18:00:03 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 18:00:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/13-tagmem-irc 18:00:05 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:00:05 Zakim has joined #tagmem 18:00:07 Zakim, this will be TAG 18:00:07 ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started 18:00:08 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 18:00:08 Date: 13 February 2014 18:00:35 +plinss 18:02:04 hrm, the # isn't in the calendar invite... 18:02:19 +??P4 18:02:31 0824 18:02:40 thanks 18:03:27 +Yves 18:03:38 +Domenic__ 18:03:46 that's me 18:03:55 Zakim, Domenic__ is slightlyoff 18:03:55 +slightlyoff; got it 18:04:19 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-02-13-TC 18:04:25 plinss has changed the topic to: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-02-13-TC 18:05:25 no worries = ) 18:05:34 Scribe: Sergey 18:05:36 unless, of course, the child is screaming for help... 18:05:37 ;-) 18:05:41 ScribeNick: twirl 18:06:07 Topic: F2F venue 18:06:21 great 18:06:37 PL: I reached Marcos to join us next week on Manifest 18:06:44 just FYI, I'm proposing something in the area of manifests that is going to cause trouble = \ 18:06:57 slightlyoff, where's that going to be? 18:06:58 (which most of you have seen) 18:07:06 Topic: Round the room 18:07:16 JeniT: something I'm calling "Micro-Manifests" 18:07:24 https://github.com/w3ctag/eme 18:07:27 JT: I just started a DRM thing 18:07:29 [inaudible] 18:08:19 PL: Looks good for me 18:09:36 https://gist.github.com/slightlyoff/8927885 18:09:45 AR: I posted a sketch of Push API redesign 18:10:01 .. had conversations with Google team 18:10:38 .. a meeting is planned to continue work and obrain consensus 18:10:45 s/obrain/obtain 18:12:48 Yves, are you moving forward the publication of the Capability URLs draft as a WD? 18:12:52 YL: has some discussion on 209 and [smth] 18:13:51 httpbis draft going to Proposed Std 18:14:03 ACTION: Yves to publish Capability URLs as WD 18:14:03 Created ACTION-855 - Publish capability urls as wd [on Yves Lafon - due 2014-02-20]. 18:14:38 did you want to discuss shadow dOM? 18:14:44 guess not = ) 18:14:52 Well, I'd like to 18:14:57 -slightlyoff 18:15:07 I would as well, as much as I am able to over IRC. 18:15:14 -JeniT 18:15:15 Mainly, we should do a spec review. 18:15:22 -plinss 18:15:22 +1 18:15:32 -twirl 18:15:55 -Yves 18:15:57 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 18:15:57 Attendees were JeniT, plinss, twirl, Yves, slightlyoff 18:16:06 Agreed, there's also been a lot of discussion about the shadow dom encapsulation model lately, something we should likely weigh in on 18:16:28 (wanted to discuss this week, but we were missing a bunch of people) 18:16:58 I have both a view and some culpability there, so perhaps next week we can review 18:17:08 Maybe we can commit to all at least skimming the document before next standup? 18:17:30 there's also a long public-webapps thread that is essential context 18:17:44 and a longer www-style one, from what i understand :P 18:18:38 it would be useful if someone put together a list of required reading 18:18:42 same for manifests 18:19:26 and/or a summary of long mailing list threads 18:19:31 to inform discussion 18:19:41 Let's start a thread on www-tag for each of those two. I'll kick off shadow DOM generally and Alex can follow up with the encapsulation-related stuff. 18:19:44 I'm not sure I'd be a fair summarizer of either = \ 18:19:48 Domenic__: I think that's good 18:20:08 good 19:32:51 JeniT has joined #tagmem 20:59:33 Zakim has left #tagmem 21:15:05 JeniT has joined #tagmem