19:00:54 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 19:00:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/15-aapi-irc 19:00:56 RRSAgent, make logs member 19:00:56 Zakim has joined #aapi 19:00:58 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 19:00:58 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM scheduled to start now 19:00:59 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 19:00:59 Date: 15 October 2013 19:01:11 rrsagent, make log public 19:01:15 Argh, Zakim saying 2274# not valid 19:01:54 WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM has now started 19:01:55 +[GVoice] 19:02:06 +[Mozilla] 19:02:07 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:02:07 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 19:02:07 -[Mozilla] 19:02:08 +[Mozilla] 19:02:16 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:02:16 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:02:23 +??P2 19:02:24 Zakim, Mozilla is David_Bolter 19:02:25 +David_Bolter; got it 19:02:37 +??P3 19:02:43 zakim, ??P2 is Janina_Sajka 19:02:43 +Janina_Sajka; got it 19:03:18 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aapi 19:04:00 +[IPcaller] 19:04:11 zakim, Ipcaller is Rich_Schwerdtfeger 19:04:11 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger; got it 19:04:26 scribe: janina 19:05:18 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2013Oct/0004.html 19:06:41 agenda+ Issues/Actions: 19:06:41 agenda+ ACTION-1255 (Cynthia) Look into toggle patterns and how that 19:06:41 needs to be modified in the UAIG. 19:06:41 agenda+ ISSUE-612 (David) Review ia2/atk rule in group position. Should 19:06:41 this really determine level based on aria-owns chain? 19:06:42 agenda+ ACTION-1262 (All) Review edits. 19:06:43 + +1.415.624.aaaa 19:06:44 agenda+ ACTION-1269 (All) Review edits. 19:06:46 agenda+ UAIG testable statements (All): 19:06:48 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/ARIA/Tests/Testable_Statements#User_Agent_Implementation_Guide_Testable_Statements 19:06:51 agenda+ ACTION-1175/ISSUE-564 (David) Status of ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT in 19:06:53 MSAA/IA2 column for role=heading. Any change to UAIG? 19:06:55 agenda+ Issues/Actions review/triage: 19:06:57 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/products/10 19:07:01 agenda+ Bugzilla review: 19:07:03 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=ARIA&component=Platform%20APIs&list_id=3116 19:07:03 zakim, take up item 1 19:07:03 agendum 1. "Issues/Actions:" taken up [from MichaelC] 19:07:05 agenda+ ISSUE-486 (All) Differences in accessible name computation 19:07:07 between spec and uaig. 19:07:09 agenda+ ISSUE-616: (All) Simulated click event triggered by keyevent. 19:07:11 agenda+ ACTION-1175 (David) we are in a holding pattern on this. 19:07:25 cyns has joined #aapi 19:07:45 zakim, aaaa is Bryan_Garaventa 19:07:45 +Bryan_Garaventa; got it 19:08:09 zakim, close this item 19:08:09 agendum 1 closed 19:08:10 I see 11 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:08:10 2. ACTION-1255 (Cynthia) Look into toggle patterns and how that [from MichaelC] 19:08:12 zakim, next item 19:08:12 agendum 2. "ACTION-1255 (Cynthia) Look into toggle patterns and how that" taken up [from MichaelC] 19:08:19 +[Microsoft] 19:08:29 zakim, Microsoft is Cynthia_Shelly 19:08:29 +Cynthia_Shelly; got it 19:08:32 action-1255? 19:08:32 action-1255 -- Cynthia Shelly to Look into toggle patterns and how that needs to be modified in the uaig. -- due 2013-10-15 -- OPEN 19:08:32 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1255 19:09:40 cyns: No progress yet 19:10:43 cyns: Will do by Friday 19:10:58 cyns: Requires a bit of research, will take it up now ... 19:11:32 zakim, next item 19:11:32 agendum 3. "ISSUE-612 (David) Review ia2/atk rule in group position. Should" taken up [from MichaelC] 19:11:36 issue-612? 19:11:36 issue-612 -- Review ia2/atk rule in group position. should this really determine level based on aria-owns chain. see uaig: http://www.w3.org/wai/pf/aria-implementation/#mapping_additional_position and test case 69: https://www.w3.org/wai/pf/testharness/testresults?tes -- open 19:11:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/612 19:12:12 db: Still waiting on feedback from Alex, expected in the office Wednesday 19:12:17 db: Will finish by Friday 19:12:27 clown: Relates to several current problem test cases 19:13:01 db: Definitely an edge case ... 19:14:00 zakim, next item 19:14:00 agendum 4. "ACTION-1262 (All) Review edits." taken up [from MichaelC] 19:14:03 action-1261? 19:14:03 action-1261 -- Janina Sajka to Review atag last call number four -- due 2013-09-18 -- CLOSED 19:14:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1261 19:14:21 acton-1262 19:14:27 action-1262? 19:14:27 action-1262 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Update 4.1. focus states and events table to clarify differences between platforms and dom/desktop/at focus. http://www.w3.org/wai/pf/aria-implementation/#focus_state_event_table -- due 2013-09-23 -- PENDINGREVIEW 19:14:28 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1262 19:14:48 http://www.w3.org/wai/pf/aria-implementation/#focus_state_event_table 19:16:17 clown: Annotated this. Hopefully, a bit clearer 19:17:21 clown: Any objections? 19:18:28 db: OK 19:18:41 s/OK/+1/ 19:19:09 cyns: Can live with 19:19:18 [no objections] 19:19:32 cyns: We need to work on getting ARIA 2.0 outside the browser ... 19:20:05 zakim, next item 19:20:05 agendum 5. "ACTION-1269 (All) Review edits." taken up [from MichaelC] 19:20:17 action-1269? 19:20:17 action-1269 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Prefix bullet 2 of #keyboard-focus_aria-activedescendant with "for platforms that expose an accessibility focus separately from the keyboard focus," -- due 2013-10-07 -- PENDINGREVIEW 19:20:17 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1269 19:21:03 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-implementation/#keyboard-focus_aria-activedescendant 19:22:22 clown: James asked to add the scoping clause 19:22:53 rich: What does that do to the user on the Mac? 19:23:00 clown: Know on Win and Lin ... 19:23:40 db: Believe Mac moving dom focus somehow 19:23:48 db: +1 19:24:31 cyns: +1 19:24:52 [no objections] 19:25:08 zakim, next item 19:25:08 agendum 6. "UAIG testable statements (All):" taken up [from MichaelC] 19:25:27 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/ARIA/Tests/Testable_Statements#User_Agent_Implementation_Guide_Testable_Statements 19:26:43 mc: Colon separates statement from expected results ... 19:27:07 mc: @@ means we didn't know what to do when we created this over a year ago ... 19:28:56 mc: Need DB's help to get this done 19:29:02 db: Need Joseph's help 19:29:15 mc: Some may require platform specific expertise 19:29:32 db: We need to fill all these? 19:29:53 mc: Yes, if normative statement. If determined statement not normative, or changed then not. 19:30:33 mc: Not all need testable statements, perhaps half need, but some of those may need more than one testable statement 19:30:41 mc: Estimating 20 more 19:32:26 db: Believe I can at least provide meta answer of which I can help with by next meeting 19:33:24 mc: Probably only 1 or 2 specific to MSAA platforms 19:33:30 cyns: Can squeeze that in 19:35:22 clown: Doesn't seem any one person can figure which belong to which platform ... So need individuals to look for their own 19:35:59 dr. smith: Oh the pain, the pain 19:44:19 [negotiation on who can do what by when mindful of the looming publication deadline] 19:46:15 rich: How do we know which ones need work? 19:46:21 mc: @@ need statement 19:46:25 mc: ## are for me 19:46:46 rich: There are some blank @@ 19:47:00 mc: Coresponds to a bullet, we did not note what might be needed 19:47:59 mc: It may be that some of these @@'s are already covered, or OBE 19:49:32 I count 10 @@s 19:51:49 action: Cynthia to go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result. Making a test file where missing would help. 19:51:49 Created ACTION-1275 - Go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result. making a test file where missing would help. [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-10-22]. 19:51:52 AXTable 19:51:52 19:51:53 'table' 19:52:07 action: David to go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result.  Making a test file where missing would help. 19:52:07 Created ACTION-1276 - Go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result.  making a test file where missing would help. [on David Bolter - due 2013-10-22]. 19:52:24 (i won't have time to make test files) 19:52:33 action: James Craig to go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result.  Making a test file where missing would help. 19:52:33 'James' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., jcraig, jhawkins2, jnurthen). 19:52:39 ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE 19:52:44 action: jcraig to go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result.  Making a test file where missing would help. 19:52:44 Created ACTION-1277 - Go through the missing test cases (denoted by @@) and determine the testable statement, expected result.  making a test file where missing would help. [on James Craig - due 2013-10-22]. 19:56:59 zakim, next topic 19:57:00 I don't understand 'next topic', janina 19:57:07 zakim, next topic 19:57:07 I don't understand 'next topic', janina 19:57:13 zakim, next item 19:57:13 agendum 7. "ACTION-1175/ISSUE-564 (David) Status of ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT in" taken up [from MichaelC] 19:57:15 ACTION-1175? 19:57:15 ACTION-1175 -- David Bolter to Status of ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT in MSAA/IA2 column for role=heading -- due 2013-03-18 -- OPEN 19:57:15 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1175 19:57:28 issue-564? 19:57:28 issue-564 -- ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT is not used role="heading" -- open 19:57:28 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/564 19:59:12 clown: Do we have a test case for this issue? 20:04:42 [discussion on various ways that heading levels are (and are not) handled] 20:05:14 it is past the hour 20:06:39 -David_Bolter 20:07:51 zakim, bye 20:07:51 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Joseph_Scheuhammer, David_Bolter, Michael_Cooper, Janina_Sajka, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, +1.415.624.aaaa, Bryan_Garaventa, Cynthia_Shelly 20:07:51 Zakim has left #aapi 20:07:55 rrsagent, make minutes 20:07:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/15-aapi-minutes.html janina 20:08:42 chair: Joseph_Scheuhammer 20:09:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/15-aapi-minutes.html clown 20:14:55 https://www.flyporter.com/Flight/Tickets?culture=en-CA 20:21:30 richardschwerdtfeger: what time is the a11y implementation guide coordination meeting now? 20:21:45 let me check with tamii 20:21:53 it keeps changing. 20:22:34 yeah, well this last time was because I forgot to tell my admin that I had to pick up someone at the airport. … my fault 20:22:34 Rich, there are other implications, i.e. Jason Kiss would be 7AM, and unsure of Shane's availability\ 20:22:53 Friday 1pm central time 20:22:53 Rich, Also we were supposed to make this a public PF invite to stay clean on W3C process 20:23:32 yanina just set up a PF call for that time on Friday and we will use the PF irc channel, etc. 20:23:57 let tammi know the call-in and IRC logistics for the call. 20:24:04 can we just use the PF channel? 20:24:35 Yeah, we can do anything like that, but we're just wobbly on date and time. You just wrote Friday. Did you mean that? 20:24:39 Friday now? Let me check my calendar... 20:24:57 Friday == Saturday in New Zealand 20:26:49 I am not sure how we can pull another rabbit out of the hat 20:27:20 I will be out all next week 20:29:16 you want to push it until the week I get back? 20:50:34 clown has joined #aapi 21:05:22 clown has left #aapi