
RDF Working Group

Minutes of 13 October 2011

David Wood, Gavin Carothers, Zhe Wu, Alex Hall, Sandro Hawke, Souripriya Das, Scott Bauer, Lee Feigenbaum, Mischa Tuffield, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Ian Davis, Andy Seaborne, Richard Cyganiak, Nicholas Humfrey, Ivan Herman, Steve Harris, Dan Brickley, Yves Raimond, Guus Schreiber, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Thomas Steiner, Antoine Zimmermann, Peter Patel-Schneider, Ted Thibodeau
Tim Lebo (RPI)
Yves Raimond, Thomas Steiner, Mischa Tuffield, Tim Lebo (RPI), Nicholas Humfrey, Scott Bauer
  1. Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html link
  2. close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so. link
  3. Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF link
  4. Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF link
  5. Mark rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF link
  6. Close ISSUE-46 with no action. link
  7. Close issue-1 saying they should be the same except for well-motivated (and small) exceptions. link
  8. The primer should have examples in each of our syntaxes link
  9. The primer should have a section on each of our syntaxes link
<sandro> PRESENT: davidwood, gavinc, zwu2, AlexHall, sandro, Souri, Scott_Bauer, LeeF, Mischa, Pierre, Ian, Andy, Richard, NickH, Ivan, Steve, Danbri, Yves, Guus, ericP, tomayac, az, pfps, macted
<sandro> GUEST: Tim (tlebo) Lebo, RPI
<sandro> Oops, we didnt have RRSAgent for the introductions....

Sandro Hawke: Oops, we didnt have RRSAgent for the introductions....

11:26:24 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/13-rdf-wg-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/13-rdf-wg-irc

11:26:34 <sandro> zakim, this is rdf2wg

Sandro Hawke: zakim, this is rdf2wg

11:26:34 <Zakim> ok, sandro; that matches SW_RDFWG(F2F)6:00AM

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, sandro; that matches SW_RDFWG(F2F)6:00AM

11:26:40 <Guus> zakim, who is here?

Guus Schreiber: zakim, who is here?

11:26:40 <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P0, Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room, AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ??P0, Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room, AZ

11:26:41 <Zakim> On IRC I see pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, Scott_Bauer, pchampin, AZ, Souri, AlexHall, mox601, iand, cygri, tlebo, gavinc, danbri, ivan, swh, Guus, AndyS, ww, ericP, yvesr, manu,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, Scott_Bauer, pchampin, AZ, Souri, AlexHall, mox601, iand, cygri, tlebo, gavinc, danbri, ivan, swh, Guus, AndyS, ww, ericP, yvesr, manu,

11:26:43 <Zakim> ... NickH, trackbot, manu1, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... NickH, trackbot, manu1, sandro

11:27:03 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2011-10-12

Sandro Hawke: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2011-10-12

11:27:29 <sandro> RRSAgent, make logs public

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, make logs public

11:27:39 <Guus> scribe?

Guus Schreiber: scribe?

11:28:36 <ivan> zakim, MIT_Meeting_Room also has Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas

Ivan Herman: zakim, MIT_Meeting_Room also has Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas

11:28:36 <Zakim> +Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas; got it

11:28:57 <ivan> zakim, MIT_Meeting_Room also has micha

Ivan Herman: zakim, MIT_Meeting_Room also has micha

11:28:57 <Zakim> +micha; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +micha; got it

11:31:49 <yvesr> scribe yvesr

Yves Raimond: scribe yvesr

11:32:00 <ivan> scribenick: yvesr

(Scribe set to Yves Raimond)

11:32:04 <ivan> scribe: yvesr
11:32:19 <yvesr> Guus: let's start with Pat's email

Guus Schreiber: let's start with Pat's email

11:32:21 <tomayac> scribenick: tomayac

(Scribe set to Thomas Steiner)

11:32:31 <ivan> scribe: tomayac
11:33:38 <LeeF> zakim, MIT_Meeting_Room also has TedT

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, MIT_Meeting_Room also has TedT

11:33:38 <Zakim> +TedT; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TedT; got it

11:33:56 <Guus> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0210.html

Guus Schreiber: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0210.html

11:33:57 <tomayac> Guus suggests to start with ISSUE-71

Guus suggests to start with ISSUE-71

11:34:23 <tomayac> was originally ISSUE-12, but got closed and is now ISSUE-71

was originally ISSUE-12, but got closed and is now ISSUE-71

11:34:35 <sandro> issue-71

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-71

11:34:37 <sandro> issue-71?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-71?

11:34:37 <trackbot> ISSUE-71 -- Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-71 -- Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) -- open

11:34:37 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/71

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/71

11:34:39 <tomayac> we can either do nothing, or option 2d

we can either do nothing, or option 2d

11:34:44 <Guus> Proposal for Issue 12

Guus Schreiber: Proposal for ISSUE-12

11:34:50 <tomayac> people could live with that

people could live with that

11:35:02 <tomayac> any further discussion required?

any further discussion required?

11:35:19 <tomayac> got extensively discussed

got extensively discussed

11:35:27 <tomayac> marked as a feature at risk

marked as a feature at risk

11:36:08 <AndyS> and also let RDFa know

Andy Seaborne: and also let RDFa know

11:36:47 <tomayac> AndyS: makes the spec a little cleaner

Andy Seaborne: makes the spec a little cleaner

11:37:02 <tomayac> Guus: objections?

Guus Schreiber: objections?

11:38:27 <Guus>  ISSUE-71: Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting)  W.r.t the representation of language-typed literals I took an action to propose the following resolution:   "Lexical form is "foo", datatype is rdf:TaggedLiteral. The abstract syntax has a lexical form and language tag (like in RDF 2004). The value is assigned directly (like in RDF 2004), bypassing the datatype. The datatype has an empty lexical space and empty L2V mapping. (Option 2d from t

Guus Schreiber: ISSUE-71: Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) W.r.t the representation of language-typed literals I took an action to propose the following resolution: "Lexical form is "foo", datatype is rdf:TaggedLiteral. The abstract syntax has a lexical form and language tag (like in RDF 2004). The value is assigned directly (like in RDF 2004), bypassing the datatype. The datatype has an empty lexical space and empty L2V mapping. (Option 2d from t

11:38:28 <trackbot> ISSUE-71 Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) notes added

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-71 Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) notes added

11:39:41 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html

PROPOSED: Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html

11:41:05 <LeeF> Can someone paste the wiki page or email that had the various options in it? (the place at which this was option 2d)?

Lee Feigenbaum: Can someone paste the wiki page or email that had the various options in it? (the place at which this was option 2d)?

11:41:15 <ivan> PROPOSAL: Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html

PROPOSED: Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html

11:41:33 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

11:41:40 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

11:41:44 <iand> +0

Ian Davis: +0

11:41:46 <AZ_> +1

Antoine Zimmermann: +1

11:41:47 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

11:41:48 <LeeF> I'm happy with this

Lee Feigenbaum: I'm happy with this

11:41:51 <yvesr> +1

Yves Raimond: +1

11:41:54 <tomayac> Guus: please click on the link, too log to paste. marks a feature at risk.

Guus Schreiber: please click on the link, too log to paste. marks a feature at risk.

11:41:58 <pfps> +epsilon

Peter Patel-Schneider: +epsilon

11:42:03 <AlexHall> +1

Alex Hall: +1

11:42:12 <NickH> +1

Nicholas Humfrey: +1

11:42:12 <ivan> -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/46168/tagged_literals/results is the poll result

Ivan Herman: -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/46168/tagged_literals/results is the poll result

11:42:13 <tomayac> Guus: Resolved.

Guus Schreiber: Resolved.

11:42:13 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

11:42:22 <gavinc> +0

Gavin Carothers: +0

11:42:32 <ivan> RESOLVED: Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html

RESOLVED: Resolve ISSUE-71 by adopting the phrasing in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Sep/0083.html

11:42:52 <AndyS> ε > 0

Andy Seaborne: ε > 0

11:43:23 <sandro> +1 it's good enough for 2011; someday maybe we can add more URIs for language tags

Sandro Hawke: +1 it's good enough for 2011; someday maybe we can add more URIs for language tags

11:43:31 <tomayac> Guus: dave proposed to have a discussion on sandro's proposal.

Guus Schreiber: dave proposed to have a discussion on sandro's proposal.

11:43:33 <davidwood> PROPOSED: While it's desirable to have dataset tag IRIs denote their associated g-boxes, because of existing deployments we can't just rule that now.  Instead, we can provide some way to flag the cases where it does, so the market can move in that direction. (Sandro)

PROPOSED: While it's desirable to have dataset tag IRIs denote their associated g-boxes, because of existing deployments we can't just rule that now. Instead, we can provide some way to flag the cases where it does, so the market can move in that direction. (Sandro)

11:43:55 <iand> what are dataset IRIs?

Ian Davis: what are dataset IRIs?

11:44:15 <pfps> I worry about "flying flags" in RDF, particularly if this means building a theory into the semantics of RDF.

Peter Patel-Schneider: I worry about "flying flags" in RDF, particularly if this means building a theory into the semantics of RDF.

11:44:46 <mischat> we would need to inform the RDF 1.1 people about the previous resolution re: manu's email http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0115.html

Mischa Tuffield: we would need to inform the RDF 1.1 people about the previous resolution re: manu's email http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0115.html

11:45:01 <tomayac> ivan: sandro, when you say provide some case to flag the cases, what do you mean?

Ivan Herman: sandro, when you say provide some case to flag the cases, what do you mean?

11:45:09 <tlebo> I think http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts#Via_SPARQL_1.1_.2B_RDF_1.1 is related

Tim Lebo: I think http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts#Via_SPARQL_1.1_.2B_RDF_1.1 is related

11:45:13 <AndyS>  tag: denote g-box? Should that be g-snap?

Andy Seaborne: tag: denote g-box? Should that be g-snap?

11:45:30 <Souri_> Could you please put the proposal on IRC one more time?

Souripriya Das: Could you please put the proposal on IRC one more time?

11:45:30 <LeeF> I support this goal, but I worry that adopting it might mean that we are inventing like 4 new mechanisms for communicating this which don't currently exist

Lee Feigenbaum: I support this goal, but I worry that adopting it might mean that we are inventing like 4 new mechanisms for communicating this which don't currently exist

11:45:40 <LeeF> PROPOSED: While it's desirable to have dataset tag IRIs denote their associated g-boxes, because of existing deployments we can't just rule that now.  Instead, we can provide some way to flag the cases where it does, so the market can move in that direction. (Sandro)

PROPOSED: While it's desirable to have dataset tag IRIs denote their associated g-boxes, because of existing deployments we can't just rule that now. Instead, we can provide some way to flag the cases where it does, so the market can move in that direction. (Sandro)

11:46:16 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

11:46:25 <tomayac> sandro: there are two different kinds of data sets

Sandro Hawke: there are two different kinds of data sets

11:46:30 <tlebo> q+

Tim Lebo: q+

11:46:39 <AndyS> The word "tag" is confusing me somewhat.

Andy Seaborne: The word "tag" is confusing me somewhat.

11:46:48 <iand> sandro, when you say tag do you mean the names in named graphs

Ian Davis: sandro, when you say tag do you mean the names in named graphs

11:47:00 <gavinc> I think he does.

Gavin Carothers: I think he does.

11:47:22 <sandro> "NameTag" Datasets   vs  "KeyTag"  Datasets

Sandro Hawke: "NameTag" Datasets vs "KeyTag" Datasets

11:47:34 <mischat> scribe mischat

Mischa Tuffield: scribe mischat

11:47:41 <davidwood> q+ to suggest there is no reason to find that anything "denotes" anything else until we address Pat's CoU proposal.  It may in fact be dangerous to do so.

David Wood: q+ to suggest there is no reason to find that anything "denotes" anything else until we address Pat's CoU proposal. It may in fact be dangerous to do so.

11:47:43 <swh> scribenick: mischat

(Scribe set to Mischa Tuffield)

11:47:47 <ivan> scribenick: mischat
11:47:56 <tlebo> attempt to reconcile the "tag" with an actual, implied URI: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts#Via_SPARQL_1.1_.2B_RDF_1.1

Tim Lebo: attempt to reconcile the "tag" with an actual, implied URI: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts#Via_SPARQL_1.1_.2B_RDF_1.1

11:48:10 <mischat> sandro: is asking Andy what is the other word you use instead of name

Sandro Hawke: is asking Andy what is the other word you use instead of name

11:48:16 <mischat> ?


11:48:39 <sandro> AndyS, is "label" better than "tag"?

Sandro Hawke: TimS, is "label" better than "tag"?

11:48:39 <mischat> s/Andy/Tim/
11:49:14 <gavinc> I'll just call it <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/trig/#graphname> ;)

Gavin Carothers: I'll just call it <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/trig/#graphname> ;)

11:49:22 <mischat> tlebo: is trying to reconcile the graph insert in the graph* terminology ^^

Tim Lebo: is trying to reconcile the graph insert in the graph* terminology ^^

11:49:59 <mischat> tlebo: the example inserts the same triples into two graph containers

Tim Lebo: the example inserts the same triples into two graph containers

11:50:15 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

11:50:30 <gavinc> ack tlebo

Gavin Carothers: ack tlebo

11:50:36 <mischat> tlebo: the proposal is trying present what an insert does in terms on graph* terminology

Tim Lebo: the proposal is trying present what an insert does in terms on graph* terminology

11:51:04 <mischat> tlebo: the proposal is different from sandro's as the global graph container is different

Tim Lebo: the proposal is different from sandro's as the global graph container is different

11:51:14 <swh> q+ to as about the intent

Steve Harris: q+ to as about the intent

11:51:19 <mischat> q?


11:51:30 <tlebo> archived view: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/index.php?title=Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts&oldid=3770#Via_SPARQL_1.1_.2B_RDF_1.1

Tim Lebo: archived view: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/index.php?title=Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts&oldid=3770#Via_SPARQL_1.1_.2B_RDF_1.1

11:51:34 <ivan> ack davidwood

Ivan Herman: ack davidwood

11:51:34 <Zakim> davidwood, you wanted to suggest there is no reason to find that anything "denotes" anything else until we address Pat's CoU proposal.  It may in fact be dangerous to do so.

Zakim IRC Bot: davidwood, you wanted to suggest there is no reason to find that anything "denotes" anything else until we address Pat's CoU proposal. It may in fact be dangerous to do so.

11:52:28 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

11:52:35 <mischat> davidwood: is concerned about the WG making a finding about how an IRI should be making a decision on what "denotes" when there is no Pat around

David Wood: is concerned about the WG making a finding about how an IRI should be making a decision on what "denotes" when there is no Pat around

11:52:43 <mischat> … and given cygri's email

… and given Pat's email

11:52:53 <mischat> davidwood: would like to move this issue out for the time being

David Wood: would like to move this issue out for the time being

11:52:56 <mischat> q?


11:53:05 <sandro> ack sandro

Sandro Hawke: ack sandro

11:53:23 <mischat> sandro: is asking AndyS what is a better name than tag

Sandro Hawke: is asking AndyS what is a better name than tag

11:53:26 <sandro> ReferingNameDatasets vs MerelyTaggingNameDatasets

Sandro Hawke: ReferingNameDatasets vs MerelyTaggingNameDatasets

11:53:30 <Souri_> Shall we refer to it as graph-IRI (to avoid "name" and all those ~4-letter words)? :-)

Souripriya Das: Shall we refer to it as graph-IRI (to avoid "name" and all those ~4-letter words)? :-)

11:53:39 <tlebo> "name" might, but not http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#name

Tim Lebo: "name" might, but not http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#name

11:53:54 <sandro> ReferingNameDatasets vs MerelyLabelingNameDatasets

Sandro Hawke: ReferingNameDatasets vs MerelyLabelingNameDatasets

11:53:54 <mischat> sandro: is asking if there are two different ways about talking about a dataset

Sandro Hawke: is asking if there are two different ways about talking about a dataset

11:54:04 <swh> q-

Steve Harris: q-

11:54:07 <mischat> Guus: are you talking about "labelling"

Guus Schreiber: are you talking about "labelling"

11:54:22 <mischat> " various people " tagging and labelling sound like the same thing

" various people " tagging and labelling sound like the same thing

11:54:43 <gavinc> label == name == context == graph name == graph iri == graphName == graph tag ?

Gavin Carothers: label == name == context == graph name == graph iri == graphName == graph tag ?

11:54:59 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

11:55:32 <iand> sandro, are you asking for the WG to explore a way for datasets to optionally declare that the labels for graphs denote those graphs?

Ian Davis: sandro, are you asking for the WG to explore a way for datasets to optionally declare that the labels for graphs denote those graphs?

11:55:45 <mischat> sandro: thinks that in sparql it is merely an association

Sandro Hawke: thinks that in sparql it is merely an association

11:55:45 <mischat> davidwood: where the tag is an identifier to what happens have an HTTP Get operation

David Wood: where the tag is an identifier to what happens have an HTTP Get operation

11:56:08 <mischat> sandro: the name in the, sense of REST, identifies the graph-container

Sandro Hawke: the name in the, sense of REST, identifies the graph-container

11:56:27 <pchampin> q+ to propose an analogy

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+ to propose an analogy

11:56:29 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

11:56:30 <mischat> sandro: name identifies and refers to a graph-container ?

Sandro Hawke: name identifies and refers to a graph-container ?

11:56:39 <mischat> or s//?$//

or s//?$//

11:57:04 <mischat> Guus: sandro could you please formulate your proposal ?

Guus Schreiber: sandro could you please formulate your proposal ?

11:57:25 <iand> q+ andys

Ian Davis: q+ andys

11:57:30 <davidwood> s/given cygri's email/given Pat's email/
11:58:14 <ivan> zakim, who is here?

Ivan Herman: zakim, who is here?

11:58:14 <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P0, Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room, AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ??P0, Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room, AZ

11:58:15 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room has MIT_Meeting_Room, Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas, micha, TedT

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room has MIT_Meeting_Room, Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas, micha, TedT

11:58:18 <Zakim> On IRC I see danbri, iand, Souri_, AlexHall, AZ_, MacTed, gavinc, mischat, tomayac, davidwood, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, Scott_Bauer, pchampin, mox601, cygri, tlebo, ivan, swh,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see danbri, iand, Souri_, AlexHall, AZ_, MacTed, gavinc, mischat, tomayac, davidwood, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, Scott_Bauer, pchampin, mox601, cygri, tlebo, ivan, swh,

11:58:20 <Zakim> ... Guus, ww, ericP, yvesr, manu, NickH, trackbot, manu1, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... Guus, ww, ericP, yvesr, manu, NickH, trackbot, manu1, sandro

11:58:56 <Guus> zakim, ??p0 is BBC

Guus Schreiber: zakim, ??p0 is BBC

11:58:56 <Zakim> +BBC; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +BBC; got it

11:59:06 <cygri> zakim, I'm with BBC

Richard Cyganiak: zakim, I'm with BBC

11:59:06 <Zakim> +cygri; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri; got it

11:59:17 <mischat> zakim, I'm with BBC

zakim, I'm with BBC

11:59:17 <Zakim> +mischat; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +mischat; got it

11:59:26 <sandro> STRAWPOLL:   There is a kind of dataset (a "type-2 dataset) where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.    These are in contrast with "type 1" datasets, where the "name" iri has an undeclared association with the "graph".     We like type-2 datasets, but people are using type-1 datasets and we can't just rule them out.   So we should provide a standard way for people to indicate when they are using type-2 dat

STRAWPOLL: There is a kind of dataset (a "type-2 dataset) where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer. These are in contrast with "type 1" datasets, where the "name" iri has an undeclared association with the "graph". We like type-2 datasets, but people are using type-1 datasets and we can't just rule them out. So we should provide a standard way for people to indicate when they are using type-2 dat

11:59:26 <sandro> asets.

Sandro Hawke: asets.

12:00:03 <LeeF>  q+

Lee Feigenbaum: q+

12:00:04 <NickH> zakim, I'm with BBC

Nicholas Humfrey: zakim, I'm with BBC

12:00:05 <Zakim> +NickH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +NickH; got it

12:00:07 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

12:00:18 <yvesr> Zakim, i'm with BBC

Yves Raimond: Zakim, i'm with BBC

12:00:18 <Zakim> +yvesr; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +yvesr; got it

12:00:39 <mischat> ack pchampin

ack pchampin

12:00:39 <Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to propose an analogy

Zakim IRC Bot: pchampin, you wanted to propose an analogy

12:00:54 <mischat> pchampin: thinks he like the proposal.

Pierre-Antoine Champin: thinks he like the proposal.

12:01:48 <mischat> pchampin: there is an analogy: in a school you would ask to have a label on every coat. But you wouldn't be labelling the coat

Pierre-Antoine Champin: there is an analogy: in a school you would ask to have a label on every coat. But you wouldn't be labelling the coat

12:01:57 <mischat> pchampin: like the proposal

Pierre-Antoine Champin: like the proposal

12:02:00 <mischat> ack AndyS

ack AndyS

12:02:16 <mischat> AndyS: thinks type2 is restrictive

Andy Seaborne: thinks type2 is restrictive

12:02:37 <sandro> STRAWPOLL:   There is a kind of dataset (type-2) where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.    These are in contrast with type-1 datasets, where the "name" iri has an undeclared association with the "graph".     We like type-2 datasets, but people are using type-1 datasets and we can't just rule them out.   So we should provide a standard way for people to indicate when they are using type-2 datasets.

STRAWPOLL: There is a kind of dataset (type-2) where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer. These are in contrast with type-1 datasets, where the "name" iri has an undeclared association with the "graph". We like type-2 datasets, but people are using type-1 datasets and we can't just rule them out. So we should provide a standard way for people to indicate when they are using type-2 datasets.

12:02:40 <cygri> q+ to say that it's not “types” of datasets but patterns of use

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to say that it's not “types” of datasets but patterns of use

12:02:41 <mischat> … and there is another proposal where the IRI - is a label for a g-snap is the more general case

… and there is another proposal where the IRI - is a label for a g-snap is the more general case

12:02:44 <gavinc> +q to ask how we are identifying the dataset so that we can type it?

Gavin Carothers: +q to ask how we are identifying the dataset so that we can type it?

12:03:05 <mischat> sandro: agrees with sandro

Sandro Hawke: agrees with sandro

12:03:30 <iand> zakim, I'm with BBC

Ian Davis: zakim, I'm with BBC

12:03:30 <Zakim> +iand; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +iand; got it

12:03:33 <tlebo> we should also propose the convention for how anyone can awww:identify "type-1 datasets" as "type-2 datasets" given the "type-1 dataset"'s "name" (the convention would derive from http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-http-rdf-update/#indirect-graph-identification)

Tim Lebo: we should also propose the convention for how anyone can awww:identify "type-1 datasets" as "type-2 datasets" given the "type-1 dataset"'s "name" (the convention would derive from http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-http-rdf-update/#indirect-graph-identification)

12:03:49 <mischat> AndyS: understands that the proposal fits in with sandro's Web Semantic proposals

Andy Seaborne: understands that the proposal fits in with sandro's Web Semantic proposals

12:04:05 <danbri> q+ to ask if it's the dataset that's typed, or the entry in it...?

Dan Brickley: q+ to ask if it's the dataset that's typed, or the entry in it...?

12:04:10 <mischat> sandro: isn't sparql today a type 1

Sandro Hawke: isn't sparql today a type 1

12:04:38 <mischat> sandro: how about a type-3 being an IRI referring to a gsnap

Sandro Hawke: how about a type-3 being an IRI referring to a gsnap

12:04:42 <mischat> sandro: how about a type-3 being an IRI referring to a g-snap

Sandro Hawke: how about a type-3 being an IRI referring to a g-snap

12:05:12 <mischat> AndyS: would like to see a world while there are different Contexts, as per Pat's suggestion. AndyS doesn't like the current proposal

Andy Seaborne: would like to see a world while there are different Contexts, as per Pat's suggestion. AndyS doesn't like the current proposal

12:05:16 <AndyS> q?

Andy Seaborne: q?

12:05:41 <ivan> ack LeeF

Ivan Herman: ack LeeF

12:06:00 <mischat> …. seems to give privilege to type 1, and AndyS thinks that this is not the right thing.

…. seems to give privilege to type 1, and AndyS thinks that this is not the right thing.

12:06:17 <AlexHall> +1 LeeF

Alex Hall: +1 LeeF

12:06:28 <swh> +1

Steve Harris: +1

12:06:30 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

12:06:41 <mischat> LeeF: this seems to suggest that we will be prescribe a handle of various ways to do RDF, and this is not the best thing to do …

Lee Feigenbaum: this seems to suggest that we will be prescribe a handle of various ways to annotate RDF to specify which type of dataset you're using, and this is not the best thing to do …

12:06:48 <sandro> STRAWPOLL: There is a kind of dataset (type-2) where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.    These are in contrast with type-1 datasets, where the "name" iri has an undeclared association with the "graph".   Some people want to use type-2 datasets, but people are using type-1 datasets and we can't just mandate type-2.   We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when they are using type-2 data

STRAWPOLL: There is a kind of dataset (type-2) where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer. These are in contrast with type-1 datasets, where the "name" iri has an undeclared association with the "graph". Some people want to use type-2 datasets, but people are using type-1 datasets and we can't just mandate type-2. We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when they are using type-2 data

12:06:48 <sandro> sets.

Sandro Hawke: sets.

12:06:58 <tlebo> @AndyS, while others can have different contexts, anyone should still be able to awww:identify others' contextualized forms.

Tim Lebo: @AndyS, while others can have different contexts, anyone should still be able to awww:identify others' contextualized forms.

12:07:03 <LeeF> s/to do RDF/to annotate RDF to specify which type of dataset you're using
12:07:06 <ivan> ack cygri

Ivan Herman: ack cygri

12:07:06 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to say that it's not “types” of datasets but patterns of use

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to say that it's not “types” of datasets but patterns of use

12:07:12 <Guus> ack cygri

Guus Schreiber: ack cygri

12:07:20 <mischat> cygri: thinks it is mistake phrasing this as a type of dataset

Richard Cyganiak: thinks it is mistake phrasing this as a type of dataset

12:07:47 <swh> q+

Steve Harris: q+

12:08:03 <iand> Alternate STRAWPOLL phrasing: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when their the "name" IRIs in their dataset both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.

Ian Davis: Alternate STRAWPOLL phrasing: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when their the "name" IRIs in their dataset both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.

12:08:06 <sandro> But I need *interop* of them,

Sandro Hawke: But I need *interop* of them,

12:08:06 <mischat> cygri: thinks that sandro's approach is not ideal, there is lots of talk about different ways which you can make use of a dataset

Richard Cyganiak: thinks that sandro's approach is not ideal, there is lots of talk about different ways which you can make use of a dataset

12:08:08 <AndyS> "There is a usage of dataset where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.  " but ...

Andy Seaborne: "There is a usage of dataset where the "name" IRI both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer. " but ...

12:08:47 <mischat> cygri: but thinks that the current setup allows for sandro's type 2 dataset, and doesn't think that we should give a privileged status to a given way of using a dataset

Richard Cyganiak: but thinks that the current setup allows for sandro's type 2 dataset, and doesn't think that we should give a privileged status to a given way of using a dataset

12:08:50 <tlebo> but how does a third party uniformly refer to a SPARQL endpoint's GraphContainer?

Tim Lebo: but how does a third party uniformly refer to a SPARQL endpoint's GraphContainer?

12:08:54 <AndyS> ... then is there behind that a work item for the WG for this form, not others? Is the recognition of this work item the reason for the proposal?

Andy Seaborne: ... then is there behind that a work item for the WG for this form, not others? Is the recognition of this work item the reason for the proposal?

12:09:29 <sandro> +1 Ian's rephrasing

Sandro Hawke: +1 Ian's rephrasing

12:09:43 <AndyS> (see Pat's email)

Andy Seaborne: (see Pat's email)

12:09:49 <yvesr> scribe: yvesr

(Scribe set to Yves Raimond)

12:09:52 <mischat> scribenick yvesr

Mischa Tuffield: scribenick yvesr

12:09:57 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

12:10:06 <ivan> scribenick: yvesr
12:10:09 <sandro> (scribenick is unnecessary with commonscribe, fwiw.)

Sandro Hawke: (scribenick is unnecessary with commonscribe, fwiw.)

12:10:17 <AndyS> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0195.html

Andy Seaborne: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0195.html

12:10:19 <davidwood> +1 to Ian's rephrasing

David Wood: +1 to Ian's rephrasing

12:10:23 <Souri_> +1 to David's thoughts that Ian's rephrasing is compatible with Pat's CoU suggestion

Souripriya Das: +1 to David's thoughts that Ian's rephrasing is compatible with Pat's CoU suggestion

12:10:24 <yvesr> Guus: would cygri be more happy with iand's rephrasing?

Guus Schreiber: would cygri be more happy with iand's rephrasing?

12:10:29 <mischat> q?

Mischa Tuffield: q?

12:10:31 <yvesr> +1


12:10:39 <gavinc> ack me

Gavin Carothers: ack me

12:10:39 <Zakim> gavinc, you wanted to ask how we are identifying the dataset so that we can type it?

Zakim IRC Bot: gavinc, you wanted to ask how we are identifying the dataset so that we can type it?

12:10:40 <ivan> ack gavinc

Ivan Herman: ack gavinc

12:10:53 <tlebo> But how does a third party awww:identify graphs within SPARQL endpoints that do NOT provide @iand's indication?

Tim Lebo: But how does a third party awww:identify graphs within SPARQL endpoints that do NOT provide @iand's indication?

12:11:01 <yvesr> gavinc: only worry about sandro's proposal - how are we supposed to refer to the dataset?

Gavin Carothers: only worry about sandro's proposal - how are we supposed to refer to the dataset?

12:11:10 <yvesr> gavinc: we're on our way to create 'named datasets'

Gavin Carothers: we're on our way to create 'named datasets'

12:11:17 <AndyS> Maybe SPARQL service description helps here.

Andy Seaborne: Maybe SPARQL service description helps here.

12:11:27 <yvesr> gavinc: how are we supposed to make assertions about a dataset atm?

Gavin Carothers: how are we supposed to make assertions about a dataset atm?

12:11:30 <cygri> q+ to answer gavinc

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to answer gavinc

12:11:36 <pchampin> q+ to solve gavin's problem

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+ to solve gavin's problem

12:11:46 <AndyS> ... which is "service" not dataset but that's the visible useable thing.

Andy Seaborne: ... which is "service" not dataset but that's the visible useable thing.

12:12:01 <yvesr> gavinc: sparql descriptions help for sparql end points - how do i move it around a trig dataset?

Gavin Carothers: sparql descriptions help for sparql end points - how do i move it around a trig dataset?

12:12:02 <sandro> q+ to talk about TriG metadata

Sandro Hawke: q+ to talk about TriG metadata

12:12:12 <pchampin> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs/RDF-Quadless-Proposal#Link_with_named_graphs_and_datasets

Pierre-Antoine Champin: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs/RDF-Quadless-Proposal#Link_with_named_graphs_and_datasets

12:12:13 <ivan> ack pchampin

Ivan Herman: ack pchampin

12:12:13 <Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to solve gavin's problem

Zakim IRC Bot: pchampin, you wanted to solve gavin's problem

12:12:42 <sandro> +1 pchampin and graph literals!!!

Sandro Hawke: +1 pchampin and graph literals!!!

12:12:43 <yvesr> pchampin: coming back to the proposal i made a while ago - it would be improved by ivan's proposal to work with a datatype

Pierre-Antoine Champin: coming back to the proposal i made a while ago - it would be improved by ivan's proposal to work with a datatype

12:13:02 <yvesr> pchampin: if we had graph literals and a vocabulary to express these relationships, then we could be unambiguous

Pierre-Antoine Champin: if we had graph literals and a vocabulary to express these relationships, then we could be unambiguous

12:13:31 <sandro> +999999

Sandro Hawke: +999999

12:13:34 <yvesr> pchampin: not saying it should be how dataset should be implemented, but at least that's a unifying vocabulary to describe this

Pierre-Antoine Champin: not saying it should be how dataset should be implemented, but at least that's a unifying vocabulary to describe this

12:13:37 <yvesr> +99999 too

+99999 too

12:13:41 <ivan> ack cygri

Ivan Herman: ack cygri

12:13:41 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to answer gavinc

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to answer gavinc

12:13:54 <yvesr> cygri: makign statements about dataset is easy - just give it a URI

Richard Cyganiak: making statements about dataset is easy - just give it a URI

12:14:12 <yvesr> cygri: the SPARQL service description gives us a mechanism to do that

Richard Cyganiak: the SPARQL service description gives us a mechanism to do that

12:14:17 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:14:24 <yvesr> cygri: the URI of the Trig file is a good URI to make statements about the dataset

Richard Cyganiak: the URI of the Trig file is a good URI to make statements about the dataset

12:14:30 <iand> we already have draft text in RDF Concepts defining an RDF Dataset: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html#section-multigraph

Ian Davis: we already have draft text in RDF Concepts defining an RDF Dataset: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html#section-multigraph

12:14:39 <yvesr> cygri: the problem sandro's trying to solve is to know when a dataset is using a particular convention

Richard Cyganiak: the problem sandro's trying to solve is to know when a dataset is using a particular convention

12:14:40 <Souri_> s/makign /making /
12:14:45 <danbri> so we don't lose it in the scrollback, -->

Dan Brickley: so we don't lose it in the scrollback, -->

12:14:46 <danbri> [13:08] <iand> Alternate STRAWPOLL phrasing: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when their the "name" IRIs in their dataset both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.

Dan Brickley: [13:08] <iand> Alternate STRAWPOLL phrasing: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when their the "name" IRIs in their dataset both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.

12:14:49 <yvesr> cygri: having a statement asserting it doesn't solve that problem

Richard Cyganiak: having a statement asserting it doesn't solve that problem

12:15:02 <tlebo> Regarding "how does the GraphContainer description travel with TRIG, etc, non-SPARQL" - use service description's sd:NamedGraph/sd:GraphCollection, and replace sd:Service/sd:availableGraphDescriptions  (https://github.com/timrdf/csv2rdf4lod-automation/blob/master/doc/ontology-diagrams/sparql-service-description-2010-10-31.pdf?raw=true)

Tim Lebo: Regarding "how does the GraphContainer description travel with TRIG, etc, non-SPARQL" - use service description's sd:NamedGraph/sd:GraphCollection, and replace sd:Service/sd:availableGraphDescriptions (https://github.com/timrdf/csv2rdf4lod-automation/blob/master/doc/ontology-diagrams/sparql-service-description-2010-10-31.pdf?raw=true)

12:15:02 <sandro> can I respond?

Sandro Hawke: can I respond?

12:15:07 <yvesr> cygri: people lie on the Web - these statements could be false

Richard Cyganiak: people lie on the Web - these statements could be false

12:15:24 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

12:15:25 <yvesr> cygri: ... except if you trust the provider of the statement and the dataset to do the right thijng

Richard Cyganiak: ... except if you trust the provider of the statement and the dataset to do the right thijng

12:15:50 <yvesr> cygri: people are also wrong with mimetypes

Richard Cyganiak: people are also wrong with mimetypes

12:15:55 <AndyS> "This WG will write a practice and experience note about using NG IRIs to both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph(g-box)", really a GraphContainer. "

Andy Seaborne: "This WG will write a practice and experience note about using NG IRIs to both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph(g-box)", really a GraphContainer. "

12:16:05 <yvesr> q+


12:16:12 <yvesr> q-


12:16:19 <ivan> ack danbri

Ivan Herman: ack danbri

12:16:19 <Zakim> danbri, you wanted to ask if it's the dataset that's typed, or the entry in it...?

Zakim IRC Bot: danbri, you wanted to ask if it's the dataset that's typed, or the entry in it...?

12:16:24 <sandro> sandro: It's kjust like mime types --- sometimes they are wrong, sometimes people lie -- but they are still useful.

Sandro Hawke: It's kjust like mime types --- sometimes they are wrong, sometimes people lie -- but they are still useful. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

12:16:25 <davidwood> gavinc should respond, too.  I'm curious whether describing data out-of-band with triples is acceptable to him.

David Wood: gavinc should respond, too. I'm curious whether describing data out-of-band with triples is acceptable to him.

12:16:34 <yvesr> cygri, i think it is still *much* more useful than *asumming* something tha tmay be wrong or controversial

cygri, i think it is still *much* more useful than *asumming* something tha tmay be wrong or controversial

12:16:43 <cygri> sandro, you're wrong on that. in sindice we do large-scale RDF processing and we have to ignore mime types.

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, you're wrong on that. in sindice we do large-scale RDF processing and we have to ignore mime types.

12:16:58 <sandro> danbri: I'd like smaller granularity, like Ian's strawpoll, instead of Sandro's

Dan Brickley: I'd like smaller granularity, like Ian's strawpoll, instead of Sandro's [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

12:17:03 <yvesr> danbri: ian's reformulation is more concrete

Dan Brickley: ian's reformulation is more concrete

12:17:32 <yvesr> danbri: in my store, i can have URIs of FOAF files, RSS feeds... I'd love to have descriptions to explain how my data is managed

Dan Brickley: in my store, i can have URIs of FOAF files, RSS feeds... I'd love to have descriptions to explain how my data is managed

12:17:38 <sandro> I'm okay with DanBri's, but I thikn it might be harder.

Sandro Hawke: I'm okay with DanBri's, but I thikn it might be harder.

12:17:48 <ivan> ack swh

Ivan Herman: ack swh

12:17:51 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:18:14 <yvesr> swh: another concern: type-1 includes some things that are undesirable - includign using people URIs as graph identifiers

Steve Harris: another concern: type-1 includes some things that are undesirable - includign using people URIs as graph identifiers

12:18:32 <gavinc> Out of band triples are totally fine, I'm just confused as to how "just name things with URIs is easy" and the last months of conversations about what exactly naming graphs means are reconcilable?

Gavin Carothers: Out of band triples are totally fine, I'm just confused as to how "just name things with URIs is easy" and the last months of conversations about what exactly naming graphs means are reconcilable?

12:18:44 <AndyS> +1 to "there are bad ways of doing 'associates'"  (bad = wrong)

Andy Seaborne: +1 to "there are bad ways of doing 'associates'" (bad = wrong)

12:18:57 <sandro> NamedGraphs is either: LabeledGraphs and ReferedToGraphs

Sandro Hawke: NamedGraphs is either: LabeledGraphs and ReferedToGraphs

12:19:07 <sandro> (or Identified Graphs?)

Sandro Hawke: (or Identified Graphs?)

12:19:29 <cygri> LabeledGraphs would be more accurate for what we have in SPARQL. that ship has sailed though :-(

Richard Cyganiak: LabeledGraphs would be more accurate for what we have in SPARQL. that ship has sailed though :-(

12:19:45 <yvesr> swh: my concern is mainly that enumariting all possibilities is going to be very difficult, and chances of getting it wrong are high

Steve Harris: my concern is mainly that enumariting all possibilities is going to be very difficult, and chances of getting it wrong are high

12:19:46 <danbri> e.g. my store might have one graph (for latest version) <http://example.com/sandro.foaf> and also the transactions stashed using <uuid:12341234>. A manifest / table of contents / sitemap for the database should let me express that I've done this. But *also* it should let me express mappings from technical entities (servers, accounts, crypto) to social entities (people, orgs, ...).

Dan Brickley: e.g. my store might have one graph (for latest version) <http://example.com/sandro.foaf> and also the transactions stashed using <uuid:12341234>. A manifest / table of contents / sitemap for the database should let me express that I've done this. But *also* it should let me express mappings from technical entities (servers, accounts, crypto) to social entities (people, orgs, ...).

12:19:46 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:20:03 <yvesr> swh: the chances that someone actually use it are infinitely small

Steve Harris: the chances that someone actually use it are infinitely small

12:20:03 <sandro> cygri, I agree that ship has sailed -- but we can launch another ship.

Sandro Hawke: cygri, I agree that ship has sailed -- but we can launch another ship.

12:20:11 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

12:20:27 <sandro> "IdentifiedGraphs"

Sandro Hawke: "IdentifiedGraphs"

12:20:29 <danbri> q+ to argue for the social use case too (swh mentioned...)

Dan Brickley: q+ to argue for the social use case too (swh mentioned...)

12:20:44 <ivan> ack sandro

Ivan Herman: ack sandro

12:20:44 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to talk about TriG metadata

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to talk about TriG metadata

12:21:02 <yvesr> sandro: trig bizarelly has no way to specify metadata

Sandro Hawke: trig bizarelly has no way to specify metadata

12:21:13 <yvesr> sandro: no way to assert who is the author or a trig file

Sandro Hawke: no way to assert who is the author or a trig file

12:21:15 <AndyS> <> dc:creator "me" .

Andy Seaborne: <> dc:creator "me" .

12:21:23 <tlebo> +1 AndyS

Tim Lebo: +1 AndyS

12:21:26 <yvesr> sandro: you can put the metadata in the default graph

Sandro Hawke: you can put the metadata in the default graph

12:21:50 <pchampin> ... but some people argued that the default graph is not more assertive than named graphs

Pierre-Antoine Champin: ... but some people argued that the default graph is not more assertive than named graphs

12:21:58 <AndyS> (no different from situation for an RDF graph as far as I can see)

Andy Seaborne: (no different from situation for an RDF graph as far as I can see)

12:22:06 <yvesr> sandro: it would be nice to have a standard place - and what about metadata about metadata? who is the author of the author of the trig annotation?

Sandro Hawke: it would be nice to have a standard place - and what about metadata about metadata? who is the author of the author of the trig annotation?

12:22:07 <cygri> AndyS++

Richard Cyganiak: AndyS++

12:22:29 <yvesr> sandro: which graph has the metadata in it?

Sandro Hawke: which graph has the metadata in it?

12:22:40 <pchampin> @Andy: well, if you chose to believe an RDF file, you have to believe what it says about itself

Pierre-Antoine Champin: @Andy: well, if you chose to believe an RDF file, you have to believe what it says about itself

12:22:51 <iand> q?

Ian Davis: q?

12:22:51 <mischat> shouldn't this sit in a Linked Data primer or similar

Mischa Tuffield: shouldn't this sit in a Linked Data primer or similar

12:22:52 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:22:58 <gavinc> +q to respond

Gavin Carothers: +q to respond

12:23:00 <yvesr> sandro: it seems like it would fail when you're carrying someone else's metadata

Sandro Hawke: it seems like it would fail when you're carrying someone else's metadata

12:23:13 <AlexHall> (MIT discussion re metadata graphs described with special rdf:types...)

Alex Hall: (MIT discussion re metadata graphs described with special rdf:types...)

12:23:38 <swh> <G#meta> { <> dc:subject <G> ; a :MetadataGraph } … or something

Steve Harris: <G#meta> { <> dc:subject <G> ; a :MetadataGraph } … or something

12:23:56 <ivan> q?

Ivan Herman: q?

12:23:59 <LeeF> LeeF: In Anzo, we have "metadata graphs" that give metadata about the graphs. We can also use it to give metadata about datasets, which are first-class objects (i.e. with URIs, etc.) in Anzo

Lee Feigenbaum: In Anzo, we have "metadata graphs" that give metadata about the graphs. We can also use it to give metadata about datasets, which are first-class objects (i.e. with URIs, etc.) in Anzo [ Scribe Assist by Lee Feigenbaum ]

12:24:05 <ivan> ack AndyS

Ivan Herman: ack AndyS

12:24:18 <yvesr> AndyS: about ian's phrasing, i'd change the word 'standard'

Andy Seaborne: about ian's phrasing, i'd change the word 'standard'

12:24:29 <yvesr> AndyS: we'll write a 'practice and experience' note - non-normative

Andy Seaborne: we'll write a 'practice and experience' note - non-normative

12:24:34 <mischat> +1 to AndyS

Mischa Tuffield: +1 to AndyS

12:24:46 <zwu2> +1 AndyS

Zhe Wu: +1 AndyS

12:24:50 <LeeF> swh, yes, that's very much what we do

Lee Feigenbaum: swh, yes, that's very much what we do

12:24:59 <sandro> If it's not a standard, then ...   how does it work?

Sandro Hawke: If it's not a standard, then ... how does it work?

12:25:01 <swh> LeeF, ditto

Steve Harris: LeeF, ditto

12:25:03 <yvesr> danbri: convention?

Dan Brickley: convention?

12:25:09 <tlebo>  awww:identifying a GraphContainer in a TRiG file using fragment identifiers? e.g. http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/666e284870cc/ontology/components/NamedGraph/named-graph-topics.trig#http%3A//www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card

Tim Lebo: awww:identifying a GraphContainer in a TRiG file using fragment identifiers? e.g. http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/666e284870cc/ontology/components/NamedGraph/named-graph-topics.trig#http%3A//www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card

12:25:10 <yvesr> AndyS: best practice would work for me

Andy Seaborne: best practice would work for me

12:25:13 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

12:25:24 <ivan> (what was also said) maybe defining Classes so that rdf:type could be used

Ivan Herman: (what was also said) maybe defining Classes so that rdf:type could be used

12:25:26 <davidwood> In Callimachus, we assign a URI to each data "file" when loaded, thus making a named graph from it.  Anyone can upload metadata about a named graph by referring to its URI.  Therefore, our approach is similar conceptually to LeeF's.

David Wood: In Callimachus, we assign a URI to each data "file" when loaded, thus making a named graph from it. Anyone can upload metadata about a named graph by referring to its URI. Therefore, our approach is similar conceptually to LeeF's.

12:25:29 <iand> i think we could define a class for this type of dataset. that's all we need

Ian Davis: i think we could define a class for this type of dataset. that's all we need

12:25:50 <yvesr> danbri: named graphs give you technical partition of your data - not social partition - you need out of band information

Dan Brickley: named graphs give you technical partition of your data - not social partition - you need out of band information

12:26:03 <ivan> iand, or a class for this type of (n,G) association, not the whole dataset

Ivan Herman: iand, or a class for this type of (n,G) association, not the whole dataset

12:26:06 <yvesr> danbri: i hope this best practice note tackles that

Dan Brickley: i hope this best practice note tackles that

12:26:06 <pchampin> q?

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q?

12:26:07 <LeeF> davidwood, do you do anything different do if you're loading a trig file that defines multiple graphs?

Lee Feigenbaum: davidwood, do you do anything different do if you're loading a trig file that defines multiple graphs?

12:26:14 <davidwood> yes

David Wood: yes

12:26:23 <davidwood> We make multiple graphs

David Wood: We make multiple graphs

12:26:34 <ivan> q?

Ivan Herman: q?

12:26:34 <sandro> q+ to say danbri, can't you build that with a vocabulary on top of IdentifiedGraphs ?

Sandro Hawke: q+ to say danbri, can't you build that with a vocabulary on top of IdentifiedGraphs ?

12:26:37 <ivan> ack davidwood

Ivan Herman: ack davidwood

12:26:41 <yvesr> danbri: we haven't shown the way on how to make the most of sparql, including this social use-case

Dan Brickley: we haven't shown the way on how to make the most of sparql, including this social use-case

12:26:43 <danbri> sandro, yes, we can do.

Dan Brickley: sandro, yes, we can do.

12:26:44 <ivan> ack danbri

Ivan Herman: ack danbri

12:26:44 <Zakim> danbri, you wanted to argue for the social use case too (swh mentioned...)

Zakim IRC Bot: danbri, you wanted to argue for the social use case too (swh mentioned...)

12:26:48 <ivan> ack gavinc

Ivan Herman: ack gavinc

12:26:48 <Zakim> gavinc, you wanted to respond

Zakim IRC Bot: gavinc, you wanted to respond

12:26:49 <pchampin> @danbri: but then, whouldn't it be nice to have this "out of band" information in RDF?

Pierre-Antoine Champin: @danbri: but then, whouldn't it be nice to have this "out of band" information in RDF?

12:27:07 <danbri> (...just arguing that the use case is at least as important as the 'what url i got it from' use case which we've spent hours talking about in various forms)

Dan Brickley: (...just arguing that the use case is at least as important as the 'what url i got it from' use case which we've spent hours talking about in various forms)

12:27:13 <danbri> (possibly more important, ultimately)

Dan Brickley: (possibly more important, ultimately)

12:27:19 <yvesr> gavinc: about AndyS's proposal of just adding a triple to a trig file - which graph does that go in?

Gavin Carothers: about AndyS's proposal of just adding a triple to a trig file - which graph does that go in?

12:27:28 <danbri> (since so much data will be acquired transactionally, e.g. oauth'd)

Dan Brickley: (since so much data will be acquired transactionally, e.g. oauth'd)

12:27:40 <iand> in http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html#section-multigraph we define RDF Dataset and we could also define an RDF Denoting Dataset to be an RDF Dataset where the graph names denote the graphs

Ian Davis: in http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html#section-multigraph we define RDF Dataset and we could also define an RDF Denoting Dataset to be an RDF Dataset where the graph names denote the graphs

12:27:44 <yvesr> gavinc: maybe that is enough

Gavin Carothers: maybe that is enough

12:27:57 <yvesr> gavinc: but if we're all doing it, there should be common practices

Gavin Carothers: but if we're all doing it, there should be common practices

12:28:08 <Guus> wonder whether we can get a straw polln a revised phrasing

Guus Schreiber: wonder whether we can get a straw polln a revised phrasing

12:28:11 <sandro> +1 iands, not sure about the name "Denoting", but yes.

Sandro Hawke: +1 iands, not sure about the name "Denoting", but yes.

12:28:16 <yvesr> gavinc: right now, i have no idea how that works

Gavin Carothers: right now, i have no idea how that works

12:28:19 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:28:34 <cygri> iand, that would rather have to go into RDF Semantics i think

Richard Cyganiak: iand, that would rather have to go into RDF Semantics i think

12:28:42 <yvesr> AndyS: i don't care how the triple goes - it is an assertion, it could go in many different places

Andy Seaborne: i don't care how the triple goes - it is an assertion, it could go in many different places

12:29:03 <gavinc> thanks AndyS

Gavin Carothers: thanks AndyS

12:29:07 <ivan> ack sandro

Ivan Herman: ack sandro

12:29:07 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to say danbri, can't you build that with a vocabulary on top of IdentifiedGraphs ?

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to say danbri, can't you build that with a vocabulary on top of IdentifiedGraphs ?

12:29:19 <yvesr> Guus: are we nearing a point where we can put a modified strawpoll?

Guus Schreiber: are we nearing a point where we can put a modified strawpoll?

12:29:35 <yvesr> sandro: AndyS, I don't think that works - we need an assertive metadata format

Sandro Hawke: AndyS, I don't think that works - we need an assertive metadata format

12:29:47 <yvesr> sandro: TriG files carry stuff they're not asserting

Sandro Hawke: TriG files carry stuff they're not asserting

12:29:51 <yvesr> cygri: where does this come from?

Richard Cyganiak: where does this come from?

12:29:57 <iand> cygri: we use denotes in RDF Concepts

Richard Cyganiak: we use denotes in RDF Concepts [ Scribe Assist by Ian Davis ]

12:30:06 <yvesr> cygri: i wrote that spec, and it doesn't say anything in that respect

Richard Cyganiak: i wrote that spec, and it doesn't say anything in that respect

12:30:28 <AndyS> sandro - can you point to concrete text that lead you to that conclusion?

Andy Seaborne: sandro - can you point to concrete text that lead you to that conclusion?

12:30:44 <tlebo> what happened to <> ?

Tim Lebo: what happened to <> ?

12:30:49 <AlexHall> 3 options for describing a dataset: (1) conventions for special naming or typing of metadata graphs, (2) add a fifth column, (3) reify the dataset

Alex Hall: 3 options for describing a dataset: (1) conventions for special naming or typing of metadata graphs, (2) add a fifth column, (3) reify the dataset

12:31:11 <yvesr> danbri: i agree this is a useful use case

Sandro Hawke: danbri,: i agree this is a useful use case

12:31:22 <yvesr> s/danbri/sandro: danbri,/
12:31:44 <sandro> STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate when their the "name" IRIs in their dataset both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.

STRAWPOLL: We should write some text about for people to indicate when their the "name" IRIs in their dataset both refers to and awww:identifies the "graph", really a GraphContainer.

12:31:50 <danbri> standards-based; ...

Dan Brickley: standards-based; ...

12:31:51 <yvesr> sandro: perhaps we could phrase it by saying 'somebody' should

Sandro Hawke: perhaps we could phrase it by saying 'somebody' should

12:32:14 <danbri> ... sparql-queriable, rdf-describable, ... conventions/  best practice, ...

Dan Brickley: ... sparql-queriable, rdf-describable, ... conventions/ best practice, ...

12:32:30 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

12:32:35 <AndyS> s/provide a standard way/write some text about/
12:33:30 <danbri> swh 'because there are so many, and there are so incredibly complex, it takes us a lot to describe and ... ... this one is a weird special case'

Dan Brickley: swh 'because there are so many, and there are so incredibly complex, it takes us a lot to describe and ... ... this one is a weird special case'

12:33:36 <NickH> +1 to swh

Nicholas Humfrey: +1 to swh

12:34:20 <sandro> AndyS, that s/// will alter the scribe record --- changing my proposed strawpoll !

Sandro Hawke: AndyS, that s/// will alter the scribe record --- changing my proposed strawpoll !

12:34:36 <ivan> STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs in their dataset both behave, such as when it awww:indentifies the graph, really a container

STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs in their dataset both behave, such as when it awww:indentifies the graph, really a container

12:35:04 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

12:35:06 <tlebo> any third party should be able to refer to another's GraphContainer, regardless of what the GraphContainer 'owner' offers.

Tim Lebo: any third party should be able to refer to another's GraphContainer, regardless of what the GraphContainer 'owner' offers.

12:35:10 <yvesr> sandro: i am ok with that

Sandro Hawke: i am ok with that

12:35:23 <yvesr> Guus: it opens for conventions we document, and conventions we don't document

Guus Schreiber: it opens for conventions we document, and conventions we don't document

12:35:38 <ivan> STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs in their dataset behave, such as when it aww:identifies the graph (really a container)

STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate how the 'name' IRIs in their dataset behave, such as when it aww:identifies the graph (really a container)

12:35:44 <iand> q+

Ian Davis: q+

12:35:59 <ivan> ack cygri

Ivan Herman: ack cygri

12:36:00 <MacTed> s/their 'name'/the 'name'/
12:36:15 <yvesr> cygri: i think this idea of indicating how they do it in their dataset is a waste of time

Richard Cyganiak: i think this idea of indicating how they do it in their dataset is a waste of time

12:36:20 <yvesr> cygri: it just doesn't work

Richard Cyganiak: it just doesn't work

12:36:32 <danbri> e.g. suggest something like: "Should provide RDF-based mechanisms and best practice documentation techniques, to share additional meta-information about collections of RDF graphs, including but not limited to a) info about how IRIs relate to the content they're associated with; b) data grouping technqiues that are more social than technical (eg. 'information from colleagues').'

Dan Brickley: e.g. suggest something like: "Should provide RDF-based mechanisms and best practice documentation techniques, to share additional meta-information about collections of RDF graphs, including but not limited to a) info about how IRIs relate to the content they're associated with; b) data grouping technqiues that are more social than technical (eg. 'information from colleagues').'

12:36:45 <yvesr> cygri: there's nothing that encourages people to get that triple right

Richard Cyganiak: there's nothing that encourages people to get that triple right

12:36:56 <yvesr> cygri: nothing bad happens when you get it wrong

Richard Cyganiak: nothing bad happens when you get it wrong

12:37:02 <iand> q-

Ian Davis: q-

12:37:06 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

12:37:21 <sandro> cygri: This is a waste of time -- it just doesn't work.   There is nothing that encourages people to get the triple right.     Unless there is some Sandro-best-practice person running around....

Richard Cyganiak: This is a waste of time -- it just doesn't work. There is nothing that encourages people to get the triple right. Unless there is some Sandro-best-practice person running around.... [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

12:38:22 <AndyS> +1 to danbri suggestion. /me concerned about "standard" ==> else it's not a dataset.

Andy Seaborne: +1 to danbri suggestion. /me concerned about "standard" ==> else it's not a dataset.

12:38:39 <cygri> yvesr, yes that's what pedantic web did, and it doesn't scale

Richard Cyganiak: yvesr, yes that's what pedantic web did, and it doesn't scale

12:38:43 <iand> i disagree that it is a waste of time, lots of data is wrong but that doesn't mean we should prevent people from writing data

Ian Davis: i disagree that it is a waste of time, lots of data is wrong but that doesn't mean we should prevent people from writing data

12:38:48 <sandro> sandro: Yeah, my main point is that it's beneficial

Sandro Hawke: Yeah, my main point is that it's beneficial [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

12:38:54 <yvesr> cygri, agreed, but trying to standardise the relationship won't work as well

cygri, agreed, but trying to standardise the relationship won't work as well

12:38:54 <ivan> +1 to iand

Ivan Herman: +1 to iand

12:38:58 <yvesr> cygri, we'll never get it right

cygri, we'll never get it right

12:39:04 <gavinc> +1 to iand

Gavin Carothers: +1 to iand

12:39:14 <swh> danbri's suggestion seems more plausible

Steve Harris: danbri's suggestion seems more plausible

12:39:29 <cygri> yvesr, i think it's useful to document this convention as a good practice. that's all

Richard Cyganiak: yvesr, i think it's useful to document this convention as a good practice. that's all

12:39:46 <swh> I strongly don't feel it's good practice

Steve Harris: I strongly don't feel it's good practice

12:39:52 <yvesr> cygri, but what is the convention? i am not even sure we agree on that

cygri, but what is the convention? i am not even sure we agree on that

12:40:00 <swh> its one possible way to hold data, but it's not even the best one

Steve Harris: its one possible way to hold data, but it's not even the best one

12:40:05 <yvesr> swh, +1

swh, +1

12:40:26 <cygri> yvesr, the convention is what sandro said

Richard Cyganiak: yvesr, the convention is what sandro said

12:40:32 <sandro> STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to have data-providers using "Referring-IRI" datasets, and for data-consumers to get an indication of whether the data-provider claims to be doing so.

STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to have data-providers using "Referring-IRI" datasets, and for data-consumers to get an indication of whether the data-provider claims to be doing so.

12:40:42 <yvesr> swh, or at least not the only way

swh, or at least not the only way

12:40:52 <danbri> -1

Dan Brickley: -1

12:40:54 <cygri> -1

Richard Cyganiak: -1

12:40:55 <swh> -1

Steve Harris: -1

12:41:00 <tlebo> q?

Tim Lebo: q?

12:41:00 <iand> -1

Ian Davis: -1

12:41:10 <danbri> Lots of things are useful to some people. but this has an advocacy feel.

Dan Brickley: Lots of things are useful to some people. but this has an advocacy feel.

12:41:29 <iand> (13:34:42) ivan: STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs in their dataset both behave, such as when it awww:indentifies the graph, really a container

Ian Davis: (13:34:42) ivan: STRAWPOLL: We should provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs in their dataset both behave, such as when it awww:indentifies the graph, really a container

12:41:41 <tlebo> The fact is, these things already implicitly exist - it's not a special case. It's universal!

Tim Lebo: The fact is, these things already implicitly exist - it's not a special case. It's universal!

12:42:29 <danbri> for me the issue is granularity ---

Dan Brickley: for me the issue is granularity ---

12:42:30 <tlebo> The (myriad, nuanced) relationships among anybody's GraphContainers should be described in RDF - and they should choose the vocabulary they want to describe those associations.

Tim Lebo: The (myriad, nuanced) relationships among anybody's GraphContainers should be described in RDF - and they should choose the vocabulary they want to describe those associations.

12:42:33 <sandro>  STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to have data-providers using type-2 datasets, and for data-consumers to get an indication of whether the data-provider claims to be doing so.

Sandro Hawke: STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to have data-providers using type-2 datasets, and for data-consumers to get an indication of whether the data-provider claims to be doing so.

12:42:35 <AndyS> alt -- "the WG writes up several usage scenarios " (so can say when to use and when not to)

Andy Seaborne: alt -- "the WG writes up several usage scenarios " (so can say when to use and when not to)

12:42:48 <tlebo> so, all we need is A WAY to reference anybody's GraphContainers.

Tim Lebo: so, all we need is A WAY to reference anybody's GraphContainers.

12:42:52 <danbri> in my stores some named graphs are referring IRIs, some are transactional, and there are RDF-describable links (derrivation, pipelines, etc) between them

Dan Brickley: in my stores some named graphs are referring IRIs, some are transactional, and there are RDF-describable links (derrivation, pipelines, etc) between them

12:42:59 <danbri> (inference even, on occasion)

Dan Brickley: (inference even, on occasion)

12:43:24 <yvesr> danbri, +1

danbri, +1

12:43:25 <ivan> STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs behave, such as when it awww:indentifies the graph, really a container

STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to provide a standard way for people to indicate how their 'name' IRIs behave, such as when it awww:indentifies the graph, really a container

12:43:36 <cygri> -1

Richard Cyganiak: -1

12:43:38 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

12:43:43 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

12:43:48 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

12:43:52 <danbri> 'behave' is a little anthroporphic, but sure +1

Dan Brickley: 'behave' is a little anthroporphic, but sure +1

12:43:55 <gavinc> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

12:43:56 <pfps> -epsilon

Peter Patel-Schneider: -epsilon

12:44:08 <yvesr> cygri: we should document patterns and conventions, *not* find a standard way

Richard Cyganiak: we should document patterns and conventions, *not* find a standard way

12:44:13 <davidwood> +0

David Wood: +0

12:44:13 <danbri> thought i think there is too much bias towards this specific use case, so i'll repeat

Dan Brickley: thought i think there is too much bias towards this specific use case, so i'll repeat

12:44:15 <danbri> [13:36] <danbri> e.g. suggest something like: "Should provide RDF-based mechanisms and best practice documentation techniques, to share additional meta-information about collections of RDF graphs, including but not limited to a) info about how IRIs relate to the content they're associated with; b) data grouping technqiues that are more social than technical (eg. 'information from colleagues').'

Dan Brickley: [13:36] <danbri> e.g. suggest something like: "Should provide RDF-based mechanisms and best practice documentation techniques, to share additional meta-information about collections of RDF graphs, including but not limited to a) info about how IRIs relate to the content they're associated with; b) data grouping technqiues that are more social than technical (eg. 'information from colleagues').'

12:44:16 <tlebo> ALL WE NEED is a way to reference anybody else's GraphContainer. Leave the rest to RDF.

Tim Lebo: ALL WE NEED is a way to reference anybody else's GraphContainer. Leave the rest to RDF.

12:44:17 <LeeF> 0

Lee Feigenbaum: 0

12:44:21 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

12:44:25 <yvesr> cygri: we don't have any interest at all documenting all others

Richard Cyganiak: we don't have any interest at all documenting all others

12:44:32 <davidwood> +1 to cygri

David Wood: +1 to cygri

12:44:44 <yvesr> Guus: it would be useful to document best practice conventions to document how their named IRIs behave

Guus Schreiber: it would be useful to document best practice conventions to document how their named IRIs behave

12:44:49 <iand> i think we have no consensus on even whether this is useful :(

Ian Davis: i think we have no consensus on even whether this is useful :(

12:45:01 <yvesr> cygri: it would be useful to document this one particular convention for using names

Richard Cyganiak: it would be useful to document this one particular convention for using names

12:45:09 <danbri> cygri, I want to be able to sparql a store for subset of its content that is (per some notion of) 'stuff from/by Richard ...'

Dan Brickley: cygri, I want to be able to sparql a store for subset of its content that is (per some notion of) 'stuff from/by Richard ...'

12:45:10 <sandro> I just want to know what   <t> { <t> <p> <o> }   means.   :-/

Sandro Hawke: I just want to know what <t> { <t> <p> <o> } means. :-/

12:45:17 <davidwood> +1 to danbri's proposal

David Wood: +1 to danbri's proposal

12:45:18 <yvesr> swh: i like danbri's suggestion from earlier

Steve Harris: i like danbri's suggestion from earlier

12:45:30 <yvesr> danbri: i want to go to my store, and get all the stuff from cygri

Dan Brickley: i want to go to my store, and get all the stuff from cygri

12:45:30 <tlebo> This isn't an opt-in thing, it ALREADY is. We just need a way to reference other's GraphContainers.

Tim Lebo: This isn't an opt-in thing, it ALREADY is. We just need a way to reference other's GraphContainers.

12:45:32 <iand> so we are saying we don't agree that it's useful for people to be able to describe their named graphs identifiers

Ian Davis: so we are saying we don't agree that it's useful for people to be able to describe the purpose of their named graph identifiers

12:45:32 <AndyS> sandro - Pat's proposal/idea?

Andy Seaborne: sandro - Pat's proposal/idea?

12:45:34 <MacTed> maybe maybe maybe...

Ted Thibodeau: maybe maybe maybe...

12:45:34 <MacTed> STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to have a standard way for people to indicate how the 'name' IRIs in their dataset behave, e.g., whether they awww:indentifies the graph (really a container), or when they only "refer to" the graph, or both

STRAWPOLL: It would be useful to have a standard way for people to indicate how the 'name' IRIs in their dataset behave, e.g., whether they awww:indentifies the graph (really a container), or when they only "refer to" the graph, or both

12:45:45 <danbri> i'm ok with guus's "behaves"; it addresses my use case

Dan Brickley: i'm ok with guus's "behaves"; it addresses my use case

12:45:51 <gavinc> q?

Gavin Carothers: q?

12:45:54 <sandro> AndyS, I haven't read the whole thread, but probably.

Sandro Hawke: AndyS, I haven't read the whole thread, but probably.

12:45:58 <iand> s/describe their named graphs/describe the purpose of their named graph/
12:46:15 <tlebo> RDF handle the "zillion" cases - just give me a URI!

Tim Lebo: RDF handle the "zillion" cases - just give me a URI!

12:46:32 <cygri> -1 to "best practice"

Richard Cyganiak: -1 to "best practice"

12:46:51 <zwu2> how about good practice?

Zhe Wu: how about good practice?

12:46:52 <tlebo> q?

Tim Lebo: q?

12:47:02 <cygri> zwu2, just "practice"?

Richard Cyganiak: zwu2, just "practice"?

12:47:06 <gavinc> okay, webarch conforming practice?

Gavin Carothers: okay, webarch conforming practice?

12:47:29 <yvesr> sandro: we don't have a consensus on any compromise

Sandro Hawke: we don't have a consensus on any compromise

12:47:44 <yvesr> sandro: it makes no sense to have a uri denote multiple things

Sandro Hawke: it makes no sense to have a uri denote multiple things

12:47:57 <swh> q+

Steve Harris: q+

12:48:00 <pfps> yes, but what do URIs name/denote?

Peter Patel-Schneider: yes, but what do URIs name/denote?

12:48:10 <sandro> resources.

Sandro Hawke: resources.

12:48:26 <pfps> sure, but we've had that since 2004

Peter Patel-Schneider: sure, but we've had that since 2004

12:48:39 <danbri> sandro: "it was a small step in the right direction" [...] [...] [...] [...]

Sandro Hawke: "it was a small step in the right direction" [...] [...] [...] [...] [ Scribe Assist by Dan Brickley ]

12:48:44 <tlebo> sd:name rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterm:identifier    ---- handles the "oops, we aren't using URIs properly"

Souripriya Das: name rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterm:identifier ---- handles the "oops, we aren't using URIs properly" [ Scribe Assist by Tim Lebo ]

12:48:48 <yvesr> Guus: sandro, you started to say it's a small step in the rght direction

Guus Schreiber: sandro, you started to say it's a small step in the rght direction

12:49:01 <yvesr> danbri: would you object to such a small step?

Dan Brickley: would you object to such a small step?

12:49:28 <AndyS> q?

Andy Seaborne: q?

12:49:42 <yvesr> swh: i don't understand sandro's logical leap

Steve Harris: i don't understand sandro's logical leap

12:49:46 <sandro> sandro: (big rant a minute ago)   It's kind of absurd to use IRIs as merely labels.

Sandro Hawke: (big rant a minute ago) It's kind of absurd to use IRIs as merely labels. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

12:49:56 <gavinc> huh?

Gavin Carothers: huh?

12:49:59 <yvesr> swh: there's no relation between having a uri denote a graph or a thing

Steve Harris: there's no relation between having a uri denote a graph or a thing

12:50:00 <AndyS> Is this not what RDF does? Describe things?

Andy Seaborne: Is this not what RDF does? Describe things?

12:50:00 <Guus> ack swh

Guus Schreiber: ack swh

12:50:13 <yvesr> sandro: an IRI should both identify and refer

Sandro Hawke: an IRI should both identify and refer

12:50:20 <danbri> sandro, they're being used properly, just that there is a missing column for relationship type

Dan Brickley: sandro, they're being used properly, just that there is a missing column for relationship type

12:50:21 <cygri> STRAWPOLL: The WG will non-normatively document a particular convention for using datasets, where in <u,G> the URI is denotes a graph container and G is the state of the container.

STRAWPOLL: The WG will non-normatively document a particular convention for using datasets, where in <u,G> the URI is denotes a graph container and G is the state of the container.

12:50:24 <yvesr> sandro: in SPARQL, graph URIs are not used that way - i think that's a problem

Sandro Hawke: in SPARQL, graph URIs are not used that way - i think that's a problem

12:50:26 <iand> Ivan's strawpoll had the most votes. i propose we re-vote on that strawpoll and move on

Ian Davis: Ivan's strawpoll had the most votes. i propose we re-vote on that strawpoll and move on

12:50:39 <yvesr> sandro: i don't want to standardise new things that build on that problem

Sandro Hawke: i don't want to standardise new things that build on that problem

12:50:45 <danbri> q+ to suggest thinking of this as a missing 5th column

Dan Brickley: q+ to suggest thinking of this as a missing 5th column

12:50:51 <tlebo> INSERT { GRAPH ?s {} } ===>    :my_s sd:name ?s; !owl:sameAs ?s .

Tim Lebo: INSERT { GRAPH ?s {} } ===> :my_s sd:name ?s; !owl:sameAs ?s .

12:50:54 <AndyS> q?

Andy Seaborne: q?

12:50:54 <yvesr> sandro: if you want another relationship, it's not an IRI

Sandro Hawke: if you want another relationship, it's not an IRI

12:50:57 <tlebo> INSERT { GRAPH ?s {} } ===>    :my_s sd:name ?s; !owl: sameAs ?s .

Tim Lebo: INSERT { GRAPH ?s {} } ===> :my_s sd:name ?s; !owl: sameAs ?s .

12:51:00 <cygri> q+ to propose new wording

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to propose new wording

12:51:08 <Guus> ack pchampin

Guus Schreiber: ack pchampin

12:51:28 <danbri> zakim, please mute america

Dan Brickley: zakim, please mute america

12:51:28 <Zakim> sorry, danbri, I do not know which phone connection belongs to america

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, danbri, I do not know which phone connection belongs to america

12:51:38 <cygri> zakim, apply electroshock to sandro and david

Richard Cyganiak: zakim, apply electroshock to sandro and david

12:51:44 <Zakim> I don't understand 'apply electroshock to sandro and david', cygri

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'apply electroshock to sandro and david', cygri

12:51:46 <danbri> zakim, please mute mit_meeting_room

Dan Brickley: zakim, please mute mit_meeting_room

12:51:46 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room should now be muted

12:52:01 <tlebo> Zakim: Sorry, danbri, I don't recognize "america".
12:52:04 <danbri> call us back when you've stopped chatting

Dan Brickley: call us back when you've stopped chatting

12:52:14 <danbri> zakim, unmute mit_meeting_room

Dan Brickley: zakim, unmute mit_meeting_room

12:52:14 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room should no longer be muted

12:52:28 <gavinc> geee, I think it's break time?

Gavin Carothers: geee, I think it's break time?

12:52:40 <yvesr> gavinc, +1 :)

gavinc, +1 :)

12:52:40 <cygri> q?

Richard Cyganiak: q?

12:53:15 <yvesr> pchampin: i wanted to answer to cygri's concerns -  i think the idea is to providing a framework enabling to specify those practices

Pierre-Antoine Champin: i wanted to answer to cygri's concerns - i think the idea is to providing a framework enabling to specify those practices

12:53:23 <NickH> zakim, BBC has Guus thomas swh ivan

Nicholas Humfrey: zakim, BBC has Guus thomas swh ivan

12:53:23 <yvesr> pchampin: not to define a fixed set of practices

Pierre-Antoine Champin: not to define a fixed set of practices

12:53:25 <Zakim> +Guus, thomas, swh, ivan; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Guus, thomas, swh, ivan; got it

12:53:42 <AndyS> Does "document good practices" work for people?

Andy Seaborne: Does "document good practices" work for people?

12:53:44 <yvesr> pchampin: danbri's use case fit perfectly into that

Pierre-Antoine Champin: danbri's use case fit perfectly into that

12:53:59 <davidwood> I propose to discuss Pat's Context of Use suggestion, which is a better way (IMO) to address these concerns.

David Wood: I propose to discuss Pat's Context of Use suggestion, which is a better way (IMO) to address these concerns.

12:54:03 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:54:26 <yvesr> pchampin: this proposal is to connect the dots - being able to write the right query for scoping all graphs written by X

Pierre-Antoine Champin: this proposal is to connect the dots - being able to write the right query for scoping all graphs written by X

12:54:37 <sandro> +1 graph literals are at least understandable and well-defined.

Sandro Hawke: +1 graph literals are at least understandable and well-defined.

12:54:39 <tlebo> INSERT { GRAPH ?s {} } ===> :my_s sd:name ?s; skos:broader ?s; dcterms:identifier ?s . (SOME SPARQL endpoints may pretend ?s owl:sameAs :my_s )

Tim Lebo: INSERT { GRAPH ?s {} } ===> :my_s sd:name ?s; skos:broader ?s; dcterms:identifier ?s . (SOME SPARQL endpoints may pretend ?s owl:sameAs :my_s )

12:54:40 <ivan> ack danbri

Ivan Herman: ack danbri

12:54:40 <Zakim> danbri, you wanted to suggest thinking of this as a missing 5th column

Zakim IRC Bot: danbri, you wanted to suggest thinking of this as a missing 5th column

12:54:44 <Souri> +1 to discussing Pat's CoU suggestion

Souripriya Das: +1 to discussing Pat's CoU suggestion

12:54:51 <mischat> this seems similar to the discussion about how a "<> a foaf:Person . " is not the right thing™ - but RDF doesn't forbid it.

Mischa Tuffield: this seems similar to the discussion about how a "<> a foaf:Person . " is not the right thing™ - but RDF doesn't forbid it.

12:55:05 <pfps> the 64bit question is just what "properly" means here.

Peter Patel-Schneider: the 64bit question is just what "properly" means here.

12:55:31 <yvesr> danbri: we introduced a 4th column to specify a graph, we should have had a 5th column to explain how we use the 4th one

Dan Brickley: we introduced a 4th column to specify a graph, we should have had a 5th column to explain how we use the 4th one

12:55:35 <tlebo> +1 to fifth column == context

Tim Lebo: +1 to fifth column == context

12:55:38 <swh> sandro, can you explain [possibly offline] what you think awww:identifies means? Because my unders�ta�nding is like davidwood's

Steve Harris: sandro, can you explain [possibly offline] what you think awww:identifies means? Because my unders�ta�nding is like davidwood's

12:55:48 <iand> what about the context of the context?

Ian Davis: what about the context of the context?

12:55:56 <ivan> ack cygri

Ivan Herman: ack cygri

12:55:56 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to propose new wording

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to propose new wording

12:55:58 <yvesr> danbri: we're not doing anything wrong - we're just missing information - a manifest file, a sitemap, anything...

Dan Brickley: we're not doing anything wrong - we're just missing information - a manifest file, a sitemap, anything...

12:56:09 <danbri> yvesr s/should/could/

Dan Brickley: yvesr s/should/could/

12:56:10 <tlebo> (but not actually *having* the fifth column)

Tim Lebo: (but not actually *having* the fifth column)

12:56:14 <sandro> +1 danbri       we're missing some information about the fourth column relates

Sandro Hawke: +1 danbri we're missing some information about the fourth column relates

12:56:36 <cygri> STRAWPOLL: The WG will non-normatively document one particular convention for using datasets, where in <u,G> the URI is denotes a graph container and G is the state of the container.

STRAWPOLL: The WG will non-normatively document at least one particular convention for using datasets, where in <u,G> the URI is denotes a graph container and G is the state of the container.

12:56:41 <yvesr> sandro: i agree with danbri

Sandro Hawke: i agree with danbri

12:57:18 <sandro> +0.5 I'm fine with us documenting, but that doesn't solve my problem

Sandro Hawke: +0.5 I'm fine with us documenting, but that doesn't solve my problem

12:57:38 <iand> cygri: that is the opposite to Pat's email where he suggested URIs identify graph containers and denote graphs

Richard Cyganiak: that is the opposite to Pat's email where he suggested URIs identify graph containers and denote graphs [ Scribe Assist by Ian Davis ]

12:57:40 <yvesr> danbri, well, we have a framework for asserting things about the 4th column :)

danbri, well, we have a framework for asserting things about the 4th column :)

12:57:44 <yvesr> danbri, RDF :)

danbri, RDF :)

12:57:54 <danbri> s/document one/document at least one/
12:58:03 <zwu2> +1 bettern than no convention

Zhe Wu: +1 bettern than no convention

12:58:07 <yvesr> cygri: i mean it in the sense that you can expect to dereference u and get the grah

Richard Cyganiak: i mean it in the sense that you can expect to dereference u and get the grah

12:58:23 <danbri> q+

Dan Brickley: q+

12:58:26 <sandro> +1 yes, it's a decent step in the right direction.

Sandro Hawke: +1 yes, it's a decent step in the right direction.

12:58:35 <ivan> ack danbri

Ivan Herman: ack danbri

12:58:36 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

12:58:44 <yvesr> danbri: cygri, what's the granularity of your proposal?

Dan Brickley: cygri, what's the granularity of your proposal?

12:58:47 <yvesr> cygri: datasets

Richard Cyganiak: datasets

12:58:56 <cygri> STRAWPOLL: The WG will non-normatively document one particular convention for using datasets, where in <u,G> the URI denotes+awww:identifies a graph container and G is the state of the container.

STRAWPOLL: sandro will non-normatively document one particular convention for using datasets, where in <u,G> the URI denotes+awww:identifies a graph container and G is the state of the container.

12:59:05 <tlebo> Everyone else can go beyond "this particular case", iif you give them URIs to reference others' GraphContainers.

Tim Lebo: Everyone else can go beyond "this particular case", iif you give them URIs to reference others' GraphContainers.

12:59:10 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

12:59:12 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

12:59:12 <danbri> +1

Dan Brickley: +1

12:59:17 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

12:59:17 <Guus> +1

Guus Schreiber: +1

12:59:18 <swh> +0.1

Steve Harris: +0.1

12:59:19 <zwu2> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

12:59:23 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

12:59:25 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

12:59:26 <LeeF> 0

Lee Feigenbaum: 0

12:59:26 <yvesr> +1, but we should strill provide a framework to document other cases

+1, but we should still provide a framework to document other cases

12:59:28 <sandro> +1 it's a step in the right driections .   we still need graph literals or good semantics for TriG.

Sandro Hawke: +1 it's a step in the right driections . we still need graph literals or good semantics for TriG.

12:59:28 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

12:59:30 <mischat> 0

Mischa Tuffield: 0

12:59:33 <AlexHall> +0.5

Alex Hall: +0.5

12:59:34 <yvesr> s/strill/still
12:59:35 <pfps> =0 because of "denotes"

Peter Patel-Schneider: =0 because of "denotes"

12:59:45 <NickH> 0

Nicholas Humfrey: 0

12:59:57 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

12:59:58 <pfps> 0 because of smilies

Peter Patel-Schneider: 0 because of smilies

13:00:00 <Souri> 0 (state => snapshot?)

Souripriya Das: 0 (state => snapshot?)

13:00:02 <gavinc> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

13:00:06 <pfps> 0 because of "denotes"

Peter Patel-Schneider: 0 because of "denotes"

13:00:34 <cygri> s/The WG/sandro/?
13:00:34 <danbri> it's a good thing to do

Dan Brickley: it's a good thing to do

13:01:07 <pfps> WG activities are not a zero-sum game, so adding work may positively affect other work.

Peter Patel-Schneider: WG activities are not a zero-sum game, so adding work may positively affect other work.

13:01:15 <danbri> ( and s'ing 'sandro' back to 'the wg' won't fix things )

Dan Brickley: ( and s'ing 'sandro' back to 'the wg' won't fix things )

13:01:26 <cygri> sandro, good point. sorry

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, good point. sorry

13:02:15 <danbri> er *scribe

Dan Brickley: er *scribe

13:02:59 <Souri> we probably should still consider discussing Pat's CoU suggestion sometime

Souripriya Das: we probably should still consider discussing Pat's CoU suggestion sometime

13:03:09 <Zakim> -AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: -AZ

13:03:21 <gavinc> Yes

Gavin Carothers: Yes

13:30:25 <tlebo> BTW, I'm begging for http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts#Just_give_me_a_URI

(No events recorded for 27 minutes)

Tim Lebo: BTW, I'm begging for http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Using_named_graphs_to_model_Accounts#Just_give_me_a_URI

13:33:38 <mischat> zakim, unmute BBC

Mischa Tuffield: zakim, unmute BBC

13:33:38 <Zakim> BBC was not muted, mischat

Zakim IRC Bot: BBC was not muted, mischat

13:33:39 <Guus> let's reconvene

Guus Schreiber: let's reconvene

13:34:07 <mischat> can you guys at MIT hear us OK ?

Mischa Tuffield: can you guys at MIT hear us OK ?

13:36:59 <tlebo> Are we talking about http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0228.html ?

Tim Lebo: Are we talking about http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0228.html ?

13:37:33 <tlebo> This one http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0195.html ?

Tim Lebo: This one http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0195.html ?

13:37:38 <Zakim> +AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: +AZ

13:38:14 <ivan> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0195.html Pat's email

Ivan Herman: -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0195.html Pat's email

13:38:42 <tlebo> scribe: tlebo

(Scribe set to Tim Lebo)

13:38:58 <ivan> scribenick: tlebo
13:39:01 <cygri> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0212.html

Richard Cyganiak: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0212.html

13:40:00 <tlebo> cygri:given an RDF graph, there is a "context" in which the statements are made and are true.

Richard Cyganiak: given an RDF graph, there is a "context" in which the statements are made and are true.

13:40:11 <tlebo> e.g. "the age of Alice is 29 years"

e.g. "the age of Alice is 29 years"

13:40:21 <tlebo> obviously not true forever.

obviously not true forever.

13:40:52 <tlebo> ... time is not the only situation. Different people can be the "contexts"

... time is not the only situation. Different people can be the "contexts"

13:41:32 <tlebo> ... :age 30 in a different graph; merging the two graphs causes some conflict.

... :age 30 in a different graph; merging the two graphs causes some conflict.

13:41:44 <tlebo> ... merging consolidates the contexts

... merging consolidates the contexts

13:41:57 <tlebo> ... named graphs keeps contexts separate

... named graphs keeps contexts separate

13:42:22 <tlebo> ... we need to decide case-by-case when to merge the graphs we want.

... we need to decide case-by-case when to merge the graphs we want.

13:42:32 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

13:43:00 <mischat> 1. RDF Semantics defines an entailment relationship between sets of triples, a.k.a. RDF graphs

Mischa Tuffield: 1. RDF Semantics defines an entailment relationship between sets of triples, a.k.a. RDF graphs

13:43:00 <tlebo> @cygri reading points from his email

@cygri reading points from his email

13:43:04 <mischat> 2. This entailment relationship is only valid if all triples share the same context

Mischa Tuffield: 2. This entailment relationship is only valid if all triples share the same context

13:43:31 <mischat> 3. Therefore, placing triples with incompatible context into a single graph is not seen as as something useful, and we understand RDF graphs as only containing triples of compatible context

Mischa Tuffield: 3. Therefore, placing triples with incompatible context into a single graph is not seen as as something useful, and we understand RDF graphs as only containing triples of compatible context

13:43:35 <mischat> 4. It follows that merging two graphs with incompatible contexts is not a valid operation

Mischa Tuffield: 4. It follows that merging two graphs with incompatible contexts is not a valid operation

13:43:37 <mischat> 5. Whether two contexts are compatible or not is outside of the scope of RDF Semantics

Mischa Tuffield: 5. Whether two contexts are compatible or not is outside of the scope of RDF Semantics

13:43:44 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

13:44:04 <sandro> I do  :-)

Sandro Hawke: I do :-)

13:44:21 <tlebo> cygri: not sure on response to Pat (aka wrong)

Richard Cyganiak: not sure on response to Pat (aka wrong)

13:44:45 <davidwood> q+ to ask cygri what he thinks of Pat's proposal

David Wood: q+ to ask cygri what he thinks of Pat's proposal

13:44:56 <tlebo> ... current semantics is not designed for contexts and time; not extendable to handle it either

... current semantics is not designed for contexts and time; not extendable to handle it either

13:45:16 <tlebo> ... keep it context free

... keep it context free

13:45:33 <mischat> q+ danbri

Mischa Tuffield: q+ danbri

13:45:58 <tlebo> (I agree with @cygri; we can keep RDF context-free and "compile" what we want from different named graphs/ contexts into the acontextual)

(I agree with @cygri; we can keep RDF context-free and "compile" what we want from different named graphs/ contexts into the acontextual)

13:46:12 <tlebo> sandro: people are using RDF in different contexts; we should recognize that.

Sandro Hawke: people are using RDF in different contexts; we should recognize that.

13:46:51 <tlebo> ... Pat's claim that we need to be explicit about contexts is worthwhile.

... Pat's claim that we need to be explicit about contexts is worthwhile.

13:47:02 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

13:47:12 <Guus> ack sandro

Guus Schreiber: ack sandro

13:47:21 <tlebo> ... Pat says not to put :age into a context - b/c you have to decontextualize it.

... Pat says not to put :age into a context - b/c you have to decontextualize it.

13:47:53 <pfps> but everything has a context!

Peter Patel-Schneider: but everything has a context!

13:47:56 <tlebo> ... inferencing across different graphs - we need to decontextualize it into the "universal" context.

... inferencing across different graphs - we need to decontextualize it into the "universal" context.

13:48:13 <Guus> ack davidwood

Guus Schreiber: ack davidwood

13:48:13 <Zakim> davidwood, you wanted to ask cygri what he thinks of Pat's proposal

Zakim IRC Bot: davidwood, you wanted to ask cygri what he thinks of Pat's proposal

13:48:16 <tlebo> ... sandro tried to represent Pat's position.

... sandro tried to represent Pat's position.

13:48:27 <Souri> I thought Graph-IRI gives us a hook to a context (which could itself comprise of many triples describing why/when/where/how/etc.)

Souripriya Das: I thought Graph-IRI gives us a hook to a context (which could itself comprise of many triples describing why/when/where/how/etc.)

13:48:27 <pchampin> I agree with Sandro's interpretation of Pat's answer (for what it's worth ;)

Pierre-Antoine Champin: I agree with Sandro's interpretation of Pat's answer (for what it's worth ;)

13:48:55 <ivan> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0228.html pat's response to richard

Ivan Herman: -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0228.html pat's response to richard

13:48:56 <mischat> http://www.w3.org/mid/38CB85A6-F664-4A30-BCA5-985E49B7DC46@ihmc.us

Mischa Tuffield: http://www.w3.org/mid/38CB85A6-F664-4A30-BCA5-985E49B7DC46@ihmc.us

13:49:14 <mischat> ^^ pat's response

Mischa Tuffield: ^^ pat's response

13:49:34 <tlebo> davidwood: we aren't agreeing on "context"; suggests @cygri reread Pat's to see the different interpretations of "context"

David Wood: we aren't agreeing on "context"; suggests @cygri reread Pat's to see the different interpretations of "context"

13:49:36 <pfps> everything depends on what you mean - http://...age could mean "age on 11/11/11" and http://...born could mean "born how long ago"

Peter Patel-Schneider: everything depends on what you mean - http://...age could mean "age on 11/11/11" and http://...born could mean "born how long ago"

13:49:40 <sandro> sandro: I think there's a huge opportunity for a joint solution here, between Richard and Pat -- where have multiple context, but a special "Web" context where thinks can be merged.

Sandro Hawke: I think there's a huge opportunity for a joint solution here, between Richard and Pat -- where have multiple context, but a special "Web" context where thinks can be merged. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

13:50:10 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

13:50:23 <Souri> q+

Souripriya Das: q+

13:50:24 <Guus> ack danbri

Guus Schreiber: ack danbri

13:50:25 <tlebo> (beyond "web context", it's also any context we choose to create by merging some graphs and decontexutalizing them)

(beyond "web context", it's also any context we choose to create by merging some graphs and decontexutalizing them)

13:51:13 <tlebo> danbri: example - tried to decontextualize (date of birth, not age)

Dan Brickley: example - tried to decontextualize (date of birth, not age)

13:51:38 <tlebo> danbri: foaf, color of cars

Dan Brickley: foaf, color of cars

13:52:03 <sandro> danbri: we added foaf:age because myspace needed it.   we can't make them decontextualize

Dan Brickley: we added foaf:age because myspace needed it. we can't make them decontextualize [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

13:52:05 <tlebo> danbri: foaf people wanted age, e.g. myspace spits it out every day

Dan Brickley: foaf people wanted age, e.g. myspace spits it out every day

13:52:32 <tlebo> danbri: we shouldn't be putting it into standards b/c research project

Dan Brickley: we shouldn't be putting it into standards b/c research project

13:52:41 <sandro> danbri: there will be volatile properties; this should be a W3C CG dogin the research.

Dan Brickley: there will be volatile properties; this should be a W3C CG dogin the research. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

13:52:47 <cygri> q+ to say that decontextualizing everything looks like a pipe dream

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to say that decontextualizing everything looks like a pipe dream

13:52:50 <tlebo> ... volitatile and non-volitile properties

... volatile and non-volatile properties

13:52:57 <Guus> ack Souri

Guus Schreiber: ack Souri

13:53:01 <davidwood> Avoiding context makes sense, iff you can be sure you are actually doing it.  It is trivial with events, but what about universally true statements made in RDF that are then taken *into* a particular context?

David Wood: Avoiding context makes sense, iff you can be sure you are actually doing it. It is trivial with events, but what about universally true statements made in RDF that are then taken *into* a particular context?

13:53:06 <pchampin> s/volitatile/volatile/
13:53:13 <pchampin> s/volitile/volatile/
13:54:13 <tlebo> souri: @cygri's proposition, can associate dimensions of the Graph IRI - why was it created, etc? These are dimensions on the context.

Souripriya Das: @cygri's proposition, can associate dimensions of the Graph IRI - why was it created, etc? These are dimensions on the context.

13:54:40 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

13:55:23 <gavinc> Channeling PatH via email: "No, that is not why named graphs were invented. They were invented so that one could say things about graphs in RDF. Things like who is asserting them, where they came from, etc..,: but not to supply a 'context' for the truth of the triples in them. That would be data, not metadata."

Gavin Carothers: Channeling PatH via email: "No, that is not why named graphs were invented. They were invented so that one could say things about graphs in RDF. Things like who is asserting them, where they came from, etc..,: but not to supply a 'context' for the truth of the triples in them. That would be data, not metadata."

13:55:36 <tlebo> cygri: practice of decontextualizing and modeling decontextulized or not. But can merge without worrying? No, we'll still have to worry about it.

Richard Cyganiak: practice of decontextualizing and modeling decontextulized or not. But can merge without worrying? No, we'll still have to worry about it.

13:55:46 <tlebo> ... most rdf published is context dependent.

... most rdf published is context dependent.

13:55:51 <tlebo> ... may contradict

... may contradict

13:55:55 <AndyS> ack cygri

Andy Seaborne: ack cygri

13:55:56 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to say that decontextualizing everything looks like a pipe dream

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to say that decontextualizing everything looks like a pipe dream

13:55:57 <sandro> cygri: it would be great if everyone was modeling in a way that would be true forever and could just be merged, but that's not the world we're living in , and I don't see it happening any time sooon.  Most info published is context dependent.  Not true forever, has errors, and we have to deal with that.

Richard Cyganiak: it would be great if everyone was modeling in a way that would be true forever and could just be merged, but that's not the world we're living in , and I don't see it happening any time sooon. Most info published is context dependent. Not true forever, has errors, and we have to deal with that. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

13:55:57 <tlebo> ... we need to deal with it.

... we need to deal with it.

13:56:19 <sandro> cygri: "just decontextualize" doesnt seem very practical.

Richard Cyganiak: "just decontextualize" doesnt seem very practical. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

13:56:26 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

13:56:43 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

13:57:00 <danbri> (specifically, if you describe everything as events, you are perfectly decontextual but borderline un-unformative, if you want the state of the world at some specific time...)

Dan Brickley: (specifically, if you describe everything as events, you are perfectly decontextual but borderline un-unformative, if you want the state of the world at some specific time...)

13:57:03 <AndyS> ack pchampin

Andy Seaborne: ack pchampin

13:57:04 <tlebo> (can't we apply decontextualized semantics to contextualized data that we "choose" to decontextualize it?)

(can't we apply decontextualized semantics to contextualized data that we "choose" to decontextualize it?)

13:57:05 <Guus> ack pchampin

Guus Schreiber: ack pchampin

13:57:35 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

13:57:46 <tlebo> []: disagreement is centered on SPARQL (?)

Pierre-Antoine Champin: disagreement is centered on SPARQL (?)

13:57:50 <gavinc> the named graph paper is a rather clear input to named graphs in SPARQL isn't it?

Gavin Carothers: the named graph paper is a rather clear input to named graphs in SPARQL isn't it?

13:57:55 <ivan> ack AndyS

Ivan Herman: ack AndyS

13:58:04 <pchampin> pchampin: I think the disagreement btw Richard and Pad concerning named graphs is that Pat is refering to the "Named Graph" paper, while Richard is refering to named graphs in SPARQL

Pierre-Antoine Champin: I think the disagreement btw Richard and Pad concerning named graphs is that Pat is refering to the "Named Graph" paper, while Richard is refering to named graphs in SPARQL [ Scribe Assist by Pierre-Antoine Champin ]

13:58:04 <tlebo> s/[]/pchampin/
13:58:15 <sandro> agreed -- Pat's proposal was about contexts for just the 4th column

Sandro Hawke: agreed -- Pat's proposal was about contexts for just the 4th column

13:58:34 <Souri> +1 to AndyS about Pat's attempt being less ambitious than what Richard's trying to propose

Souripriya Das: +1 to AndyS about Pat's attempt being less ambitious than what Richard's trying to propose

13:58:46 <tlebo> (the SPARQL endpoint named graph is a specific case of contextualized RDF)

(the SPARQL endpoint named graph is a specific case of contextualized RDF)

13:58:49 <gavinc> +1 AndyS

Gavin Carothers: +1 AndyS

13:58:54 <sandro> AndyS: Pat's "Context of Use" email was just about the fourth column.

Andy Seaborne: Pat's "Context of Use" email was just about the fourth column. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

13:59:44 <tlebo> general consensus that @cygri's context is different from Pat's

general consensus that @cygri's context is different from Pat's

13:59:45 <AndyS> ack me

Andy Seaborne: ack me

13:59:55 <tlebo> Pat wants "web context"

Pat wants "web context"

14:00:05 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

14:00:21 <tlebo> sandro: we have multiple contexts and need to deal with it.

Sandro Hawke: we have multiple contexts and need to deal with it.

14:00:25 <tlebo> cygri: yes

Richard Cyganiak: yes

14:00:39 <pfps> this is starting to look like the discussions with tbl on common meaning in the Semantic Web

Peter Patel-Schneider: this is starting to look like the discussions with tbl on common meaning in the Semantic Web

14:00:45 <tlebo> ... not hard to store/query/vis contextualized data - problem is when we approach semantics.

... not hard to store/query/vis contextualized data - problem is when we approach semantics.

14:00:46 <Souri> event-based formulation (as DanBri said above?) is another way of specifying the context ino

Souripriya Das: event-based formulation (as DanBri said above?) is another way of specifying the context info

14:01:02 <Souri> s/context ino/context info/
14:01:20 <tlebo> sandro: cygri gave up on reasoning with RDF graphs b/c they are in different contexts.

Sandro Hawke: cygri gave up on reasoning with RDF graphs b/c they are in different contexts.

14:01:44 <tlebo> cygri: collecting from wires, will need to post-process to check appropriate, clean, remodeling, etc.

Richard Cyganiak: collecting from the wild, will need to post-process to check appropriate, clean, remodeling, etc.

14:02:02 <AlexHall> s/wires/the wild/
14:02:02 <pchampin> s/from wires/from the wild/

Pierre-Antoine Champin: s/from wires/from the wild/ (warning: replacement failed)

14:02:09 <tlebo> ... when reasoning over web data, those that do it say "of course we clean it up first"

... when reasoning over web data, those that do it say "of course we clean it up first"

14:02:21 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

14:02:24 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

14:02:58 <tlebo> sandro: we could construct ecosystems and feedback loops that increases quality.

Sandro Hawke: we could construct ecosystems and feedback loops that increases quality.

14:03:09 <tlebo> ... more rigid consumers (e.g. schema.org)

... more rigid consumers (e.g. schema.org)

14:03:11 <mischat> i guess the question next is how does this relate to trig and/or graph serialisations, and whether we wish to be able to reason on top of data given to you in a trig file

Mischa Tuffield: i guess the question next is how does this relate to trig and/or graph serialisations, and whether we wish to be able to reason on top of data given to you in a trig file

14:03:23 <pchampin> q-

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q-

14:03:27 <tlebo> ... will give pressure to increase quality - we need to make these systems possible.

... will give pressure to increase quality - we need to make these systems possible.

14:04:03 <tlebo> []: not "contextualizing web" but "contextualizing web at a point in time"

Andy Seaborne: not "contextualizing web" but "contextualizing web at a point in time"

14:04:11 <AndyS> q-

Andy Seaborne: q-

14:04:18 <tlebo> s/[]/AndyS/
14:04:30 <sandro> (I'm thinking about Cassandra's "eventual consistency" as a parallel to the way the Web Context might be consistent in the face of errors, lag, etc)

Sandro Hawke: (I'm thinking about Cassandra's "eventual consistency" as a parallel to the way the Web Context might be consistent in the face of errors, lag, etc)

14:05:47 <tlebo> davidwood: re Pat's emails, happy with g-box ... (others disagree) david agrees. (LINK to thread?)

David Wood: re Pat's emails, happy with g-box ... (others disagree) david agrees. (LINK to thread?)

14:06:15 <tlebo> gavinc: straw poll on agreeing to the email

Gavin Carothers: straw poll on agreeing to the email

14:06:40 <gavinc> IRI----HTTP/"identifies" ---- g-box

Gavin Carothers: IRI----HTTP/"identifies" ---- g-box

14:06:42 <gavinc> IRI----denotes/names-----g-snap

Gavin Carothers: IRI----denotes/names-----g-snap

14:07:09 <tlebo> sandro: what does this mean?

Sandro Hawke: what does this mean?

14:07:18 <tlebo> davidwood: Pat's trying to formally define context.

David Wood: Pat's trying to formally define context.

14:07:26 <tlebo> sandro: URIs can denote g-boxes.

Sandro Hawke: URIs can denote g-boxes.

14:07:39 <tlebo> ... and you can't stop him.

... and you can't stop him.

14:08:09 <tlebo> sandro: you can't identify g-snaps.

Sandro Hawke: identifying g-snaps might be a problem.

14:08:20 <davidwood> Start of thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0194.html

David Wood: Start of thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Oct/0194.html

14:08:38 <tlebo> (tlebo disagrees, you can identify g-snaps - in the words of @sandro - you can't stop me.)

(tlebo disagrees, you can identify g-snaps - in the words of @sandro - you can't stop me.)

14:08:53 <sandro> s/you can't identify g-snaps/identifying g-snaps might be a problem/
14:09:08 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/uri-res-rep.png

Sandro Hawke: http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/uri-res-rep.png

14:09:08 <tlebo> x: need clear definition of "identifies"

Steve Harris: need clear definition of "identifies"

14:09:17 <yvesr> s/x/swh
14:09:22 <AndyS> <tag:1234> owl:sameAs { <s> <p> <o> }

Andy Seaborne: <tag:1234> owl:sameAs { <s> <p> <o> }

14:10:04 <tlebo> sandro: identifies" means it like REST means it. The relationship between a URL and the thing the URL is conceptually associated with in an identifying matter.

Sandro Hawke: identifies" means it like REST means it. The relationship between a URL and the thing the URL is conceptually associated with in an identifying matter.

14:10:20 <AndyS> That is naming so   IRI----HTTP/"names" ---- g-box  which is true of HTTP URLs.

Andy Seaborne: That is naming so IRI----HTTP/"names" ---- g-box which is true of HTTP URLs.

14:10:25 <tlebo> sandro: heart of REST and WWW. you put a URL in, you get a representation back.

Sandro Hawke: heart of REST and WWW. you put a URL in, you get a representation back.

14:10:37 <AndyS> just don't use a #frag

Andy Seaborne: just don't use a #frag

14:10:48 <tlebo> ... REST - imagine thing over there. URL represents it and you get a representation of it when you request it.

... REST - imagine thing over there. URL represents it and you get a representation of it when you request it.

14:11:11 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

14:12:05 <tlebo> sandro: tag URIs say "there is no representation" - you still get identifying, but david may disagree.

Sandro Hawke: tag URIs say "there is no representation" - you still get identifying, but david may disagree.

14:12:53 <davidwood> I don't understand "there is no representation", so don't know whether I agree

David Wood: I don't understand "there is no representation", so don't know whether I agree

14:12:56 <cygri> q-

Richard Cyganiak: q-

14:13:02 <tlebo> guus: there is no requirement that a representation exists.

Guus Schreiber: there is no requirement that a representation exists.

14:13:09 <davidwood> ah

David Wood: ah

14:13:23 <tlebo> swh: now has sense of "identifies" w.r.t. REST's URL and representation.

Steve Harris: now has sense of "identifies" w.r.t. REST's URL and representation.

14:13:47 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

14:13:49 <swh> … actually re this conversation, I'm not sure it's a universal def'n

Steve Harris: … actually re this conversation, I'm not sure it's a universal def'n

14:13:49 <tlebo> guus: where does that get us with identifying g-boxes and g-snaps

Guus Schreiber: where does that get us with identifying g-boxes and g-snaps

14:14:02 <davidwood> In that case, I agree with Sandro if he means that TAG URIs *identify* resources even if they cannot be resolved in a manner that returns a representation.

David Wood: In that case, I agree with Sandro if he means that TAG URIs *identify* resources even if they cannot be resolved in a manner that returns a representation.

14:14:49 <tlebo> cygri: decontextualization - relationships are to hold "forever" - what about the g-box "can changing."

Richard Cyganiak: decontextualization - relationships are to hold "forever" - what about the g-box "can changing."

14:15:06 <tlebo> ... URI for a g-box (that can change b/c the representation cna change tomorrow)

... URI for a g-box (that can change b/c the representation cna change tomorrow)

14:15:24 <AlexHall> taking a g-snap decontextualizes the g-box

Alex Hall: taking a g-snap decontextualizes the g-box

14:15:31 <tlebo> ... you get different g-snaps when requesting the g-box

... you get different g-snaps when requesting the g-box

14:15:52 <tlebo> sandro and @cygri have concerns with proposal.

sandro and @cygri have concerns with proposal.

14:16:01 <AndyS> :x a :Car   does not stop the car changing color

Andy Seaborne: :x a :Car does not stop the car changing color

14:16:27 <tlebo> sandro: def b-boxes are representations of g-snaps (?)

Sandro Hawke: def b-boxes are representations of g-snaps (?)

14:16:37 <tlebo> (that sounds backwards to me)

(that sounds backwards to me)

14:17:02 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

14:17:15 <tlebo> gavinc: Pat's point: 2 parallel words, a semantic rule when one works, the other has to work.

Gavin Carothers: Pat's point: 2 parallel words, a semantic rule when one works, the other has to work.

14:17:18 <sandro> sandro: g-boxes are resources, their representations are g-texts, conveying the contained g-snap

Sandro Hawke: g-boxes are resources, their representations are g-texts, conveying the contained g-snap [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

14:18:22 <tlebo> sandro: let's cut this off, Pat is not here.

Sandro Hawke: let's cut this off, Pat is not here.

14:18:47 <tlebo> sandro: where are we with not being able to inference across multiple contexts?

Sandro Hawke: where are we with not being able to inference across multiple contexts?

14:19:05 <tlebo> davidwood: the point is that you don't know what contexts there are (in RDF)

David Wood: the point is that you don't know what contexts there are (in RDF)

14:19:42 <tlebo> ... encoding a context in the graph, and another context in another graph. Third party merges them (can do in RDF) - find logical inconsistency, but above level of merge.

... encoding a context in the graph, and another context in another graph. Third party merges them (can do in RDF) - find logical inconsistency, but above level of merge.

14:19:56 <tlebo> ... assuming apriori out of band contexts to know it SHOULD NOT be combined.

... assuming apriori out of band contexts to know it SHOULD NOT be combined.

14:20:11 <tlebo> sandro: not knowing context - can assume are different, or same,

Sandro Hawke: not knowing context - can assume are different, or same,

14:20:25 <tlebo> davidwood: or don't care about the contexts.

David Wood: or don't care about the contexts.

14:20:34 <Souri> q+

Souripriya Das: q+

14:20:40 <tlebo> sandro: regardless, they are either the same or different (and you're implicitly deciding)\

Sandro Hawke: regardless, they are either the same or different (and you're implicitly deciding)\

14:20:45 <cygri> q+ to talk about "compatibe/incompatible" contexts

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to talk about "compatibe/incompatible" contexts

14:20:59 <tlebo> davidwood: merging two graphs does not entail "I have made a decision about contexts"

David Wood: merging two graphs does not entail "I have made a decision about contexts"

14:20:59 <Guus> q+

Guus Schreiber: q+

14:21:08 <tlebo> +1 to sandro

+1 to sandro

14:21:19 <tlebo> (you've implicitly made a choice about context)

(you've implicitly made a choice about context)

14:21:32 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

14:21:55 <tlebo> souri: removing graph names and merging - :age 31 and 32. Can go to event based organization - everything in this event is true (merging can't, because different events).

Souripriya Das: removing graph names and merging - :age 31 and 32. Can go to event based organization - everything in this event is true (merging can't, because different events).

14:22:03 <AlexHall> propose to give different terms to richard's "context" vs. pat's "context" -- i understand this discussion to be relevant to richard's context

Alex Hall: propose to give different terms to richard's "context" vs. pat's "context" -- i understand this discussion to be relevant to richard's context

14:22:31 <tlebo> davidwood: have a graph not event-encoded - can have metadata true in a date. (alice graph 1 and 2)

David Wood: have a graph not event-encoded - can have metadata true in a date. (alice graph 1 and 2)

14:22:57 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

14:23:02 <sandro> ack Souri

Sandro Hawke: ack Souri

14:23:18 <tlebo> souri: :g1 graph happened, :g2 graph happened, merging into :g3 eliminates contexts of first two graphs.

Souripriya Das: :g1 graph happened, :g2 graph happened, merging into :g3 eliminates contexts of first two graphs.

14:23:21 <cygri> souri++

Richard Cyganiak: souri++

14:23:22 <tlebo> q?


14:23:31 <gavinc> PatH channeling ... " So for example if you write "it is raining' then thats not going to stay true, and if you write "it is raining now' that might be true but we have no way to know since we don't know when 'now' was, but if you write 'it is raining on 08/09/2011' then this stays true while time passes. Which is obviously better for communciation across times. So putting the "context' (or as much of it as necessary to fix the truth of what you are saying)

Gavin Carothers: PatH channeling ... " So for example if you write "it is raining' then thats not going to stay true, and if you write "it is raining now' that might be true but we have no way to know since we don't know when 'now' was, but if you write 'it is raining on 08/09/2011' then this stays true while time passes. Which is obviously better for communciation across times. So putting the "context' (or as much of it as necessary to fix the truth of what you are saying)

14:23:33 <gavinc> into the assertion itself is a basic good rule for data which is supposed to last for a while and still be true."

Gavin Carothers: into the assertion itself is a basic good rule for data which is supposed to last for a while and still be true."

14:23:34 <cygri> ack me

Richard Cyganiak: ack me

14:23:34 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to talk about "compatibe/incompatible" contexts

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to talk about "compatibe/incompatible" contexts

14:23:58 <sandro> +1 gavinc

Sandro Hawke: +1 gavinc

14:24:13 <tlebo> cygri: merging two graphs - same contexts? need notion of contexts are compatible or not (and depends on use case).

Richard Cyganiak: merging two graphs - same contexts? need notion of contexts are compatible or not (and depends on use case).

14:24:15 <Guus> [ivan is leaving]

Guus Schreiber: [ivan is leaving]

14:24:20 <pchampin> q+ to suggest that contexts are not a property of the graph, but a property of their use

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+ to suggest that contexts are not a property of the graph, but a property of their use

14:24:22 <tlebo> ... depends on what you want to do with it, the modeling.

... depends on what you want to do with it, the modeling.

14:24:25 <sandro> bye Ivan!

Sandro Hawke: bye Ivan!

14:25:45 <gavinc> but as danbri said, people may just say "it's raining"

Gavin Carothers: but as danbri said, people may just say "it's raining"

14:25:51 <tlebo> (why can't we just leave RDF a-contextual and let us mix contexts when we want to, think we can?)

(why can't we just leave RDF a-contextual and let us mix contexts when we want to, think we can?)

14:25:54 <davidwood> q+ to respond to Richard

David Wood: q+ to respond to Richard

14:26:06 <gavinc> and the process of changing that to it's raining on ISODATETIME is a nice research project

Gavin Carothers: and the process of changing that to it's raining on ISODATETIME is a nice research project

14:26:16 <AlexHall> +1 tlebo

Alex Hall: +1 tlebo

14:26:21 <pchampin> @gavinc: and *where* is it raining, exactly? :->

Pierre-Antoine Champin: @gavinc: and *where* is it raining, exactly? :->

14:26:22 <tlebo> guus: YYY is out of context

Guus Schreiber: YYY is out of context

14:26:33 <davidwood> q-

David Wood: q-

14:26:35 <gavinc> pchampin, yes that too

Gavin Carothers: pchampin, yes that too

14:26:41 <yvesr> ack Guus

Yves Raimond: ack Guus

14:26:50 <tlebo> guus: naming is main mechanism we have, and dereferencing. that's it. can't go any further.

Guus Schreiber: naming is main mechanism we have, and dereferencing. that's it. can't go any further.

14:26:58 <tlebo> ... perhaps over-pragmatic, but.

... perhaps over-pragmatic, but.

14:27:20 <tlebo> cygri: use cases require holding data in incompatible contexts in same dataset. semantics has to work regardless.

Richard Cyganiak: use cases require holding data in incompatible contexts in same dataset. semantics has to work regardless.

14:27:25 <AlexHall> use prov info to record the context in which a graph is asserted, use the prov info to decide which data to include in the dataset that you want to apply inference to.

Alex Hall: use prov info to record the context in which a graph is asserted, use the prov info to decide which data to include in the dataset that you want to apply inference to.

14:27:42 <gavinc> We are not meeting those use cases, yeah I'm okay with that ;)

Gavin Carothers: We are not meeting those use cases, yeah I'm okay with that ;)

14:27:48 <tlebo> (but since semantics only applies to a-contextual RDF, it's fine)

(but since semantics only applies to a-contextual RDF, it's fine)

14:28:08 <tlebo> cygri: keep scope of semantics to individual graphs, since they should be within some context

Richard Cyganiak: keep scope of semantics to individual graphs, since they should be within some context

14:28:12 <tlebo> (+1 cygri)

(+1 cygri)

14:28:28 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

14:28:29 <pchampin> ack me

Pierre-Antoine Champin: ack me

14:28:30 <Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to suggest that contexts are not a property of the graph, but a property of their use

Zakim IRC Bot: pchampin, you wanted to suggest that contexts are not a property of the graph, but a property of their use

14:29:00 <cygri> guus: so you don't want to touch semantics at all?

Guus Schreiber: so you don't want to touch semantics at all? [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

14:29:08 <tlebo> TTT: context of a graph, talking about it is a mistake. the context is in the use of the graph (consuming it)

Pierre-Antoine Champin: context of a graph, talking about it is a mistake. the context is in the use of the graph (consuming it)

14:29:20 <tlebo> s/TTT/pchampin/
14:29:26 <cygri> cygri: well, that would be one way of ensuring no bad entailments from putting incompatible contexts into the same dataset

Richard Cyganiak: well, that would be one way of ensuring no bad entailments from putting incompatible contexts into the same dataset [ Scribe Assist by Richard Cyganiak ]

14:29:49 <sandro> q+ to proposed TriGR, with a "fifth" column.

Sandro Hawke: q+ to proposed TriGR, with a "fifth" column.

14:30:06 <Souri> event-centric formulation of triples is good, but verbose, which  leads people to not use it. Use of named graphs and associating context info with graph is easier (less verbose), but requires applications or people doing the merge to first check the contexts of the graphs being merged are compatible or not. We can provide some non-normative examples to illustrate this.

Souripriya Das: event-centric formulation of triples is good, but verbose, which leads people to not use it. Use of named graphs and associating context info with graph is easier (less verbose), but requires applications or people doing the merge to first check the contexts of the graphs being merged are compatible or not. We can provide some non-normative examples to illustrate this.

14:30:22 <Guus> Guus: "mnmed graphs" is the mechanism to indicate triples are in a particular context, not other ways to characterize/type/formalize context

Guus Schreiber: "mnmed graphs" is the mechanism to indicate triples are in a particular context, not other ways to characterize/type/formalize context [ Scribe Assist by Guus Schreiber ]

14:30:26 <tlebo> pchampin: the context is not a property of the graph, but it's use. so the semantics is not cross-context. Semantics tells nothing about XYZ.

Pierre-Antoine Champin: the context is not a property of the graph, but it's use. so the semantics is not cross-context. Semantics tells nothing about contexts, it just means that it that contexts do not exist outisde the semantics.

14:30:33 <cygri> souri +100

Richard Cyganiak: souri +100

14:30:41 <Guus> Guus: you're on you own to interpret, for example, a merge

Guus Schreiber: you're on you own to interpret, for example, a merge [ Scribe Assist by Guus Schreiber ]

14:31:07 <tlebo> (so, contexts matter, but the semantics does not address it?)

(so, contexts matter, but the semantics does not address it?)

14:31:31 <pchampin> s/XYZ/contexts, it just means that it that contexts do not exist outisde the semantics/
14:31:44 <tlebo> guus: the way people use RDF, and in OWL. We should not (address contexts?).

Guus Schreiber: the way people use RDF, and in OWL. We should not (address contexts?).

14:31:46 <pchampin> @tlebo: contexts matter on a pragmatic level

Pierre-Antoine Champin: @tlebo: contexts matter on a pragmatic level

14:31:57 <mischat> similar to the "<> a foaf:Person ." issue which one finds in the wild, we can't say that it is w�rong RDF.

Mischa Tuffield: similar to the "<> a foaf:Person ." issue which one finds in the wild, we can't say that it is w�rong RDF.

14:32:10 <Souri> q+

Souripriya Das: q+

14:32:57 <tlebo> sandro: retreat to syntax? what would help? Simplest is a variation of TRiG - a 5th column to name the context.

Sandro Hawke: retreat to syntax? what would help? Simplest is a variation of TRiG - a 5th column to name the context.

14:33:13 <tlebo> ... TRiG-R - b/c relationship is added.

... TRiG-R - b/c relationship is added.

14:33:19 <sandro> <label> <relation> { ... graph .... }

Sandro Hawke: <label> <relation> { ... graph .... }

14:33:30 <tlebo> (but <> already IS the context)

(but <> already IS the context)

14:34:10 <yvesr> looks like n3!

Yves Raimond: looks like n3!

14:34:48 <cygri> q+ to ask about SPARQL

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to ask about SPARQL

14:34:56 <cygri> q-

Richard Cyganiak: q-

14:35:30 <tlebo> sandro: manifests? to not break SPARQL.

Sandro Hawke: manifests? to not break SPARQL.

14:35:47 <tlebo> guus: OWL used the ontology itself as the manifest.

Guus Schreiber: OWL used the ontology itself as the manifest.

14:35:49 <sandro> sandro: Maybe the service description could have a manifest of how each label is related.

Sandro Hawke: Maybe the service description could have a manifest of how each label is related. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

14:36:12 <sandro> q-

Sandro Hawke: q-

14:36:49 <tlebo> souri: a primer? non-normative. an example of how to specify the context.

Souripriya Das: a primer? non-normative. an example of how to specify the context.

14:37:17 <tlebo> (<> already provides context... along with how you got <>)

(<> already provides context... along with how you got <>)

14:37:19 <Souri> q-

Souripriya Das: q-

14:37:29 <tlebo> should we discuss manifests?

should we discuss manifests?

14:38:03 <danbri> danbri: it just needs to be possible, we don't need to do *all* the work (re manifest formats / aka 'table of contents' for a datastore)

Dan Brickley: it just needs to be possible, we don't need to do *all* the work (re manifest formats / aka 'table of contents' for a datastore) [ Scribe Assist by Dan Brickley ]

14:38:07 <tlebo> dawg discussed manifests

dawg discussed manifests

14:38:26 <tlebo> topic: Manifests

1. Manifests

14:38:36 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

14:38:47 <yvesr> ack sandro

Yves Raimond: ack sandro

14:38:50 <danbri> q+ to ask andys and dawg folk how much manifest-style work has happened in sparql community

Dan Brickley: q+ to ask andys and dawg folk how much manifest-style work has happened in sparql community

14:39:05 <AndyS> It's one style amongst several/many/open ended  ... it's just RDF.

Andy Seaborne: It's one style amongst several/many/open ended ... it's just RDF.

14:39:27 <tlebo> sandro: labels are "..." or <...>?

Sandro Hawke: labels are "..." or <...>?

14:39:43 <tlebo> how is manifest different from sparql service description?

how is manifest different from sparql service description?

14:39:45 <danbri> (quotes being uri-as-string stuff?)

Dan Brickley: (quotes being uri-as-string stuff?)

14:39:46 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

14:41:10 <danbri> i forgot my homepage b/g graphic has a picture of this from another meeting: http://danbri.org/ (colours = graph types, volatile, version, composite etc)

Dan Brickley: i forgot my homepage b/g graphic has a picture of this from another meeting: http://danbri.org/ (colours = graph types, volatile, version, composite etc)

14:41:30 <tlebo> cygri: VoID - RDF datasets vocab.

Richard Cyganiak: VoID - RDF datasets vocab.

14:41:38 <tlebo> ... not quite a manifest, but related.

... not quite a manifest, but related.

14:41:54 <tlebo> ... when pub RDF, also publich VoID file that describes the dataset.

... when pub RDF, also publich VoID file that describes the dataset.

14:42:13 <tlebo> ...  "here is a dataset, here is a SPARQL endpoint where you can query, here is a dump to put into your own store"

... "here is a dataset, here is a SPARQL endpoint where you can query, here is a dump to put into your own store"

14:42:19 <sandro> q+ to sketch Service Description names the Dataset Manifest Graph M, in the service's dataset;  M contains triples like  { <G1> eg:relatedBy owl:SameAs.   <G2> eg:relatedBy log:Semantics }.

Sandro Hawke: q+ to sketch Service Description names the Dataset Manifest Graph M, in the service's dataset; M contains triples like { <G1> eg:relatedBy owl:SameAs. <G2> eg:relatedBy log:Semantics }.

14:42:27 <danbri> ack danbri

Dan Brickley: ack danbri

14:42:27 <Zakim> danbri, you wanted to ask andys and dawg folk how much manifest-style work has happened in sparql community

Zakim IRC Bot: danbri, you wanted to ask andys and dawg folk how much manifest-style work has happened in sparql community

14:42:30 <tlebo> ... wanted outside of a SPARQL store, since can access different ways.

... wanted outside of a SPARQL store, since can access different ways.

14:42:38 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

14:42:45 <Guus> ack sandro

Guus Schreiber: ack sandro

14:42:45 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to sketch Service Description names the Dataset Manifest Graph M, in the service's dataset;  M contains triples like  { <G1> eg:relatedBy owl:SameAs.   <G2>

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to sketch Service Description names the Dataset Manifest Graph M, in the service's dataset; M contains triples like { <G1> eg:relatedBy owl:SameAs. <G2>

14:42:48 <Zakim> ... eg:relatedBy log:Semantics }.

Zakim IRC Bot: ... eg:relatedBy log:Semantics }.

14:43:14 <tlebo> q?


14:43:28 <sandro> vs  {   [ inDataset <d>; label "G1"; relation owl:SameAs ] }

Sandro Hawke: vs { [ inDataset <d>; label "G1"; relation owl:SameAs ] }

14:43:39 <mischat> have we won if we are in a position to describe things that people may want to describe, but not limiting people to how they have to describe things?

Mischa Tuffield: have we won if we are in a position to describe things that people may want to describe, but not limiting people to how they have to describe things?

14:43:43 <tlebo> sandro: sketching a service description - two proposals

Sandro Hawke: sketching a service description - two proposals

14:44:11 <swh> q+

Steve Harris: q+

14:44:26 <tlebo> +1 not following

+1 not following

14:44:37 <tlebo> guus: please no sameAs

Guus Schreiber: please no sameAs

14:45:00 <AndyS> sandro - please explain log:semantics as people are unclear about it (or maybe they know and do not like it)

Andy Seaborne: sandro - please explain log:semantics as people are unclear about it (or maybe they know and do not like it)

14:45:02 <tlebo> (are we tryign to model contexts still?)

(are we tryign to model contexts still?)

14:45:32 <tlebo>  context: where it is and where it came from.

context: where it is and where it came from.

14:45:45 <mischat> +1

Mischa Tuffield: +1

14:45:46 <mischat> to tlebo

Mischa Tuffield: to tlebo

14:45:52 <sandro>  { <G1> eg:relatedBy eg:labeling-a-snap.   <G2> eg:relatedBy eg:label-is-url-source  }

Sandro Hawke: { <G1> eg:relatedBy eg:labeling-a-snap. <G2> eg:relatedBy eg:label-is-url-source }

14:46:15 <gavinc> +q

Gavin Carothers: +q

14:46:15 <sandro>  { <G1> eg:relatedBy eg:labeling-a-snap.   <G2> eg:relatedBy eg:label-is-url-i-fetched-it-from  }

Sandro Hawke: { <G1> eg:relatedBy eg:labeling-a-snap. <G2> eg:relatedBy eg:label-is-url-i-fetched-it-from }

14:46:24 <tlebo> (what is going on?)

(what is going on?)

14:46:35 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

14:46:40 <Guus> ack swh

Guus Schreiber: ack swh

14:47:02 <yvesr> { ... } a eg:Snap

Yves Raimond: { ... } a eg:Snap

14:47:17 <cygri> swh++

Richard Cyganiak: swh++

14:47:33 <tlebo> swh: 10s millions of named graphs.

Steve Harris: 10s millions of named graphs.

14:47:51 <danbri> I anticipate manifest graphs could use http://www.w3.org/TR/HTTP-in-RDF10/ to describe where date was gotten

Dan Brickley: I anticipate manifest graphs could use http://www.w3.org/TR/HTTP-in-RDF10/ to describe where date was gotten

14:48:12 <danbri> (if we have 10s of millions of named graphs, all the more reason to be able to navigate that jungle...)

Dan Brickley: (if we have 10s of millions of named graphs, all the more reason to be able to navigate that jungle...)

14:48:45 <tlebo> gavinc: name of graph is distinct from subjects in the graph, o/w you run into the "OWL problem" b/c the graph name is the subject of the graph - it gets odd.

Gavin Carothers: name of graph is distinct from subjects in the graph, o/w you run into the "OWL problem" b/c the graph name is the subject of the graph - it gets odd.

14:48:49 <sandro> for swh: { <endpoint> eg:uses-dataset-relation eg:labeling-a-snap }

Sandro Hawke: for swh: { <endpoint> eg:uses-dataset-relation eg:labeling-a-snap }

14:49:17 <tlebo> davidwood: "owl problem" is bad name for it.

David Wood: "owl problem" is bad name for it.

14:49:18 <swh> sandro, or { <dataset> eg:uses … }

Steve Harris: sandro, or { <dataset> eg:uses … }

14:49:45 <Guus> q?

Guus Schreiber: q?

14:49:49 <gavinc> ack me

Gavin Carothers: ack me

14:49:56 <tlebo> (none of this matters as if you give URIs for the GraphContainers; let people describe what they want in RDF)

(none of this matters if you give URIs for the GraphContainers; let people describe what they want in RDF)

14:50:02 <AlexHall> the "graph/resource conflation" problem?

Alex Hall: the "graph/resource conflation" problem?

14:50:05 <tlebo> s/as if/if/
14:50:32 <tlebo> topic: review

2. review

14:50:36 <sandro> breajk for an hour in ten minutes

Sandro Hawke: break for an hour in ten minutes

14:50:53 <sandro> guus: after break, go through issues list

Guus Schreiber: after break, go through issues list [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

14:51:06 <tlebo> guus: let's list issues

Guus Schreiber: let's list issues

14:51:40 <tlebo> guus: what about manifest to discuss?

Guus Schreiber: what about manifest to discuss?

14:51:50 <Souri> s/breajk/break/
14:52:14 <tlebo> sandro: TRiGers, do you like something at top state relation, or add fifth column.

Sandro Hawke: TRiGers, do you like something at top state relation, or add fifth column.

14:52:21 <tlebo> (this is already handled by <>)

(this is already handled by <>)

14:52:22 <swh> -∞ to a 5th c��olumn

Steve Harris: -∞ to a 5th c��olumn

14:52:36 <cygri> q+ to ask what we would put in when dumping a sparql store

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to ask what we would put in when dumping a sparql store

14:53:23 <tlebo> @cygri, either <> or <URI_to_endpoint>

@cygri, either <> or <URI_to_endpoint>

14:53:38 <sandro> PROPOSED: We add to TriG an optional 5 column relationship-indiciator, which defaults to "loose association" as now.

PROPOSED: We add to TriG an optional 5 column relationship-indiciator, which defaults to "loose association" as now.

14:53:42 <AndyS> <> :namingStyle rdf:GBoxIdentifies .

Andy Seaborne: <> :namingStyle rdf:GBoxIdentifies .

14:53:46 <cygri> tlebo, my question� was about the relationship

Richard Cyganiak: tlebo, my question� was about the relationship

14:53:52 <iand> wikipedia says "A fifth column is a group of people who clandestinely undermine a larger group such as a nation from within."

Ian Davis: wikipedia says "A fifth column is a group of people who clandestinely undermine a larger group such as a nation from within."

14:53:55 <tlebo> gavinc: 5th column does NOT mean fifth column.

Gavin Carothers: 5th column does NOT mean fifth column.

14:54:28 <tlebo> context is already handled by where it is and where it came from - this is already represented.

context is already handled by where it is and where it came from - this is already representable.

14:54:40 <tlebo> s/represented/representable/
14:54:57 <tlebo> sandro: could read the manifest as triples if you'd like.

Sandro Hawke: could read the manifest as triples if you'd like.

14:55:59 <tlebo> topic: still manifests

3. still manifests

14:56:16 <gavinc> TriG <G1> <eg:labeling-a-snap> {<s> <p> <o> }?

Gavin Carothers: TriG <G1> <eg:labeling-a-snap> {<s> <p> <o> }?

14:56:39 <tlebo> <> prov:wasDerivedFrom :process_of_dumping_SPARQL_endpoint .

<> prov:wasDerivedFrom :process_of_dumping_SPARQL_endpoint .

14:56:47 <tlebo> <> prov:wasDerivedFrom : process_of_dumping_SPARQL_endpoint .

<> prov:wasDerivedFrom : process_of_dumping_SPARQL_endpoint .

14:57:17 <tlebo> cygri: many will get confused and will just put garbage into it to "fill the field"

Richard Cyganiak: many will get confused and will just put garbage into it to "fill the field"

14:57:22 <tlebo> +100 @cygri

+100 @cygri

14:57:29 <tlebo> ... people dont' care.

... people dont' care.

14:57:52 <sandro> I think you're right cygri, and I dont know what to do about it.

Sandro Hawke: I think you're right cygri, and I dont know what to do about it.

14:57:55 <tlebo> guus: fine, but what are the benefits?

Guus Schreiber: fine, but what are the benefits?

14:57:57 <yvesr> q+

Yves Raimond: q+

14:58:12 <tlebo> UUU: it just needs a vocab.

Andy Seaborne: it just needs a vocab.

14:58:20 <cygri> s/UUU/AndyS/
14:59:06 <AlexHall> it needs a vocab and a reasonable abstract syntax/semantics for RDF datasets that doesn't preclude reasonable things people want to do with that vocab

Alex Hall: it needs a vocab and a reasonable abstract syntax/semantics for RDF datasets that doesn't preclude reasonable things people want to do with that vocab

14:59:25 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

14:59:37 <cygri> ack me

Richard Cyganiak: ack me

14:59:37 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to ask what we would put in when dumping a sparql store

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to ask what we would put in when dumping a sparql store

15:00:01 <tlebo> OOO: worried about the "one style" without being sure it's the right one. we already have a system to describe it (RDF)

Andy Seaborne: worried about the "one style" without being sure it's the right one. we already have a system to describe it (RDF)

15:00:12 <Guus> ack yvesr

Guus Schreiber: ack yvesr

15:00:15 <swh> +1 to AndyS

Steve Harris: +1 to AndyS

15:00:15 <sandro> +1 AndyS we can just tag the style in the TriG metadata

Sandro Hawke: +1 AndyS we can just tag the style in the TriG metadata

15:01:09 <tlebo> BBC: what do people gain? what is motivation to use it? use cases.

Yves Raimond: what do people gain? what is motivation to use it? use cases.

15:01:42 <gavinc> s/OOO/AndyS/
15:02:33 <mischat> surely when this becomes a real world problem, a WG could look at how people are tackling it in the wild

Mischa Tuffield: surely when this becomes a real world problem, a WG could look at how people are tackling it in the wild

15:02:33 <tlebo> maybeAndyS: incentive is need for knowledge, but no vocab to get it. Do not completely agree with cygri that can't be useful.

Pierre-Antoine Champin: incentive is need for knowledge, but no vocab to get it. Do not completely agree with cygri that can't be useful.

15:02:36 <yvesr> s/BBC/yvesr
15:02:49 <tlebo> (do we need to review what <> means, and that we can describe it with RDF?)

(do we need to review what <> means, and that we can describe it with RDF?)

15:02:56 <yvesr> s/maybeAndyS/pchampin
15:02:57 <cygri> s/maybeAndyS/pchampin/
15:03:28 <tlebo> guus: will revisit issues list

Guus Schreiber: will revisit issues list

15:03:36 <AZ> bye

Antoine Zimmermann: bye

15:03:49 <zwu2> I am leaving

Zhe Wu: I am leaving

15:04:10 <Souri> I need to leave ... meeting at office

Souripriya Das: I need to leave ... meeting at office

15:04:22 <NickH> Zakim, mute MIT_Meeting_Room

Nicholas Humfrey: Zakim, mute MIT_Meeting_Room

15:04:34 <Zakim> -AZ

Zakim IRC Bot: -AZ

15:04:37 <cygri> zakim, mute me

Richard Cyganiak: zakim, mute me

15:04:50 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room should now be muted

15:05:13 <Zakim> sorry, cygri, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, cygri, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

15:05:39 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here?

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here?

15:05:59 <Zakim> On the phone I see BBC, Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see BBC, Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room (muted)

15:06:03 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room has MIT_Meeting_Room, Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas, micha, TedT

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room has MIT_Meeting_Room, Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas, micha, TedT

15:06:08 <Zakim> BBC has Guus, thomas, swh, ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: BBC has Guus, thomas, swh, ivan

15:06:12 <Zakim> On IRC I see AndyS, swh, mischat, Guus, danbri, tomayac, MacTed, zwu2, iand, AlexHall, gavinc, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, pchampin, mox601, cygri, tlebo, ww, ericP, yvesr, manu,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see AndyS, swh, mischat, Guus, danbri, tomayac, MacTed, zwu2, iand, AlexHall, gavinc, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, pchampin, mox601, cygri, tlebo, ww, ericP, yvesr, manu,

15:06:15 <Zakim> ... NickH, trackbot, manu1, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... NickH, trackbot, manu1, sandro

15:06:32 <MacTed> Zakim, mute BBC

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute BBC

15:06:32 <Zakim> BBC should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: BBC should now be muted

15:56:37 <Guus> reconvene in 5

(No events recorded for 50 minutes)

Guus Schreiber: reconvene in 5

15:56:48 <Guus> 5/4

Guus Schreiber: 5/4

15:59:52 <Guus>  Boston: ready to reconvene?

Guus Schreiber: Boston: ready to reconvene?

16:03:11 <cygri> danbri, thanks for http://www.w3.org/mid/CAFNgM+YE1Ld6iZdjYVQCGEuDw-L44PB1PAjt=e4XYJ389vORkQ@mail.gmail.com … well put!

Richard Cyganiak: danbri, thanks for http://www.w3.org/mid/CAFNgM+YE1Ld6iZdjYVQCGEuDw-L44PB1PAjt=e4XYJ389vORkQ@mail.gmail.com … well put!

16:03:33 <AndyS> zakim, who is on the phone?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is on the phone?

16:03:33 <Zakim> On the phone I see BBC (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see BBC (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider, MIT_Meeting_Room (muted)

16:03:36 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room has MIT_Meeting_Room, Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas, micha, TedT

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room has MIT_Meeting_Room, Guus, thomas, danbri, steve, ivan, richard, andy, ian, pchamplin, yves, nicholas, micha, TedT

16:03:39 <Zakim> BBC has Guus, thomas, swh, ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: BBC has Guus, thomas, swh, ivan

16:03:50 <NickH> Zakim, unmute BBC

Nicholas Humfrey: Zakim, unmute BBC

16:03:50 <Zakim> BBC should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: BBC should no longer be muted

16:03:55 <NickH> Zakim, unmute MIT_Meeting_Room

Nicholas Humfrey: Zakim, unmute MIT_Meeting_Room

16:03:55 <Zakim> MIT_Meeting_Room should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MIT_Meeting_Room should no longer be muted

16:06:19 <cygri> ACTION: cygri to update rdf-concepts re ISSUE-71

ACTION: cygri to update rdf-concepts re ISSUE-71

16:06:20 <trackbot> Created ACTION-97 - Update rdf-concepts re ISSUE-71 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-97 - Update rdf-concepts re ISSUE-71 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

16:08:45 <iand> example of my use of graph literals: http://schemapedia.com/examples/cf314c8dab338aa1edaa93df2b54ad7b.rdf

Ian Davis: example of my use of graph literals: http://schemapedia.com/examples/cf314c8dab338aa1edaa93df2b54ad7b.rdf

16:08:53 <iand> no datatype though

Ian Davis: no datatype though

16:09:10 <iand> schemapedia.com/examples/cf314c8dab338aa1edaa93df2b54ad7b.ttl is turtle version

Ian Davis: schemapedia.com/examples/cf314c8dab338aa1edaa93df2b54ad7b.ttl is turtle version

16:09:16 <iand> http://schemapedia.com/examples/cf314c8dab338aa1edaa93df2b54ad7b.ttl

Ian Davis: http://schemapedia.com/examples/cf314c8dab338aa1edaa93df2b54ad7b.ttl

16:11:38 <iand> my use case is to embed examples of usage (i.e. to mention a set of triples without asserting them)

Ian Davis: my use case is to embed examples of usage (i.e. to mention a set of triples without asserting them)

16:13:38 <gavinc> Topic: Raised Issues

4. Raised Issues

16:13:40 <gavinc> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/raised

Gavin Carothers: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/raised

16:13:50 <NickH> scribe NickH

Nicholas Humfrey: scribe NickH

16:14:02 <NickH> scribe: NickH

(Scribe set to Nicholas Humfrey)

16:14:02 <davidwood> scribe: NickH
16:14:12 <NickH> davidwood: there are 8 issues marked as raised

David Wood: there are 8 issues marked as raised

16:14:23 <NickH> davidwood: think we want to open all of these

David Wood: think we want to open all of these

16:14:33 <NickH> davidwood: ISSUE-63 is the only one that is a black hole

David Wood: ISSUE-63 is the only one that is a black hole

16:14:44 <mischat> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/63

Mischa Tuffield: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/63

16:14:52 <LeeF> ISSUE-50?

Lee Feigenbaum: ISSUE-50?

16:14:52 <trackbot> ISSUE-50 -- Revisit "Request to allow b-nodes as property labels" -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-50 -- Revisit "Request to allow b-nodes as property labels" -- raised

16:14:52 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/50

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/50

16:14:58 <LeeF> ISSUE-63?

Lee Feigenbaum: ISSUE-63?

16:14:58 <trackbot> ISSUE-63 -- Introduce an HTML5 datatype -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-63 -- Introduce an HTML5 datatype -- raised

16:14:58 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/63

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/63

16:15:47 <NickH> davidwood: issue-50 is left over. We should mark it as declined because it isn't part of our charter

David Wood: ISSUE-50 is left over. We should mark it as declined because it isn't part of our charter

16:15:50 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/raised

Sandro Hawke: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/raised

16:16:18 <davidwood> Propose to close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so.

David Wood: Propose to close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so.

16:16:24 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

16:16:28 <gavinc> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

16:16:30 <AndyS1> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

16:16:31 <NickH> +1


16:16:32 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

16:16:33 <cygri> +2

Richard Cyganiak: +2

16:16:46 <AlexHall> +1

Alex Hall: +1

16:16:53 <yvesr> +1

Yves Raimond: +1

16:17:10 <sandro> +1 bnodes as predicate identifiers?    kinda late for that in RDF.

Sandro Hawke: +1 bnodes as predicate identifiers? kinda late for that in RDF.

16:17:11 <NickH> RESOLVED


16:17:38 <NickH> RESOLVED close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not  revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so.

RESOLVED close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so.

16:17:48 <sandro> RESOLVED:  close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not  revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so.

RESOLVED: close ISSUE-50 stating that this WG will not revisit this issue because it is not chartered to do so.

16:17:53 <sandro> (need the colon)

Sandro Hawke: (need the colon)

16:18:07 <sandro> +1 open the RAISED issues

Sandro Hawke: +1 open the RAISED issues

16:18:10 <NickH> davidwood: 7 remaining issues marked as 'raised'

David Wood: 7 remaining issues marked as 'raised'

16:18:39 <NickH> davidwood: any disscussion about these issues?

David Wood: any disscussion about these issues?

16:19:25 <gavinc> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

16:20:03 <gavinc> http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdf-fragids-in-embedded-rdf

Gavin Carothers: http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdf-fragids-in-embedded-rdf

16:20:07 <NickH> cygri: ISSUE-37 I am struggling to remember it

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-37 I am struggling to remember it

16:20:14 <NickH> cygri: left over from the previous group

Richard Cyganiak: left over from the previous group

16:20:15 <MacTed> RRSAgent, pointer?

Ted Thibodeau: RRSAgent, pointer?

16:20:15 <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2011/10/13-rdf-wg-irc#T16-20-15

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See http://www.w3.org/2011/10/13-rdf-wg-irc#T16-20-15

16:20:34 <NickH> cygri: it is reasonable to open it and think about if we should do anything about

Richard Cyganiak: it is reasonable to open it and think about if we should do anything about

16:20:47 <NickH> Guus: unlikely to result in spec change

Guus Schreiber: unlikely to result in spec change

16:20:58 <NickH> Guus: but might lead to some extra documentation

Guus Schreiber: but might lead to some extra documentation

16:21:04 <cygri> +1 to opening all other raised issues

Richard Cyganiak: +1 to opening all other raised issues

16:21:38 <NickH> davidwood: chairs can open the remaining issues but didn't want to open things that didn't need opening

David Wood: chairs can open the remaining issues but didn't want to open things that didn't need opening

16:21:54 <NickH> davidwood: lets move on to open issues

David Wood: lets move on to open issues

16:21:57 <cygri> q+ to ask if we can get products in the tracker for all specs

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to ask if we can get products in the tracker for all specs

16:22:07 <pchampin> q-

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q-

16:22:08 <NickH> davidwood: lets focus on the open graph issues

David Wood: lets focus on the open graph issues

16:22:11 <davidwood> Topic: Open Issues

5. Open Issues

16:22:13 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/open?sort=product

David Wood: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/open?sort=product

16:23:46 <NickH> cygri: the products that we have at the moment are cleanup tasks, then each of the task forces

Richard Cyganiak: the products that we have at the moment are cleanup tasks, then each of the task forces

16:23:55 <sandro> +1 products = specs, if possible

Sandro Hawke: +1 products = specs, if possible

16:23:58 <NickH> cygri: might be good the have products for each of the specs

Richard Cyganiak: might be good the have products for each of the specs

16:24:23 <NickH> Guus: isn't a product for the primer

Guus Schreiber: isn't a product for the primer

16:25:02 <NickH> davidwood: can easily create new projects for primer

David Wood: can easily create new products for primer

16:25:09 <NickH> davidwood: created one for primer

David Wood: created one for primer

16:25:12 <NickH> davidwood: created one for concepts

David Wood: created one for concepts

16:25:24 <iand> s/projects/products/
16:26:11 <cygri> ISSUE-76?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-76?

16:26:11 <trackbot> ISSUE-76 -- RDF Semantics and RDF Concepts disagree on definition of datatypes -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-76 -- RDF Semantics and RDF Concepts disagree on definition of datatypes -- open

16:26:11 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/76

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/76

16:26:12 <NickH> davidwood: ISSUE-76 - which does it belong

David Wood: ISSUE-76 - which does it belong

16:26:38 <NickH> davidwood: putting it into concecpts

David Wood: putting it into concecpts

16:26:45 <NickH> cygri: it should go under semantics

Richard Cyganiak: it should go under semantics

16:27:34 <LeeF> ISSUE-75?

Lee Feigenbaum: ISSUE-75?

16:27:34 <trackbot> ISSUE-75 -- Valid plain literals containing #x0 are ill-typed in RDF 1.1 -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-75 -- Valid plain literals containing #x0 are ill-typed in RDF 1.1 -- open

16:27:34 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/75

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/75

16:27:40 <NickH> davidwood: where would you put ISSUE-75?

David Wood: where would you put ISSUE-75?

16:27:49 <NickH> cygri: concepts

Richard Cyganiak: concepts

16:28:15 <NickH> davidwood: last uncategorised on is ISSUE-39

David Wood: last uncategorised on is ISSUE-39

16:29:19 <NickH> ACTION: sandro to rdf: and rdfs: namespace should resolve to something that meets best practices

ACTION: sandro to rdf: and rdfs: namespace should resolve to something that meets best practices

16:29:19 <trackbot> Created ACTION-98 - Rdf: and rdfs: namespace should resolve to something that meets best practices [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-98 - Rdf: and rdfs: namespace should resolve to something that meets best practices [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-10-20].

16:29:54 <davidwood>  CLOSED: ISSUE-39

David Wood: CLOSED: ISSUE-39

16:29:56 <NickH>  CLOSE: ISSUE-39


16:30:22 <NickH> davidwood: everything is categorised correctly more or less

David Wood: everything is categorised correctly more or less

16:30:50 <NickH> davidwood: starting with cleanup tasks

David Wood: starting with cleanup tasks

16:31:27 <NickH> ISSUE-6?


16:31:27 <trackbot> ISSUE-6 -- Handling RDF Errata -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-6 -- Handling RDF Errata -- open

16:31:27 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/6

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/6

16:31:43 <gavinc> Better view: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/5

Gavin Carothers: Better view: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/5

16:32:20 <NickH> davidwood: asks cygri is this is done for Concepts

David Wood: asks cygri is this is done for Concepts

16:32:32 <NickH> cygri: either been addressed or there are open issues for it

Richard Cyganiak: either been addressed or there are open issues for it

16:33:53 <NickH> ISSUE-7?


16:33:53 <trackbot> ISSUE-7 -- Leftover issues from the RDF Core WG -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-7 -- Leftover issues from the RDF Core WG -- open

16:33:53 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/7

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/7

16:34:37 <NickH> davidwood: we have closed a number of these - can either close or open a other issue

David Wood: we have closed a number of these - can either close or open a other issue

16:34:45 <NickH> davidwood: propose closing ISSUE-7

David Wood: propose closing ISSUE-7

16:35:27 <NickH> davidwood: spent time on this in several telecons in June

David Wood: spent time on this in several telecons in June

16:35:37 <NickH> davidwood: confident that we can close this

David Wood: confident that we can close this

16:36:12 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-7 because all leftover issues have either resulted in new open issues or closed issues due to compliance with our charter.

David Wood: Closed ISSUE-7 because all leftover issues have either resulted in new open issues or closed issues due to compliance with our charter.

16:36:53 <NickH> ISSUE-9?


16:36:53 <trackbot> ISSUE-9 -- Inference rules are incomplete in the RDF Semantics -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-9 -- Inference rules are incomplete in the RDF Semantics -- open

16:36:53 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/9

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/9

16:36:56 <AlexHall> fyi, issues 42-62 cover the postponed issues from last wg

Alex Hall: fyi, issues 42-62 cover the postponed issues from last wg

16:37:46 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/9

David Wood: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/9

16:37:48 <NickH> davidwood: what does pfps want to do with ISSUE-9?

David Wood: what does pfps want to do with ISSUE-9?

16:38:18 <NickH> pfps: we should deal with it

Peter Patel-Schneider: we should deal with it

16:38:32 <NickH> Guus: added a product 'RDF Semantics' and moved it there

Guus Schreiber: added a product 'RDF Semantics' and moved it there

16:39:06 <NickH> ISSUE-10?


16:39:06 <trackbot> ISSUE-10 -- Look if there are RDF(S) notions that are to be deprecated -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-10 -- Look if there are RDF(S) notions that are to be deprecated -- open

16:39:06 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/10

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/10

16:39:18 <danbri> cygri, re Sindice etc ... how much rss1 is still usefully out there?

Dan Brickley: cygri, re Sindice etc ... how much rss1 is still usefully out there?

16:39:56 <NickH> davidwood: going to leave gavinc to do some work on ISSUE-10

David Wood: going to leave gavinc to do some work on ISSUE-10

16:40:05 <NickH> ISSUE-11?


16:40:06 <trackbot> ISSUE-11 -- Reconciliation of various, semantics-oriented documents with the core RDF ones -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-11 -- Reconciliation of various, semantics-oriented documents with the core RDF ones -- open

16:40:06 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/11

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/11

16:41:04 <NickH> davidwood:

David Wood:

16:41:31 <NickH> davidwood: we leave ISSUE-11 open until our documents are closer to being ready

David Wood: we leave ISSUE-11 open until our documents are closer to being ready

16:41:34 <gavinc> ISSUE-24?

Gavin Carothers: ISSUE-24?

16:41:34 <trackbot> ISSUE-24 -- Should we deprecate RDF containers (Alt, Bag, Seq)? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-24 -- Should we deprecate RDF containers (Alt, Bag, Seq)? -- open

16:41:34 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/24

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/24

16:41:38 <gavinc> ISSUE-25?

Gavin Carothers: ISSUE-25?

16:41:38 <trackbot> ISSUE-25 -- Should we deprecate (RDF 2004) reification of statements? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-25 -- Should we deprecate (RDF 2004) reification of statements? -- open

16:41:38 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/25

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/25

16:41:46 <gavinc> Can close ISSUE-10

Gavin Carothers: Can close ISSUE-10

16:42:09 <NickH> davidwood: would you like to look at ISSUE-11 in relation to SPARQL 1.1

David Wood: would you like to look at ISSUE-11 in relation to SPARQL 1.1

16:42:21 <NickH> AndyS: would rather not

Andy Seaborne: would rather not

16:42:50 <NickH> ACTION sandro to look at ISSUE-11 in relation to  SPARQL 1.1

ACTION sandro to look at ISSUE-11 in relation to SPARQL 1.1

16:42:51 <trackbot> Created ACTION-99 - Look at ISSUE-11 in relation to  SPARQL 1.1 [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-99 - Look at ISSUE-11 in relation to SPARQL 1.1 [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-10-20].

16:42:57 <AlexHall> deprecated/archaic features: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/ArchaicFeatures (needs clean-up)

Alex Hall: deprecated/archaic features: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/ArchaicFeatures (needs clean-up)

16:42:58 <sandro> action: sandro to ask editors of SPARQL Entailment Regimes what they'd suggest RDF specs says about their work.

ACTION: sandro to ask editors of SPARQL Entailment Regimes what they'd suggest RDF specs says about their work.

16:42:59 <trackbot> Created ACTION-100 - Ask editors of SPARQL Entailment Regimes what they'd suggest RDF specs says about their work. [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-100 - Ask editors of SPARQL Entailment Regimes what they'd suggest RDF specs says about their work. [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-10-20].

16:43:40 <gavinc> Really? RDF XML Literals got lucky 13?

Gavin Carothers: Really? RDF XML Literals got lucky 13?

16:44:44 <NickH> Guus: leave ISSUE-13 open for now

Guus Schreiber: leave ISSUE-13 open for now

16:45:58 <NickH> davidwood: if you think we are ready to close ISSUEs-24 and ISSUE-25, then go for it now

David Wood: if you think we are ready to close ISSUEs-24 and ISSUE-25, then go for it now

16:46:59 <sandro> STRAWPOLL:  we'll suggest people stop using RDF containers (Alt, Bag, Seq) in new work.

STRAWPOLL: we'll suggest people stop using RDF containers (Alt, Bag, Seq) in new work.

16:47:12 <NickH> +1


16:47:16 <sandro> STRAWPOLL:  we'll suggest people stop using RDF containers (Alt, Bag, Seq) in new work. (and close ISSUE-24)

STRAWPOLL: we'll suggest people stop using RDF containers (Alt, Bag, Seq) in new work. (and close ISSUE-24)

16:47:16 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

16:47:18 <NickH> +1


16:47:23 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

16:47:26 <cygri> q+ to ask what they should use instead

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to ask what they should use instead

16:47:26 <LeeF> +1

Lee Feigenbaum: +1

16:47:27 <iand> -1

Ian Davis: -1

16:47:31 <AlexHall> +1

Alex Hall: +1

16:47:34 <danbri> Proposed: "WG resolves that representing 'ordering' in any open world binary-relation logic language is intrinsically rather annoying; practitioners are notified that RDF containers are annoying, but so are the linked list thingies, and each may be differingly annoying in different situations."

PROPOSED: "WG resolves that representing 'ordering' in any open world binary-relation logic language is intrinsically rather annoying; practitioners are notified that RDF containers are annoying, but so are the linked list thingies, and each may be differingly annoying in different situations."

16:47:35 <davidwood> ack cygri

David Wood: ack cygri

16:47:35 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to ask if we can get products in the tracker for all specs and to ask what they should use instead

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to ask if we can get products in the tracker for all specs and to ask what they should use instead

16:47:39 <danbri> -0.12

Dan Brickley: -0.12

16:48:07 <NickH> cygri: what is the alternative? Can we put some test in describing what people should do?

Richard Cyganiak: what is the alternative? Can we put some test in describing what people should do?

16:48:24 <NickH> davidwood: we should promote RDF Lists

Sandro Hawke: we should promote RDF Lists

16:48:39 <sandro> s/davidwood/sandro/
16:48:45 <NickH> iand: I don't agree that we should tell people to stop using them

Ian Davis: I don't agree that we should tell people to stop using them

16:48:50 <danbri> q?

Dan Brickley: q?

16:49:07 <AndyS> -X unless we propose an alternative (not sure on X yet)

Andy Seaborne: -X unless we propose an alternative (not sure on X yet)

16:49:22 <danbri> proposed: "Bag and Alt are mostly harmless, mostly useless."

PROPOSED: "Bag and Alt are mostly harmless, mostly useless."

16:49:58 <NickH> davidwood: can I suggest that we have a proposal that we vote on, to jsut depricate Alt and Bag

David Wood: can I suggest that we have a proposal that we vote on, to just depricate Alt and Bag

16:50:06 <NickH> s/jsut/just/
16:50:21 <davidwood> Propose to deprecate ALT with the language proposed at http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/ArchaicFeatures

David Wood: Propose to deprecate ALT with the language proposed at http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/ArchaicFeatures

16:50:27 <NickH> sandro: is anyone going to object to deprecating Bag and Alt?

Sandro Hawke: is anyone going to object to deprecating Bag and Alt?

16:50:29 <NickH> iand: yes

Ian Davis: yes

16:50:32 <NickH> danbri: yes

Dan Brickley: yes

16:50:45 <danbri> '       This is an archaic feature of RDF.  It was included in the        RDF specifications published in 1999 and 2004, but we no        longer recommend it be used in new deployments.  Some existing        software uses it, however, and it will be present in some        archival data, so general purpose software must handle it        correctly.  See @@@ for a more information.'

Dan Brickley: ' This is an archaic feature of RDF. It was included in the RDF specifications published in 1999 and 2004, but we no longer recommend it be used in new deployments. Some existing software uses it, however, and it will be present in some archival data, so general purpose software must handle it correctly. See @@@ for a more information.'

16:50:55 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

16:51:00 <NickH> davidwood: deprecate does not mean remove

David Wood: deprecate does not mean remove

16:51:08 <iand> +1 to archaic

Ian Davis: +1 to archaic

16:51:21 <NickH> danbri: I don't like deprecate and rdf:Seq has its uses

Dan Brickley: I don't like deprecate and rdf:Seq has its uses

16:51:42 <NickH> danbri: language will be 'This is an archaic feature of RDF'

David Wood: language will be 'This is an archaic feature of RDF'

16:51:46 <cygri> +1 to the text in wiki/ArchaicFeatures for alt, bag and seq

Richard Cyganiak: +1 to the text in wiki/ArchaicFeatures for alt, bag and seq

16:51:57 <NickH> s/danbri/davidwood/
16:51:57 <sandro> PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

16:52:08 <NickH> danbri: I don't object

Dan Brickley: I don't object

16:52:13 <NickH> iand: I don't object

Ian Davis: I don't object

16:52:17 <MacTed> +1 proposal

Ted Thibodeau: +1 proposal

16:52:17 <danbri> Ian agrees with me

Dan Brickley: Ian agrees with me

16:52:22 <swh> +1

Steve Harris: +1

16:52:28 <iand> i agree with dan

Ian Davis: i agree with dan

16:52:31 <NickH> iand: I agree with danbri

Ian Davis: I agree with danbri

16:52:32 <sandro> PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

16:52:40 <gavinc> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

16:52:40 <NickH> +1


16:52:41 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

16:52:41 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

16:52:42 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

16:52:42 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

16:52:44 <swh> +1

Steve Harris: +1

16:52:45 <Guus> =1

Guus Schreiber: =1

16:52:49 <mischat> PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF ?

PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF ?

16:52:50 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

16:52:54 <danbri> stop calling it 'deprecated' please, that's too harsh terminology. I do not want to tell people that their data is bad; just that it is unfashionable.

Dan Brickley: stop calling it 'deprecated' please, that's too harsh terminology. I do not want to tell people that their data is bad; just that it is unfashionable.

16:53:17 <mischat> s/PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF \?//

Mischa Tuffield: s/PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF \?// (warning: replacement failed)

16:53:19 <sandro> RESOLVED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

RESOLVED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

16:53:19 <NickH> davidwood: we won't use the term 'deprecated' anymore

David Wood: we won't use the term 'deprecated' anymore

16:53:21 <davidwood> RESOLVED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

RESOLVED: Mark rdf:Alt as an archaic features of RDF

16:53:30 <davidwood> PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF

PROPOSED: Mark rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF

16:53:36 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

16:53:38 <NickH> +1


16:53:39 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

16:53:39 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

16:53:40 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

16:53:40 <danbri> +1

Dan Brickley: +1

16:53:41 <swh> +1

Steve Harris: +1

16:53:41 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

16:53:55 <mischat> +1

Mischa Tuffield: +1

16:53:56 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

16:54:08 <NickH> ericP: what is the alternative?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: what is the alternative?

16:54:19 <yvesr> +1

Yves Raimond: +1

16:54:21 <sandro> eric: I don't know what to tell people to use instead.   Maybe     x hasFlagColor :red, :blue, :green

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I don't know what to tell people to use instead. Maybe x hasFlagColor :red, :blue, :green [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

16:54:39 <NickH> ericP: I am not really sure what to tell people

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I am not really sure what to tell people

16:54:53 <NickH> ericP: is the answer to tell people to use a repeated property?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: is the answer to tell people to use a repeated property?

16:55:02 <iand> people can use custom sequence properties, ex:sequence "1"

Ian Davis: people can use custom sequence properties, ex:sequence "1"

16:55:14 <sandro> davidwood: I use a repeated property, possibly off another node.

David Wood: I use a repeated property, possibly off another node. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

16:55:18 <pchampin> @ericP: that would be my answer

Pierre-Antoine Champin: @ericP: that would be my answer

16:55:39 <gavinc> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

16:55:56 <NickH> davidwood: are you going to formally object?

David Wood: are you going to formally object?

16:56:01 <NickH> ericP: no, no

Eric Prud'hommeaux: no, no

16:56:10 <davidwood> RESOLVED: Mark rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF

RESOLVED: Mark rdf:Bag as an archaic features of RDF

16:56:28 <NickH> sandro: is anyone objecting?

Sandro Hawke: is anyone objecting to doing this with Seq?

16:56:33 <NickH> danbri: yes

Dan Brickley: yes

16:56:48 <NickH> danbri: going to close ISSUE-24

David Wood: going to close ISSUE-24

16:56:55 <sandro> s/?/ to doing this with Seq?/
16:57:14 <NickH> s/danbri/davidwood/
16:58:04 <NickH> davidwood: closing ISSUE-24

David Wood: closing ISSUE-24

16:58:04 <sandro> ISSUE: Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic  (cf ISSUE-24)

ISSUE: Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic (cf ISSUE-24)

16:58:05 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-77 - Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic  (cf ISSUE-24) ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/77/edit .

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ISSUE-77 - Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic (cf ISSUE-24) ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/77/edit .

16:58:33 <NickH> danbri leaves

danbri leaves

16:59:29 <NickH> Guus is packing up

Guus is packing up

16:59:54 <NickH> Guus: my plane is in 2 hours

Guus Schreiber: my plane is in 2 hours

17:00:33 <NickH> davidwood: I missed you Guus

David Wood: I missed you Guus

17:00:45 <tlebo> q+ to ask what OWL 2's annotations fixed that was broken in RDF's reification? (or if OWL 2 fixed them)

Tim Lebo: q+ to ask what OWL 2's annotations fixed that was broken in RDF's reification? (or if OWL 2 fixed them)

17:00:49 <NickH> ISSUE-25?


17:00:49 <trackbot> ISSUE-25 -- Should we deprecate (RDF 2004) reification of statements? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-25 -- Should we deprecate (RDF 2004) reification of statements? -- open

17:00:49 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/25

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/25

17:02:29 <tlebo> owl 2 annotations don't carry any truthfulness in them.

Tim Lebo: owl 2 annotations don't carry any truthfulness in them.

17:02:35 <NickH> pfps: sparql annotations and RDF Reification are completely different

Peter Patel-Schneider: OWL annotations and RDF Reification are completely different

17:02:46 <tlebo> RDF's intent was to be "truthiness"

Tim Lebo: RDF's intent was to be "truthiness"

17:02:49 <yvesr> s/sparql/OWL
17:03:18 <tlebo> "owl annotations are just data sitting on the side; do with it what you will"

Tim Lebo: "owl annotations are just data sitting on the side; do with it what you will"

17:03:22 <tlebo> q-

Tim Lebo: q-

17:03:52 <NickH> pfps: when you talk about the truthiness of the Reification, you get the truthiness of the RDF

Peter Patel-Schneider: when you talk about the truthiness of the Reification, you get the truthiness of the RDF

17:04:18 <AndyS> statings

Andy Seaborne: statings

17:04:21 <NickH> davidwood: when you make a statement about another statement - you are saying something about it

David Wood: when you make a statement about another statement - you are saying something about it

17:04:29 <NickH> davidwood: I could say that it is false

David Wood: I could say that it is false

17:05:07 <NickH> davidwood: I think what pfps is saying is, the ability for you saying that statement is true is by expessing a fact about another triple

David Wood: I think what pfps is saying is, the ability for you saying that statement is true is by expessing a fact about another triple

17:05:31 <NickH> davidwood: I am not saying I agree with it, I am saying I understand what he is saying

David Wood: I am not saying I agree with it, I am saying I understand what he is saying

17:05:42 <tlebo> RDF had more "truthiness" of the triple cited; while OWL 2 is completely agnostic to the truth of the triple being cited.

Tim Lebo: RDF had more "truthiness" of the triple cited; while OWL 2 is completely agnostic to the truth of the triple being cited.

17:06:23 <tlebo> Then let's deprecate RDF reification and use OWL 2 if we still want it.

Tim Lebo: Then let's deprecate RDF reification and use OWL 2 if we still want it.

17:06:24 <NickH> davidwood: there is no explicit truthiness tie, just making a statement

David Wood: there is no explicit truthiness tie, just making a statement

17:06:30 <pfps> owl 2 annotations aren't about statements at all, of course, they are "about" classes (or ....)

Peter Patel-Schneider: owl 2 annotations aren't about statements at all, of course, they are "about" classes (or ....)

17:07:08 <tlebo> the rdfs:range of owl:annotatedSource is owl:Class ?

Tim Lebo: the rdfs:range of owl:annotatedSource is owl:Class ?

17:07:10 <NickH> sandro: happy to mark Reification as archaic as long as we can provide something to replace it with

Sandro Hawke: happy to mark Reification as archaic as long as we can provide something to replace it with

17:07:16 <tlebo> (@pfps)

Tim Lebo: (@pfps)

17:07:35 <pfps> saying Bird creationdate 11/11/11 isn't saying something about a logical construct, but is instead might be saying something about an object

Peter Patel-Schneider: saying Bird creationdate 11/11/11 isn't saying something about a logical construct, but is instead might be saying something about an object

17:07:50 <NickH> davidwood: I didn't hear pfps respone to my paraphrasing of him

David Wood: I didn't hear pfps respone to my paraphrasing of him

17:08:31 <NickH> davidwood: not concened about OWL annotations - interested in the deprecation of RDF Reification

David Wood: not concened about OWL annotations - interested in the deprecation of RDF Reification

17:09:01 <iand> q+

Ian Davis: q+

17:09:09 <davidwood> Straw poll: Should we mark rdf 2004 reification as archaic?

David Wood: Straw poll: Should we mark rdf 2004 reification as archaic?

17:09:15 <davidwood> ack iand

David Wood: ack iand

17:09:17 <ericP> -0

Eric Prud'hommeaux: -0

17:09:48 <gavin_> -0 to wait until something can replace it exists

Gavin Carothers: -0 to wait until something can replace it exists

17:09:57 <NickH> iand: want to make a distinction between reification mechanics and the language used for reification

Ian Davis: want to make a distinction between reification mechanics and the language used for reification

17:10:19 <NickH> iand: happy to make reification mechanics as archaic

Ian Davis: happy to make reification mechanics as archaic

17:10:33 <NickH> iand: as long as the language remains

Ian Davis: as long as the language remains

17:10:49 <NickH> iand: the Talis changespec uses RDF reification

Ian Davis: the Talis changespec uses RDF reification

17:11:07 <yvesr> -0 until we understand what we're going to do about graphs and whether we can describe how users can replace one by the other

Yves Raimond: -0 until we understand what we're going to do about graphs and whether we can describe how users can replace one by the other

17:11:14 <sandro> sandro: so let's postpone issue-25 until we have a better solution, then we can mark RDF reificaton as archaic.

Sandro Hawke: so let's postpone ISSUE-25 until we have a better solution, then we can mark RDF reificaton as archaic. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:11:26 <sandro> ian: The reification mechanics (the vocab) are different from the concept of reification in general

Ian Davis: The reification mechanics (the vocab) are different from the concept of reification in general [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:11:27 <sandro> maybe I got that wrong...

Sandro Hawke: maybe I got that wrong...

17:11:32 <sandro> ian: I need the reif spec.

Ian Davis: I need the reif spec. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:11:34 <sandro> s/spev/vocab/

Sandro Hawke: s/spev/vocab/ (warning: replacement failed)

17:11:35 <tlebo> (sorry, @iand - I think i was using @iand to reference Ivan earlier...)

Tim Lebo: (sorry, @iand - I think i was using @iand to reference Ivan earlier...)

17:11:40 <NickH> pchampin: we are depreicating the non existant reification mechanics

Pierre-Antoine Champin: we are depreicating the non existant reification mechanics

17:11:51 <NickH> davidwood: is there something better?

David Wood: is there something better?

17:11:58 <cygri> +1 to the archaification of reification

Richard Cyganiak: +1 to the archaification of reification

17:12:03 <NickH> iand: I can't think of anyting better at the moment

Ian Davis: I can't think of anyting better at the moment

17:12:49 <NickH> swh: archaic just means that you shouldn't do anything new with it, not that you can't use it for old things

Steve Harris: archaic just means that you shouldn't do anything new with it, not that you can't use it for old things

17:12:54 <LeeF> ISSUE-37?

Lee Feigenbaum: ISSUE-37?

17:12:54 <trackbot> ISSUE-37 -- Handling of fragment identifiers in RDF embedded in other document formats -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-37 -- Handling of fragment identifiers in RDF embedded in other document formats -- open

17:12:54 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/37

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/37

17:12:58 <LeeF> ISSUE-46?

Lee Feigenbaum: ISSUE-46?

17:12:58 <trackbot> ISSUE-46 -- Revisit "Should RDF have a mechanism for declaring two uri's to be equivalent?" -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-46 -- Revisit "Should RDF have a mechanism for declaring two uri's to be equivalent?" -- open

17:12:58 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/46

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/46

17:13:16 <NickH> iand: might be a long time before I can change, don't like that idea of my customers using something marked as archaic

Ian Davis: might be a long time before I can change, don't like that idea of my customers using something marked as archaic

17:13:29 <cygri> ACTION: cygri to propose resolution for ISSUE-37 and ISSUE-69

ACTION: cygri to propose resolution for ISSUE-37 and ISSUE-69

17:13:30 <trackbot> Created ACTION-101 - Propose resolution for ISSUE-37 and ISSUE-69 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-101 - Propose resolution for ISSUE-37 and ISSUE-69 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

17:13:41 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

17:13:54 <NickH> pchampin: my memory of it was that I was the only one who wanted to discuss it

Pierre-Antoine Champin: my memory of it was that I was the only one who wanted to discuss it

17:14:11 <AndyS> q-

Andy Seaborne: q-

17:14:12 <NickH> pchampin: I had a feeling that people were strongly opposed to it

Pierre-Antoine Champin: I had a feeling that people were strongly opposed to it

17:14:13 <gavin_> +0.5 to include sameAssness in RDF (would defer to JJC for a full +1)

Gavin Carothers: +0.5 to include sameAssness in RDF (would defer to JJC for a full +1)

17:14:18 <NickH> pchampin: I can live without it

Pierre-Antoine Champin: I can live without it

17:14:36 <AlexHall> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2011-05-04#ISSUE__2d_46__3f_

Alex Hall: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2011-05-04#ISSUE__2d_46__3f_

17:14:50 <iand> for clarity on ISSUE-25: reification mechanics is http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/#section-Reification and reification vocabulary is http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/#ch_reificationvocab

Ian Davis: for clarity on ISSUE-25: reification mechanics is http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/#section-Reification and reification vocabulary is http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/#ch_reificationvocab

17:15:09 <AndyS>  rdf:sameAs owl:sameAs owl:sameAs

Andy Seaborne: rdf:sameAs owl:sameAs owl:sameAs

17:15:24 <gavin_> Yes, that ;)

Gavin Carothers: Yes, that ;)

17:15:39 <iand>  rdf:sameAs owl:equivalentProperty owl:sameAs

Ian Davis: rdf:sameAs owl:equivalentProperty owl:sameAs

17:15:48 <davidwood> Propose to close ISSUE-46 because owl:sameAs is already widely used and accepted.  This WG has no better answer.

David Wood: Propose to close ISSUE-46 because owl:sameAs is already widely used and accepted. This WG has no better answer.

17:15:50 <pchampin>  rdf:sameAs rdf:sameAs owl:sameAs

Pierre-Antoine Champin: rdf:sameAs rdf:sameAs owl:sameAs

17:15:55 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:15:58 <NickH> +1


17:16:09 <cygri> +!

Richard Cyganiak: +!

17:16:11 <gavin_> -0.5 as it adds little bits of OWL when you really don

Gavin Carothers: -0.5 as it adds little bits of OWL when you really don

17:16:13 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

17:16:13 <gavin_> 't need it

Gavin Carothers: 't need it

17:16:15 <iand> -0

Ian Davis: -0

17:16:20 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

17:16:22 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

17:16:25 <pchampin> +0

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +0

17:16:25 <AlexHall> +1

Alex Hall: +1

17:16:26 <AndyS> +0.5

Andy Seaborne: +0.5

17:16:35 <tlebo> OWL is just another vocabulary.

Tim Lebo: OWL is just another vocabulary.

17:16:52 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

17:16:54 <AndyS> (other useful owl-isms?)

Andy Seaborne: (other useful owl-isms?)

17:17:06 <davidwood> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-46 with no action.

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-46 with no action.

17:17:12 <gavin_> Yeah, basiclly RDFS Plus

Gavin Carothers: Yeah, basiclly RDFS Plus

17:17:15 <pchampin> @Andy: InverseFunctionalProperty ?

Pierre-Antoine Champin: @Andy: InverseFunctionalProperty ?

17:17:20 <gavin_>  owl:sameAs and owl:import

Gavin Carothers: owl:sameAs and owl:import

17:17:44 <iand> wasn't owl:imports a bug? :)

Ian Davis: wasn't owl:imports a bug? :)

17:18:05 <pchampin>  owl:imports owl:sameAs rdf:subject

Pierre-Antoine Champin: owl:imports owl:sameAs rdf:subject

17:18:12 <AndyS> IFP, FP, symmetric,...

Andy Seaborne: IFP, FP, symmetric,...

17:18:14 <NickH> ISSUE-62?


17:18:14 <trackbot> ISSUE-62 -- Revisit "The test cases manifest format has a semantic error" -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-62 -- Revisit "The test cases manifest format has a semantic error" -- open

17:18:14 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/62

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/62

17:18:46 <NickH> davidwood: had anyone looked at test cases recently?

David Wood: had anyone looked at test cases recently?

17:18:57 <cygri> q?

Richard Cyganiak: q?

17:19:50 <NickH> davidwood: would anyone like to volenteer to take over the RDF test cases?

David Wood: would anyone like to volenteer to take over the RDF test cases?

17:19:59 <NickH> <silence>


17:20:10 <NickH> davidwood: will have to rope ericP into it later

David Wood: will have to rope ericP into it later

17:20:26 <NickH> ISSUE-1?


17:20:27 <trackbot> ISSUE-1 -- Is TURTLE the same as SPARQL 1.1 triple syntax? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-1 -- Is TURTLE the same as SPARQL 1.1 triple syntax? -- open

17:20:27 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/1

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/1

17:20:28 <tlebo> @iand, "URI reference event r"  from http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/#section-Reification; huh?

Tim Lebo: @iand, "URI reference event r" from http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/#section-Reification; huh?

17:20:40 <AndyS> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0174.html Test case semantic error

Andy Seaborne: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0174.html Test case semantic error

17:21:15 <sandro> gavin_: "Yes, But...."

Gavin Carothers: "Yes, But...." [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:21:47 <NickH> gavin_: escaoping...

Gavin Carothers: escaoping...

17:22:07 <NickH> gavin_: they could be the same apart from some well motivated exceptions

Gavin Carothers: they could be the same apart from some well motivated exceptions

17:22:10 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close issue-1 saying they should be the same except for well-motivated (and small) exceptions.

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-1 saying they should be the same except for well-motivated (and small) exceptions.

17:22:36 <NickH> davidwood: not sure we have resolved this issue

David Wood: not sure we have resolved this issue

17:22:51 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

17:22:54 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

17:22:57 <NickH> sandro: I think we can close this issue

Sandro Hawke: I think we can close this issue

17:22:57 <gavin_> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

17:23:07 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

17:23:07 <AndyS> suggest one SPARQL and one RDF person catelogue differences

Andy Seaborne: suggest one SPARQL and one RDF person catelogue differences

17:23:09 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

17:23:14 <gavin_> Hi Andy ;)

Gavin Carothers: Hi Andy ;)

17:23:16 <NickH> +1


17:23:49 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

17:24:07 <sandro> RESOLVED: Close issue-1 saying they should be the same except for well-motivated (and small) exceptions.

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-1 saying they should be the same except for well-motivated (and small) exceptions.

17:24:08 <NickH> gavin_: until Turtle gets closer to being final, hope that the differences will go away

Gavin Carothers: until Turtle gets closer to being final, hope that the differences will go away

17:24:14 <davidwood> ack AndyS

David Wood: ack AndyS

17:24:25 <NickH> AndyS: no point if you have resolved it

Andy Seaborne: no point if you have resolved it

17:24:42 <NickH> AndyS: we should have a definativce cataglogue of what the differences are

Andy Seaborne: we should have a definitive cataglogue of what the differences are

17:24:58 <pchampin> s/definativce/definitive/
17:25:00 <NickH> AndyS: and then work out if it makes sense or not

Andy Seaborne: and then work out if it makes sense or not

17:25:18 <NickH> AndyS: I volenteer to do the work from the SPARQL side

Andy Seaborne: I volenteer to do the work from the SPARQL side

17:25:33 <AndyS> For now, on the wiki.

Andy Seaborne: For now, on the wiki.

17:25:41 <NickH> davidwood: who shall do the work from the Turtle side?

David Wood: who shall do the work from the Turtle side?

17:25:51 <NickH> gavin_: me

Gavin Carothers: me

17:27:02 <AndyS> NB This applies to TriG as well.  e.g. trailing DOT

Andy Seaborne: NB This applies to TriG as well. e.g. trailing DOT

17:27:18 <davidwood> Andy and Gavin will create a list of issues between SPARQL and Turtle.  The list will be maintained on the RDF WG wiki and may become an appendix to the Turtle spec.

David Wood: Andy and Gavin will create a list of issues between SPARQL and Turtle. The list will be maintained on the RDF WG wiki and may become an appendix to the Turtle spec.

17:27:34 <NickH> AndyS: yes, that is fine

Andy Seaborne: yes, that is fine

17:27:38 <NickH> gavin_: yup

Gavin Carothers: yup

17:28:13 <tlebo> +1

Tim Lebo: +1

17:28:18 <tlebo> (we have issues)

Tim Lebo: (we have issues)

17:28:51 <yvesr> no

Yves Raimond: no

17:29:14 <NickH> davidwood: we resolve to put N-Triples into the Turtle document

David Wood: we resolve to put N-Triples into the Turtle document

17:29:49 <NickH> gavin_: no resolution on what to do with old N-Triples that doesn't have a media type and new n-Triples that does have a media type

Gavin Carothers: no resolution on what to do with old N-Triples that doesn't have a media type and new n-Triples that does have a media type

17:29:55 <AndyS> As long as there is a NT language and mime type (and its suggested to use UTF-8) somewhere

Andy Seaborne: As long as there is a NT language and mime type (and its suggested to use UTF-8) somewhere

17:30:02 <AndyS> Ditto NQ

Andy Seaborne: Ditto NQ

17:30:22 <NickH> ISSUE-19?


17:30:22 <trackbot> ISSUE-19 -- Should TURTLE allow triples like "[ :p 123 ]." as SPARQL does ? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-19 -- Should TURTLE allow triples like "[ :p 123 ]." as SPARQL does ? -- open

17:30:22 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/19

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/19

17:30:41 <NickH> gavin_: this can be resolved closed as a duplicate of ISSUE-1

Gavin Carothers: this can be resolved closed as a duplicate of ISSUE-1

17:30:54 <NickH> gavin_: I have just closed ISSUE-1

Gavin Carothers: I have just closed ISSUE-1

17:31:11 <NickH> ISSUE-73?


17:31:11 <trackbot> ISSUE-73 -- IRI_REF vs. IRIref -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-73 -- IRI_REF vs. IRIref -- open

17:31:11 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/73

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/73

17:31:29 <NickH> gavin_: I need to resolve this with AndyS

Gavin Carothers: I need to resolve this with AndyS

17:31:43 <NickH> davidwood: do you need help from the working group?

David Wood: do you need help from the working group?

17:31:53 <NickH> gavin_: I need help from AndyS

Gavin Carothers: I need help from AndyS

17:32:04 <NickH> gavin_: they are subtly different

Gavin Carothers: they are subtly different

17:32:22 <NickH> gavin_: they shouldn't be combined, they should be renamed

Gavin Carothers: they shouldn't be combined, they should be renamed

17:33:12 <NickH> ISSUE-74?


17:33:13 <trackbot> ISSUE-74 -- Prefixed names and slashes -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-74 -- Prefixed names and slashes -- open

17:33:13 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/74

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/74

17:33:38 <NickH> gavin_: this is actually a working group issue

Gavin Carothers: this is actually a working group issue

17:33:52 <NickH> both are agreed and people think both are right

both are agreed and people think both are right

17:34:12 <NickH> davidwood: end of the Turtle Issues

David Wood: end of the Turtle Issues

17:34:20 <NickH> davidwood: lets go to RDF General

David Wood: lets go to RDF General

17:34:23 <NickH> ISSUE-3?


17:34:23 <trackbot> ISSUE-3 -- Between us, we need to study the feedback we got via http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/ on the previous round of specs (and errata) -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-3 -- Between us, we need to study the feedback we got via http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/ on the previous round of specs (and errata) -- open

17:34:23 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/3

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/3

17:34:41 <NickH> davidwood: certainly have to do that, certainly havn't done it

David Wood: certainly have to do that, certainly havn't done it

17:34:45 <NickH> davidwood: lets move on

David Wood: lets move on

17:35:19 <NickH> sandro: if it doesn't require a working group decision, better to put an action on somebody

Sandro Hawke: if it doesn't require a working group decision, better to put an action on somebody

17:35:50 <NickH> davidwood: I think we should put an action on Ivan

David Wood: I think we should put an action on Ivan

17:36:06 <NickH> davidwood: I can't imageine who else could do this well

David Wood: I can't imageine who else could do this well

17:36:15 <NickH> sandro: I think cygri would do a good job

Sandro Hawke: I think cygri would do a good job

17:36:39 <tlebo> also not hearing things.

Tim Lebo: also not hearing things.

17:37:53 <NickH> cygri: I am not going to volenteer for this because I think it is going to be a lot of work

Richard Cyganiak: I am not going to volenteer for this because I think it is going to be a lot of work

17:38:13 <NickH> davidwood: wondering if one of Guus's students might want to do this

David Wood: wondering if one of Guus's students might want to do this

17:38:34 <NickH> work for someone young, keen and wanting to prove himself

work for someone young, keen and wanting to prove himself

17:39:17 <sandro> action: davidwood ask Guus to find a student to do the work of ISSUE-3

ACTION: davidwood ask Guus to find a student to do the work of ISSUE-3

17:39:17 <trackbot> Created ACTION-102 - Ask Guus to find a student to do the work of ISSUE-3 [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-102 - Ask Guus to find a student to do the work of ISSUE-3 [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

17:39:20 <Scott_Bauer>  scribe: scott

Scott Bauer: scribe: scott

17:39:28 <sandro> scribe: scott

(Scribe set to Scott Bauer)

17:40:48 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  issue 65 where do these exist?

David Wood: ISSUE-65 where do these exist?

17:40:52 <LeeF> ISSUE-65?

Lee Feigenbaum: ISSUE-65?

17:40:52 <trackbot> ISSUE-65 -- Update XSD 1.0 references to XSD 1.1 -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-65 -- Update XSD 1.0 references to XSD 1.1 -- open

17:40:52 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/65

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/65

17:40:57 <cygri> q+

Richard Cyganiak: q+

17:42:54 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  we have rdf concepts written when rdf was xml.  We ought to push xsd to serializations.

David Wood: we have rdf concepts written when rdf was xml. We ought to push xsd to serializations.

17:43:22 <Scott_Bauer> … need to change wording in concepts.

… need to change wording in concepts.

17:43:38 <davidwood> ack cygri

David Wood: ack cygri

17:44:17 <Scott_Bauer> cygri: a broader point.  Can't have a literal anymore in 1.1.  need something more in rdf concepts

Richard Cyganiak: a broader point. Can't have a plain literal anymore in 1.1. need something more in rdf concepts

17:44:47 <Scott_Bauer> … datatypes only get into rdf when you get into semantics.  needs to change.

… datatypes only get into rdf when you get into semantics. needs to change.

17:44:56 <gavin_> s/literal/plain literal/
17:45:02 <pchampin> q+ to ask richard about simple entailment

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+ to ask richard about simple entailment

17:45:03 <Scott_Bauer> … needs to somehow include xsd: string

… needs to somehow include xsd: string

17:45:35 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  we have clean up to do in rdf concepts

David Wood: we have clean up to do in rdf concepts

17:45:46 <Scott_Bauer> … section 5 datatypes.

… section 5 datatypes.

17:46:31 <cygri> ACTION: cygri to mention ISSUE-65 in RDF Concepts ED (Section 5)

ACTION: cygri to mention ISSUE-65 in RDF Concepts ED (Section 5)

17:46:32 <trackbot> Created ACTION-103 - Mention ISSUE-65 in RDF Concepts ED (Section 5) [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-103 - Mention ISSUE-65 in RDF Concepts ED (Section 5) [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

17:46:40 <Scott_Bauer> action: cygri to add issue 65 as an issue on the rdf concepts section 5 datatypes

ACTION: cygri to add ISSUE-65 as an issue on the rdf concepts section 5 datatypes

17:46:41 <trackbot> Created ACTION-104 - Add issue 65 as an issue on the rdf concepts section 5 datatypes [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-104 - Add ISSUE-65 as an issue on the rdf concepts section 5 datatypes [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

17:47:08 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: alex does that address your issue on issue 65

David Wood: alex does that address your issue on ISSUE-65

17:47:32 <Scott_Bauer> … richard I propose to take your action and close action 65.

… richard I propose to take your action and close ACTION-65.

17:47:58 <Scott_Bauer> sandro: at this point its in CR

Sandro Hawke: at this point its in CR

17:48:28 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: we can raise an new issue if it stalls

David Wood: we can raise an new issue if it stalls

17:48:44 <Scott_Bauer> … closing issue 65 moving to an editorial action.

… closing ISSUE-65 moving to an editorial action.

17:48:56 <Scott_Bauer> … on rdf concepts

… on rdf concepts

17:49:03 <Scott_Bauer> topic: issue 66

6. ISSUE-66

17:49:48 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  this needs to be a semantics issue

David Wood: this needs to be a semantics issue

17:50:11 <Scott_Bauer> alexwood:  owl2 and rid add some not referenced in semantics

Alex Hall: owl2 and rid add some not referenced in semantics

17:50:26 <davidwood> s/alexwood/alexhall/
17:50:48 <Scott_Bauer> cygrid:  the concepts in rdf semantics are practical and should be in semantics

Richard Cyganiak: the list of XSD datatypes in rdf semantics are practical and should be in RDF concepts

17:51:07 <Scott_Bauer> s/cygrid/cygri
17:51:18 <pchampin> s/concepts/list of XSD datatypes/
17:51:24 <iand> he said the datatype list should be in concepts (as well as semantics)

Ian Davis: he said the datatype list should be in concepts (as well as semantics)

17:51:32 <gavin_> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

17:51:42 <pchampin> s/be in semantics/be in RDF concepts/
17:51:45 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  list of datatypes that are in recommended for use in semantics should be in concepts

Richard Cyganiak: list of datatypes that are in recommended for use in semantics should be in concepts

17:51:50 <mischat> +1

Mischa Tuffield: +1

17:51:50 <iand> +1

Ian Davis: +1

17:51:53 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

17:51:55 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: i concur

David Wood: i concur

17:51:57 <yvesr> +1

Yves Raimond: +1

17:52:04 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

17:52:43 <Scott_Bauer> action: cygri contact pat and peter and make sure they are ok with this

ACTION: cygri contact pat and peter and make sure they are ok with this

17:52:43 <trackbot> Created ACTION-105 - Contact pat and peter and make sure they are ok with this  [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-105 - Contact pat and peter and make sure they are ok with this [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

17:53:33 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  lets leave graphs alone

David Wood: lets leave graphs alone

17:53:46 <gavin_> action: gavinc add link from Turtle datatypes section to recommended list in concepts

ACTION: gavinc add link from Turtle datatypes section to recommended list in concepts

17:53:47 <trackbot> Created ACTION-106 - Add link from Turtle datatypes section to recommended list in concepts [on Gavin Carothers - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-106 - Add link from Turtle datatypes section to recommended list in concepts [on Gavin Carothers - due 2011-10-20].

17:53:48 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: topic issue 16

David Wood: topic ISSUE-16

17:54:02 <Scott_Bauer> topic: issue 16

7. ISSUE-16

17:54:08 <cygri> ISSUE-16?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-16?

17:54:08 <trackbot> ISSUE-16 -- What is the normative serialization of the JSON grammar? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-16 -- What is the normative serialization of the JSON grammar? -- open

17:54:08 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/16

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/16

17:54:16 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: should this be an issue at all?

David Wood: should this be an issue at all?

17:55:16 <Scott_Bauer> … this should remain open and we move on

… this should remain open and we move on

17:55:29 <Scott_Bauer> topic: issue 69

8. ISSUE-69

17:55:58 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: richard gave himself an action for 34 and 69.  will propose something

David Wood: richard gave himself an action for 34 and 69. will propose something

17:56:28 <Scott_Bauer> topic: issue 70

9. ISSUE-70

17:56:45 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  close as an editorial issue

David Wood: close as an editorial issue

17:56:54 <Scott_Bauer> … ?

… ?

17:57:04 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  I'd like to keep it open

Richard Cyganiak: I'd like to keep it open

17:57:33 <gavin_> issue-75?

Gavin Carothers: ISSUE-75?

17:57:33 <trackbot> ISSUE-75 -- Valid plain literals containing #x0 are ill-typed in RDF 1.1 -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-75 -- Valid plain literals containing #x0 are ill-typed in RDF 1.1 -- open

17:57:33 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/75

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/75

17:57:45 <Scott_Bauer> topic: issue 75

10. ISSUE-75

17:58:55 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  unicode not allowed in xml version.  all sorts of formerly valid rdf plain literals are no longer valid

Richard Cyganiak: unicode not allowed in xml version. all sorts of formerly valid rdf plain literals are no longer valid

17:59:27 <Scott_Bauer> … unicode .0

… unicode .0

18:00:11 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  what should the resolution be?

David Wood: what should the resolution be?

18:00:41 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  we should have all the changes rdf 1.0 and 1.1 in same place.

Richard Cyganiak: we should have all the changes rdf 1.0 and 1.1 in same place.

18:01:11 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  put it in use cases and requirements?

Sandro Hawke: put it in use cases and requirements?

18:01:38 <Scott_Bauer> cygri: do we have such a document?

Richard Cyganiak: do we have such a document?

18:01:44 <Scott_Bauer> sandro: no

Sandro Hawke: no

18:02:04 <iand> we should notify community early to see if it breaks any implementations

Ian Davis: we should notify community early to see if it breaks any implementations

18:02:06 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  will create a note -- not an action item.

David Wood: will create a note -- not an action item.

18:02:23 <Scott_Bauer> …

18:02:56 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  we put it in rdf concepts now?

Sandro Hawke: we put it in rdf concepts now?

18:03:36 <AlexHall> how many implementors validate xsd:strings right now?

Alex Hall: how many implementors validate xsd:strings right now?

18:03:49 <iand> we could write a negative test case:  :x :y "\u0000" .

Ian Davis: we could write a negative test case: :x :y "\u0000" .

18:04:09 <iand> ask implementors to try that test and see if they handle it

Ian Davis: ask implementors to try that test and see if they handle it

18:04:11 <Scott_Bauer> letting cygri create the action item?

letting cygri create the action item?

18:04:16 <cygri> ACTION: cygri to add a note to RDF Concepts re ISSUE-75

ACTION: cygri to add a note to RDF Concepts re ISSUE-75

18:04:16 <trackbot> Created ACTION-107 - Add a note to RDF Concepts re ISSUE-75 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-107 - Add a note to RDF Concepts re ISSUE-75 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2011-10-20].

18:04:19 <sandro> gavin_: This wasn't a problem pre-turtle because no syntax could express it.

Gavin Carothers: This wasn't a problem pre-turtle because no syntax could express it. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:04:51 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  Ian's says it should be a test case

David Wood: Ian's says it should be a test case

18:05:06 <Scott_Bauer> gavinc:  it can't be expressed in n-triples

Gavin Carothers: it can't be expressed in n-triples

18:05:30 <Scott_Bauer> sandro: it's a syntax error -- you expect it to fail

Sandro Hawke: it's a syntax error -- you expect it to fail

18:05:36 <iand> it can be expressed in ntriples (as above) but it is just datatype invalid

Ian Davis: it can be expressed in ntriples (as above) but it is just datatype invalid

18:05:54 <Scott_Bauer> topic: issue 76

11. ISSUE-76

18:06:18 <cygri> sandro++

Richard Cyganiak: sandro++

18:06:46 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  close issue 75 first

Sandro Hawke: close ISSUE-75 first

18:06:48 <iand> If i can write "x"^^xsd:int then I can write "\u0000"^^xsd:string

Ian Davis: If i can write "x"^^xsd:int then I can write "\u0000"^^xsd:string

18:07:05 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: closing issue 75

David Wood: closing ISSUE-75

18:07:36 <Scott_Bauer> … issue 76 overcome by events if datatypes move from semantics to concepts

ISSUE-76 overcome by events if datatypes move from semantics to concepts

18:07:49 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  it's a bug and needs to stay open.

Richard Cyganiak: it's a bug and needs to stay open.

18:08:15 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  we resolved this at an earlier date but we forgot to close it

David Wood: we resolved this at an earlier date but we forgot to close it

18:08:35 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  pat closed it

David Wood: pat closed it

18:08:53 <NickH> ACTION-76?

Nicholas Humfrey: ACTION-76?

18:08:53 <trackbot> ACTION-76 -- Patrick Hayes to summarize the options -- due 2011-08-24 -- CLOSED

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-76 -- Patrick Hayes to summarize the options -- due 2011-08-24 -- CLOSED

18:08:53 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/76

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/76

18:09:03 <Scott_Bauer> this was action 76

this was ACTION-76

18:09:08 <gavin_> iand, I agree (sort of) but I don't think you could write Recomended RDF that used #x0 at all.

Gavin Carothers: iand, I agree (sort of) but I don't think you could write Recomended RDF that used #x0 at all.

18:09:37 <gavin_> by a strict reading of the specifications

Gavin Carothers: by a strict reading of the specifications

18:09:49 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  action: check with pat hayes to see if issue 76 can be closed

David Wood: action: check with pat hayes to see if ISSUE-76 can be closed

18:10:04 <Scott_Bauer> action: check with pat hayes to see if issue 76 can be closed

ACTION: check with pat hayes to see if ISSUE-76 can be closed

18:10:04 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - check

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - check

18:10:35 <davidwood> action: davidwood to check with pat hayes to see if issue 76 can be closed

ACTION: davidwood to check with pat hayes to see if ISSUE-76 can be closed

18:10:35 <trackbot> Created ACTION-108 - Check with pat hayes to see if issue 76 can be closed [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-108 - Check with pat hayes to see if ISSUE-76 can be closed [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

18:10:54 <MacTed> RRSAgent, drop action 11

Ted Thibodeau: RRSAgent, drop ACTION-11

18:11:04 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  only other issues are with graphs

David Wood: only other issues are with graphs

18:11:30 <Scott_Bauer> … we can do issues for graphs or we can talk about the primer

… we can do issues for graphs or we can talk about the primer

18:11:30 <cygri> "Review of all outstanding Documents that the WG is updating."

Richard Cyganiak: "Review of all outstanding Documents that the WG is updating."

18:11:56 <cygri> q+ to suggest "Review of all outstanding Documents that the WG is updating."

Richard Cyganiak: q+ to suggest "Review of all outstanding Documents that the WG is updating."

18:12:15 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  issue 21 re node sharing is a possibilities

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-21 re node sharing is a possibilities

18:12:24 <pchampin> q-

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q-

18:12:31 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  let's not look at graphs now

Richard Cyganiak: let's not look at graphs now

18:12:37 <gavin_> +1 no more talking about graphs

Gavin Carothers: +1 no more talking about graphs

18:12:39 <iand> no issues were raised from our f2f discussions on named graphs. pity we couldn't get concrete issues from them

Ian Davis: no issues were raised from our f2f discussions on named graphs. pity we couldn't get concrete issues from them

18:12:53 <iand> gavin_: we can't talk about graphs anyway

Gavin Carothers: we can't talk about graphs anyway [ Scribe Assist by Ian Davis ]

18:13:14 <gavin_> ack cygri

Gavin Carothers: ack cygri

18:13:14 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to suggest "Review of all outstanding Documents that the WG is updating."

Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, you wanted to suggest "Review of all outstanding Documents that the WG is updating."

18:13:18 <sandro> indeed, iand....     :-(

Sandro Hawke: indeed, iand.... :-(

18:13:18 <Scott_Bauer> … review outstanding documents

… review outstanding documents

18:13:39 <Scott_Bauer> … need editors drafts for other documents

… need editors drafts for other documents

18:13:54 <Scott_Bauer> … check up on prospective editors for these

… check up on prospective editors for these

18:14:07 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  we should look into the editors list

David Wood: we should look into the editors list

18:14:47 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  we need to do one issue per week before last call

Sandro Hawke: we need to close one (on average) issue per week before last call

18:15:20 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  let's go through the editors list

David Wood: let's go through the editors list

18:15:38 <Scott_Bauer> … we'll do the primer if we have time.

… we'll do the primer if we have time.

18:15:56 <sandro> s/do one/close one (on average)/
18:16:09 <Scott_Bauer> … vocabulary.  we had dan brickley.  Do we need a co-editor

… vocabulary. we had dan brickley. Do we need a co-editor

18:16:16 <Scott_Bauer> … anyone interested

… anyone interested

18:16:33 <pchampin> and if he does, I volunteer

Pierre-Antoine Champin: and if he does, I volunteer

18:16:41 <Scott_Bauer> action:  davidwood ask danbri if he would like a co-editor on vocabulary

ACTION: davidwood ask danbri if he would like a co-editor on vocabulary

18:16:41 <trackbot> Created ACTION-109 - Ask danbri if he would like a co-editor on vocabulary [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-109 - Ask danbri if he would like a co-editor on vocabulary [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

18:17:23 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood: n-triples two oracle editors on one documents.

David Wood: n-triples two oracle editors on one documents.

18:17:42 <Scott_Bauer> gavinc:  they raised objections and were made editors as a result.

Gavin Carothers: they raised objections and were made editors as a result.

18:19:06 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  a fait accompli n-triples will be a part of the turtle doc

David Wood: a fait accompli n-triples will be a part of the turtle doc

18:19:13 <iand> thanks sandro - i work better through the medium of text :)

Ian Davis: thanks sandro - i work better through the medium of text :)

18:19:33 <Scott_Bauer> … sour and she will work with gavin on the document

… souri and zhe will work with gavin on the document

18:19:48 <Scott_Bauer> s/sour/souri
18:19:56 <gavin_> s/she/zhe/
18:21:33 <Guus> [from Heathrow]

Guus Schreiber: [from Heathrow]

18:21:59 <gavin_> This is the Linked Data API stuff yes?

Gavin Carothers: This is the Linked Data API stuff yes?

18:22:08 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  yves could you describe any progress on the JSON recipes note

David Wood: yves could you describe any progress on the JSON recipes note

18:22:27 <Scott_Bauer> yvesr:  have not started on it yet.

Yves Raimond: have not started on it yet.

18:23:29 <Scott_Bauer> action: davidwood ping fabian re rdf syntax spec revised

ACTION: davidwood ping fabian re rdf syntax spec revised

18:23:30 <trackbot> Created ACTION-110 - Ping fabian re rdf syntax spec revised [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-110 - Ping fabian re rdf syntax spec revised [on David Wood - due 2011-10-20].

18:24:12 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  richard the n-quad syntax?

David Wood: richard the n-quad syntax?

18:24:43 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  we don't know what's going to have until abstract syntax is better developed

Richard Cyganiak: we don't know what's going to have until abstract syntax is better developed

18:25:06 <Scott_Bauer> … might be part of the turtle work for eric or gavin?

… might be part of the turtle work for eric or gavin?

18:25:42 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  I disagree.  we agreed that turtle would not deal with named graphs.

David Wood: I disagree. we agreed that turtle would not deal with named graphs.

18:26:05 <Scott_Bauer> gavinc:  I'm willing to work with someone on the the trig syntax.

Gavin Carothers: I'm willing to work with someone on the the trig syntax.

18:26:22 <Scott_Bauer> … I'd like someone else to co-edit

… I'd like someone else to co-edit

18:27:14 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  trig and n-quads I've worked with but syntax is a lot of detailed syntax gavin is better at.

Richard Cyganiak: trig and n-quads I've worked with but syntax is a lot of detailed syntax gavin is better at.

18:27:27 <Scott_Bauer> … grammar is 95% the same

… grammar is 95% the same

18:27:42 <Scott_Bauer> gavin:  I need some else but I agree

Gavin Carothers: I need some else but I agree

18:27:50 <Scott_Bauer> … the grammar will not be repeated.

… the grammar will not be repeated.

18:28:15 <Scott_Bauer> cygri:  Once we know abstract syntax we should revisit.

Richard Cyganiak: Once we know abstract syntax we should revisit.

18:28:41 <Scott_Bauer> … concepts work is unknown.  Work may go well

… concepts work is unknown. Work may go well

18:29:04 <Scott_Bauer> … I might consider in the future but not now.

… I might consider in the future but not now.

18:29:49 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  process question for sandro.

David Wood: process question for sandro.

18:29:58 <sandro> change the shortname "rdf-syntax-grammar" to "rdf-xml"

Sandro Hawke: change the shortname "rdf-syntax-grammar" to "rdf-xml"

18:30:01 <sandro> seems fine to me.

Sandro Hawke: seems fine to me.

18:31:34 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  should we do anything with our last 30 minutes

David Wood: should we do anything with our last 30 minutes

18:32:31 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  I have much of the scribe cleanup done but you are free to clean them up as necessary.

Sandro Hawke: I have much of the scribe cleanup done but you are free to clean them up as necessary.

18:33:28 <Scott_Bauer> … (referring to the minutes)

… (referring to the minutes)

18:34:21 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  rdf primer is scheduled what do people want?

David Wood: rdf primer is scheduled what do people want?

18:35:08 <Scott_Bauer> sandro:  will it be a multi syntax document

Sandro Hawke: will it be a multi syntax document

18:35:11 <Guus> should come back on a  telecon

Guus Schreiber: should come back on a telecon

18:35:20 <Scott_Bauer> davidwood:  that would be great

David Wood: that would be great

18:35:41 <Guus> 1st version turtle/trig, add others later

Guus Schreiber: 1st version turtle/trig, add others later

18:36:27 <Scott_Bauer> … good for the community if all the serializations are represented in the primer.

… good for the community if all the serializations are represented in the primer.

18:36:52 <Guus> sure

Guus Schreiber: sure

18:36:55 <Scott_Bauer> gavinc:  only one will have named graphs or can deal with it.

Gavin Carothers: only one will have named graphs or can deal with it.

18:37:22 <Scott_Bauer> sandro: convenient in trig doable in others

Sandro Hawke: convenient in trig doable in others

18:37:38 <Scott_Bauer> … near a clear model use trig

… need a clear modell use trig

18:38:34 <sandro> sandro: Once we have a clear enough model, I think it will be easy enough to define a useable way to do it in pure triples.

Sandro Hawke: Once we have a clear enough model, I think it will be easy enough to define a useable way to do it in pure triples. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:38:47 <Scott_Bauer> s/near a clear mode/need a clear model/
18:39:06 <sandro> PROPOSED: The primer should have examples in each of our syntaxes

PROPOSED: The primer should have examples in each of our syntaxes

18:39:17 <gavin_> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

18:39:18 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

18:39:19 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

18:39:20 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

18:39:20 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

18:39:23 <Scott_Bauer> +1


18:39:25 <Guus> +1

Guus Schreiber: +1

18:39:30 <sandro> RESOLVED: The primer should have examples in each of our syntaxes

RESOLVED: The primer should have examples in each of our syntaxes

18:39:45 <sandro> PROPOSED: The primer should have a section on each of our syntaxes

PROPOSED: The primer should have a section on each of our syntaxes

18:39:45 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

18:39:49 <gavin_> +1

Gavin Carothers: +1

18:39:49 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

18:39:49 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

18:39:51 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

18:39:55 <Scott_Bauer> +1


18:39:59 <sandro> RESOLVED: The primer should have a section on each of our syntaxes

RESOLVED: The primer should have a section on each of our syntaxes

18:40:10 <sandro> PROPOSED: The primer should be 500 bytes long.

PROPOSED: The primer should be 500 bytes long.

18:40:11 <Guus> this section may be an appendix

Guus Schreiber: this section may be an appendix

18:40:27 <sandro> PROPOSED: The section on RDF/XML should not be first

PROPOSED: The section on RDF/XML should not be first

18:40:32 <pchampin> +1000

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1000

18:40:36 <Guus> good to limit main text length

Guus Schreiber: good to limit main text length

18:40:57 <sandro> Guus?  I thought you left...

Sandro Hawke: Guus? I thought you left...

18:41:03 <Guus> [anybody hearing me?]

Guus Schreiber: [anybody hearing me?]

18:41:05 <davidwood> PROPOSED: The section on RDF/XML should be the last syntactical section.  Turtle should be first.

PROPOSED: The section on RDF/XML should be the last syntactical section. Turtle should be first.

18:41:13 <cygri> PROPOSED: The full text for the RDF/XML section should be: “Don't.”

PROPOSED: The full text for the RDF/XML section should be: “Don't.”

18:41:15 <davidwood> Guus: We don't hear you

Guus Schreiber: We don't hear you [ Scribe Assist by David Wood ]

18:41:23 <davidwood> Please vote on:

David Wood: Please vote on:

18:41:28 <davidwood> PROPOSED: The section on RDF/XML should be the last syntactical section.  Turtle should be first.

PROPOSED: The section on RDF/XML should be the last syntactical section.  Turtle should be first.

18:41:31 <MacTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

18:41:35 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

18:41:36 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

18:41:44 <AlexHall> +1

Alex Hall: +1

18:41:44 <gavin_> +1 given that we resolve name graphs in turtle ;)

Gavin Carothers: +1 given that we resolve name graphs in turtle ;)

18:41:45 <Guus> i think this is going in tto much detail, just formulate reqs, not structure

Guus Schreiber: i think this is going in tto much detail, just formulate reqs, not structure

18:41:48 <sandro> +0 I think that's a little much

Sandro Hawke: +0 I think that's a little much

18:41:50 <gavin_> hehe

Gavin Carothers: hehe

18:41:59 <gavin_> You think? ;)

Gavin Carothers: You think? ;)

18:42:32 <gavin_> AlexHall: What font should we use?

Alex Hall: What font should we use? [ Scribe Assist by Gavin Carothers ]

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