See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 31 October 2013
<scribe> scribe: allanj
China WAI groups attending- UA, IndieUI, PG
we will have a phone bridge over whatever time you are available
Monday Tues morning 9-12 (china time), 12 hours difference with east coast time
will be building spreadsheet of implementation,
Greg will create a table of SC.
When we work in China, monday will be Sunday evening on East coast
on Monday from 3-5 there will be the Launch of China accessibility group (Jim and Jeanne will not be in the room)
Skype will be available
s/ we will NOT have a phone bridge/we will NOT have a phone bridege
<Jan1> So 9-12 Monday morning in Beijing is 8-11pm Sunday ET and 5-8pm Sunday PT
js: we will discuss & collect
... may discuss testing, and craft items
gl and kp will be available the entire time, if needed. just Skype them
*** email Jeanne your skype name ***
gl: size implies point or some
fixed unit, were scale is fluid
... 1.4.1 should be scale for page, 1.4.2 should be size for
this was decided in 10/17 call
gl: Proposed intent
Users with some types of disabilities have difficulty reading pages that use normally-formatted text. Some users with low vision, dyslexia, and related conditions cannot read normally-formatted text. However, they can read text that has a format customized to their individual needs (e.g. larger letters, different font, more spacing). On the other hand, users with some cognitive disabilities,...
scribe: or who need to reduce the
number of commands they enter to scroll through a document, may
need to fit more information on the screen (e.g. smaller
letters or spacing). Users need to access a wide range of font
sizes, styles, colors, and other attributes in order to find
the combination that works best for their needs. When providing
preference settings and view options, it is important
... avoid making assumptions that would limit the user’s
formatting choices.
<KimPatch> Users with some cognitive disabilities, or who need to reduce the number of commands they enter to scroll through a document, may need to fit more information on the screen (e.g. smaller letters or spacing).
<KimPatch> Users with some cognitive disabilities and those who need to reduce the number of commands needed to scroll through a document, may need to make adjustments so they can fit more information on the screen (e.g. smaller letters or spacing).
<KimPatch> Users with some types of disabilities have difficulty reading pages that use normally-formatted text. For example,
<Greg> "Lee has low vision from albinism and when the background is white, it is hard for her to read and hurts her eyes. She changes the colors in her operating system to white text on a black background. *However, many web pages specify their own colors, so she adjusts the user preferences in her browser to always use the system colors (or another set of colors of her choosing), regardless of how...
<Greg> ...the pages are authored.*"
change second name to Betty-Sue who has low vision from nystagmus and ...
Betty Sue who has low vision from nystagmus and has difficulty seeing small fonts. The browser on her computer provides 5 font sizes. However, the largest isn't big enough. The browser settings provide an option to override the 5 font sizes with customized font range, so that Betty Sue can select the specific font size she needs.
Betty Sue has low vision from nystagmus and has difficulty seeing small fonts. The browser on her computer provides five font sizes. However, the largest isn't big enough. The browser settings provide an option to override the five font sizes with customized font range, so that Betty Sue can select the specific font size she needs.
Users with some types of disabilities have difficulty reading pages that as the author has formatted the text.
Users with some types of disabilities cannot read text as the author has formatted it.
Users with some types of disabilities cannot read text the way the author has formatted it.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) FAILED: s/ we will have a phone bridge over whatever time you are available/we will NOT have a phone bridege/ Succeeded: s/we will have a phone bridge over whatever time you are available/we will NOT have a phone bridge/ Found Scribe: allanj Inferring ScribeNick: allanj Default Present: Jeanne, Jim_Allan, Greg_Lowney, Jan, Kim_Patch Present: Jeanne Jim_Allan Greg_Lowney Jan Kim_Patch Regrets: kelly eric WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 31 Oct 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]