15:22:57 RRSAgent has joined #forms 15:22:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-forms-irc 15:22:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:22:59 Zakim has joined #forms 15:23:01 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 15:23:01 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XForms()11:00AM scheduled to start 23 minutes ago 15:23:02 Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference 15:23:02 Date: 30 October 2013 15:23:37 IA_XForms()11:00AM has now started 15:23:43 zakim, I am ? 15:23:43 sorry, Steven, I do not see a party named '?' 15:23:45 +??P11 15:23:51 zakim, I am ? 15:23:52 +Steven; got it 15:32:59 -Steven 15:33:01 IA_XForms()11:00AM has ended 15:33:01 Attendees were Steven 16:07:15 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:08:03 Hi Eric 16:08:33 Sorry about the mix up. COMPLETELY forgot about the effect of the time change 16:08:35 trying to call 16:08:40 no problem 16:08:50 it seems that Zakim is not cooperating 16:09:03 Not sure if zakim can cope, since I did join the call late 16:09:14 "the conference is restricted at this time" 16:09:15 as far as Zakim is concerned, the call is over 16:09:19 ah I see 16:09:36 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 16:09:36 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Steven 16:10:27 do you want to have the call now? 16:10:47 nvdbleek has joined #forms 16:11:00 zakim, code? 16:11:00 the conference code is hidden, nvdbleek 16:11:24 zakim why is the conference code hidden? 16:11:30 nick, the call was an hour ago! 16:11:36 I forgot about the time changes 16:11:46 and so Zakim thinks the call is over 16:11:52 ok 16:12:09 so we won't have a call today? 16:12:20 we could try to create an ad hoc call 16:12:40 zakim, room for 6? 16:12:42 ok, Steven; conference Team_(forms)16:12Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 60 minutes until 1712Z; however, please note that capacity is now overbooked 16:13:14 Team_(forms)16:12Z has now started 16:13:20 +??P79 16:13:26 zakim, I am ? 16:13:26 +Steven; got it 16:14:36 +ebruchez 16:14:48 +nvdbleek 16:15:46 Topic: announcements 16:16:10 Steven: At XML Amsterdam I won a prize for an XForms demo 16:16:31 http://homepages.cwi.nl/~steven/Talks/2013/10-23-xforms-maps/osm1.xml 16:16:57 Steven: There were three XForms demos 16:17:11 ... and several talks that included XForms 16:17:48 http://www.xmlamsterdam.com/2013/sessions 16:18:26 Steven: And the XForms event is happening (in Dutch) 16:18:28 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013Oct/0025.html 16:19:03 Topic: ACTION-1868 - Bruchez to summarize problems with error handling and three options for variable type handling 16:19:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013Oct/0022.html 16:19:58 Eric: We're in a release cycle, so I don't have a lot of time but I progressed a little bit 16:20:12 ... I do have some questions that I will raise offline 16:20:28 ... I just need to find the old exceptions, and replace them 16:21:15 ... and write the new text to explain it 16:21:36 ... shouldn't be too long, but I'm not quite there yet 16:22:35 -Steven 16:22:36 -ebruchez 16:22:40 Topic: AOB 16:22:42 -nvdbleek 16:22:43 Team_(forms)16:12Z has ended 16:22:43 Attendees were Steven, ebruchez, nvdbleek 16:22:54 Steven: Sorry about the mess up about the times. Next week's call at normal time. 16:23:03 rrsagent, make minutes 16:23:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:23:28 Chair: Steven 16:23:29 rrsagent, make minutes 16:23:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-forms-minutes.html Steven 18:18:43 Zakim has left #forms 18:49:13 Steven has left #forms 19:56:03 nvdbleek has joined #forms