15:39:59 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 15:39:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/12/16-dpub-irc 15:40:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:40:01 Zakim has joined #dpub 15:40:03 Zakim, this will be dpub 15:40:03 ok, trackbot; I see SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 20 minutes 15:40:04 Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 15:40:04 Date: 16 December 2013 15:40:20 mgylling has joined #dpub 15:51:50 azaroth has joined #DPUB 15:55:17 fjh has joined #dpub 15:57:18 SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM has now started 15:57:25 +??P50 15:57:34 trackbot, start telcon 15:57:36 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:57:38 Zakim, this will be dpub 15:57:38 ok, trackbot, I see SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM already started 15:57:39 Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 15:57:39 Date: 16 December 2013 15:57:52 zakim, ??P50 is mgylling 15:57:52 +mgylling; got it 15:58:05 Sharad has joined #dpub 15:58:16 regrets: Vladimir Levantovsky, Tom De Nies, Phil Madans, Rich Schwerdtfeger, Thierry Michel, Tzviya Siegman, George Walkley, Pierre Danet, Luc Audrain, Vincent Gros 15:58:48 zakim, code? 15:58:48 the conference code is 3782 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ivan 15:59:12 +Ivan 15:59:16 + +1.503.614.aaaa 15:59:30 + +1.505.665.aabb 15:59:36 dshkolnik has joined #dpub 15:59:41 +Liza 15:59:43 Zakim, aabb is azaroth 15:59:43 +azaroth; got it 15:59:47 +Stearns 15:59:48 +dauwhe 16:00:01 zakim, aaaa is Sharad 16:00:02 +Sharad; got it 16:00:06 +[IPcaller] 16:00:09 gcapiel has joined #dpub 16:00:10 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 16:00:10 +fjh; got it 16:00:38 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub 16:00:51 +??P78 16:01:08 regrets: Vladimir Levantovsky, Tom De Nies, Phil Madans, Rich Schwerdtfeger, Thierry Michel, Tzviya Siegman, George Walkley, Pierre Danet, Luc Audrain, Vincent Gros, Brady Duga 16:01:08 +Bill_Kasdorf 16:01:13 + +1.408.431.aacc 16:01:18 lizadaly has joined #dpub 16:01:21 Zakim, ??P78 is me 16:01:21 +gcapiel; got it 16:01:24 +plinss 16:01:29 Suzanne has joined #dpub 16:01:40 +Suzanne_Taylor 16:02:00 zakim, who is here? 16:02:00 On the phone I see mgylling, Ivan, Sharad, azaroth, Liza, Stearns, dauwhe, fjh, gcapiel, Bill_Kasdorf, +1.408.431.aacc, plinss, Suzanne_Taylor 16:02:02 On IRC I see Suzanne, lizadaly, Bill_Kasdorf, gcapiel, dshkolnik, Sharad, fjh, azaroth, mgylling, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, Bert, dauwhe, liam, astearns, trackbot, plinss 16:02:19 zakim, aacc is dshkolnik 16:02:19 +dshkolnik; got it 16:02:39 +JeanKaplansky 16:02:56 +Liam 16:03:21 +Laura_Fowler 16:03:25 Jean_K has joined #dpub 16:03:46 + +49.305.770.aadd 16:03:49 scribe: lizadaly 16:04:44 (Do I scribe here or in separate notes?) 16:04:54 Here would be great, thanks Liza 16:05:01 You bet 16:05:14 olaf_druemmer has joined #dpub 16:05:31 Zakim, aadd is olaf_druemmer 16:05:31 +olaf_druemmer; got it 16:05:38 Markus: 2nd week where we are trying theme-based called; today Annotations is up 16:06:07 +Bert 16:06:11 First, approve previous minutes; objections to approval for last week's minutes? No; minutes are approved 16:06:18 When should we meet again after Christmas? 16:06:39 Monday 6th or Monday the 13th? 16:06:48 6th is fine here 16:06:53 6th is fine for me 16:06:56 1/13 is better, but 1/6 works 16:07:09 Deadline for CSS Shapes notes is the 7th 16:07:30 It is so duly noted that the next meeting will be the 6th of January 16:07:47 Theme for the 6th of January? 16:08:00 (TBD after discussion) 16:08:20 Other discussion: Ivan will look into the mailing list issue raised by Tony 16:08:32 ...but he believes it may be fine now 16:08:50 Others are encouraged to raise any additional issues and he will follow up with the systems staff 16:08:59 Topic: Annotations 16:08:59 ANNOTATIONS 16:09:11 My name is Olaf Drümmer, I am CEO of callas software GmbH and axaio software GmbH in Berlin, Germany. I am also the chairman of teh PDF Association. My interest is around accessibility, MathML, STEM, and digital publishing in general. 16:09:19 Markus suggests we provide some context for this discussion 16:09:30 "Who is doing what?" 16:09:57 Markus: There are 3 entities engaged in this work 16:10:04 1. Open Annotation Community Group 16:10:35 Markus: 2. The IDPF, adapting the Open Annotations specification for use with EPUB 16:10:40 Guest: Olaf (olaf_druemmer) Drümmer, Callas Software GmbH 16:10:56 Markus: They are pointing to it and developing some specializations for it 16:11:15 Markus: 3. This interest group, at this point collecting use cases for annotations as it relates to digital publishing 16:11:42 Markus: The use case corpus as developed here has a wider scope than the original OA effort as it takes into account new cases discovered in the collaboration with the IDPF 16:11:56 Rob: As an interest group, our charter doesn't allow us to _create_ specifications 16:12:22 Markus: One of the interesting things about this group is that a new W3C Working Group could use our use cases as inputs to their process 16:12:40 gcapiel has joined #dpub 16:12:41 Markus: The use cases developing here are partly informing the IDPF work and possibly future OA WGs 16:12:52 Markus: Did that help set context? 16:13:04 Ivan: Yes but the WG discussion is premature 16:13:12 Markus: Indeed 16:13:47 Markus: Another context: in the ebook space, there is no standard interoperable annotations spec; each reading system or platform uses their own 16:14:16 Markus: There is a lot of lock-in, and this is a problem in trade publishing but even more so in the educational sector where annotations are used more proactively 16:14:34 Markus: There is a clear need expressed by the e-education space for an interoperable specification/protocol for transportable annotations 16:15:08 Rob: There was some work that was too early by NISO to bring together interested parties in annotations 16:15:25 Rob: Many of the people here were a part of that and it did get the conversation started, but nothing concrete came out of that 16:15:40 Markus: Questions/comments? 16:16:02 benjaminsko has joined #dpub 16:16:21 Liam: There seems to be some competition in the educational space already providing annotation services 16:16:39 Liam: That can be a precursor to standardization or it can make standardization difficult if those players aren't on board 16:17:02 ???: A lot of interest in annotation in other sectors, see RapGenius 16:17:13 s/???/Rob/ 16:17:14 s/???/Rob/ 16:17:18 BillK: There's a lot of activity in the scholarly science and research space 16:17:20 (thanks) 16:17:47 +benjaminsko 16:18:18 Markus: Let's look at two things: 1) work done so far in use cases 16:18:29 Markus: 2) Next steps for this task force 16:18:46 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Task_Forces/Annotation 16:18:56 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/UseCase_Directory#Social_Reading_and_Annotations 16:18:58 Markus: The Annotation task force main page 16:19:06 Markus: 2nd URL is the Use Case collection 16:19:52 Rob: There are 6 categories 16:20:02 Rob: 1. Basic use cases, annotations on the entire publication 16:20:22 Rob: 4 UCs in that section are different ways that annotations can be used at the publication level 16:20:59 Rob: Comments on the publication ("this is a great book!"); tag the publication; structured comment (score + review); personal vs. public annotations 16:21:13 Rob: 2. Annotations that target segments of the work 16:21:28 Rob: e.g. reading location, reading position, bookmarks 16:21:47 Rob: Highlighting a span of text (neither highlight nor bookmark have commentary, just pointers) 16:22:09 Rob: Commenting on some part of the text, or an embedded resource (img, video) 16:22:26 Rob: Annotation parts of those resources 16:22:51 Rob: 3. Advanced UCs: cross-format annotations (e.g. annotation the "work" rather than the instance of the work) 16:23:20 Rob: Styles within an annotation (green vs. yellow highlights) 16:23:31 Rob: State of those resources on the web (content negotiable) 16:23:46 Rob: Recording state of user-manipulatable resources (this may be out of scope) 16:24:09 Rob: Multiple bodies 16:24:20 Rob: All these are covered by the Open Annotation specification already 16:24:27 Rob: Those not covered: 16:24:37 Rob: Serialize annotations into a single package 16:25:13 Rob: OA spec does not have an API, so these are covered here 16:25:30 Rob: Ensuring that annotations persist and can be transferred 16:25:57 q+ 16:26:08 Rob: Issues around publications that are not published openly (like DRM) or issues where the annotations are not published openly 16:26:29 Rob: Specifying the target audience for the annotations ("these annotations are appropriate for young children") 16:26:47 Rob: Contributing accessibility information about resources 16:26:59 Rob: Have a rich description of a resource for use by other users 16:27:27 q? 16:27:32 ack ivan 16:27:48 q+ 16:27:49 -Liam 16:28:14 Ivan: On the API: Do you mean a JavaScript API that browsers can use via the web? 16:28:39 Rob: Could be both server-to-server or browser-to-server 16:29:29 Rob: but this work focused on system-to-system 16:29:59 Ivan: Re: target audience for annotations; isn't this the same issue as requesting annotations for annotations? 16:30:41 Ivan: This more general use case could subsume that 16:30:59 Rob: You could annotate the annotation to give it a target audience, or it could be directly-applied metadata 16:31:31 Rob: We have laid out different approaches; most people take the metadata approach because implementation is easier 16:31:55 Rob: but either way is possible 16:32:18 Markus: (Learning Resource Metadata Initiative) 16:32:25 q? 16:32:32 ack gcapiel 16:33:10 Gerardo: Is there a way to know that an annotation is specific to the purpose of describing an image vs [ lost signal ] 16:34:04 Rob: We went for a general system that doesn't need to know the specific motivation of the system 16:34:11 versus providing general comments or feedback 16:34:12 metadata vs annotation discussion: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-openannotation/2013Oct/0001.html 16:34:15 q? 16:34:35 motivations; http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/core.html#Motivations 16:34:42 Markus: In the advanced model use cases section, cases 5 & 6 16:34:52 liam has joined #dpub 16:34:52 Markus: 6 is the user-manipulated case 16:35:25 Rob: There is an object called 'state' which we have used for recording HTTP-level information (e.g. HTTP headers like content negotiation, time at which it should be applied) 16:36:00 Rob: "Here is the time at which the annotation applies to the resource" which is not the same as whether you can retrieve that resource 16:36:19 Rob: We envision using this process for user-manipulated annotations, though none are defined at this time 16:36:35 Rob: Is there something specific to the digital publishing world in which it would be a "failure" if this were not defined? 16:36:50 +Liam 16:37:29 Markus: In an educational setting, learners will have a quiz widget ('answer these 10 questions'); the teacher wants to annotation question 8 and makes the annotation; when the learners get into the quiz they should not see the annotation until they get to question 8 16:37:42 Markus: There is no predictability in how this widget is built 16:38:12 Rob: There might be an opportunity to attach to JS events "only display this onChange, etc" 16:38:24 Rob: Because this is complex since there are no standards in how these widgets behave 16:38:35 q? 16:38:35 ;Rob: ...I wanted to raise this with the group 16:39:10 Markus: What is your sense of how complete this is in terms of use cases? 16:39:19 -dshkolnik 16:39:44 Rob: Very small number of features present in the model that are not used by any of these use cases 16:40:00 Rob: I could create cases for them but they would not be very relevant to this IG audience 16:40:06 +dshkolnik 16:40:07 Rob: It is complete from my perspective 16:40:42 q+ 16:40:45 Markus: We need to review this further to decide whether it is complete; are there things that seem to be missing right now? 16:40:48 q+ 16:41:11 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:41:27 BillK: This may overlap with some categories we already have including versioning: how do we indicate the version of a publication that is being commented on? 16:41:46 Rob: The way we have approached versioning is to look at the web architecture and go with what's there 16:42:17 Rob: Hints: state of the resource at a time period is how we've tried to capture versioning in a neutral way 16:43:04 Rob: Easier would be to give every version of a resource a URI (like Wikipedia) 16:43:33 BillK: I'm thinking of annotation that is a critique or a correction that has been subsequently corrected 16:43:54 BillK: The ability to then indicate whether the comment still applies or does not apply in a later version 16:44:20 Rob: So, either multiple specific version to which it applies, or a range of time in which it applies 16:44:27 BillK: This can only be applied after the fact 16:44:38 Rob: The annotation and the publication may be in different systems 16:45:14 Rob: We discussed this issue: when an annotation only applies in a specific case, we decided not to open that can of worms 16:45:27 Rob: but we decided to tackle specific instances of this issue if they came up 16:46:04 BillK: In the scholarly world: the mechanism by CrossRef is called CrossMark 16:46:13 BillK: A user of a publication can see whether they have the latest version of the publication 16:46:30 BillK: Important for medical use cases since they can get retracted 16:46:43 Markus: Is this something we want to represent in the use case collection then? 16:47:01 Rob: Nothing's been accepted yet, so we can rediscuss whether to tackle it 16:47:19 BillK: I wasn't sure if this was a distinct use case or a variation on an existing one 16:47:59 (Markus is having connection problems) 16:48:26 ack ivan 16:48:53 Ivan: The annotations themselves should/may be structured and therefore a formatted document 16:49:10 Ivan: e.g. the annotation needs to have markup 16:49:36 Rob: That use case is there; any resource can be a body of an annotation 16:49:44 Rob: Including cat images 16:49:53 q? 16:50:06 -Sharad 16:50:22 Ivan questions the utility of a fish for connection resolution 16:50:31 Ivan: Next steps, Rob? 16:51:05 Rob: I will add the use case of whether an annotation is valid for a document at a particular state 16:51:17 Rob: How do we move to more formal vetting? Do we want for the other task forces? 16:51:25 s/want/wait/ 16:51:46 Ivan: We don't have any formal approach 16:51:58 Ivan: The unit of the task force is the entire IG 16:52:10 Ivan: The IG should get some time to review the UCs 16:52:26 Ivan: and then say yes/no 16:52:34 Ivan: Assuming they agree... what is the next step? 16:52:49 Rob: Markus and I will take the UCs back to the IDPF and to the community group 16:53:21 Rob: Within the community group we can help with the annotations packages problems and system-to-system APIs 16:53:41 Rob: We haven't want to formalize metadata in that group but could take a stab at it for this audience and for accessibility 16:54:36 Ivan: What I would like to see: 2 documents, 1 is looking at the use cases: are there requirements that lead to missing features? 16:55:36 Ivan: 2. Particular to this task force: if the IG decides that they want to go for a WG, how do these use cases the charter of a possible WG? 16:55:43 Ivan: 1 outcome is a draft charter 16:56:15 Rob: Markus, Rob, and Paolo discussed using these UCs towards a charter 16:57:10 Rob: Re: missing features in the OWP (Open Web Platform), would be helpful to have people in the other task forces with web experience look at whether those features are possible now 16:58:18 Ivan: 3. Maybe require work with BillK's task force: identification of how parts of a document are targeted for annotation 16:58:30 q? 16:59:08 Dave Cramer: I volunteer for latinreq 16:59:34 BillK: There will need to be a CSS discussion at that meeting too 16:59:45 ACTION: Rob to note the differences between javascript API vs inter-system web API 16:59:45 Error finding 'Rob'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:00:05 ACTION: azaroth to note the differences between javascript API vs inter-system web API 17:00:05 Created ACTION-13 - Note the differences between javascript api vs inter-system web api [on Robert Sanderson - due 2013-12-23]. 17:00:28 -gcapiel 17:00:46 Dave Cramer: We will use the mailing list for discussions of that 17:01:18 Thanks! 17:01:19 ACTION: azaroth to create new use case regarding description of when annotation is no longer relevant for a publication (eg corrections) 17:01:20 bye! 17:01:20 Created ACTION-14 - Create new use case regarding description of when annotation is no longer relevant for a publication (eg corrections) [on Robert Sanderson - due 2013-12-23]. 17:01:20 -fjh 17:01:21 -Suzanne_Taylor 17:01:22 -JeanKaplansky 17:01:23 bye 17:01:23 -benjaminsko 17:01:23 -Stearns 17:01:25 -Bill_Kasdorf 17:01:25 -Laura_Fowler 17:01:27 -azaroth 17:01:28 -dshkolnik 17:01:29 -dauwhe 17:01:30 -plinss 17:01:31 -olaf_druemmer 17:01:34 -Bert 17:01:38 -Ivan 17:01:39 -Liam 17:05:28 ivan: You're going to do the magic invocation for the minutes? 17:05:37 yes 17:05:46 I am working on the minutes 17:05:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:05:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/16-dpub-minutes.html ivan 17:06:13 Okay, thanks :) Have a great holidays (all!) 17:08:42 gcapiel has joined #dpub 17:36:32 st_afk has joined #dpub 18:36:33 Bert has left #dpub 18:47:59 -Liza 18:53:00 disconnecting the lone participant, mgylling, in SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM 18:53:01 SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM has ended 18:53:01 Attendees were mgylling, Ivan, +1.503.614.aaaa, +1.505.665.aabb, Liza, azaroth, Stearns, dauwhe, Sharad, fjh, Bill_Kasdorf, +1.408.431.aacc, gcapiel, plinss, Suzanne_Taylor, 18:53:02 ... dshkolnik, JeanKaplansky, Liam, Laura_Fowler, +49.305.770.aadd, olaf_druemmer, Bert, benjaminsko 19:01:34 gcapiel has left #dpub 19:23:04 Zakim has left #dpub