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Best Practices/Implementation

From Share-PSI EC Project
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Expected values

  • The consensus cell should include a X when the partners have reach consensus that the best practice is... just that.
  • For each localised guide, indicate whether the advice in the guide is consistent with the best practice or cites it directly. Leave the cell blank where neither is true.
  • TBD: what do if a guide specifically goes against a BP (provide an explanation? Ignore it?)

We will need to increase the number of Localised_Guides. That's a priority for the final phase of the project but we need to be on top of this now.

Table showing localised guides that include advice consistent with, or that cite, each best practice
Policies and Legislation
Best Practice Consensus OK COMSODE IE NO BE (FL) CZ ES IT DE AT
Best Practices/Develop and Implement a Cross Agency Strategy
Best Practices/Develop an Open Data Publication Plan
Best Practices/Maintain records of stakeholders' rights and interests
Best Practices/Assess Holistic Metrics
Best Practices/Encourage crowdsourcing around PSI
Best Practices/Manage A Wide Public Actors Network
Best Practices/Open National Research Results
Best Practices/Publish Statistical data in Linked Data format
Best Practices/Develop a federation tool for open data portals
Best Practices/Involve Journalists In Open Data Policy
Best Practices/Open Up Public Transport Data
Best Practices/Implement data marketplaces and data enrichment business models
Best Practices/Study the Companies that Build on PSI at National Level
Best Practices/Discuss Openning Up Geospatial Information
Best Practices/Support Open Data Start Ups
Best Practices/Motivate Stakeholders via Bonuses
Best Practices/A federation tool for open data portals
Best Practices/Catalogs and Indexes for Reference
Best Practices/Citizens Participation to Improve Open Data Portal Productivity and Efficiency
Best Practices/Commercial Considerations for Open Data Portal Design
Best Practices/Crowdsourcing of PSI
Best Practices/Linked Data Approach for Publishing Statistical Data
Best Practices/Standards for Geospecial data
Best Practices/Open Platform for mobile ticketing OpenMove
Best Practices/Different publication formats for both human readers or for machine processing
Provide Metadata
Provide descriptive metadata
Provide locale parameters metadata
Provide structural metadata
Dataset criteria
Best practice/dataset criteria
Best Practices/Encourage crowdsourcing
Preserve people's right to privacy
Provide data unavailability reference
Gather feedback from data consumers
Provide information about feedback
Best Practices/Provide PSI at zero charge
Best Practices/Ensure Human Readability
Best Practices/Cost-benefit analysis of the value of information
Best Practices/Enable effective networking and communication
Best Practices/Establish Open Government Portal for Open Data sharing and re-use
Best Practices/Support Federation of Open Data Portals
Best Practices/Evaluate appropriateness for public disclosure and sharing
Best Practices/Automate identification of already published information
Best Practices/Standardized geo-spatial data processing
Best Practices/Interlinking of geospatial entities
Best Practices/Standardized statistical data processing
Best Practices/Use open software within and outside of the public administration
Best Practices/Establish an Open Data Ecosystem
Best Practices/Making Research Results Available for Re-use
Use machine-readable standardized data formats
Use non-proprietary data formats
Provide data in multiple formats
Provide bulk download
Follow REST principles when designing APIs
Provide real-time access
Provide data up to date
Maintain separate versions for a data API
Best Practices/Create Business Accelerators to Encourage PSI Re-Use
Best Practices/Assess the Local Infomediary Sector to Engage New PSI Re-Users
Best Practices/Get Journalists Involved throughout the Open Data Cycle
Best Practices/Release Geographic Data through Open Source GIS
Best Practices/Encourage Crowdsourcing in the Open Data Process
Best Practices/Prioritise Publication of Spatial Data
Best Practices/Apply Open Data Business Model Patterns and Open Data Business Value Disciplines
Use persistent URIs as identifiers
Assign URIs to dataset versions and series
Best practices/Encourage active participation in Open Data Lifecycle
Best practices/Enable feedback channels for improving the quality of existing government data
Best practices/Enable quality assessment of open data
Best practices/Engage community in building complete, accurate, up to date public open databases
Best practices/Use Infomediary Sector as feedback channel and evaluator of public datasets
Provide data quality information
Best Practices/Agree metadata schema for federated index
Best Practices/Categorise openness of data
Best Practices/Express statistical data using the Data Cube vocabulary
Provide metadata
Provide descriptive metadata
Provide locale parameters metadata
Provide structural metadata
Use standardized terms
Use standardized terms
Share vocabularies in an open way
Vocabulary versioning
Re-use vocabularies
Choose the right formalization level
Best Practices/Identify what you already publish
Best Practices/Publish overview of managed data
Best Practices/Respect legislation and stakeholders' rights
Best Practices/Understand demand for data
Best Practices/Understand your internal needs and priorities
Best Practices/Select high value datasets for publication
Best Practices/For People to Read and Machines To Process
Best Practices/Discover By Location
Best Practices/Promote PSI Re-use