09:50:02 RRSAgent has joined #mbui 09:50:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/25-mbui-irc 09:50:14 chair: Gerrit 09:50:19 scribe: Dave 09:50:23 scribenick: dsr 09:50:34 Regrets: Jaroslav, Fabio 09:50:41 meeting: Model-Based UI 09:56:22 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has now started 09:56:24 + +55213527aaaa 10:00:49 joelle has joined #mbui 10:01:22 + +30231125aabb 10:01:22 - +30231125aabb 10:01:22 + +30231125aabb 10:01:25 +Dsr 10:01:56 Nick_Kaklanis has joined #mbui 10:02:05 Present+ Nick_Kaklanis 10:02:14 +[IPcaller] 10:02:43 Present+ Paolo, Dave, Joelle 10:03:32 + + 10:05:16 Regrets+ Davide 10:06:02 Present+ Laufe 10:07:22 Topic: AUI and Task Model spec publication 10:08:14 Paolo: In regards to the task model, there is an inconsistency in use of abstraction tasks. 10:08:25 Joelle: should be "abstract task". 10:09:21 Dave: Fabio says he will make some corrections to the spec and we will then ask the group for a CfC 10:10:32 Paolo: there is an error in the diagram and the relationship with .... 10:12:02 Dave: if we apply Paolo's changes are there any objections to publishing the AUI spec? 10:12:05 [no] 10:12:20 Paolo: I've now copied the document to the list. 10:12:42 Dave: do you remember who created the diagram? 10:13:02 Paolo: I will send a corrected diagram to the list 10:13:59 Topic: Glossary 10:15:26 Jaroslav: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mbui/2013Oct/0033.html 10:16:19 Joelle: Gaelle couldn't make the call today. 10:16:38 ... We decided to remove the references, so Gaelle is right. 10:16:42 Paolo: I agree 10:16:51 (re cross-cutting) 10:17:51 Laufe: what about the first question re abstract task and "abstraction"? 10:18:29 Joelle: we decided to suppress abstraction task and replace it by abstract task. 10:20:29 We don't understand Jaroslav's question re Cross-cutting as a filter. 10:21:26 Joelle: asks Paolo is the current definition for cross-cutting wrong? 10:22:18 Paolo: it isn't really the standard meaning, I would prefer to remove the term altogether 10:23:23 Laufe cross-cutting can be to a higher or to a lower level of abstraction 10:23:41 Joelle: diagonal is up and down 10:24:59 Laufe transforming to a higher level is "abstraction", and to a a lower level is "concretization" 10:25:15 Joelle: maybe the definition of abstraction is incomplete? 10:25:48 ... cross cutting applies to different contexts of use 10:26:21 Paolo: do we have an example in the introduction document? 10:27:14 Laufe: the term is used in the introduction 10:27:17 Joelle: then we need to keep cross-cutting 10:27:58 Paolo: where is the term used, exactly? 10:28:28 Laufe: on the third page ... 10:29:58 Joelle: for abstraction, we don't say "same context of use" 10:30:46 Paolo: can we re-name cross-cuttint "transformation"? 10:31:07 Joelle: then we would also need to have "abstraction transformation", etc. 10:33:07 Joelle: for abstraction we should add "for the same context of use" 10:34:18 Dave: we should ask Jaroslav to make another round of changes. 10:36:14 Joelle: we still need to discuss "User". It cites target end-user which isn't defined 10:39:31 Paolo: we need to add an explanation 10:39:59 Dave: can anyone propose wording? 10:41:25 Joelle: Archetypal user envisioned for the interactive system 10:41:38 Paolo: but what is the "user" 10:42:29 Joelle: we could suppress "User" since we define user in place for "context of use" 10:42:34 Dave: yes 10:42:51 [general agreement] 10:43:28 Dave: anything else to discuss on the glossary? 10:43:54 Paolo: Re interaction modality, I agree with Joelle. 10:44:15 s/Joelle/Gaelle/ 10:45:25 Joelle: I would like to keep (b) Coupling of an interaction device peripheral with an interaction language. 10:45:33 Paolo: yes, let's keep both. 10:46:44 Joelle: recommended synonyms that are used without being defined. We should drop concrete interactor. 10:47:15 Paolo: we keep Concrete Interaction Unit , right? 10:47:18 Joelle: yes 10:48:15 ... we need to check for consistency 10:48:59 That argues for "concrete interactor" in place of "concrete interaction unit" since we already have "abstract interactor". 10:50:34 We should add an entry "concrete interactor" as a synonym for consistency and completeness 10:51:16 We need to check for entries that are in the google doc but not in the WG Note 10:52:40 Dave: Jaraslav can come back to us with a revised WG Note. 10:52:46 Topic: Introduction document 10:53:06 Dave: what are we missing before we are ready to publish it? 10:53:20 Joelle: some missing pictures from UCL. 10:56:17 - + 10:56:19 - +30231125aabb 10:56:25 - +55213527aaaa 10:56:32 Dave: I will check with UCL and then proceed to prepare a draft WG Note for the Introduction. 10:56:34 -Dsr 10:56:41 Topic: Next call 10:57:29 The clock shifts this weekend in Europe but not in North America. This might result in having to use a different code for the call for next week, I will check. 10:57:40 Paolo: next week is a holiday in Italy. 10:57:47 Joelle: also in France 10:58:15 Dave and Paolo are travelling the week after that. 10:58:28 Dave: Let's take the date of the next call to email. 10:58:39 ... end of meeting ... 10:58:50 rrsagent, set logs public 10:58:56 chair: Dave 10:59:05 rrsagent, make minutes 10:59:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/25-mbui-minutes.html dsr 11:05:00 disconnecting the lone participant, [IPcaller], in UW_MBUI()6:00AM 11:05:01 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has ended 11:05:01 Attendees were +55213527aaaa, +30231125aabb, Dsr, [IPcaller], + 12:49:38 Zakim has left #mbui