10:00:27 RRSAgent has joined #mbui 10:00:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/04-mbui-irc 10:00:28 joelle has joined #mbui 10:00:36 meeting: Model-Based UI 10:00:42 scribe: Dave 10:00:49 scribenick: dsr 10:00:57 chair: Gerrit 10:01:06 +Dsr 10:01:11 + +1.321.047.aabb 10:01:36 + + 10:02:35 Present+ Laufer, Joelle, Heiko, Dave 10:03:26 Present+ Vivian 10:04:04 +??P5 10:04:43 +[IPcaller] 10:05:00 Present+ Cristina, Javier, Paolo 10:05:03 +[IPcaller.a] 10:05:14 Present+ Davide 10:05:17 davide_ has joined #mbui 10:05:45 Regrets: Gerrit 10:06:27 Topic: AUI schema 10:06:52 Davide: I've sent a copy of the schema to Vivian, and reviewed the structure with Paolo. 10:07:14 ... I can send the XSD to the list if that would be helpful? 10:07:19 Dave: please do 10:08:04 Vivian: I've received the schema. 10:08:26 Paolo: the schema should go in the appendix for the AUI FPWD. 10:09:29 Dave: do we want to give everyone a chance to review the schema? 10:09:54 ... suggest we give until next week's call and then formally resolve to publish. 10:10:01 Vivian: that's fine with me 10:10:12 ... I can also link it from the wiki 10:10:30 Paolo has a technical comment. 10:11:09 Regrets+ Jaroslav 10:12:05 Regrets+ Gaelle 10:13:30 Vivian: I will update the AUI metamodel diagram as per Paolo's comment and send the new version. 10:15:42 -[IPcaller.a] 10:16:01 Paolo has a small correction to the text description relating to the terms used. 10:16:03 +[IPcaller.a] 10:18:26 Paolo: it isn't so much about the wording as about the structure. 10:18:51 Dave: what changes do we need to apply to the draft specification? 10:19:46 Vivian: so we keep the terms we use and drop the ones we don't 10:20:36 Davide: we should put in the related work, a two line description, e.g. MARIA has been defined in that paper, ... 10:20:59 Paolo: we have the introductory document, so it would be best to keep this brief. 10:21:28 Vivian volunteers to provide an updated version of the draft. 10:21:52 Action: Vivian to provide updated AUI draft before Oct 10 telecon 10:22:06 Topic: Introduction document 10:22:36 Joelle: a number of people have made changes as per the last telecon. 10:23:46 ... refers to some work done at the Munich face to face (2 figures) 10:24:33 ... asks Vivian to check the references to the figures 10:25:41 ... we re-used the figure from the car rental document as it is very generic and would be good at the start of the intro doc. 10:25:48 + +39.050.621.aadd 10:26:26 ... please check if you agree with that 10:27:29 Fabio joins the call 10:27:49 Joelle: use case 3 still needs work. 10:28:16 ... Paolo has updated use case 4, so that's fine 10:28:53 ... use case 5 (post wimp), I think it needs more work 10:29:35 Fabio: Sebastian owns that one, but he is in transit to Europe 10:30:05 Joelle: I can send Sebastian an email stating what changes we are expecting 10:30:40 ... use case 6, Gerrit isn't here, but it seems that this one is fine. 10:31:39 ... use case 7, we've shortened this 10:32:27 ... we also split what was UC7 into two, thereby creating UC8 10:32:53 Paolo: I will put the correct reference 10:33:26 Fabio: UC8 has black and white figures, could we have colour? 10:33:44 Joelle: I have the coloured originals if everyone wants them? 10:34:18 Vivian: Figure 8.2 the right one is unclear as it is, colour would help 10:34:41 Paolo: the other figures are in colour, so it would be consistent to use colour 10:34:54 Joelle: alright, we will make the change 10:35:48 Topic: Glossary 10:36:09 Dave: Jaroslav is at a meeting in Ireland today and can't attend the call. 10:36:42 Joelle: I have some small changes I would like to make 10:38:32 ... in particular to "interaction modality" and relation to human perception 10:38:59 Fabio suggests referring to the literature to see what others have defined this as 10:39:45 Joelle: Fabio is right, we should look at what Oviat said, and come back to this next week 10:41:26 Fabio: now we have "interaction modality" and "multimodality" 10:41:43 Joelle: asks Fabio to check up on the literature and come back with a proposal. 10:41:57 Fabio: sure, I can do that 10:42:43 Joelle: migratory UI ... 10:43:30 Fabio: we use migratory UI when the state is preserved when moving the UI from one device to another, and distributed UI when multiple devices play a role in the UI 10:45:55 (scribe didn't get that quite right) 10:46:15 Fabio: we further distinguish between multiple and distributed. 10:46:34 ... I will take an action to post an email with the definitions 10:46:59 - + 10:47:00 -??P5 10:47:02 -[IPcaller.a] 10:47:04 - +39.050.621.aadd 10:47:04 -[IPcaller] 10:47:07 - +1.321.047.aabb 10:47:11 -Dsr 10:47:12 rrsagent, set logs public 10:47:20 - +55213527aaaa 10:47:21 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has ended 10:47:21 Attendees were +55213527aaaa, Dsr, +1.321.047.aabb, +, [IPcaller], +39.050.621.aadd 10:47:54 Action: Fabio to provide definitions clarifying distinctions between migratory, multiple and distributed UIs 10:48:05 rrsagent, make minutes 10:48:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/04-mbui-minutes.html dsr 12:30:41 Zakim has left #mbui 13:07:55 hbraun has joined #mbui