54 Issues 411, 406 Addition of aria-description or aria-help 18:52:02 zakim, Microsoft has me 18:52:02 +cyns_; got it 18:52:04 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/411 18:52:19 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/406 18:52:24 ack me 18:52:30 rs: We have only one API target, however 18:52:33 zakim, mute me 18:52:33 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 18:53:15 rs: APIs don't distinguish help from other description 18:53:26 rs: What does osx do? 18:54:19 jc: We have AX-Help, which is like ARIA-Description 18:54:28 rs: Don't think we can have two, whatever we call it 18:54:36 jc: Agree 18:55:08 jc: Pefer to call it Help because Describedby can point to such large blocks, and we don't want that for help 18:55:41 stefan: Can we limit string length? 18:56:22 ss: Valid point 18:58:51 rs: Problem is we have aria-label for aria-labeledby 18:59:02 rs: So we'll be asked for the analog of describedby 19:00:27 cs: Notes nothing similar in UA just now, can ask 19:01:25 rs: We also need to think about precedence 19:01:36 cs: Hidden help text is not a UA pattern 19:02:39 q+ 19:02:44 cs: Are you asking for a hidden secondary text field? 19:03:59 ss: We have this concept in SAP, can be longer help about what to do with a field 19:04:15 ss: We include a kybd command to read it 19:04:42 ss: How is this different? 19:05:02 q? 19:05:06 jc: We might have help around using upper case chars 19:05:30 rs: We started with describedby, because the ideal is that it's also visible 19:05:44 cs; Maybe we need to revisit tooltip pattern in aria 19:05:51 jc: Agree that would help 19:05:55 rs: yes 19:06:51 q+ To mention that ATK could get a new attribute (like help) as well. 19:06:58 rs: We're currently inconsistent across the AAPIs. We need to settle on a name and a apping 19:08:12 ach richardschwerdtfeger 19:08:20 cs: Also developer text tends to get lost and out of date 19:08:36 jd: Can also make any needed change 19:08:44 :) 19:10:09 jc: It's alsmost as describedby is a superset of what we use tooltips for 19:10:35 cs: We don't have one now, because msaa was abusing it 19:10:55 cs: On pure UA describedby is part of the name calculation 19:11:00 jc: similar here 19:11:22 jc: Maybe describedby is where the problem is 19:12:49 cs: Seems we need to spend some time thinking about help, description texts, etc 19:13:02 Zakim, who is being noisy? 19:13:02 I don't understand your question, jcraig. 19:13:12 Zakim, who is noisy? 19:13:29 jcraig, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Rich_Schwerdtfeger (30%), Stefan_Schnabel (86%) 19:13:41 ss: Concerned that attrib names also carry implied meaning, and this can be confusing 19:15:31 jc: Believe aria-description is proposed as a separate use case with no current mapping 19:20:04 ss: Suggest looking at this problem issue from the AAPI perspective. Would that help us? 19:20:34 ss: What to use today on ms? 19:20:40 cs: A secondary object 19:21:41 rs: I've seen href in bigger bubble help, not just text 19:22:13 ss: One use case is with custom widget, where kybd needs help 19:22:30 ss: Maybe aria-keyhelp attrib? 19:23:01 q+ 19:23:11 q- 19:23:17 ack richardschwerdtfeger 19:23:29 q+ to say accesskey failed. We should not add aria-keyhelp 19:24:18 jc: Sounds like Access Key, and that didn't work 19:24:30 q? 19:24:33 ack me 19:24:33 jcraig, you wanted to say accesskey failed. We should not add aria-keyhelp 19:25:07 rs: Suggest we mull this issue for awhile and take it up again next week. 19:25:33 q+ maybe make @aria-tooltip instead @aria-help 19:25:59 zakim, clear queue 19:25:59 I don't understand 'clear queue', MichaelC 19:26:07 zakim, empty queue 19:26:07 I don't understand 'empty queue', MichaelC 19:26:23 jongund has joined #aria 19:26:41 jc: Suggest ew consider aria-tooltip as overide to tooltip 19:26:41 q+ 19:26:48 rs: There's short and longer tooltip ... 19:26:48 ack ma 19:26:52 ack may 19:27:29 jc: Sometimes used for minidialog, which is part of the problem 19:28:00 q- @ 19:28:13 jc: Would make aria-tooltip even more clear, because could only contain text 19:28:19 q- @ 19:28:25 q- in 19:28:27 ack me 19:30:29 RRSAgent, make log public 19:31:21 s/AX-Help, which is like ARIA-Description/AXHelp, which is sometimes used to expose aria-describedby content/ 19:31:52 -Stefan_Schnabel 19:31:53 -[Apple] 19:31:56 -joanie 19:31:57 -janina 19:31:57 -James_Nurthen 19:31:57 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 19:31:58 -[Microsoft] 19:31:58 zakim, bye 19:31:58 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Rich_Schwerdtfeger, James_Nurthen, +49.322.110.8.aaaa, janina, Michael_Cooper, Stefan_Schnabel, jcraig, joanie, cyns, cyns_ 19:31:58 Zakim has left #aria 19:32:05 rrsagent, make minutes 19:32:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/17-aria-minutes.html janina 19:32:22 s/Sometimes used for minidialog, which is part of the problem/Sometimes used for mini-dialogs with focusable content, which is part of the problem/ 19:32:32 make log public 19:32:38 rrsagent, make log public 19:33:06 s/which is part of the problem/which is part of the problem. @aria-tooltip make make it more apparent that it's just short strings of plain text./ 19:33:16 rrsagent, make minutes 19:33:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/17-aria-minutes.html jcraig 19:42:56 rrsagent, make log public 19:43:58 s/make log public// 19:44:35 ISSUE-406? 19:44:36 ISSUE-406 -- Proposal for new aria-tooltip property. (Previously proposed as @aria-help) -- open 19:44:36 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/406 19:44:55 rrsagent, make minutes 19:44:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/17-aria-minutes.html jcraig 19:45:26 s/make log public/ / 19:45:37 rrsagent, make minutes 19:45:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/17-aria-minutes.html jcraig 20:10:09 MarkS has joined #aria 21:57:51 janina has changed the topic to: ARIA Teleconference; Monday 24 February at 18:00Z for 90 minutes; Zakim 92473# 22:03:20 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/pr-WAI-ARIA1-UAIG1/results 22:03:24 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:03:28 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/pr-WAI-ARIA1-UAIG1/results 22:06:34 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=32212 23:44:45 MarkS has joined #aria 23:44:55 MichaelC has joined #aria 23:47:41 joanie has joined #aria