
RDF Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 25 September 2013

Andy Seaborne, Antoine Zimmermann, Arnaud Le Hors, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Gavin Carothers, Gregg Kellogg, Guus Schreiber, Ivan Herman, Peter Patel-Schneider, Sandro Hawke, Souripriya Das, Ted Thibodeau, Yves Raimond
Guus Schreiber
Peter Patel-Schneider
  1. accept minutes of last meeting link
14:56:07 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-irc

14:56:09 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

14:56:11 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 73394

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 73394

14:56:11 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes

14:56:12 <trackbot> Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference
14:56:12 <trackbot> Date: 25 September 2013
14:56:23 <TallTed> TallTed has changed the topic to: RDF WG - http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/ - Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.09.25

Ted Thibodeau: TallTed has changed the topic to: RDF WG - http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/ - Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.09.25

14:56:39 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started

14:56:40 <Zakim> + +1.408.992.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.408.992.aaaa

14:56:47 <pfps> zakim, aaaa is me

Peter Patel-Schneider: zakim, aaaa is me

14:56:47 <Zakim> +pfps; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pfps; got it

14:57:14 <Zakim> +Guus_Schreiber

Zakim IRC Bot: +Guus_Schreiber

14:57:14 <Zakim> -Guus_Schreiber

Zakim IRC Bot: -Guus_Schreiber

14:57:14 <Zakim> +Guus_Schreiber

Zakim IRC Bot: +Guus_Schreiber

14:58:04 <Zakim> +Tobie

Zakim IRC Bot: +Tobie

14:58:21 <AndyS> zakim, who is on the phone?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is on the phone?

14:58:21 <Zakim> On the phone I see pfps, Guus_Schreiber, Tobie

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pfps, Guus_Schreiber, Tobie

14:58:29 <Zakim> +GavinC

Zakim IRC Bot: +GavinC

14:58:33 <AndyS> zakim, I am not tobie

Andy Seaborne: zakim, I am not tobie

14:58:33 <Zakim> I don't understand 'I am not tobie', AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'I am not tobie', AndyS

14:58:41 <AndyS> zakim, tobie is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, tobie is me

14:58:41 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

14:59:53 <Zakim> + +1.415.686.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.415.686.aabb

14:59:55 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

15:00:03 <gkellogg> zakim, aabb is me

Gregg Kellogg: zakim, aabb is me

15:00:03 <Zakim> +gkellogg; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +gkellogg; got it

15:00:15 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

15:00:19 <Guus> zakim, who is here?

Guus Schreiber: zakim, who is here?

15:00:19 <Zakim> On the phone I see pfps, Guus_Schreiber, AndyS, GavinC, gkellogg

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pfps, Guus_Schreiber, AndyS, GavinC, gkellogg

15:00:20 <Zakim> On IRC I see AndyS, Zakim, RRSAgent, Guus, gavinc, pfps, gkellogg, TallTed, ivan, manu, yvesr, trackbot, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see AndyS, Zakim, RRSAgent, Guus, gavinc, pfps, gkellogg, TallTed, ivan, manu, yvesr, trackbot, sandro, ericP

15:00:24 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

15:01:40 <Zakim> +??P9

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P9

15:01:49 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip

Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip

15:01:49 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made

15:01:50 <Zakim> +Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan

15:01:56 <yvesr> Zakim, ??P9 is me

Yves Raimond: Zakim, ??P9 is me

15:01:56 <Zakim> +yvesr; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +yvesr; got it

15:01:57 <pfps> scribe: pfps

(Scribe set to Peter Patel-Schneider)

15:02:33 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

15:03:19 <Guus> chair: Guus
15:03:33 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

15:03:46 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

15:03:46 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

15:03:47 <pfps> Topic: Administration

1. Administration

15:03:47 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

15:03:47 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

15:03:52 <pfps> Topic: Minutes of last meeting

2. Minutes of last meeting

15:04:10 <pfps> RESOLVED: accept minutes of last meeting

RESOLVED: accept minutes of last meeting

15:04:24 <pfps> Topic: Action Item Review

3. Action Item Review

15:04:46 <gavinc> CLOSE ACTION-294

Gavin Carothers: CLOSE ACTION-294

15:04:46 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-294.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-294.

15:05:13 <AndyS> can close action 263

Andy Seaborne: can close ACTION-263

15:05:17 <pfps> Guus:  next meeting is next week

Guus Schreiber: next meeting is next week

15:05:49 <gavinc>  ends at 2:00 AM on

Gavin Carothers: ends at 2:00 AM on

15:05:51 <gavinc> Sunday, November 3

Gavin Carothers: Sunday, November 3

15:06:00 <gavinc> https://www.google.com/search?q=DST

Gavin Carothers: https://www.google.com/search?q=DST

15:06:03 <gavinc> Yay semantic search ;)

Gavin Carothers: Yay semantic search ;)

15:06:22 <AndyS> Close ACTION-263

Andy Seaborne: Close ACTION-263

15:06:22 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-263.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-263.

15:06:29 <gavinc> Yes, a range of time zone files are wrong :P

Gavin Carothers: Yes, a range of time zone files are wrong :P

15:09:01 <ivan> For DST: I am sorry, it was the other way round: Europe changes on the 27th of October, and the US changes on the 3rd of November, see http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/2013.html

Ivan Herman: For DST: I am sorry, it was the other way round: Europe changes on the 27th of October, and the US changes on the 3rd of November, see http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/2013.html

15:06:47 <pfps> Topic: TRIG


15:06:59 <pfps> Guus:  LCWD of Trig is published

Guus Schreiber: LCWD of Trig is published

15:07:16 <AndyS> http://www.w3.org/TR/trig/

Andy Seaborne: http://www.w3.org/TR/trig/

15:07:23 <pfps> Guus:  end of comments 11 October

Guus Schreiber: end of comments 11 October

15:07:24 <AndyS>                      The Last Call period ends 11 October 2013.                                   All comments are welcome.

Andy Seaborne: The Last Call period ends 11 October 2013. All comments are welcome.

15:07:59 <pfps> Guus:  all rec-track documents are at least in last call

Guus Schreiber: all rec-track documents are at least in last call

15:08:04 <pfps> Topic: Test suite for Semantics

5. Test suite for Semantics

15:08:16 <pfps> Guus:  no action on writing the test suite

Guus Schreiber: no action on writing the test suite

15:08:42 <pfps> pfps:  what is required to make to the changes to bring the test suite up to date

Peter Patel-Schneider: what is required to make to the changes to bring the test suite up to date

15:08:42 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

15:08:46 <pfps> sandro: I don't know

Sandro Hawke: I don't know

15:08:57 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

15:09:10 <gavinc> gkellogg has done all the Syntax ones ;)

Gavin Carothers: gkellogg has done all the Syntax ones ;)

15:09:32 <pfps> guus:  andy and gavin have done test suites so they know the new format

Guus Schreiber: andy and gavin have done test suites so they know the new format

15:10:05 <pfps> gavin: there are input and output documents of arbitrary format, described in a description document

Gregg Kellogg: there are input and output documents of arbitrary format, described in a description document

15:10:16 <gavinc> s/gavin/gkellogg
15:10:49 <pfps> greg: changing the documents from RDF/XML to turtle or trig might be a good idea

Gregg Kellogg: changing the documents from RDF/XML to turtle or trig might be a good idea

15:11:05 <gavinc> given that there are no semantics for datasets, testing them using data sets sounds... odd

Gavin Carothers: given that there are no semantics for datasets, testing them using data sets sounds... odd

15:11:11 <pfps> sandro: turtle might be better, as that doesn't require doing anything with datasets

Sandro Hawke: turtle might be better, as that doesn't require doing anything with datasets

15:11:45 <pfps> gregg: entering the old test suite into Mercurial might be a good first step

Gregg Kellogg: entering the old test suite into Mercurial might be a good first step

15:12:19 <pfps> sandro:  I could do a copy into Mercurial from the current CVS situation

Sandro Hawke: I could do a copy into Mercurial from the current CVS situation

15:12:28 <AndyS> Current test suites (lang, RDF 2004) name input and output so TriG not needed.

Andy Seaborne: Current test suites (lang, RDF 2004) name input and output so TriG not needed.

15:13:12 <ericP> what do we test in semantics that we don't test in turtle?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: what do we test in semantics that we don't test in turtle?

15:13:13 <Zakim> + +081165aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +081165aacc

15:13:22 <AZ> Zakim, aacc is me

Antoine Zimmermann: Zakim, aacc is me

15:13:22 <Zakim> +AZ; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AZ; got it

15:13:23 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

15:13:36 <pfps> sandro:  there was a thread on what changes need to be made to semantics tests

Sandro Hawke: there was a thread on what changes need to be made to semantics tests

15:13:41 <Zakim> -AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: -AZ

15:13:57 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:14:04 <AndyS> zakim, IPCaller is  me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, IPCaller is me

15:14:04 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

15:14:50 <pfps> action sandro: put semantics tests into mercurial

action sandro: put semantics tests into mercurial

15:14:50 <trackbot> Created ACTION-298 - Put semantics tests into mercurial [on Sandro Hawke - due 2013-10-02].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-298 - Put semantics tests into mercurial [on Sandro Hawke - due 2013-10-02].

15:14:57 <Zakim> +AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: +AZ

15:15:03 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

15:15:21 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

15:15:34 <pfps>  guus: tests should be put into good shape soon

guus: tests should be put into good shape soon

15:15:39 <pfps> Topic: LC Comments on Concepts, Semantics

6. LC Comments on Concepts, Semantics

15:15:51 <pfps> guus:  issue 142 - sandro you have an action

Guus Schreiber: ISSUE-142 - sandro you have an action

15:16:16 <pfps> sandro:  the conversation on 142 is ongoing on www-archive

Sandro Hawke: the conversation on 142 is ongoing on www-archive

15:16:32 <gkellogg> issue-142?

Gregg Kellogg: ISSUE-142?

15:16:32 <trackbot> issue-142 -- rdfs:Graph ? comment -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-142 -- rdfs:Graph ? comment -- open

15:16:32 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/142

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/142

15:16:51 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

15:16:56 <pfps> guus:  what happens if there is no agreement - there might be a formal objection

Guus Schreiber: what happens if there is no agreement - there might be a formal objection

15:17:02 <pfps> sandro: yes

Sandro Hawke: yes

15:17:13 <pfps> guus: we can go forward to CR with an objection

Guus Schreiber: we can go forward to CR with an objection

15:17:35 <pfps> sandro: but in the past there has been agreement on the situation, just disagreement on direction

Sandro Hawke: but in the past there has been agreement on the situation, just disagreement on direction

15:17:52 <pfps> sandro:  right now there might not be agreement on situation

Sandro Hawke: right now there might not be agreement on situation

15:18:03 <gavinc> +q

Gavin Carothers: +q

15:18:14 <ericP> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Sep/thread#msg55 issue-142 discussion on www-archive

Eric Prud'hommeaux: -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Sep/thread#msg55 ISSUE-142 discussion on www-archive

15:18:26 <pfps> sandro: may need to just say that there is no possibility for short-term progress

Sandro Hawke: may need to just say that there is no possibility for short-term progress

15:18:38 <ivan> ack ivan

Ivan Herman: ack ivan

15:19:10 <pfps> ivan:  this situation may become problematic

Ivan Herman: this situation may become problematic

15:19:34 <pfps> sandro: but the worst outcome would be to require more discussion

Sandro Hawke: but the worst outcome would be to require more discussion

15:20:11 <pfps> sandro: comment from paul gross may be related

Sandro Hawke: comment from paul groth may be related

15:20:26 <AZ> s/gross/groth/
15:21:33 <Guus> ack gavinc

Guus Schreiber: ack gavinc

15:21:50 <pfps> eric: jeremy wants a change, paul may just need clarification

Eric Prud'hommeaux: jeremy wants a change, paul may just need clarification

15:22:44 <pfps> gavin: i have a response in hand saying that paul's example is acceptable but just needs application-specific processing

Gavin Carothers: i have a response in hand saying that paul's example is acceptable but just needs application-specific processing

15:22:49 <pfps> guus: that's the situation

Guus Schreiber: that's the situation

15:23:26 <pfps> sandro: it might be useful to tell paul more about the situation

Sandro Hawke: it might be useful to tell paul more about the situation

15:23:56 <Zakim> +Souri

Zakim IRC Bot: +Souri

15:24:17 <pfps> action gavin: draft response to paul groth

action gavin: draft response to paul groth

15:24:18 <trackbot> Created ACTION-299 - Draft response to paul groth [on Gavin Carothers - due 2013-10-02].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-299 - Draft response to paul groth [on Gavin Carothers - due 2013-10-02].

15:24:28 <gavinc> Zakim, who is talking?

Gavin Carothers: Zakim, who is talking?

15:24:42 <Zakim> gavinc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Guus_Schreiber (44%)

Zakim IRC Bot: gavinc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Guus_Schreiber (44%)

15:25:12 <pfps> guus:  by mid-October all LC issues on Concepts and Semantics need to be resolved

Guus Schreiber: by mid-October all LC issues on Concepts and Semantics need to be resolved

15:25:44 <pfps> pfps: a WG response by 2 October would be better

Peter Patel-Schneider: a WG response by 2 October would be better

15:26:11 <Zakim> -GavinC

Zakim IRC Bot: -GavinC

15:26:37 <Zakim> + +1.707.861.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.707.861.aadd

15:26:43 <gavinc> Zakim, aadd is me

Gavin Carothers: Zakim, aadd is me

15:26:43 <Zakim> +gavinc; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +gavinc; got it

15:27:09 <pfps> sandro: guus - can you send a message about the timing issues

Sandro Hawke: guus - can you send a message about the timing issues

15:27:37 <Zakim> -gavinc

Zakim IRC Bot: -gavinc

15:27:41 <pfps> pfps: what about jeremy's other comment

Peter Patel-Schneider: what about jeremy's other comment

15:27:57 <pfps> sandro: I think that that is part of the same issue

Sandro Hawke: I think that that is part of the same issue

15:28:01 <Zakim> +gavinc

Zakim IRC Bot: +gavinc

15:28:15 <pfps> guus:  I'll try to express urgency for everything

Guus Schreiber: I'll try to express urgency for everything

15:28:37 <pfps> Topic: Dataset Semantics

7. Dataset Semantics

15:29:00 <pfps> guus: two messages - one from antoine, one from sandro

Guus Schreiber: two messages - one from antoine, one from sandro

15:30:19 <pfps> az: the dataset semantics document has a lot of options

Antoine Zimmermann: the dataset semantics document has a lot of options

15:31:04 <pfps> az: peter commented that there are many other options, this has the options that have been discussed

Antoine Zimmermann: peter commented that there are many other options, this has the options that have been discussed

15:31:24 <pfps> az: i have to respond to peter's comments - no comments from pat yet

Antoine Zimmermann: i have to respond to peter's comments - no comments from pat yet

15:31:45 <pfps> guus: there is more time to work on notes than rec-track documents, so this is not so time critical

Guus Schreiber: there is more time to work on notes than rec-track documents, so this is not so time critical

15:32:26 <pfps> guus: sandro - what should be done with your message on dataset semantics?

Guus Schreiber: sandro - what should be done with your message on dataset semantics?

15:33:10 <pfps> sandro: when I wrote it I thought that it might be part of a note

Sandro Hawke: when I wrote it I thought that it might be part of a note

15:33:18 <pfps> guus: part of antoine's note?

Guus Schreiber: part of antoine's note?

15:33:22 <pfps> sandro: not really

Sandro Hawke: not really

15:33:44 <pfps> az: I haven't completely read sandro's proposal

Antoine Zimmermann: I haven't completely read sandro's proposal

15:34:15 <pfps> az: I think that it is more about handling datasets that appear on the web, my note is not concerned about this, but could be expanded to there

Antoine Zimmermann: I think that it is more about handling datasets that appear on the web, my note is not concerned about this, but could be expanded to there

15:34:57 <pfps> sandro: my note is more about containers, and less about web access

Sandro Hawke: my note is more about containers, and less about web access

15:35:27 <pfps> guus:  the message is about how to view datasets

Guus Schreiber: the message is about how to view datasets

15:35:42 <pfps> guus:  if this is to be (part of) a note then the wg has to make a decision

Guus Schreiber: if this is to be (part of) a note then the wg has to make a decision

15:36:09 <pfps> guus: antoine, what should next be done for your note - incorporate comments?

Guus Schreiber: antoine, what should next be done for your note - incorporate comments?

15:36:12 <pfps> az: yes

Antoine Zimmermann: yes

15:36:22 <pfps> guus: then there needs to be a formal review

Guus Schreiber: then there needs to be a formal review

15:36:32 <pfps> guus:  the test suite has more importance

Guus Schreiber: the test suite has more importance

15:36:34 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

15:36:36 <pfps> az: agreed

Antoine Zimmermann: agreed

15:36:51 <pfps> Topic: Turtle

8. Turtle

15:36:58 <pfps> guus: any process on comments

Guus Schreiber: any process on comments

15:37:14 <pfps> gregg: no progress, should be done this week

Gavin Carothers: no progress, should be done this week

15:37:23 <pfps> pfps: Datatype Semantics

Peter Patel-Schneider: Datatype Semantics

15:37:30 <gkellogg> s/gregg/gavinc/
15:37:32 <gavinc> s/gregg/gavinc
15:37:45 <pfps> guus: message from pat on change to datatype semantics

Guus Schreiber: message from pat on change to datatype semantics

15:37:45 <gavinc> I guess us north bay folks sound alike?

Gavin Carothers: I guess us north bay folks sound alike?

15:38:04 <pfps> guus: pushback from peter

Guus Schreiber: pushback from peter

15:38:52 <pfps> guus:  priority is test suite and getting comments sorted out

Guus Schreiber: priority is test suite and getting comments sorted out

15:39:05 <pfps> Topic: AOB

9. AOB

15:39:53 <pfps> guus: adjourned

Guus Schreiber: adjourned

15:39:53 <Zakim> -Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud

15:39:58 <Zakim> -Souri

Zakim IRC Bot: -Souri

15:39:59 <Zakim> -Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan

15:40:01 <Zakim> -gavinc

Zakim IRC Bot: -gavinc

15:40:02 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

15:40:02 <Zakim> -gkellogg

Zakim IRC Bot: -gkellogg

15:40:03 <Zakim> -AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: -AZ

15:40:04 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

15:40:05 <Arnaud> well, belated regrets

Arnaud Le Hors: well, belated regrets

15:40:06 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

15:40:20 <Guus> trackbot, end meeting

Guus Schreiber: trackbot, end meeting

15:40:20 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees

15:40:20 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been +1.408.992.aaaa, pfps, Guus_Schreiber, GavinC, AndyS, +1.415.686.aabb, EricP, gkellogg, Ivan, yvesr, Sandro, TallTed, +081165aacc, AZ,

Zakim IRC Bot: As of this point the attendees have been +1.408.992.aaaa, pfps, Guus_Schreiber, GavinC, AndyS, +1.415.686.aabb, EricP, gkellogg, Ivan, yvesr, Sandro, TallTed, +081165aacc, AZ,

15:40:23 <Zakim> ... Souri, +1.707.861.aadd, Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: ... Souri, +1.707.861.aadd, Arnaud

15:40:23 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

15:40:23 <Zakim> -yvesr

Zakim IRC Bot: -yvesr

15:40:28 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes

15:40:28 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-minutes.html trackbot

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-minutes.html trackbot

15:40:29 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye

15:40:29 <RRSAgent> I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-actions.rdf :

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-actions.rdf :

15:40:29 <RRSAgent> ACTION: sandro to put semantics tests into mercurial [1]

ACTION: sandro to put semantics tests into mercurial [1]

15:40:29 <RRSAgent>   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-irc#T15-14-50

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-irc#T15-14-50

15:40:29 <RRSAgent> ACTION: gavin to draft response to paul groth [2]

ACTION: gavin to draft response to paul groth [2]

15:40:29 <RRSAgent>   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-irc#T15-24-17

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/25-rdf-wg-irc#T15-24-17

15:40:36 <Arnaud> I have a conflict until next week (included) for the first half hour of the call

Arnaud Le Hors: I have a conflict until next week (included) for the first half hour of the call

Formatted by CommonScribe