16:46:32 RRSAgent has joined #coga 16:46:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/10-coga-irc 16:47:40 zakim, what is this 16:47:40 I don't understand 'what is this', Lisa_Seeman 16:47:51 zakim, what meeting is this? 16:47:51 I don't understand your question, Lisa_Seeman. 16:48:57 zakim, list conferences 16:48:57 I see SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM, DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM, AB_ABW3()10:00AM active 16:48:59 also scheduled at this time are T&S_Team()12:00PM, WAI_CogTF()12:00PM, Team_JEFF()11:00AM, WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM 16:49:17 zakim, this is WAI_CogTF 16:49:17 Lisa_Seeman, I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be WAI_CogTF". 16:49:34 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 16:49:34 ok, Lisa_Seeman; I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 16:50:58 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Feb/0017.html 16:52:06 Liddy has joined #coga 16:52:12 agenda? 16:53:05 WAI_CogTF()12:00PM has now started 16:53:10 Barry_Johnson has joined #coga 16:53:12 +??P1 16:54:29 zakim, P1++ is me 16:54:29 sorry, Lisa_Seeman, I do not recognize a party named 'P1++' 16:54:54 zakim, ??P1 is me 16:54:54 +Lisa_Seeman; got it 16:55:31 JohnRochford has joined #coga 16:55:48 agenda+ Any new introductions or issues 16:56:05 agenda+ thanks from UAAG 2.0 16:56:20 +John_Rochford 16:56:54 agenda+ When to build in user group research 16:57:21 agenda+ Review of user goals 16:57:31 agenda+ Table of content for gap analysis 16:57:41 agenda+ Table of content for roadmap 16:58:05 agenda+ Actions 16:59:21 +Kinshuk 16:59:49 + +1.502.802.aaaa 17:00:18 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #coga 17:00:38 +Barry_Johnson 17:01:35 +[IPcaller] 17:01:38 ddahl_ has joined #coga 17:02:15 +Debbie_Dahl 17:02:27 zakim, +[IPcaller] is Liddy 17:02:27 sorry, Lisa_Seeman, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]' 17:02:38 zakim, [IPcaller] is Liddy 17:02:38 +Liddy; got it 17:02:51 -Kinshuk 17:02:53 Kinshuk has joined #coga 17:03:17 +Michel_Fitos 17:03:22 Michel has joined #coga 17:03:28 +Kinshuk 17:03:31 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:04:37 -Kinshuk 17:04:48 scribe:ddahl 17:05:34 RRSAgent, make log public 17:06:16 lisa: is there anyone who hasn't been on the call before? 17:06:33 barry: I've been on the call 17:06:58 lisa: do you want to introduce yourself 17:07:04 +Neil_Milliken 17:07:24 scribe: ddahl_ 17:07:27 barry: work for deque system, responsible for ?? at the US Department of Education 17:07:30 MaryJo has joined #coga 17:07:38 lisa: anyone else new? 17:07:42 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 17:08:18 topic: agenda 17:08:42 lisa: any new agenda topics? 17:09:10 neilmilliken has joined #coga 17:09:12 thank you - ok 17:09:34 topic: thanks for UAAG 2.0 review 17:09:36 Sorry - Senior Accessibility COnsultant at Deque assigned as Lead 508 Tester at US Dept of Education 17:10:12 lisa: if anyone wants to join UAAG call they're welcom, let me know and I'll introduce you 17:10:25 topic: when to build in user group research? 17:11:09 john: we should be involving our target populations and set up criteria for who we could be recruiting to help us 17:11:34 ...should we include sensory or physical disabilities as well, do they need to have web experience? 17:12:11 ...Neil and I have access to people, what do people think the criteria are that we should be recruiting. 17:12:25 lisa: a difficult question 17:12:45 ??: i was going to ask about new research vs. literature review 17:13:02 ...there's probably a lot of earlier research 17:13:25 ...how do we approach the body of existing research 17:14:02 lisa: the gap analysis so far is mostly literature research, so when do we want to augment that with new user group research 17:14:26 ...obviously we want to use as much earlier research as possible and not reinvent the wheel. 17:14:37 ...but we can't only rely on that 17:14:41 Given the relative lack of literature on my topic (Dyscalculia) relating to the web contact with real live people is key 17:15:33 lisa: we might be coming up with new techniques that need to be backed by research 17:16:18 ...we're definitely going to need user group research, but do we also want redundancy, to retest important things that are already out three. 17:16:27 s/three/there 17:16:41 I have contacts with UK and Denmark support groups 17:16:47 http://clearhelper.org/Resources/ 17:16:57 john: has been collecting a lot of resources, would be happy to share 17:17:08 lisa: please put it on the wiki 17:17:23 ??: can you tell us more about this research? 17:17:48 john: dates include about 1999-2010 17:18:00 ...have published a lot of this 17:18:20 lisa: there's going to be a lot of related research that isn't about web accessibility. 17:18:56 ??: a lot of information I have is about seniors and their use of the web, that would be a good place to start 17:19:11 john: also included research that involves seniors as well 17:20:04 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:20:08 john: also did some research trying to find a common definition of cognitive accessibility, will share that shortly 17:20:15 http://clearhelper.wordpress.com/2010/01/19/definitions-of-cognitive-disability/ 17:20:16 q? 17:21:04 Ryladog has joined #coga 17:21:08 lisa: to summarize -- we want to back up what we're doing, we want to include relevant literature but that's not extensive enough, so we'll be doing user group research 17:21:36 ....we don't have to worry about excluding techniques because they're few and far between 17:21:39 agree 17:21:50 ...let's go back to criteria for building user groups 17:21:50 Agree 17:21:55 Agree 17:22:26 lisa: we want to make things achievable, and we want to add people who haven't been online yet 17:22:48 ...one criterion should be some level of exposure to the internet, say for a year or so. 17:23:17 john: that's what I was thinking as well, we should have a criterion for experience on the internet for a defined period 17:23:29 (no disagreement) 17:24:28 katie: basically, by default, as we move along the web is going to be everywhere, we don't want to go back in the past, but cover the present and the future 17:24:40 q+ 17:25:06 lisa: we should also say what kind of interaction -- looking at news, interacting with an application 17:25:47 ...we may need to consider what kind of exposure they have -- tablets, news feed, going to website 17:26:33 ...we're more interested in accessing a site than generally accessing the web 17:27:02 john: do we want to exclude people who also have sensory or physical disabiliites? 17:27:09 q+ 17:27:19 s/disabiliites/disabilities 17:27:42 rich: is there something that's not covered in current WCAG guidelines for those users 17:27:52 s/users/users? 17:28:37 john: It seems that it would be simpler to exclude people with sensory or physical disabilities 17:28:48 they should not be excluded 17:29:01 we need to address the totality of the spectrum 17:29:23 some people with cognitive disabilities often have related physical disabilities, for example people with aphasia often have hemiplegia 17:29:25 and we need to understand the effects of comorbidity 17:30:26 -Lisa_Seeman 17:30:28 katie: what we want to talk about cognitive issues, we shouldn't talk about excluding people with other issues 17:30:45 john: I think we're saying the same thing 17:31:04 Yes Neil, comorbidity can be important 17:31:05 +??P1 17:32:18 lisa: the argument against comorbidity is the complexity that's being added by a screen reader, where the assistive technology plus the cognitive disability is compounding the issue 17:33:12 ...if our user groups have a combination of disabilities it might be hard to decide what techniques are working 17:33:14 I understand the argument that Lisa is making - and agree that the primary focus should not necessarily be on this subset of users 17:33:31 ...we could treat pople with compound disabilities as separate user groups 17:34:07 q? 17:34:40 ??: what about an autistic user that uses a screen reader? 17:35:26 lisa: my proposal was that we could have one group with autism, and another group that has autism along with someone else. that will be a smaller group 17:36:31 neil: let's achieve the achievable first. let's look at the distinct ones and get the material collected. comorbidity is important 17:36:58 ...some of our techniques may actually run counter to some of the stuff that we've done before. 17:37:31 ...we're working in a world where there are lots of different needs, but we need to concentrate on the distinct areas of cognitive disabilities first 17:37:38 lisa: is that part of phase 2? 17:37:45 q+ 17:37:58 neil: yes 17:38:08 ack neilmilliken 17:38:26 katie: that's what I was going to say 17:38:46 ...we don't want that in a 1.0 WD but we could say that's something we'll do late 17:38:51 s/late/later 17:39:57 lisa: with aging, people will have low vision or minor motor problems, but we're interested in people who need additional assistance 17:40:27 john: should not exclude people who are using assistive technology because of their cognitive disability 17:40:55 i am dyslexic and use AT and use text to speech feedback but it's not a screenreader like JAWS 17:41:13 ...we might exclude them because they're blind, but not because of a cognitive disability 17:41:24 AT is definitely part of the equation 17:41:42 My suggestion is to identify in the beginning drafts that we will address comorbidity in a later phase but recommend in the meantime that people use current COGNITIVE techniques with the relevant WCAG 2 techniques 17:42:00 to achieve a solution 17:42:07 lisa: are we confortable that addressing people with a severe physical disability at a later phase 17:42:10 1+ 17:42:20 (no disagreement) 17:42:24 +1 17:42:25 no disagreement 17:43:15 john: in order to recruit people we should have an idea about what we want them to do, so that we can recruit people well. 17:43:34 got to run 17:43:44 ...both in terms of the effort involved and what we're trying to achieve 17:43:47 -Neil_Milliken 17:44:16 lisa: what kinds of usability tests will we do? 17:45:42 debbie: what kind of testing would we want to do? would it be a formal experiment or more like a focus group? 17:46:18 john: could we even recruit developers and ask them to build things that people could try? 17:46:46 lisa: I think that's essential 17:46:51 topic: goals 17:47:25 lisa: setting goals will help with the answer to what we're doing 17:47:40 Q? 17:48:39 katie: later on some improved version of WCAG will be available 17:48:41 ack k 17:48:47 ack ry 17:49:17 lisa: looking at goals will feed into defining what we'll be testing in user groups 17:49:47 john: it's reasonable to wait until goals are defined until we start recruiting people 17:50:09 topic: user goals 17:50:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Feb/0004.html 17:51:48 lisa: what are the specific activities that people will be doing? 17:52:30 ...for example, with educational software, you want to make sure that person has learned something. I thought that was overreach for what we're doing. 17:54:03 l: i wanted to make sure that we had a final defined end 17:54:51 lisa: can someone summarize what Suzanne's saying? 17:55:57 l: I would like to understand our goals, want to distinguish what the task is vs. how the user is accomplishing their task. 17:56:21 ...for example, "fill out a web form" vs. "open a bank account" 17:56:55 ...not sure that we con distinguish between communication and social media 17:57:00 Q? 17:58:01 lisa: communication might be a task, but social media might be a context 17:58:20 ...being in a specific context might add something that we need to think about 17:59:26 l: we should not limit context, for example, to something that implies a desktop context 18:00:20 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 18:01:25 l: user goals should be higher level, for example play a game. should start at the highest level, in case the context doesn't apply in five years 18:02:03 ...for example, what if the way that opening a bank account switches to all voice in five years 18:02:15 The higher goal is filling out a form. 18:02:45 the detail is opening a bank account. 18:03:02 lisa: we can revisit this next week 18:03:15 -Barry_Johnson 18:03:28 ...techniques and recommendations will be abstract. 18:03:45 ...are we talking about user goals or testing goals? 18:03:51 john: agrees 18:04:22 rrsagent, format minutes 18:04:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/10-coga-minutes.html ddahl_ 18:04:37 -John_Rochford 18:04:42 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 18:04:56 -Michel_Fitos 18:04:58 zakim, bye 18:04:58 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Lisa_Seeman, John_Rochford, Kinshuk, +1.502.802.aaaa, Barry_Johnson, Debbie_Dahl, Liddy, Michel_Fitos, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, 18:04:58 Zakim has left #coga 18:05:01 ... Neil_Milliken, Mary_Jo_Mueller, Katie_Haritos-Shea 18:05:11 rssagent, bye 18:06:00 ok 18:06:04 thanks 18:59:43 ddahl_ has left #coga