20:51:32 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 20:51:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/16-indie-ui-irc 20:51:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:51:34 Zakim has joined #indie-ui 20:51:36 Zakim, this will be INDIE 20:51:36 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 20:51:37 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 20:51:37 Date: 16 October 2013 20:52:09 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 20:52:09 Chair: Janina_Sajka 20:52:09 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 20:52:09 agenda+ Calendar Review and Updates Through January 2014 20:52:09 agenda+ TPAC2013 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Meetings/TPAC2013 20:52:12 agenda+ Editor's Report 20:52:14 agenda+ Events Requirements Walkthrough http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements 20:52:17 agenda+ Events Testing Update 20:52:20 agenda+ User Context Update; FPWD Criteria Discussion 20:52:22 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 20:52:25 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 20:52:28 agenda+ Scribe for our Next Teleconference (on 30 October at 21:00Z) 20:52:31 agenda+ Be Done 20:58:11 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has now started 20:58:12 +??P0 20:58:26 zakim, ??P0 is me 20:58:26 +janina; got it 20:58:40 zakim, Janina_Sajka has me 20:58:40 sorry, janina, I do not recognize a party named 'Janina_Sajka' 20:58:54 zakim, janina has Janina_Sajka 20:58:54 +Janina_Sajka; got it 20:59:38 +??P1 20:59:40 -??P1 20:59:40 +??P1 21:01:05 andy has joined #indie-ui 21:01:47 Ryladog has joined #indie-ui 21:02:32 jasonjgw has joined #indie-ui 21:02:37 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 21:02:53 +??P3 21:05:11 zakim, take up item 1 21:05:11 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 21:06:19 +??P4 21:06:43 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 21:06:51 zakim, ??P1 is Andy_Heath 21:06:51 +Andy_Heath; got it 21:06:52 zakim, ??P3 is Jason_White 21:06:52 +Jason_White; got it 21:07:06 +hober 21:08:03 scribeNick: Ryladog 21:08:58 JW: I want to not Andy's contribution on Use Cases 21:09:21 JS: Michael should we delve in into the mechanical issues of Use Cases 21:09:35 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 21:09:38 +[Apple] 21:09:46 MC: I had set upa seprerate wiki page...but we will need to merge those 21:09:48 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 21:09:48 +jcraig; got it 21:09:59 AH: I can add them 21:10:09 Zakim, who is on the phone? 21:10:09 On the phone I see janina, Andy_Heath, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Jason_White, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, hober, [Apple] 21:10:11 [Apple] has jcraig 21:10:11 janina has Janina_Sajka 21:10:11 MC: You can worry about formatting later 21:10:54 Zakim, janina is Janina_Sajka 21:10:54 +Janina_Sajka; got it 21:10:57 MC: There is a larfe section for Scenarion Use Cases, and a sperate for requirments 21:11:32 AH: I thought there was some kind of automated formatting of that 21:11:36 MC: I wish 21:11:44 AH: Tell me wherer to put it 21:11:50 -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/User_Context/Requirements User Context Requirements 21:12:32 AH: OK I wil do it manually. I will look at whether that will work 21:12:45 MC: Wikis have constartints 21:12:58 JS: WElcome James 21:13:02 zakim, next item 21:13:02 agendum 2. "Calendar Review and Updates Through January 2014" taken up [from janina] 21:13:37 JS: Timelines and Calendaring - I want to make some suggestions 21:14:01 JS: On the 30th Europe will have left - Andy you will be at a hour earlier 21:14:58 JS: It is 5pm EASTERN Standard time.... 21:15:32 JS: Looking at Nov and Dec 21:16:13 JS: 30th , then for the 13th meeting - half of us will be in Shenzshen = - we will not want to meet on the 13th 21:17:36 JS: So then meet on the 20th, I suggest because we will have plenty to report on. And then go every two week from there. 5th of Dec and then the 12th 21:17:58 JS: Our afternoon calls will be reasonable enough for Andy 21:18:20 JS: I will have a schedule for our meeting by the 30th 21:18:22 zakim, next item 21:18:22 agendum 3. "TPAC2013 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Meetings/TPAC2013" taken up [from janina] 21:18:38 http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20131113&p1=136&p2=1232 21:19:10 JS: Several are palnning to be there and will talk about on User REquirements 21:19:56 JS: There will be buses from HongKong Shenzen 21:20:27 -> http://www.w3.org/wiki/MeetingTaxis TPAC travel scheduling wiki 21:20:45 MC: You should let W3C know that you are interested - they need enough folks before they will actually get the buses 21:21:29 JS: Jason does not want to travel from HongKong to Shenzshen alone, can you help with that Michael 21:21:46 JW: I will arrive on Sunday morning 21:21:59 JS: We have time still 21:22:13 JW: I am waiting for h visa application to go through 21:22:55 JS: Noting that there are quite few WebApps people will be there - shoudl we try to get wider participation at TPAC 21:23:24 JC: I think there will be a conference line for both - and they are meeting on different days 21:23:58 JC: Let us set up something for tTHursday then - I am planning on basically working from hoe to be available for as many conference times as possible 21:24:15 JW: On the Wed are there events ? 21:24:41 JS: Most of Wed is not pres-scheduled - mwe would want to do something 21:25:43 JS: We will be participating in Lightening Talks - we could suggest one for our group to interest the Web Apps and other folks 21:26:02 zakim, next item 21:26:02 agendum 4. "Editor's Report" taken up [from janina] 21:27:12 JS: Beefing up examples to be a little less accessibility geto-ized - W3C WAI agrees with that - we will have planty to tweek - and correct before TPAC 21:27:31 JC: I have been on vacationand sick since we last met - so not lot was done 21:28:11 JC: Media Queies typr proposal - start off easy with proposing High Contrast type mode wotk with MS and OS 10 - for media query 21:28:14 q+ 21:28:26 LC: One is not specific to accessibili 21:29:05 JC: We will do one off proposals so groups dont get put off and will help seperate and control issues 21:29:11 q? 21:29:13 AH: thi sis a good idea 21:29:21 ack a 21:29:44 AH: Micheal suggested we just keep a record of what is where in one list - that we see 21:30:02 AH: We will keep our stuff togther with pointers 21:30:43 JC: As a point of order do we - I think I sent the fornatted proposal to the IndieUi list sp I can send it to the CSS Working Group 21:30:50 JW: It does ring a bell 21:31:08 q? 21:31:23 JC: I sent the Original so long ago - so I will repsond to the list with an update and then forward on to CCS WG 21:31:38 RS: What ever happened to black on white issues 21:32:00 JC: They proposed a vebdor prefoxed version 21:32:23 JC: we talked about an extended version - their vendor specific and one open 21:32:48 JC: I specifically included how MS Hogh Contrast mode would fit into the synrax 21:33:12 s/Hogh/High/ 21:33:16 JC: It looks like the Sept 27th I sent 21:33:23 thanks Rich 21:33:57 JC: having trouble finding IndieUI archive... 21:34:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013Sep/0007.html 21:34:51 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 21:34:57 JC: that is the email that was an update to Cynthia covers both MS High Contrast modes and easy switchers 21:35:30 JS: while we wait for Rich to come back - we will look at your email 21:35:51 JC: I will send out a new one today that will be formatted for the W3C CSS Working Group 21:36:18 MC: What ypu are going to send is for starting the converrsation? 21:36:48 JC: My plan is to send just one of them for the display colors inverted - here is the first one 21:37:05 JC: So the second one would be the High Contrast Mode 21:37:24 calling back in 21:37:37 MC: So we want to record/record as they build up? Can we start the tracking now? 21:38:28 JC: whoever is managing medies queries can be applicable to CSS - whatever group ,manages the media querie for x 21:38:45 JS: we want to keep our requirments as our requirements 21:38:45 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 21:39:23 MC: I want to look our requirmenets when it goes off to these other entties and they keep it in their specs that wwe see is useful 21:39:37 JC: I cannot deternine if they actually have tracker 21:39:51 MC: They probably have one, but I am not sure what it is 21:40:36 JS: Well we will need to figure that out and that we will be monitoring (insert more PC language here) what is done with each requirment 21:40:47 JS: James I kope you feel better soon 21:41:04 JS: We will continue on the 30th 21:41:10 MC: Our Reqquirments 21:41:28 MC: Events Requirments - two views 21:41:33 -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements Events Requirements 21:41:51 MC: What we have is Use Cases and SCenarios followed by Requirements 21:42:24 MC: So the first main question to ak is the list of Use Cases and Scenarios complete? Have we discribed thm all 21:42:52 MC: The seoncdd for each use case/scenaion are the requirments that it points to complete and documented? 21:43:06 MC: Then the reverse path - 21:43:25 MC: Look at the requirments and are they justifoed with an eixting Use Case 21:43:38 MC: those are the two veiws we need to take on these 21:43:45 MC: we only have 15 minutes 21:44:01 MC: A few months ago I combined these 21:44:07 MC: 1t Map 21:44:19 MC: 2nd Pop-up 21:44:36 MC: 3rd expand./coolaps 21:44:43 MC: 4th 21:44:52 5th is moving Focus around 21:45:06 MC: 6th Media Player Commands 21:45:11 MC: volumn 21:45:20 MC: Zoom seprate from Map 21:45:27 MC: Pan seperate from Map 21:45:37 MC: moving Point of Regard 21:45:48 MC: Continiuous and discontinuous 21:45:57 MC: Hiding and showing txt 21:46:02 MC: Neerness 21:46:18 MC: or gide additional text with out selection 21:46:29 MC: Summary details expanding 21:46:50 JC: So it is possible that it is going to be covered by expand /collapse 21:46:59 JW: It is a long list 21:47:07 MC: It is a long list 21:47:39 MC: towards the bottom there is not much descriptinf ro them 21:47:57 JS: We are not assuming that hese are all for 1.0 right 21:48:13 MC: Maybe we should agree hat that is what we are doing as well 21:48:26 MC: Almost all of them point to one requirements 21:49:04 MC: I cannot imagine that those are the only requirements couple of requirments 21:49:34 JW: I suppose one approach would be to ask people to review and have them suggest items are for 1.0 or a later version 21:49:47 JW: Collect Issues in other wrds 21:50:08 MC: Which of these might not be part of 1.0 just off hte top 21:50:41 JC: One that is outside the scope of 1 - is moving abojects /resizing object ona canvas as they are not that cpmmon 21:50:53 MC: Does tthat include th edrag and drop? 21:50:58 JC: No. 21:51:29 JC: Select something and perform some actipn on it - that is common enough i thinkw e should keep that 21:52:12 JC: We can already identify that we can split it into two diffeent different requirments 21:52:50 JC: Drag ad Drop - mark request - and then operate on marked item 21:53:23 MC: Ok you might find yourself needing to clarify the drag and drop scenarions and might need some clean up 21:53:48 MC: and there ther is a Move UI Object - mthose will need eith r combination or seperation 21:54:00 MC: Some were for pannoing and zooming 21:54:19 JC: that is on the fence - one is already in there for zooming on a map 21:55:05 JC: pan request and zoom request _ I wouldn't be broken up if we do have to move to 2.0 21:55:28 JC: Manipulation Request covers acombination or individual ones 21:55:40 MC: sound lie 1.0 scope 21:55:51 MC: Pop-up is that in 1.0mscope 21:56:16 JC: It depends on what people mean by Pop-Up MC: 21:56:39 ? 21:56:42 q? 21:56:48 MC: Pop-up menu is a select expand ad collpase - but if it is contexual there is a secondary action 21:57:16 JC: Promary action it happens to shpw a dialog - these threee different scenarions 21:57:46 RS: the pop-up comes from the OS lie functions. I like James simplified version of it 21:58:01 MC: Maaybe the dialog component neeed to nbe moved to another 21:58:25 2 minutes 21:58:32 JC: We need to clarify the vocabularies we use 21:58:57 MC: Open or collapse tree view 21:59:15 JC: that is covered by exoand /collapse which is 1.0 21:59:26 s/exoand/expand/ 21:59:31 MCL next ?? include links and buttons 21:59:52 JW: click events 22:00:14 JC: you want a UI independent activation event 22:00:34 JC: a general tap event would not unlock it 22:00:56 JC: AT would/could activate it 22:01:12 JW: Mac Os would be express event 22:01:20 JS; good stopping point 22:02:20 https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 22:02:21 MC: this discussion has helped me figure out some things we need to do - maybe we should continue 22:02:54 JC: we have an issue 3 22:02:55 issue-3? 22:02:55 issue-3 -- SecondaryAction (aka "Context Menu") -- open 22:02:55 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/issues/3 22:02:57 action-53? 22:02:57 action-53 -- James Craig to Add ~"activate request" event to augment default action trigger when "click" handlers are inappropriate. -- due 2013-05-10 -- OPEN 22:02:57 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/actions/53 22:03:02 JC: action 53 22:03:19 https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/actions/53 22:03:29 JC: there is anote that authors should use click inmost scenarios 22:03:32 ISSUE-3 and ACTION-53 22:03:43 -hober 22:03:46 JW: Is it possible to solve both with the same UI method 22:03:53 JC: No I think they are different 22:04:11 JW: if you had one for an action... 22:04:22 JW: you would solve then all 22:04:48 JW: is it a get 22:05:05 JC: this coul ccause a performance hot on the AT 22:05:24 JC: the browswer diesnt have to do anything 22:05:44 JS: I thnk we want tto protect the declarative approach for authors 22:05:54 RS: is this going to confuse authors 22:06:06 JS: lts think about this some 22:06:54 AH: We are going to have to do some radical surgery to the User Context Requirments 22:07:08 AH: Does anyone mind if I do that? 22:07:30 MC: yes we were bascially it is time to go to the next step 22:07:50 JW: I just could supply the use case as I didnt know them well enough yet 22:08:04 JS: this is a useful exersoze, I think this is helpful all around 22:08:22 -[Apple] 22:08:24 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:08:26 -Michael_Cooper 22:08:26 -Janina_Sajka 22:08:29 -Jason_White 22:08:33 -Andy_Heath 22:08:36 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 22:08:37 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has ended 22:08:37 Attendees were Janina_Sajka, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Andy_Heath, Jason_White, hober, jcraig 22:08:40 rrsagent, make minutes 22:08:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/16-indie-ui-minutes.html MichaelC 22:10:41 s|MC: Our Reqquirments|topic: Events Requirements Walkthrough http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements| 22:10:51 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013Oct/0007.html 22:11:05 rrsagent, make minutes 22:11:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/16-indie-ui-minutes.html MichaelC 22:11:29 rrsagent, bye 22:11:29 I see no action items