13:57:55 RRSAgent has joined #pf 13:57:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/14-pf-irc 13:57:57 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:57:57 Zakim has joined #pf 13:57:59 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 13:57:59 "WAI_PF" matches WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM, and WAI_PFWG(HTML A11Y)9:00AM, trackbot 13:58:00 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 13:58:00 Date: 14 October 2013 13:58:08 meeting: make log public 13:58:20 RRSAgent: make log public 13:58:25 chair: Rich 13:58:35 meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 13:59:59 zakim, this is aria 13:59:59 ok, MichaelC; that matches WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM 14:01:01 +??P24 14:01:43 zakim, ??P24 is me 14:01:43 +janina; got it 14:02:03 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 14:02:18 +??P2 14:02:50 zakim, ipcaller is Rich_Schwerdtfeger 14:02:50 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger; got it 14:04:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Oct/0015.html 14:04:12 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Oct/0015.html 14:04:40 regrets: Jon_Gunderson 14:07:18 scribe: janina 14:07:34 zakim, take up item 1 14:07:34 I see nothing on the agenda 14:07:46 topic: UAIG 14:08:34 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/testharness/testreport?testsuite_id=2 14:09:03 rich: Saw event sequencing problems with tests 85, 86 & 87 14:09:19 rich: Suggest we move these to "should" 14:09:42 michael: Were these tests where James wanted Safari excluded? 14:10:01 rich: State changes follows selection change on these 14:10:14 s/changes/change/ 14:11:42 rich: And on 69 we have owns of an owns, etc 14:11:50 rich: Not real world 14:12:41 rich: 69 & 71 14:12:56 rich: 70 passes 14:15:36 michael: 71 seems contrived; 69 is similar conceptual to another 14:18:03 michael: Does seem to reflect how we expected ARIA-Owns to work 14:19:12 michael: A strange abstraction ... 14:19:51 michael: So, we're testing pos and set ... 14:20:27 If all items in a set are present in the document structure, it is not necessary to set this attribute, as the user agent can automatically calculate the set size and position for each item. However, if only a portion of the set is present in the document structure at a given moment, this property is needed to provide an explicit indication of an element's position. 14:20:42 s/pos and set/posinset/ 14:22:39 michael: So, if in doc only via ARIA-Owns, its not part of the structure? 14:22:41 rich: yes 14:27:10 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/612 14:27:50 http://www.w3.org/2013/10/08-aapi-minutes#item01 14:30:24 EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE on newly focused item, but arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcements 14:30:44 rich: Instead, say: 14:30:58 EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE on newly focused item. User agents SHOULD arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcements 14:31:44 rich: Above msaa, here's at-spi 14:31:51 ATK/ATSPI currently: 14:31:53 object::selection_changed but arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcement 14:32:06 rich: could be 14:32:20 object::selection_changed. User agents SHOULD arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcement 14:33:06 michael: I'm OK 14:34:00 action: clown to Add RFC2119 SHOULD statements to UAIG #mapping_events_selection regard event arrangement 14:34:00 Created ACTION-1273 - Add rfc2119 should statements to uaig #mapping_events_selection regard event arrangement [on Joseph Scheuhammer - due 2013-10-21]. 14:34:31 action-1273: For example, ¨EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE on newly focused item, but arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcements¨ becomes ¨EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE on newly focused item. User agents SHOULD arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcements¨ 14:34:31 Notes added to action-1273 Add rfc2119 should statements to uaig #mapping_events_selection regard event arrangement. 14:35:11 action-1273: For example, ¨object::selection_changed but arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcement¨ becomes ¨object::selection_changed. User agents SHOULD arrange events so state change does not occur on focused item, to avoid extra selection change announcement¨ 14:35:11 Notes added to action-1273 Add rfc2119 should statements to uaig #mapping_events_selection regard event arrangement. 14:35:41 action-1273: note that the wording is confusing because conditions against the action are explained after the action rather than before 14:35:41 Error adding a comment to: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:35:57 action-1273: note that the wording is confusing because conditions against the action are explained after the action rather than before 14:35:57 Error adding a comment to: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:36:00 EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION then EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE on newly focused item. 14:36:11 action-1273: note that the wording is confusing because conditions against the action are explained after the action rather than before 14:36:11 Error adding a comment to: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:36:56 action-1273: note that the wording is confusing because conditions against the action are explained after the action rather than before 14:36:56 Error adding a comment to: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:38:00 object::selection_changed then object:state-changed 14:39:37 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Accessibility/AT-APIs/AT-SPI/Events 14:39:56 object:selection-changed 14:40:21 object:selection-changed then object:state-changed 14:40:53 http://accessibility.linuxfoundation.org/a11yspecs/atspi/adoc/atspi-events.html 14:41:53 action-1273: note that the wording is confusing because conditions against the action are explained after the action rather than before 14:41:53 Error adding a comment to: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:45:31 topic: incomplete test cases 14:45:31 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/testharness/testreport?testsuite_id=2 14:47:07 michael: still 19 cases without test files 14:47:28 michael: jg was to fill in additional testable statements 14:47:41 michael: jg's unable to do soon, i looked at these friday 14:47:48 michael: see fewer gaps than i thought 14:48:23 michael Suggest we walk this through UAIG call Tuesday 14:49:58 michael: 40 & 41 are ones I didn't know what to do re test files 14:50:50 rich: just to tab-index = 0, -1, etc 14:55:12 michael: test case creation we should move to uaig call group ... 14:55:20 michael: starting email to clown 15:02:12 Testable statements still needed for UAIG: look for @@ in http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/ARIA/Tests/Testable_Statements#User_Agent_Implementation_Guide_Testable_Statements 15:03:54 some of the @@ are information we need to fill in based on work done in UAIG since these were written 15:04:23 some are cross references to existing tests that just need to be linked 15:05:05 MC to change those to ## so they´re not confused with the ones that need to be examined 15:14:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:14:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/14-pf-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 15:15:50 zakim, bye 15:15:50 leaving. As of this point the attendees were janina, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger 15:15:50 Zakim has left #pf 15:15:54 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:15:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/14-pf-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 15:49:51 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf