15:01:50 RRSAgent has joined #pf 15:01:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/18-pf-irc 15:01:52 RRSAgent, make logs member 15:01:52 Zakim has joined #pf 15:01:54 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 15:01:54 ok, trackbot, I see WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM already started 15:01:55 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 15:01:55 Date: 18 November 2013 15:01:56 chair: Rich 15:02:09 RRSAgent, make log public 15:02:14 +??P4 15:02:16 -??P4 15:02:16 +??P4 15:02:20 meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 15:02:23 zakim, ??P4 is me 15:02:23 +janina; got it 15:02:59 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 15:03:42 mattking has joined #pf 15:04:38 clown has joined #pf 15:05:18 +[GVoice] 15:05:26 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 15:05:26 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 15:05:41 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 15:05:41 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 15:15:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Nov/0038.html 15:17:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Nov/0037.html 15:27:33 scribe: Janina 15:28:26 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Nov/0045.html 15:29:11 topic: UAIG Items 15:29:27 rs: Any actions or issues? 15:29:37 js: No, no mtg last week because of TPAC 15:29:46 s/js/clown/ 15:30:09 rs: Need to discuss some last tests ... 15:30:45 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/testharness/testreport?testsuite_id=2&filter_invalid=on&filter_required=on&filter=Filter+view 15:31:15 clown: JC notes "waiting on bug fixes" 15:31:33 rs: AT-SpPI has nothing to test except for a focus event 15:33:12 clown: Unclear from report page that there's nothing to test, it's just blank, should say "NA" 15:34:21 rs: IE11 not even generating focus event, so table will never pass 15:34:46 rs: Have they transitioned to UIA? We don't know, haven't been told 15:35:29 rs: We have the UIA column, but no info about it 15:36:13 rs: On line docs only refer to Win8 15:36:35 http://www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=10&qpcustomd=0 15:41:36 rs: Would like to know what they're actually mapping 15:44:17 rs: Wondering whether webkit bugs will be resolved in time for CR exit? 15:47:31 rs: We have 2 implementations everywhere except these menu events 15:50:31 proposal: In IE11, the focus events disappeared under Win7 using Tooling. How to test? Also, do not see MSAA+UIExpress menu events. How do we test? 15:52:31 issue: Unable to test IE11 as inconsistent with menu event mapping table due to lack of support of MSAA column 15:52:31 Created ISSUE-629 - Unable to test ie11 as inconsistent with menu event mapping table due to lack of support of msaa column. Please complete additional details at . 15:55:35 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/629 15:56:27 #aapi 15:58:22 topic: SVG2 15:58:41 rs: Now pointing to ARIA-1.1 in order to pickup Describedat 15:59:08 rs: On all elements that Describedby supports 16:06:23 topic: ARIA-1.1 16:06:23 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/398 16:06:30 issue-398? 16:06:30 issue-398 -- Errata: aria-setsize and aria-posinset should apply to more than just listitem and option -- open 16:06:30 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/398 16:06:36 mattking has joined #pf 16:07:11 rs: Ah, I see it's covered. Good! 16:07:16 issue-464? 16:07:16 issue-464 -- Allow aria-haspopup on more roles -- open 16:07:16 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/464 16:08:29 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-wai-pf/2011OctDec/0054.html 16:08:30 http://www.w3.org/2011/10/17-pf-minutes.html 16:09:09 clown: This is bubble-help 16:09:45 clown: Suggested Ctrl-F1 in dhtml guide -- but JN asks "How does the user know?" -- Discoverability 16:10:53 rs: haspopup becomes confusing 16:11:18 mk: dialog being handled well 16:11:58 mk: primarily a kybd access issue 16:13:16 mk: They are content, can be anything, e.g. business card at IBM 16:18:42 rs: Maybe better for IndieUI 16:20:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/ 16:31:19 rich: this has moved to Indie UI issue 17: https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/issues/17 16:31:42 Resolution: Close issue 464 16:36:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:36:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/18-pf-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 16:37:59 zakim, bye 16:37:59 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.541.678.aaaa, janina, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:37:59 Zakim has left #pf 16:38:17 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:38:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/18-pf-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 16:50:01 clown has joined #pf