16:00:23 RRSAgent has joined #forms 16:00:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/12/04-forms-irc 16:00:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:00:25 Zakim has joined #forms 16:00:27 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 16:00:27 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XForms()11:00AM scheduled to start now 16:00:28 Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference 16:00:28 Date: 04 December 2013 16:00:29 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:00:34 Chair: Steven 16:00:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013Dec/0003.html 16:01:06 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013Dec/0003.html 16:01:48 IA_XForms()11:00AM has now started 16:01:55 +??P12 16:01:59 zakim, I am ? 16:01:59 +Steven; got it 16:04:00 +ebruchez 16:04:35 +[IPcaller] 16:04:37 Zakim, I am [IPcaller] 16:04:37 ok, alain, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 16:04:37 zakim, code? 16:04:38 the conference code is 93676 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), nvdbleek 16:04:39 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/04-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:05:39 Regrets: Philip 16:06:23 +nvdbleek 16:07:22 Steven: On the linkedIn discussion, there were two people announcing online Forms composers 16:07:32 s/Forms/XForms 16:08:29 http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Dutch-Symposium-on-XForms-1230557.S.5811093383711580163?qid=c476d82a-f5f1-49d4-a2ad-5b669fb16d5f&trk=groups_most_popular-0-b-ttl&goback=%2Egmp_1230557 16:08:41 Topic: ACTION-1959 - Propose how to fix the implicit model identification 16:08:41 with context nodes 16:08:41 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013Dec/0001.html 16:09:36 Erik: Expressions in XPath2 don't necessarily need a context node. 16:10:38 ... there is a total of 12 refs to the model "associated with 16:10:38 the in-scope evaluation context node" 16:10:49 s/the/... the 16:13:03 ... [describes the content of the mail] 16:14:18 Steven: Is the problem only with events? 16:14:23 Erik: With actions 16:14:26 Steven: Oh yes. 16:16:08 Steven: It would be a pain if you always had to say which model was involved 16:16:26 Erik: Exactly. I think it should still be optional. 16:16:58 ... I think though that if it is not there, it shouldn't require a context node. 16:18:29 Steven: So there's always a default model. And you switch with the model attribute. 16:18:54 Nick: It's only when you start using variables, that we might get different behaviour. 16:19:24 Erik: The bind attribute also changes the context. 16:19:46 Nick: Isn't there a restriction that you can't switch model and then use a bind from a different model. 16:19:49 Erik: Not sure 16:20:05 s/model./model?/ 16:20:19 Erik: Let me look. 16:21:55 ... Hmm, well our implementation doesn't check for that. It's not ambiguous. 16:24:00 Nick: At last week's call, Erik gave an example of the problem with variables 16:25:29 Example of something contra-intuitive: 16:25:34 16:25:35 16:25:36 16:25:37 16:25:38 16:25:39 16:25:40 16:25:47 Steven: Is there a proposal for fixing the variable problem? 16:27:24 Erik: I think that it is a corner case 16:27:50 ... I think a better solution to use the model attribute, and bind attribute rather than the context 16:28:35 Steven: Are there examples of Forms that wouldn't work any more? Would it affect interoperability? 16:29:00 Erik: Let me think. 16:29:15 ... I cannot think of any behaviour that would change. 16:29:54 ... It seems to be quite a corner case. 16:30:14 From the section 4.1 Evaluation Context: 16:30:15 Once the context item of the in-scope evaluation context has been determined according to the rules above, if the element expresses a model attribute that refers to a model other than the one containing the context item (if the context item isn't an instance node, the model is the model specified on the element or the model of its parent if no model attribute is specified on the element), then the context item of the in-scope evaluation context is change[CUT] 16:30:15 the top-level document element node of the default instance of the referenced model, and the context position and size are changed to 1. 16:30:23 ... I rarely use those actions. 16:30:36 Steven: I agree. In fact there existence at all is a bit odd. 16:31:03 s/there/their/ 16:31:49 Nick: I think everything will be compatibel, except for variables, but they weren't in 1.1 anyway. 16:31:55 s/bel/ble/ 16:32:38 Steven: Is everyone happy with this? 16:32:42 Alain: Yes, no problem. 16:33:00 Steven: Ship it! 16:33:08 Nick: Someone has to make the change. 16:33:37 ACTION: Erik to implement solution for action-159 16:33:37 Created ACTION-1962 - Implement solution for action-159 [on Erik Bruchez - due 2013-12-11]. 16:33:44 close ACTION-1959 16:33:44 Closed ACTION-1959. 16:34:00 Topic: Changed a few references from *node* to *item* 16:34:00 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013Dec/0002.html 16:34:22 -[IPcaller] 16:34:24 Erik: Pretty small changes. 16:34:43 +[IPcaller] 16:35:18 Steven: Do we define "context item"? 16:35:22 Erik: Yes. 16:37:10 http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#dt-context-item 16:41:46 Steven: I'm having trouble finding a reference to the definition. It ought to be in the Glossary, I think, at least. 16:42:01 ... item is defined there 16:43:53 ... I guess these are editorial issues 16:44:06 Nick: I'll fix the alphabetical order. 16:44:23 Erik: There is a confusion, since we have "model item" which is a different thing. 16:45:19 Steven: Should 'node' be in the glossary? 16:46:08 ... How about 'Context item'? 16:46:38 Erik: There are 1200+ refs to 'node' in the spec. 16:47:57 ... we need to say that a node is an XML node. Is that in the XML spec? 16:48:55 XPath 1.0: "XPath models an XML document as a tree of nodes" 16:49:33 XPath 2.0: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/#dt-node 16:49:37 Steven: So 'node' is defined in XPath. 16:51:07 ... so we should include node in the glossary pointing to XPath? 16:51:59 DOM: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html 16:53:00 DOM: "The DOM presents documents as a hierarchy of Node objects that also implement other, more specialized interfaces" 16:53:03 Xpath1: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#data-model 16:53:25 rrsagent, make minutes 16:53:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/04-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:54:18 Erik: We do explicitely state that we use an XPath data model. 16:54:21 See 3.2.2 The instance Element 16:54:52 Steven: So we can define node as 'the definition as used in the XPath data model'. 16:56:08 Steven: Can you add it Nick? 16:57:08 Nick: We already have a ref to the XPath data model? 16:57:11 Steven: Yes. 16:57:37 Topic: AOB 16:57:43 Erik: None from me. 16:57:50 [ADJOURNED] 16:58:00 -[IPcaller] 16:58:01 -ebruchez 16:58:01 -Steven 16:58:05 alain has left #forms 16:58:27 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:58:27 On the phone I see nvdbleek 16:58:35 zakim, drop n 16:58:35 nvdbleek is being disconnected 16:58:35 IA_XForms()11:00AM has ended 16:58:36 Attendees were Steven, ebruchez, [IPcaller], nvdbleek 16:58:44 rrsagent, make minutes 16:58:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/04-forms-minutes.html Steven 17:44:18 ebruchez has joined #forms 18:58:41 Zakim has left #forms 20:43:03 nvdbleek has joined #forms 21:00:34 nvdbleek has joined #forms