ISSUE-124: Overlap between Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data and DWBP

Overlap between Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data and DWBP

Data Usage Vocabulary
Raised by:
Antoine Isaac
Opened on:
The Vocabulary Checklist from the Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data overlaps quite a lot with the best practices from this section. Should we clarify the difference in positioning? Is there one?

26 Jan 2015: PhilA - When preparing the doc for FPWD I had already deferred to the LD-Best practices doc and removed the overlapping content before I got to this issue.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Re: Deferred to Linked Data Best Practices for vocab re-use (from on 2015-01-28)
  2. Re: Deferred to Linked Data Best Practices for vocab re-use (from on 2015-01-27)
  3. Re: Deferred to Linked Data Best Practices for vocab re-use (from on 2015-01-27)
  4. Deferred to Linked Data Best Practices for vocab re-use (from on 2015-01-26)
  5. dwbp-ISSUE-124 (BernadetteLoscio): Overlap between Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data and DWBP [Best practices document(s)] (from on 2015-01-15)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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